Newmarket Era, 22 Sep 1905, p. 7

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J- HALL THE FRIDAY SE ept fttteaton We e offering while this ad appears only Improvements Mrs put in a loot concrete walk from- residence Ni agara St to the street last week Clydesdale Stock Food Is sold under a positive guarantee of satisfaction or money refunded Drop in Hay- Mr Bennett of King was drawing a load of hay to the Royal Hotel Monday afternoon when it took a drop Lot Street and caused the expenditure of considerable extra perspiring to put it into the mow Assignees Sole The stock of tbeDanford- Limited now in the Sovereign Bank store is being marked down to sale prices and will be opened In a few days after being moved across the street and sold on assignees ac count ruction Will conduct Thanksgiving meetings Sunday next Sept 24 be beauti fully decorated with all kinds of pro ducts of the land- for the occasion- Excellent time expected Public are invited Another Sale Mr Geo A Thompson sold one of his new houses on Ontario St to Mr John an employee of Mr for the sum of mm BRINGS BIG AT TRACTIONS W TO o f weather good manage- day lie had sold his team harness lor interesting outdoor and his single harness also went and a fine display of exhibits before the fair ended have combined to make North York farmers are lucky He also had some fine rugs blankets whips and other his Counts Fair this year one of the best A family has moved into another of have spar- horsemens supplies new houses on Superior ever The have spar- Tables sideboards bedsteads etc fore the plaster is dry There not an empty house to be Town Two or three new houses are going up on Cotter Street in no pains to put this years show shown by Mr equal away above high water mark in the anything in Toronto stores shifting tide of popularity and the Co piano in Doric results have- deservedly rewarded their and Classic Design Mahogany cases efforts are gold medal goods Toronto Bread J CHOCOLATES Q Vinegars Absolutely Pure English gallon White Wine gallon Cider 30c Gallon S S Convention The Tike never was larger nor Mo I ONLY Recital pieces every piece Full Site Printed 3 ColorsSage Green Pale Pink and Apple Green Price No 2 It Is expected that very shortly Miss Mabel Will ATCM of To ll will give a recital in town I Miss Will graduated from the Toron to to Conservatory or Music with a scholarship for first place and during her course took four other scholar ships She is at present taking postgraduate work with Mr A Vogt and is a member of the staff of the Model School of Music Toronto Miss Will is to be assisted Miss 16 ONLY SETS Sieger Sewing Machine fancy work were the shows ever better or more rivals that shown in the gallery There was only a small attendance worthy of a visit Captain Webbs Their ribbontrimmed fans were at the Executive Meeting of the seals moving pictures etc held the greatly in demand North York Association last attention of a good many at the cast Bigger and better than ever can Saturday but the Committee decided the main building that is the be justly said of the Ladies Exhibit to hold the annual Convention in man with the voice at the entrances Certainly the cunning of the ladies Newmarket on the and the tents did or tried to Be- bands is not decreasing November- A program was outlined and side shows throw- lace to rival the finest productions or jog rings for canes pitching halls at Europe doylies fit for the finest tables the nigger and other stunts so pleas- in the land and quilts of which to the heart of the youngster not to mention that allattractive screeching whirling merrygoround whose popularity never wanes A Our Species Guaranteed The superiority of these two requisites for pickling season commend themselves to you If you use ours happy results await you the second day being largely devoted to Normal Work and a subcommit tee composed of Messrs A Lehman and Our Teas tho most popular and decidedly the best values in North York Our Japan Black and Mixed at are strong favorites IX EC I A son appointed to complete the- de tails Mr L Lehman was also ap pointed local convenor and a meeting miniature photograph gallery had a of the workers of Newmarket trade fastening on tin the coy glances of the shy country pieces Printed Special Combin ation Colors Dark Blue and Deep Pink Price the Pickling and Preserving Season To have good Pickles and Preserves use only the finest quality of Pure Spices WE KEEP ONLY THE BEST Redpaths and St Lawrence SUGARS Close Prices in Bags The Leading Reliable Telephone RIMLESS GLASSES Income By feeding Clydesdale Stock Food For horses cattle sheep hogs poul try Sold only at Binns Hardware School Some six or seven applications were received for the situation vacat ed by the resignation of Mr G A The majority of the ap plicants being ladies The Board considered most favorably that of Mr Ireland of Fergus He is a graduate of Toronto University and has had some two years experience in High School work His recom mendations speak very highly of him and we are sure from the tone of his past record his work will be sa tisfactory Mr leaves next week to the of Bradford High School Cbqro Good congregations last Sunday and especially interesting sermons by the pastor Next Sunday Crud ity goes to to take part in the ordination services of the new pastor Mr E The pul pit will be supplied by Prof Tapscott of University who has preached here before with