Newmarket Era, 22 Sep 1905, p. 5

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THE ERA FRIDAY SEPTEMBER IMS ONTARIO BAN Capital Stock Paid up NEWMARKET BRANCH General Business TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits it CCRRXST DRAFTS ISSUED AT frfrJrtreiid American Drafts bought and Collection CO ROSS Manager teks Pews WHAT OK IK A FANNIE J Notary Public Ac Main Street Newmarket to lOSn on Farm Conveyancer Ac ft Parlor New market Herbert Aurora will aJeo be at on Saturday and Court Bsnkrt And Ontario Bank Aurora Fonda Reformer Block r7 W bofln INSURANCE I J A Agent for tire Life to at Current At the Newmarket A R Ramsay Agent low on Farm and Town Bank Newmarket Frank Duncan AUCTIONEER Collet Street Newmarket Ubllon Painter PaperHanger and House Lane and Street MUSIC Mis Bayly will resume Music Class cm Tuesday Aug 1st ST BAST A Mi Sanitary Room Toronto tad estimates mad on all of at will receive prompt Attention layman Jackson IAXRRIAGE LICENSES I At the Newmarket At residence If Mrs DeWItt Nay VOCAL TEAIER from has engaged Studio in Hall over Sovereign Bank where she will re ceive pupils and be pleated to anyone wishing to consult her in reaid to terms Ac on Friday o each week Miss Audrey Campbell Is reorganizing her AS IN MUSIC and will be pleased to meet anyone for terms the first and Saturday In September at the Mr David Lloyd The North York Livery Consider yourself ud keep up a cheerful look- Our look you look And the contrast baa a impression look at you then at the horse and what happy people And to save from that you dont take a new and dirt we use all old Our horses have been on but wilt we have some Jawdust to if you require in our line call on us or call up phones or also done A 10 Proprietor NKVSPAPKRS For at This Office It Here The Public School Board is to establish a penny savings bank for the town schools It may be interest to know that the child ren of Toronto have saved since the school banks were opened there three years ago The Toronto Hoard will open banks in fourteen more schools this term Last Thursday Mr and Mrs had an exciting Experience on St were driving a I frisky horse and the electric tar and a traction engine proved too much for its nerves and it shied The occupants of the were thrown out Mrs suf fering a severe bruise on the shoulder and Mr being cut about the fate The horse had a few cuts oh it but the buggy was almost I Foil Peel Fair Brampton Sept 21 Great Northern Sept Sutton West Sept Sept to Fair Oct Bradford Oct Bolton Oct Scott at Zephyr Oct Oct Oct Oct IS thji2a HOBBB9 The Literary Life of Mrs The brightest wittiest and of cbntemporuy writers is better known to theworld of letters as John Oliver Her is human nature she delights to vivisect humanity as whole to put some struggling emotion under the of her investigation and study it as would a bacterium The results of her finding delivered in epigrams clear crisp cynical ftt times but always clever She stimulates thought in her readers she irritates at arouses antagonism challenges opposition but she forces at tention The threads of her destiny unite her to the I States by birth and an cestry to England by adoption and education and to Canada by marriage being the daughterinlaw of Ernest of Montreal Born in Boston in daughter of John Morgan Richards now one of the wealthiest druggists in Lon don he came from an ancestry of four Puritan divines on one side and a line of Tory politicians on the other her great grandfather being a member of the Hali fax Parliament long before the Declaration of Independence When a child of three was taken on the usual tour through Europe the beginning of her many travelling experiences At a very early age she showed preliminary symptoms of her appetite for literature in her insatiable reading of the books of others and in attempting to add her few drops to the ocean of litera ture At nine she received a prize for a story Lost a Dog contributed to Dr Joseph Parkers paper The Fountain but did no serious literary work until after her marriage was educated at University College London and took later courses in Home and Paris receiving much of her training at the Royal Academy of Music When only nineteen she was married to Reginald of the Bank of England and her brief and unhappy matrimonial experience terminated Eggs to 20 in a divorce in which her son was given into her custody With Dressed Chickens to pair him she went to the beautiful home of her parents a delightful solid oldfashioned Apples to basket mansion at Lancaster one of the fine residential sections of London house in the English metropolis gathers within its hospitable walls a greater number of famous people the dinnerparties often consisting of forty or fifty guests and running the spectrum of attainment in all phases In thus congenial and inspiring atmosphere Mrs has blossomed into fuller power Her literary output though in a dozen or more books is slight after all in volume but in individuality intrinsic