Newmarket Era , September 22, 1905, p. 8

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J I -i- t J THE FRIDAY SEPTEMBER Fine Finish The fanner manufacture beef pork milk etc and be must properly handle live stock machinery to get the greatest and production- Just a he it careful to put oil on his harvester bearings so ihould he be as careful to keep his live stock machinery in good working condi tion- An animal whose ma chinery is heavily loaded needs more oil than one that isnt Clydesdale Stock Food is the oil to ease the load on your animals digestive machinery be cause it increases the digestive owing to the food being made tasty It also make the feeder bristle with activity and vitality making the blood circulate better thereby distributing the flesh more evenly over the body instead of into the paunch for tallow at per pound It makes the hide and coat soft and glossy giving that fine finish that fetches from to per hundred more than from ordinary feeding Contains nothing injurious and can stop feeding it without harmful effects Your money cheerfully refunded by the dealer if you are not satis fied after feeding it Same for all Clydesdale Preparations Cartel I Axtlifse wilt keep year HERCULES POULTRY FOOD Co i The Sovereign Bank of Canada Savings Bank Deposit of TWENTY CENTS and upwards received and loterest Allowed on Dally Balance AND Times a Year without of viz Jrtiiuii lb it July and of Courteous Treatment Unexcelled Facilities Modern Methods Wallace Bruce NEWMARKET BRANCH Mount Albert Branch Local Agents Wanted At once for Canadas Greatest the Town of Newmar ket and surrounding country which will reserved lor the tight man START NOV at the selling and handle our NEW SPE CIALTIES on Liberal Terms Write for particulars and send for our Aluminum Pocket cope a little gem useful to Farmers examining seeds and grains Orchardists exam Trees lor Insects Plants lor Teachers and Scholars la studying Botany and Everybody in a hundred different ways STONE L L Foothill Nurseries over acres TORONTO ONTARIO The laying rails on the vill extension of the Radial Railway will reach this week Some delay will he caused by the big the village but the extension as far as laying rails is will be completed within a couple of GlairvoyantPsycbiG Medical Examination Free By Relieving In or not there is no gainsay ing the fact that the doctor can ex plain the source and cause of disease either mental or physical and ha restored to health and happiness many persons who would- have Invalids all lock of hair age stain to JR fi N Wellington of the fourth concession of was plowing on Thursday and in the same field a young son was harrowing with an other team The boys horses upset the harrows and ran away Mr left his own team to catch them but they him and ran into the plow and other team and they also fan away When Mr fiot stopped be found that one the horses of the boys team was seriously Injured One of the handles of the plow had entered its left flank and taking an upward course had come out at the top of the right hip making a fearful wound The opening was so large that a mans ami could be inserted almost to the elbow Veterinary Crosby says he thinks the horse will come around alt right It is a smart chestnut animal which Mr used chiefly as a driver ft Brood Mare with by Howard Col Blanket 1 Tenders are being advertised by he town commissioners lor the lay ing of a granolithic sidewalk from Mr store south to Mr Sparlings this is a move on the part of the author ities and may mote follow Ihe work is to be completed the cold weather sets in A serious lire on Tuesday last de stroyed the residence of Mr Watson con King During the af ternoon of Monday a chimin caught lire and on examination was allowed to burn out Mr Watson concluding that no harm would ensue Early on Tuesday morning however he was awakened from sleep to And the house a mass of flames It was too late to do anything 10 save the building Only a part of the contents was sav ed It is sunn used that a spark from the chimney had lodged in a crevice in the roof and had smoulder ed until fanned into a flame which ended in the destruction of the pro perty