much acceptance A large attend ance is expected Fellowship meeting Saturday and on Sunday Oct 1st the annual Rally Day services of the Sunday School and church will he held All members of the congregation are par ticularly requested to he present The pastor will preach at both vices taking for his subject The principles and foundation Christian Church All interested in this important subject will doubtless avail them selves of the opportunity of learning more of their church history will be held shortly- to determine where the sessions will be held and make necessary arrangements regard ing music billets etc The Bond The existence of a band in New market is now an assured fact The members have enthusiastically enter ed into a thorough reorganization and hope with the help of a first- class leader and the necessary inter est of the citizens to raise the or ganization to such a state of perfec tion as to reflect credit on the town to which it belongs It now rests with the townspeople to give the the flowers an exceptionally boys the encouragement they so much a rockery in the centre en and the bold bearing of her sweet heart who dares to face the crowd of kids In the palace artistic decorations tastefully and systematically ar ranged and set ofl with banners such as Our Harvest Thanksgiving North York the Birth Place Great Men God Save the King and other mural decorations remind ed one of the only possible rival to the of this show Old Boys Year when North Yorks sons re turned and made things hum for a week I In the centre of the building were queen might be proud filled every available inch of space in the gallery There is no discount on North York ladies Dairy Produce was an average ex hibit but cakes pies preserved fruit and honey was equal to ever brought to Town Ho I King Dyspepsia was the only banner lacking A pair of chickens dressed for market made many mouths water Apples pears plums grapes were of exceptionally good quality The grain exhibit was not very large but good The garden and field roots and vegetables were as fine as we have seen Mr J showed a mammoth squash which weighed ICO pounds On Wednesday School Childrens Day the Highlanders Band arrived in the morning and serenaded the I townsfolk and at pm headed the parade of the school children about strong through the isol ated streets to the grounds The 3Hb Tins Pork and Beans 8c Beaver OatS with Fancy Tumbler 20c 1 lb Corn Starch 2 Tins Rich Red Salmon for 26c Soap Chips pound 3 Tablets Pine Tar Soap At Our Provision Counter SMOKED HAMS ROLLS BREAKFAST BACON LONG CLEAR COOKED MEATS ON ICE SLICED TO SATISFY Tel Council need Owing to extensive necessary by a pretty fountain set off repairs to the instruments the boys the exhibit which was in the form of will be at considerable expense and cross House plants filled the procession was as follows it is hoped the citizens of arms of the cross and in the Vivian from the tall and lofty show their interest and corners small squares some and bringing some with them tion by practical encouragement when the cut flowers the balance being Sharon always in line Snowballing waited upon by the bands repriM-n- under the gallery The foliage away and having a good time gencr- plants were very fine and in the cut ally and packed in like sardines flower class the asters carried oft the after these came Hie- pedestrian part palm A funeral design The Gates of the line little ones from the mo- Ajar was simply handsome school followed by bigger and A meeting of the Council On the south side of the building bigger till principal Harvey topped wan hld night Mayor were A few of Newmarkets Indus- the bunch Holland Landing and In the chair Other mem- tries The Davis Leather Company corps were on hand and present Cane as well as of their largest ol all- Newmarket Hunter and The Mayor stated the meeting called to discuss the advisability boring a third well A petition from and others was presented by Mr A Smith praying that the MYERS Cattle Poultry Spice PRESERVING SUGAR fine chrome and calf leath- High School schoolars and teachers ers and some undressed skins had an on the grounds was of Old the ers and some undressed skins had an exhibit of boots manufactured from almost as many as on their leathers Gardners Foundry Hoys Day a few years and had a particularly fine display of Kate receipts were within a few del- iron work neatness anddelicaty of Of that memorable time execution and design marking iron seats urns boiler stands plough Council do not Mr Harvey move shares sides of school desks alike from town until another well ban been drilled Moved by Mr Smith seconded by Mr Cane that the prayer of the petition be grunted and the be Instructed to proceed at Canes wooden household utensils made a neat corner but tubs wash boards sawhorses etc seemed to have an atmosphere of work con nected with them somewhat out of keeping with the jolly careless crewd thronging by furniture as once and hare said well drilled Car- by the Office Specialty Mfg Co was never excelled by the pro- motion the Council adjourned ducts of any institution in Canada or out The combination of laborsav ing devices quality of material and was held evening the are superb Made in New- Mayor in the chair- market will carry as much or even The regular meeting of the Council races were interesting the Grand Stand performance was in structive show horses looked and every one was out lor a good time