value pumancv and force have given their author world fame Mrs is slight of a girlish figure and a face elo quent with an inner brightness and intensity a complexion singularly fair beauti ful dark hair and large black eyes AH of r la jiil it Produce Good market last Saturday Lots of fruit and vegetables Following were the ruling prices- Butter to per lb Crab apples basket Pears to Plums 20 to pail Onions peck Pickling Onions Cabbages to head Cabbages Cauliflower 5 to head Corn Celery 5 and head Cucumbers basket Potatoes to bag Tomatoes 25c Old liens 40 to Live chickens to Ducks to Turkeys lb pair Hogs to 1575 per live weight Young pigs per pair Hides and lb Calfskins and lie Sheepskins to each Tallow lb Suspicious One of Chicagos most prominent lawyers tells a good of himself He says It was when I used to prac tice law in a little town near thecen- of the state farmer had one of his neighbors arrested for stealing ducks and was employed by the to endeavor to convince the court that such was not the case The plaintiff was positive his neigh bor was guilty the offence charged against him because he had seen them in the defendants yard How do you know they are your ducks I asked Oh I should know my own ducks anywhere replied the farmer and be went into a description of their different peculiarities whereby he could readily distinguish them from others Why said I those ducks cant be such rare breed I have some in my own yard just like them Thats not at all unlikely re plied the farmer for they are not the only ducks I have had stolen lately Excluded from the street cars negroes in Nashville have started an automobile line of their own A French torpedoboat destroyer was accidentally torpedoed during the manoeuvres at Toulon Beware of Ointments that Contain as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely de range the whole system when enter ing through the mucous surfaces Such articles should never be used except prescriptions from reputa ble physicians as the damage they will do Is tenfold to the good you can possibly derive from them Halls Catarrh Cure manufactured by J Cheney Co Toledo contains no mercury and taken In ternally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system In buying Halls Catarrh Cure be sure to get the genuine It Is taken Internally and made In To ledo Ohio by J Cheney A Co Testimonials free Sold by Price per bottle Take Halls tot con stipation r I Who Get Most Out of Life Not the wealthiest not the most learned nor the idler but the man who has good health and works for his living This truth is trite but not trivial Every man should guard his health as his most valuable posses sion The more so because health is easier to retain than regain Keep your grip on health by regular exercise reasonable care in eating and requisite sleep Take Pills occasionally to tone the stomach and keep the liver and bowels in good working order And dont worry Observe these simple rules and you will agree that the one who gets the most from life is The Man Who Uses oly by Proprietor Thomas St Helens Hog In and In cents Corner Drug Store Q Necessities Except Church and Meal Hours Open Sundays PURE DRUGS PRICES MODERATE TED Druggist NEWMARKET Corner Main and Timothy Streets A Prohibition Mining Camp Great mining corporations are com ing to realize what railroad com panies have already learned that so ber men are the only employees to be trusted The TroyManhattan Company operating at Troy Arizona is one ol these Two years ago when llicy employed about workmen their camp included four a loons and on payday was the scene ol riot and drunkenness Although these men were making such Improper use of their hardearned money they asked for higher wages The company saw an opportunity not only to better the men but to secure better services and offered an Increase of fifty cents per day with Sunday tot a holiday If in a local op tion election Ike miners would pro hibit the sale of liquor Not one miner In the camp voted for the sa loon There Is not a saloon In that precinct now and Troy Is an enter prising peaceful camp Erie Ph Sept IT While near the boundary lino in Lake Erin yesterday the fishing tug J small bout of fifteen tons struck by from the Canslain Vigilant in of the boat to compel the tug to stop and surrender THE SOURCE OF It runs hand In band tilth poor blood and weak nerves Health runs down nerves get irritable neu ralgic torture follows the mo ment applications may relieve- but to thoroughly cure the system must be strengthened with nutritious blood What can equal ft in creases the appetite forms of rich lifegiving blood supplier linen and building material for nerves com pletely cures Every loot and branch of the disease It kills Absolute success In every case Stop fifty cents buys Fifty chocolatecoated tablets In a box at any drug store lamoM Worlds Best Horn Package Ryes Diamond Dyes the peoples choice Diamond Dyes make all rejoice Diamond Dyes for mothers wives Diamond Dyes make glad