Mr Watson carried insur ance of on the house and on contents Mr P J Lynch assistant Super intendent of the was in town on Monday conferring with members of the council respecting new sta tion The Co arc anxious to put up a handsome station here and the only difficulty between the town and the railway people is the site which has become a vexed ques tion We understand Mr Lynch is to return shortly in the that an amicable settlement will be arrived at Saturday afternoon near the hour of six oclock Messrs Gilbert Lukes Charles Graham and Sieve undertook to fumigate the grist mill For this purpose a of sulphuric acid and ammonia was used While pouring the liquid into a bottle the bottle broke and serious consequences followed not so serious however as it might have been Messrs Graham and received nasty burns the former on the left leg and foot and the on one foot Roth are able to be about Mr Gilbert Lukes who was less fortunate was very severely burned on one leg and is at present under medical treatment and confined to bis Jed His suffering is acute at times and it will be some days ere he will be able to appear on the streets East Prize List DRAUGHT HORSES Span in Harness A Proctor Newmarket and Society 2nd J Millard goods and cash by Society Brood Mare with Foal by side Geo Tate Holland Landing twin neck yoke value 2nd R Smith Newmarket Prize Truck value Gelding or Filly Toronto Jobbing House cash 2nd Osborne Bros Yearling Gelding or Cain cash 2nd A Neck Yoke value Spring Colt or Filly Charles Toronto Society J GENERAL PURPOSE Span in Harness Son Aurora No Plough Winner to pay value 2nd J filbert Lennox Mare with Foal by side John Newmarket goods 2nd Crake Patterson fielding or Filly A Newmarket Society 11 2nd Toronto Lap Rug 2 Yearling or fielding or Filly Queen City Oil Co goods to value W 1 Whip value Spring Colt or Filly Crake a 2nd ExpressHerald I CARRIAGE HORSES Span in Harness Ross Ontario Hank Newmarket 5 2nd Lennox Single Carriage Horse Society 2nd Gorman hotel Albert Society 2nd L feet TwoYearOld Gelding or Filly Roche 2nd Dr Graham T Yearling Gelding or Filly Mo Kellar Dallas Toronto goods value 2nd Dr Pearson Spring Colt or Filly Norman Rogers Newmarket 2nd J Aylward ROADSTER HOUSES Span in Harness box Com fort Soap Co- Toronto value 2nd Sir Mulock Single Driver J Brad ford 2nd by same Brood Mare with Foal by her 2nd J Hill Gelding or F11 Norman Wesley 2nd A F Jones of Holt Neck Yoke value Yearling Gelding or Filly Harry Wright 2nd J J Terry Spring Colt or Filly Peter Holt Bradford 2nd the same 00 2nd Campbell Bradford lOO 6ull dropped Sir- I it 2nd Sir 1 Heifer Mat Hardy Newmarket Tea value 2nd Sir i Milch Cow Keith New market 2nd Sir Heifer 1 year Bros Toronto 2nd Sir Win J Heifer Calf dropped Sir I Wm 2nd by same 00 Best Herd Bros To ronto Tea value Society THOROBRED Best Bull McColl Bros 3 3 IMPORTED STOCK Brood Marc with Foal by side John McDonald Co To ronto 2nd John McDonald Co Toronto Gelding or Filly Toronto Brewing Association 2nd Toronto Brewing Asso ciation Yearling Gelding or Filly Crake Patterson 2nd Moore Bros Spring Colt or Filly William Cunningham 2nd Newmarket Era EQUESTRIAN Lady Driver Geo Wright Sutton Fancy Rocking Chair J3 2nd Angus Williams J Gent Rider Cothonour Newmarket pair Shoes 2nd Society Lady Driver A Newmarket Carpet Sweeper value 2nd Nottingham Lap Rug value Saddle Horse Art Evans New market 2nd Exhibitors must he the bona owners of the entire outfit SPECIAL By John Smith Spring Colt by General Ro berts 3rd John French Albert Spring Colt by Accho 2nd rd Thomas Smith Ravens hoc Spring Colt by Barrancas 2nd 3rd Best Heavy Draft Stallion P Co 2nd R Kloepper Toron to Lap Rug Span Ponies hands Pony hands and Fred Lepard box cigars Pony hands and under Best Cart Horse William Bradford 2nd Hoag Pearson Best Gent Turnout Horse Harness Buggy Whip Rug and Blanket Co Toronto Piano cover value 2nd J Woodcock CATTLE Pedigrees of ThoroBred Cattle be produced if required by Judges Durham Aged Bull Wm Cane Sons Newmar ket goods 2nd Society Bull two years old Sir Wm 2nd Hamilton Shoe Co Bull year old J ronto gals Cylinder Oil 2nd Society Milch Cow Sir Wm 2nd by same