Newmarket Era, 29 Sep 1905, p. 2

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J v t THE NEWMARKET BRA FRIDAY SEPTEMBER Society Column House and Lot for Sale On The Telegram paragraphed under Huron St West beading of and Km JULIUS sagely to remark Tory spoils- Newmarket hungry Tor jobs sometimes that Hon J P Whitney more a quickfirer and less of a big gun He might have added K the Premiers Lieutenants in lhe her mother Mrs lck Cabinet are doing the Miss is spending a couple skirmishing Miss Murray of Toronto is visit ing with the Misses To Let Large Sitting mil furnished or two Boarders Farm Newmarket For Sale Cheap The Canadian the completion volume with a weeks at Grand Rapids Mich Mrs Gamble spent over Magazine celebrates Sunday with her husband in Port of its Hope special Anniversary Mr and Mrs Evans visited and Karn Piano did Oak Hall Office Number for October It is a fairly friends in on Saturday almost new and safe declaration that is themrst Sunday Hack representative literary number ever House and Lot for Sale Belonging to the instate of the late Susan Hughes Newmarket En quire of M Hughes or issued by a Canadian publication Twentyfive writers are represented ami nearly all arc in the first rank of Canadian litterateurs and Mrs of are visiting with his uncle Mr I Mr and Mrs Scott tended the Centre Fair on LOST Ottawa press despatches intimate Carrie this week that the next session the Mrs visited ion Parliament will not commence Mrs Hails Pine Orchard earlier than February on account of Tuesday afternoon the time thai will be consumed by Mr and Mrs Jackson were the Tariff Commissions tour of in- visiting their daughters at Hamilton and subsequent deliberations of Bronte this week the Cabinet before the Mrs Terrell is spending a month with her daughter and other friends in Belleville Mr J J Ward Mr J FWard and Mr Sanger Harris all from Prince Edward County were guests of Rev and Mrs Cornell during the Fair last week They proceeded to Cobalt and other New Ontario points on a prospecting tour Times After a residence in of seven years Mr J P Belfry has returned to Newmarket to accept a position with the Davis Tanning Company During his resi dence here Mr Belfry and his estim able family have made many warm friends who have learned of his re moval with a great of regret Mr Belfry has rendered eminent ser vice as a member of the Methodist Church and for some years has filled the position of Superintendent of the at- Sunday School very acceptably at Newmarket is the gainer of a good citizen by Mr Belfrys removal The family will remain in for a month or so yet of the i On Exhibition Ground Newmarket is ready to present to on last afternoon of Fair Pigskin It seems to be the fixed purpose of Purse containing Finder will the Government to introduce be suitably rewarded by leaving the revision legislation next session same at this office has been detached from Lost In Newmarket on the last day of the Fair a pair of solid Eye Glasses Finder will be re warded leaving them at this office Watch Lost In Newmarket on Sept be tween the High School and Of fice The watch is green enamelled and was attached to a TwinHeart to Manitoba and annexed to the Territories This on the part of the authorities is being denounced by Hon Robert Rogers of the Manitoba Government as a move to punish the latter vince for its school at the same time the P for York has discovered hat Si Wilfrid made the change in order to give Keewatin the School system the NorthWest Both be talking through their wis Silver Pin Era J lice for return All that Ottawa press despatch it is quite possible tin- In the matter of news The Mr Smith the implement man left on Tuesday for a trip to fieId A j the Western Provinces collected sifted condensed and Mr J Hart and family leave seated in an easily accessible and for Michigan on Monday he having form so the busy farmer may fieep himself thoroughly nostra regarding the home and foreign of importance without wasting lime Every effort is made to secure infor mation at first hand to insure its authentic character The Weekly Globe and Canada Farmer i a high- class newspaper of national interest sympathy and outlook It is regularly by people living in the United States and in ail parts of the British Empire Km cir culation it is perhaps unequalled by any other published on this continent of the Provinces with Farm for Sale On easy terms to suit purchaser containing sixty three acres situate near Sharon in the Township of Soil clay loam Good frame House with Woodshed two frame Barns and large straw shed Hard and soft water