their lives Diamond Dyes are fast and true Diamond Dyes make old things new Diamond Dyes cost but a dime Diamond Dyes save money time Diamond Dyes a household name Diamond Dyes have worldwide fame Diamond Dyes stand every test Diamond Dyes earths first and best Refuse all substiCutes which arc usually poor imitations Never ac cept from a dealer tho something he calls JUST AS GOOD Insist upon getting the Diamond Dyes Send to Wells Si Richardson Co Limited Montreal for valuable book on home dyeing work and card of dyed samples Sent free to any address Phones Allentown Pa Sept The doom of the telephone girl in those parts appears sealed by the action of the Consolidated Telephone Com panies of Pennsylvania in installing automatic telephones DO IT YOURSELF The new telephone is an automatic device whereby each subscriber calls whatever other he wants by setting dial and pressing a button A statement to the directors show ed that a manual telephone exchange run at a cost of operated by the system fos The management entered into contracts to have the and exchanges of the Con solidated companies equipped with the system at a cost of JIOOOM each to he completed by December I the venture proves successful all the other principal exchanges of the Consolidated at Reading Chunk Lehigh ton Scran- ton and Carbomlale besides a num ber of auxiliary exchanges will be equipped similarly THROW OUT More than one hundred girls will be thrown out work here and at lcton by the experiment anil an ag gregate ol four hundred and thirty by the use of the telephone throughout Consolidated territory The chairman of the committee that investigated the device and recom mended its adoption is the coal magnate The directors say they are sorry for the girls but that the old equip ment is unequal to the demands bat Fishing Tug On STRUCK TWICE BY SHOTS CRUISER VIGILANT Was Fishing in Lake Erie When the Canadian Boat Came Along The J Succeeded in Es caping to Erie in a Damaged Con dition Eric Pa Sept While fishing near the boundary line in Lake Eric today the fishing tug Win J a small boat of fifteen tons was struck twice by shots from the Ca nadian cruiser Vigilant in the efforts of the Canadian boat to compel the tug to stop and surrender apt Frank Handy Hie engineer and four men were On Lie hut they were determined to escape and made the run borne iiitheir damaged boat The tug Was struck onte near waterline but the hull was only denied The second knocked over the iron man a piece of machin ery used In hauling in nets No one was hurt The boat sustained such small damage that just before dark Captain Handy started out again to pick up the nets he left behind The captain said that lie was In American waters when the shots were fired hut many of the fishermen admit that they go over On the Canadian side regularly to fish at Ibis season of Die year Radial in a Hole WILL NOT ALLOW TORON TO CARS TO CROSS ITS TRACKS The York Radial Railway Co have decided to rebuild the car hams the site of the old ones which were destroyed by lightning the other night The loss ft ears that were in the barns at the time of the fire has greatly handi capped the company They have only one small closed car now and the I are complaining of the open cars The company had ar- ranged to get several cars from the Toronlo Railway Company but tie Grand Trunk so far re- fused permission for them to be tak- across Its tracks at Sunnyside I The Superintendent of line is at present In Buffalo trying to purchase I I Vi Vi- Z Harvest is here and wo are ready for it with a full line of all of Harvesting requisites Twine Oil Forks etc Secure your goods at once avoid See our stock of Builders Hardware such as PUTTY NAILS arness VARNISHES GLASS and all kinds of HARDWARE Repairing to Order Tinware J A W ALLAN CO NEWMARKET i daily ooo ESTABLISHED Watches Chains Rings Bracelets Stick Pins SICK f I A firing your Watches A Clocks that are our of order We Guarantee Satisfaction in all Repairing WATSON Watch- Maker and Graduate Optician cars Head the Era to absent Sand and Gravel For cement delivered Orders by mall promptly attended to A Aurora N O TJ Notice Is hereby given that It Is Intention of the Council of the Township of East at Its session to be held In Sharon on Fri day October to pass a by law closing up the road known as the Road from the third Con cession lino of the Township of East to the West bank of the Holland River tho road being located on Lot Con of said Township Of tho above proposed action all persons will take and govern themselves accordingly Township Office East August A J HUGHES Townihlp Clerk NEWMARKET IN Monuments and Head Stones- Before Ordering Allan FOR The convenient comfortable Brick clad Dwelling on street Newmarket occupied by tho under- signed 30 J A Boyds Livery The undersigned Is now running a Union Hub to all trains Orders by telephone for all parts df Town will receive prompt attention A BOYD Stand

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