GRADE CATTLE Cow Society 2nd Society Heifer 2 Society 2nd Society Yearling Heifer Society 2nd Society Best pair Fat Cattle J Moore So ciety Aged Ram Shearling Ram Ram Lamb Aged Ewes S3 1 00 Pair Pair Two Shearling Ewes Ewe Lambs LEISTERS Ram 52 Shearling Ram 00 1 GO 25 On GO Ham Pair Pair Two Lamb Aged Ewes Shearling Ewes Ewe Lambs Ram HI J tO I Aged I Shearling Ram Lamb Pair Aged Ewes Pair Shearling Ewes Two Ewe Lambs J BERKSHIRE Aged Boar Brood Sow 2 Pig 1005 Sow Pig CHESTER WHITE Aged Boar I 1 J jo Brood Sow Pig fidc Sow Pig YORKSHIRE WHITE Aged Boar I A Brood Sow Boar Pig Sow Pig POULTRY Geese pair Turkeys pair 00 Ducks pair pair Plymouth Rocks Grey pair and under any other kind pair Langshans pair White Leghorns pair pair j Games pair Black Spanish pair Brown Leghorns pair pair Bantams pair pair GRAIN SEEDS I 2 ton to the 00 or I 00 GO 00 CO 25 25 25 25 1 50 50 50 Best bushel Wheat Best bushel Wheat Best bushel Wheat Best bushel Wheat Barley bushel 2Row Barley bushel Small Peas bushel Large Peas bushel Black Oats White Oats Indian Corn Beans 1 peck Best bush grown 1005 Best Seed Best bushel Timothy Seed Red White Winter White Spring T Peregrine Red Spring 111 ft I I ears A Is ike Seed Red Clover 1 25 I Itlltlt I Sometimes the hair is not properly nourished It suffers for food starves Then Ft falls out turns prematurely gray Ayer Hafr Vigor is a hair food It feeds nourishes The hair stops falling grows long and heavy and all dan druff disappears Mfhiir rri44 It- U V4 If All an CO rl Mat Poor Hair VEGETABLES Best Collection Garden Vege tables of not less than JO varieties and of each va riety A 2 heads Cauliflower heads Cabbage 2 Table Parsnips Table Carrots Table Beets Tomatoes 2 Citrons heads Celery Bed Onions White Onions Pumpkins Squash Hubbard Squash 2 Mammoth Squash Mammoth Pumpkins ROOTS White Elephant Potatoes hush White Star do do Best bush Empire do do Best bush Early Everett Arty other kind j Grey Stone Turnips Swede Turnips- Long Mangolds Vol low Globe Mangolds Long White Carrots Long Orange Carrots 0 Short White Carrots J Collection Swede Turnips Grey Stone Turnips Long Red Mangolds 50 1 25 25 15 25 GO 50 Wl 50 25 50 25 low Globe Mangolds Long White Carrots Long Or ange Carrots Short White Carrots by J A Simmers Toronto seeds value FRUITS Best Collection Apples of each correctly named Best Collection of Grapes correctly named Best Snow Apples to become their property Kent Co Toron to Parlor Lamp Lawrence Apples Snow Apples Nor therm Spies 6 I Greenings Ben Davis Golden Russets Baldwins Flemish Beauty Pears Pippins Sweets Bell Flower Crab Apples 5ft IMPLEMENTS ETC Road Wagon I A Covered Bjjggy i MM ivrlai t Open HO 99W I Wide Plough General Purpose Plough I otku Sod Plough 2nd Sot Team Harness I Set Single Harness Mens Kip Boots pair Calfskin Boots sewed pair iCltl I DAIRY PRODUCE Best lbs in Mb roll Son butter to become his property Fa vorite No Churn value 5 00 Butter to he left with Secretary on day of Fair Best lbs Honey in Comb by Jos Newmar ket honey to become his property Best lbs Honey in Jar Ed honey to be come his property Collection Canned Fruits not less than varieties Frank Sharon 2nd Society Collection of Pickles Socio- Maple Molasses Bread loaf l 2lb made by girl under HomeMade Wine I quart lbs Butter in Crock J Eagle Hotel New market butter to become his property lbs Butter in Crock A Proctor Forsyth Ho tel Newmarket butter to become his property lbs Butter in Crock Knowles Newmarket Ham value and pound for the butter to become his property Mb rolls Butter David butter to become his property IP lbs Butter in rolls J Pencil butter lobe- come his property 10 lbs Butter in Mb rolls Eby Co Toron to butter to become his property lbs Butter in Mb rolls Sharp become his pro perty lbs Butter In Mb rolls A A Allan Toronto but ter to become his proper ty lbs Butter in Crock Red Rose Tea Toronto butter to become their property Tea value Butter in Crock Da vidson Hay butter to become their property 10 lbs Butter in Mb rolls Ed Jackson Toronto butter to become his pro- FANCY WORK Collar fancy i fly Suppose you do tea you are using Flow do you know it Is the best tea you can get for