They had it Poultry was being judged and all thru the building the judges say it was one of the best shows seen here The Concert Oar Toronto Letter At the Hospital last Sat urday there were patients ihe largest number since last winter when there were patients in the hospital at once The prevalence of typhoid fever accounts part for this unusually large number The hospital accommodation is from to I The friends of Geo out in the will be glad to hear that bill against him in the automobile case Stricken down without a moments warning the death occurred Friday at his residence llloor St east of Thomas Wood from the rupture of a bloodvessel In the Mr Wood had expressed himself to a friend as feeling unusually well went home for luncheon and shortly afterwards breathed his last KESWICK Alderman Vaughan of Toronto will occupy the pulpit in the Methodist Church next Sunday morning a Elephant Engulfs Gem New York Sept 13 Minnie one of the elephants in Thomp sons elephant act at swallowed a diamond stud valued at yesterday after noon so it is announced and the an- Grand Jury found no I is to be operated on in hopes of recovering it The stud belongs to Mr Thompson Thompson yesterday attcrnoon went to the stables where his elephants are lodged to feed them He gave food to each of the big animals in turn While he was feeding Minnie she threw her trunk against the bosom of his shirt and lifted the stud carry- It to her mouth before he could get it Thompson says the diamond from the grandfather of the of Russia Albert twentytwo years I Mr old fell from the second story of Imperial Hotel at King and York Czar streets Friday afternoon and broke his neck Tho Government has of N A of Montreal kilt- An unknown man was killed on The Skating Rink was gaily Jenkins after the inventor who i- a coratcd in red white and blue bunt- Toronto man This makes four and the stage at the west end ders now approved of by hc Govern- gracefully draped with flags and a v the Twentieth Century large crown surmounting the letters the Providence ml E and both set with electric Jenkins one of which is was all in keeping with the on the part of the street rail- i They are attractive doubtless and becoming to many people not advisable for everybody though It makes no differ ence about rims Its the lenses that do the good The lenses may be in gold gold filled silver or steel rims and help the wearer equally in either Ve fit lenses to the eye the rims to the features and the price to the amount which you would like to pay ALL ADVISE FREE CO The Welcome Notional Range A solid built range that will last a lifelime The oven will fit No pie plates inches In diameter Sold only at Hardware Death of Pioneer On Friday last September 1st the j KEEPS THE BEST OF EVERYTHING AT PRIDES Red Feather Tea A A Paints Paints MilllQtry to Free Delivery mortal remains of Robert Beech were laid to rest at Hillside cemetery He died on the Wednesday previous at his home at in eighty fourth year The funeral took place from the home of his son Mr Henry Beech the services at the house and grave being conducted by the Revs Smith and Cook The was largely attended showing the great respect and esteem In which the deceased was held Mr Beech and family originally from to York County Ontario re settled on a farm In built a home for himself and family in Mar- den on its becoming a railway point and here he spent a useful and happy life loved and respected by all Someyears ago he moved to and settled on a farm there where he remained until the end carne Mr Beech leaves behind to mourn his two sons and one daughter with many other relatives and at tacheI friends As it Ik revealed that the of the Chris tian Church was a good man so also It may be said of the late Mr Beech who has gone to his reward Con verted In early life he Joined the Methodist Church and continued an active member until his removal to where he Joined the Presby terian Church of which he became an The old familiar faces are passing away all read- of thin imperfect notice be as ready for the last act of mortal life our deceased friend Chronicle Other present The minuter of last meeting were and following accounts were or dered to be paid Printing Van and Can Exp Co Berlin for Well Duty on water meter Can Exp Co P Toronto Pottery Co United Factories Can Gen Co Co Pay No Pay tifaeet Mo The account of J Harvey of for drilling and referred to the Com The application of A It Clark for water were granted Moved by Mr by Mr Smith that It having been re ported by the Mayor that the of Health had instructed all water closet connection with drain severed at once the Council pay Mr- J A VT Allan the bum of to pay his expense of building a tight tile drain under the tile to bo 10 weight than the now renowned Made in Canada Although Organs and New Scale Williams Pianos need no set ting up as regards I agent made his display one of the most attractive In the build ing Dainty wall paper Willi and white draperies and a bank of flowers drew the crowd to his corner and Mr of Toronto and Miss held their attention by their exhibitions of tone and quality which Is developed such a degree in these pianos If you want a piano can give you one of the best Competition in the childrens de partment was keen and some exceed ingly creditable work was drawing of Newmarket Public J School was as good as work turned professional draughtsmen AT 17 in military character of the concert a