Newmarket Era, 29 Sep 1905, p. 1

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The ERA gives more home ery week than any two other papers in North York combined and is to be the Leading County ORTH YOKE INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Give us the liberty to know to utter tad to argue to conscience above all other liberty AG J No paper sent outside of North York unless paid In advance No 36 Copies each HUSBAND Wife whats this string tied on my finger for THE WIFE Its to remind you about my new National Range be sure and fetch it with you to night I want one just like Mrs Sabins the National Range with the square steel oven WE HAVE SOLD IN NEWMARKET AND VICINITY OVER NA TIONAL RANGES IN THE PAST YEARS THE PEOPLE WHO USE THEM ARE THEIR BEST A SOLD ONLY AT A Man and His Mother in Lav Can Sometimes Agree but there are two things that Cannot Agree in the Same System a Headache and one of One has to go and that one is never the Headache Pow der PIWCK CENTS Newmarket Ont Friday Sept per annum paid in Prize Winners at Fair OUR irdfllB What inakea our Parlor crowded so at eight Be cause our Ice in of THE BEST It Is the purest Cream arid tot adulterated any form Our IceCream Bricks I Are like our IceCream the Corn and Try Them SIMPSON END BAKERY Wo FARMERS BUY OFT Ml SPEEDING- Farmers Trot or Nellie Enay Jo 3rd D Minnie tune 116 Iolt Stake Race A 2nd Tory 3rd Stile It Carney Paul Game Running Race Cloud Trot or J 3rd- J Montgomery Trot or pace- Velum W Looking Wants 219 ROADSTER HORSES Lady Driver Miss A 2nd Miss Norman 3yearold Roadster J Kay Gray Delivery Horse John Hamil ton Motion Porter Stallion in Harness Standard Brat Holt Span in Harness 2nd Samuel Hastings or Gelding Harness under hands Dr Forrest 2nd Blizzard Single Mare or Geltlinj in Harness over J Kay 2nd T Mate 2nd Spring Colt or Filly Win Arm strong 2nd Evans Gelding or Filly years old J Reives 2nd Saul Yearling Gelding or Filly Kaiser 2nd Jas Pair Ponies in Harness 14 hands and under Norman Single Pony in Harness hands and under John Hamilton 2nd Trent- Gentlemans Turnout Rubber Tires Dr Forrest 2nd J Kay Gentlemans Turnout Rubber Tries Barred T Davis Span in Harness A 2nd Doyle Single Marc or Gelding in Harness R Soules 2nd T Davis Brood Mare Simeon Lemon 2nd Cunningham Spring Colt or Filly Black burn 2nd Cunningham Gelding or Filly years old A 2nd T Yearling Gelding or Filly Cunningham 2nd Simeon For Best Transport Turnout Con sisting of Team J 2nd 3rd John Palmer PUHIKWE John Greenwood 2nd John Spring Colt or Starr 2nd Jan Hamilton I fielding or Filly ler Bovalr 2nd Yearling Gelding or Filly A Wood equipped and fitted arm team- SV J Monkrnan Span in John StephenH Hon 2nd It eldi 2nd Monk man Colt or FHIyJ flJ 2nd Thou or A 2nd Yearly or Filly- John Greenwood 2nd W HORSES Stallion old and 2 I Yearling A Hon 2nd Chaw Pair Heavy Draught In Bon 2nd Spring Colt or Cun ningham Gelding or Filly old John A Sou John A Hon- Cart or A Hoax Bon John A Boiijc A Son Gelding or ilare old on KOIV THRESHIN6 per ton Binder Twine feet feet Portland Cement The national Cement la the beat tor foundations and work AT J Huron St IMJOUTKI and oyer Wnhtead old A Doug Hon Filly old SHORT HORN CATTLE Aged HullHell Bros 2nd Jen Son Yearling Hull Jen Son Milch Cow Shropshire 2nd Hell Heifer years old I Jeff Sun 2nd A Clarke Yearling Heifer- H find If Shropshire Heifer If 2nd Hell Bros Bull Calf K Son 2nd Bell Bros Best Bell Bros 2nd Jen Son JERSEY CATTLE Bull Any Age 1st and 2nd Win Willis Milch Cow 1st and 2nd Wil lis Heifer years old 1st and 2nd Willis Yearling Heifer 1st and 2nd Win Willis Heifer Willis 2nd Jefl Son Bull CalfWm Willis HEREFORD CATTLE Bull any age Milch Cow Heifer years old Yearling Heifer Dr Wesley Heifer Calf 1st and 2nd Bull CallWin Clarkson GRADE CATTLE Milch Cow 2nd H Millard allien Cow any other grade Ste phen Doyle 2nd C Dermis Heifer