the money satisfied with the tea they were using before they tried Tea When they tried Red Rose Tea they found it had that rich fruity flavor found it was strong that it requires less to make a cup of good tea than the brand of Ceylon al they had been using Now why not be sure you are getting the best tea to be had You cannot be sure till you try Red Rose Tea Tea St John Toronto Winnipeg li a 2 OX 00 NEW METHOD TREATMENT win cure you and make a of you Us the brain becomes active the blood purine so that all and ulcers up become as steel and the become bright face full and returns to the body and the moral physical and systems are Invigorated all drains cam no more vliai waste from the The various pritara be com natural and manly Too feel yourself a man and know cannot be a failure We Invite alt the to consult us confidentially and of charge Dont let And fakirs rob you of- your hardearned dollars WE WILL CURE WU OR NO USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT THREATENED WITH PARALY8I8 of Kalamaxoo illch relates his was troubled with Nervous De bility for many yeari I lay It to and In early youth I very and didnt care whether I worked or no everybody who looked at me my secret Imaginative dream at night weakened me my back ached had la the back of my head bands and were cold In the flngc were shaky eyes hair loow memory- etc in the fingers set In and the doctor told ma ho feared paralysis I too all or medicines and tried many flHtclaas physician wore an electric belt for three months went to Clemens for Laths but received benefit While Clemens I was Induced lo consult Kennedy all faith In a drowning man Treatment and It raved my life The Improvement was J g the vigor through my nerves I was cured menially physically and sexually I have lent them many patients and will continue to do to DISEASES URINARY COMPLAINTS KIDNEY AND BLADDER Consultation books Qufftlon Blank for 00 fi 00 no ri no Sweeping Cap and Duster Has Lace any kiwi Collection of Laces Tea Tray Cloth Linen 50 Table or Stand Cover 5C on Silk on Cotton Piano Roman Embroidery Toilet Set Outline Work Drawn Work Sideboard Drape Hatpin Holder Tea Pot Cosy Centre Piece Linen Lace Hair Receiver and Mutch Holder Embroidered Photo Frame 50 Dollies any kind Dead Work Novelties new and original Fancy Shaving Pad Razor Holder 50 Sofa Cushion Embroidered on Organdie Tooth Brush Holder Cut Flowers Collection Crayon Drawing Freehand 50 Oil any subject 50 Water Color any subject Freehand PaintlnK on Glass or China 50 Kensington Painting 50 years Coeoanut Cake Lemon Pie do do do do Pencil Drawing by child under 12 years Hemmed Handkerchief by girl under years Crochet Work do do 50 Dressed Doll do do 5U LADIES WORK Wool single knitted 25 25 25 25 25 knitted Necktie Case Fancy Stock Collar Pen Wiper Dollies Tatting Point Lace LI I I I Painting on Silk or Velvet CHILDRENS DEPARTMENT Collection of Postage Stamps In Album i Half Doen Tea Biscuits by 25 1 under years Chocolate by girl under Wool Mitts double Wool Socks Cents Shirt white home lauudcied Gents Shirt Fancy Sofa Pillow any kind Carriage or Sola Afghan Splasher Specimen of Darning Ladys Apron band made Worked Mutton Holes six in cotton or woollen goods Tabic Mats six Piece Work Quilt Crochet Quilt cotton Fancy Quilt silk or velvet Pair Worked Slippers Crochet Shawl Pillow Shams Fancy Screen Sot White Underwear hand made Head Rest Foot Rest Collection of Photos Fancy Whisk Holder TcnerifTo Doilies Ladles Collar Case Sofa Pillow Embroidered Ladies Slippers fancy Hairpin Holder Towel Straps fancy 5U M lb 25 25 25 25 25 it 50 50 25 50 25 25 25 SUNLIGHT SOAP and SAVE THE COUPONS The Coupons arc the same as cash because they can be exchanged for Toilet Soaps for which you have to pay out money every week Users of SUNLIGHT and CHEERFUL SOAPS can get their TOILET SOAPS for nothing Ask your grocer for us for Premium List A gift is of littfc value if it consists of something you have no use for In exchange for Sunlight Soap you can get something 9 use every day it sow LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED TORONTO CANADA

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