accordance with the The Agricultural Societys Concert street railway act is becoming the event of the season Miss a young lady who lived with Mrs Sophia Bell at street fell down stairs at her home last Friday and broke her neck death being almost instai- The young lady Was stand ing at the head of the staircase when she stumbled and rolled to the bot tom Big Fife CakeHand biscuits which would make fcwfi housewives blush were present- Was as the work of children Did you see Wilsons exhibit of photographic work It was the real real thing His photos of children drew the glances of many His arrangementall stages of Tenor year the standard is raised and the top notch was easily passed lids year The concert on Wednesday night was an unqualified success in every particular Only one intermis sion occurred when lights went and some boys in ihe back seats got busy The IHth Highlanders Baud strength excelled themselves un der the able leadership of Bandmaster Slatter Their selections were ex quisitely rendered the chorus pieces were most The double Worrell brum otto hard to heat Jminie f Hall was lib as per lkit His ictions were and Hall was injured and a little more uptodate that is his va j custom to destroyed by a Ore that broke out to say Harold Jarvis was a this morning the mill Is to put it very mildly anU friends In New- most enthusias tically received Ills magnificent voice of which he has such splendid control filled the building with those sweet sounds so enjoyable but so hard to describe He is without company Canada has two being hurried aro I from childhood age Was very I artistic Tramp painters class of fine art in country shows A couple of In Toronto prepare a lot of pictures and send them around to all the shows and local people who have not had training ad vantages arc simply put out of busi ness There is some fine work shown thirteen seated and went were com- seated and went away well A Pleased with the evenings entertain ment f Entries this year ahead of last year list of Winners will pear next week Milling company on the at the foot of Princess street The Hie started In the lower of the ele vator and at 1 the elevator wall fell In There were in the elevator at the time Captain Worrell Captain Sargent and Firemen Patter son and Fox when the crash fame The latter two crawled underneath a freight car that was inside tin build ing while got out Sargent was Injured the fulling number about ftnd it is be- was burled In the ruins motion being made In lnc locality and not tor J made take away the to Council tbut wAtiQ drain shall be wit not object ho far aw but Fall Fairs are for the education CHAMBERLAINS COUGH AIDS made he lcoii- to water connection be ing made with the drain and will enter Into an agree ment to that effect payment to be made when the Is- don In the manner described by Allan he undertaking to do for that is what they are alter The mill and elevator were out on the Princess street were isolated from other buildings The stables of Burns A Company are on the west side of the slip ami the horses were safely rcnimvil Medicines that aid nature are mill which was formerly the old Mr wjrBmtoiTdmrmRreatvaya most effectual Chamberlains sugar refinery contained bar- credit for Ms exhibit In the natural Cough Remedy acts on this plan of Hour and bushels history No professional taxi- allays the cough relieves tho contents being valued at could excel the neatness of aids expectoration opens the while the building his four cases specimens and aids nature In restoring was valued It was a birds and animals were all shot stuff- the system to a healthy condition brick structure live rown ST ad and set up by him Is for its cures over Company employed about 30 work as as the Maker lare part of the world hands and have another mill at MM that of the showed some of the fin- Thousands have testified to Its super- ja la be attached hereto est harness ever on excellence It counUracts any here Quality talks every tendency of a cold to result In to new subscribers for On motion the Council adjourned Before noon on the himself by an overdose of mor phine Four new track records one of them the best in Canada were made at Woodbine on Saturday There was 256000 bushels of wheat marketed at points on Saturday The bulk of the grain was received in Manitoba Arthur was put oft a Winnipeg street car while diunk and fell sustaining injuries that resulted in his death George Coleman is wauled at St Catharines on a charge of pass ing a worthless check for Air a The Standard Oil advanced crude oil In cents Russian troops arc to Baku where further feared Romano who has serv ed a term in a French prison was de ported from the United Staves The fishing tug Harry was fired upon by cruiser Vigilant but Thanksgiving Day has been fixed for October 2d A bylaw voting for to the waterworks and electric plant carried at Woodstock a vote of 137 to 165 Tho Im provement includes building a fat go reservoir southwest of city A tenyearold St Catharines boy was found wan ring In streets of Buffalo The Trunk Pacific Intend to build and operate hotels in con nection with their transcontinental built railway system the same as the and doinK second For ails by Lloyd of TORONTO Our attendance at our Fall opening was five times as great as that of a year ago This Fact Speak for Itself Write for magnificent cata logue Enter now J ELUOTT

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