years old 1st and 2nd it Yearling Heifer R Millard 2nd Chas Slick wood Heifer Calf 2nd Millard Fat Steer 1st and 2nd J Jl Proctor Fat Heifer under years Son 2nd Dennis Best Herd Etc Millard 2nd Marsh CATTLE Recommended Aged Bull Dennis year old Heifer Dennis Heifer Calf Dennis Judge Scotti Sutton West LEICESTER SHEEP Aged Ham James Fennell 2nd Son Ram shear 1st and 2nd James Fennell Bam Lamb James 2nd Son Aged Ewes pen of James 2nd Son Yearling Ewes pen of 1st and 2nd James pen of James 2nd E Jeff Hon Best Flock Etc Janus 2nd E Jeff Son SHEEP Ham shear Thompson 2nd Wm Willis Ram I ami 1st and 2nd Thompson Aged Ewes pen of Wm Thomp son Yearling Ewes pen of Wil lis 2nd Thompson Ewe Lambs pen of Thomp son Best Flock Etc Win Thompson SOUTHDOWN SHEEP shear and over 1st and 2nd Simeon Lemon Ram Lamb 1st and 2nd Simeon Lemon Aged Ewes pen of 1st mid 2nd Simeon Lemon Yearling pen of Simeon Lemon Ewe Lambs pen of ami 2nd Simeon Lemon SHROPSHIRE SHEEP Ram D Ram I shear W I Monkrnan Ram Lain 1st and I Aged Ewes pen of 1st and 2nd Monkrnan Yearling Ewes pen of I Monkrnan Evc Lambs pen of 2 Monk- man Best Flock Etc OXFORD DOWN SHEEP Ram shear and over J A Cers- well 2nd J and 2nd A 2nd Martin McCardlil Yearling Ewes pen of J dlOehf 2nd J A Lambs pen of 2 A well 2nd J Recommended Flock J A well FAT SHEEP Pair Fat Ewes any breed Win Thompson Pair Fat Wethers any breed J A Judges John A James BERKSHIRE SWINE Aged Boar J Cowicson 2nd John Brood SowJohn J II Boar Pig months and over John Boyea 2nd J Sow Pig months and our John 2nd J IMPROVED YORKSHIRE WHITE Aged J A KIDNEYJTR0UBLE Is Generally Catarrh of MRS J Mrs J Treasurer of Rebecca O P from Minneapolis Minn Anything I can do to tell world of tho merits of bo only too glad to do I for several years with trouble which became quite j J- dub and me considerable anxiety spent hundreds of dollars trying to bo cared but nothing gave me any bun hen 1st and 2nd J spangled cock 2nd J J spangled hen 1st and 2nd J H Polish A- V cock J Polish A hen J Laurie Plymouth Rock barred cock Willis Plymouth Rock barred 2nd Lee Plymouth Rock cock Bert Gardner Plymouth Rock buff lien 1st and 2nd Bert Gardner Plymouth Rock white J 2nd Lud Hoover Plymouth Rock white hen J 2nd Norman- Red Caps Hill Red Caps and 2nd A Hill Rhode Island Reds cock 1st and 2nd W Lee Rhode Island Reds hen J law rie 2nd Lee Spanish black cock J Spanish black hen 1st and 2nd J Lawrie cock Hoover 2nd Norman buff hen Hoover Wyamlottes golden cock G J J Lawrie 2nd Lee Wyandotte golden hen J relief until I Peruna Lawrie 2nd took less than three months and silver cock J only ten bottles to effect a permanent 2nd T Trivet cire they were more than as I silver hen T many hundred dollars to me I fully restored to health know neither acho and enjoy life MRS J A Prominent Letter Miss Hopkins of Washington niece- of Hon O Hopkins largest iron of Birmingham Ala writes following commending lean cheerfully recommend Peru tor Indigestion and stomach as a good tonic LAURA HOPKINS If you do not derive prompt and results from the up of 2nd J Lawrie Wyandottes white cock Hy Hulse 2nd Lud Hoover 3rd F white hen Lud Hoo ver 2nd and 3rd W J Bantam Class Game cock J Game AV and J Lawrie Cochin partridge cock 2nd Cochin partridge Inn Lee advance Plymouth Rock barred cockerel- 2nd J Cowicson Plymouth Rock barred 2nd J B Plymouth Rock white cockerel A Pickering 2nd J Plymouth Rock white pullett J 2nd Hoover Rhode Island Reds cockerel 1st and 2nd Lee Rhode Rens pullet 1st and 2n1 W Lee cockerel 1st antr 2nd J Bull pullet 1st and 2nd J Silver cockerel 1st ami 2nd i Wyandottes Silver pullet 1st and 2nd white cockerel A Pickering 2nd Wyandottes white pullet Henry 2nd Hoover Best pair Chicks for British Mar ket J 2nd Alfred Starr GEESE ETC Ducks Aylesbury pair 1st and 2nd A J Ducks pair J Lawrie 2nd Bert Gardner Pucks Rouen pair Ste phens 2nd J Ducks Ste phens Ducklings pair J 2nd J Ducklings AOV J Law- 2nd Stephens Geese J Lawrie 2nd J Geese Toulouse pr Ste phens 2nd J Geese AOV 1st and 2nd J Lawric w Turkeys pr Ste phens Turkeys Ste phens Heaviest Turkeys under 6 months 1st and 2nd T W Stephens PIGEONS J Lawrie at to Dr Cochin white hen Ross Tiivett ull statement of case and he will 2nd J pleased to you his loo gratis Address Dr of Brood Sow J A 2nd W Davis Boar Pig months and over 1st and 2nd J A Sow Pig 1005 months and over 1st and J A SPECIAL Best pair Bacon Hogs J A 2nd John Judge Thomas Concord POULTRY Light cock J Law 2nd Gilford Mann Branmas Light hen 1st and 2nd F Dark cock J Law 2nd Hoover Bmhmas Dark hen J 2nd Hoover Cochin Buff cock Maun 2nd J Lawric Cochin Bull hen Gilford Mann 2nd Simmerson Cochin Partridge cock Sim 2nd W Lee Cochin Partridge hen 1st and 2nd Dorking cock Hoover 2nd A Hill Dorking hen Hoover 2nd A Hill Game red J Law 2nd Lee Game red hen J Game AOV cock J 2nd Lewis Game AOV J 2nd Lewis Armitage cock 1st and 2nd J hen J 2nd Lee cock J Lawrie 2nd Gilford Mann Langihan hen J 2nd Gilford Mann Leghorn White cock Lud Hoover 2nd Gilford Mann Leghorn White hen Gilford Mann 2nd J Lawrie Leghorn Buff cock J Bufi hen 1st and 2nd J Leghorn Brown cock A Hill 2nd Liid Hoover Leghorn A If 2nd black cock 1st and 2nd J black hen Norman find J white Gilford Mann hull cock J 2nd J 2nd T W Stephens 1 Pigeons pr 1st tnd 2nd Cochin white cockRoss Pigeons barbs pr J Pigeons Dragons p Pigeons Curriers pr Rons Pigeons Fanlails pr Ross 2nd G J Lawrie Pigeons Jacobins J Pigeons Tumblers parlor Ross 2nd W J Pigeons Tumblers bare leg J 2nd A IBM Pigeons Tumblers Muff J 2nd W J FANCY BIRDS ETC Guinea Fowl W Lee 2nd J Lawrie Rabbits pr J Lawrie Belgium Hare J Lawrie SWEEPSTAKES Best Cock any breed J B Best Hen any breed Lud Hoover Best Cockerel any breed Henry Hulse Pullet any breed Lewis EGG CLASS named W Lee Cochin named W Lee named W Lee Game named Lee Hoiidons named J B Langshans named J Law Leghorns named A Starr named Norman named Mrs Kirby Polish named Lee Plymouth Rocks named Stephens Red Caps named J Rhode Island Reds named 5 Lee Black Spanish named Gilbert Johnson Wyandottes T Stephens W Barber GRAIN SEEDS ETC White Winter Wheat bush Ste phen Sellers 2nd Stephens Red Winter Wheat 1 bush Stephens 2nd Uriah Young Red Spring Wheat 1 bush Uriah Young 2nd Mrs Young Wild Goose Wheat bush Uriah Young 2nd Stephens SixRowed Barley bush T Stephens 2nd Uriah Young Black bush Ste phens Stephen Sellers Black Oats I bush named Young 2nd Stephen Seller White Oats hush named Mrs cock 1st and 2ml Stephens hen 1st and 2nd Stephens J Lav- hen J Chick Class light or dark cockerel Lud Hoover 2nd J Bruhmas light or dark pullctt 1st and J Cochin huff cockerel Jst and 2nd J Cochin bull Simmcrson 2nd J Lawric Cochin partridge cockerel J Lawrie Cochin partridge pullctt J Law lie Dorkings AV cockerel Lud Hoo ver Dorkings pullett Lud Hoo ver 2nd A Hill Game AV cockerel G- J 2nd Lewis Armitage Game A V J Lawric cockerel 1st and 2nd J Lawric pullett 1st and 2nd J Lawric cockerel 1st and 2nd J Lawric J Lawric Leghorns cockerel 1st and 2nd J Leghorns buff 1st and 2nd J Lawrie Leghorns brown cockerel 1st and 2nd Hoover Leghorns brown pullctt Lud Hoo ver 2nd Harry Leghorns white cockerel J Lawric 2nd J Leghorns white J Lawric 2ml J B Langshan black cockerel J Lawrie black 1st and 2nd J Lawric black cockerel Lawrie 2nd W Stephens black Stephens 2nd Lewis white cockerel J Lawrie white pullett J buff cockerel J 2nd J Lawric Orpington 1st and 2nd J Orpington spangled cockerel 1st 2nd J Orpington spangled 1st J Lawric Polish A 1st and 2nd J Lawrie Plymouth- Rock J Lawrie Plymouth Rock buff J Large White Peas bush named- Uriah Young 2nd Stephen Sellers Small White Peas t bush named Uriah Young 2nd Sellers Blue Peas bush Uriah Young 2nd Stephen Sellers Continued on

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