acres discuss the Jail wheal in the ground twelve acres seeded Fall ploughing will be political done For further particulars apply circles are feeling the pressure disappointment and delay and eel ting in their line vork other Jims One of a minion over of a rearrangement of to the north will be delayed it some months The new Provinces of Al berta and Saskatchewan are interest ed hut until their organiaiou is completed they will not he aide to take part most of the Provinces to meet the Federal Government this full and subsidies question Mr J Smith was in town over Sunday He left on Monday lor a Hip through New Ontario Mrs is spending a week or two with her sister Mrs A at the New Royal Major of Toronto was the guest of Major Allan on last day of Newmarkets County Fair Mrs Hannah of Toronto nee Miss Hannah Bell of visilet A Dyke during the Fair Mr W C Bray and Miss Bray states visited their uncle Mr T J this week leaving for Boston on Monday Mr J If Johnson of the editor a friendly calf on Tuesday while in Town on his way to the city Mrs M A Shane of Grand Mich and Mrs Marshall I Severed Sept A named Mrs Cat line was kill ed at at noon today She was attempting to cross the Hacks of opposite Allens Hotel the nates na ff to Sharon P suing prominent Conservatives West Northumberland for damages He claims Use Drug Apprentice about seventeen- present Ontario Government cm to Toronto are visiting at Mr Hewitts Mrs has after spending a couple- very pleasantly with her Minnesota Rev lames Thompson of to formerly of Newmarket I a call to a church at Centre Mrs Murray and Mrs W W went to Beelon last Tuesday to see a returned home of months sons in reliable Get good experi ence Apply J Curry Church power he received the of caretaker of the Parliament Build but lost the situation through these four defend ants who charge so YOU Have tO Hurry that in the election of IS38 be down and passed safely in front of the passen ger but did not notice a freignl back ing in tin- opposite direction Both legs were off She spoke several times after being picked up but died eight minutes Die She was accompanied by four- yearold daughter hut the out danger by a person who to he near The was brought to and for burial and later sent to her home in Allandale Mrs Catliue was car rying her husbands dinner in a pail She St ToronK who is very ill Mrs W A left on Wed- when the accident happen night for a visit at also leaves a baby son accompanied by her sister Mis Mrs Hughes represented County possessed of ialcom- Newmarket at the Con veil- Instead of saying revoir to Jacktons Point on Sept as announced the rush orders from Sutton and vicinity at the Bogart Photo Studio has been so great that Mr Bogart has had to wire to bis Toronto for extra as sistants who will remain with him at the Point until Oct seventh MML CONTRACT I muiiications of the pat ty and betrayed then to to the great detriment d Conservative interests received he ap pointment through Hon IK Wil- of but the writs are all against residents Northumberland is a daughter from visit- representing practically all the good sized African hidden in cor- their daughter Mrs I Mctal- unions in the county After routine during the Fair business reports were presented as Mrs William has return- follows Mrs to her borne after spending three months with her daughter Mrs lion at Toronto Junction on Tuesday Toronto Junction Sept and Wednesday annual convention of the Miss Sybil Storehouse from ly WCTU was commenced this ra and Miss spent Sun- morning in the Annette Street in town with the cousin Church with the President Miss Dyke Switer of Hill in Mr and Mrs Ferrin and giand- the chair There was a fair of the onset alive where and is expected tin court ton October 2nd will furnih iuterest- ing revelations of the inward ness of party intrigue the thumberlands to strong in Sunday times per week each a city of handsome ween and P from 1st January next SKAUCD TKN1KPS addressed the Postmaster General be at Ottawa until noon on Fri day the 3rd November 1905 for the conveyance of His Majestys Mails on a proposed contract for four years si l St Printed notices containing furtber information as to conditions of pro posed Contra may be seen and forms of lender may ob tained at the Post Offing of Linton King Creek and Holly 1ark and at the of the Post Inspector at Toronto Superintendent Post Office Imcn Mail Contract Branch Ottawa 20th Sept The annual Convention rl the Sunday School A- soda ion be held in the city of London Oc tober and pioiiises to he of Situated in the Hall at Pine Orchard Mr J Hughes of Waterloo and Mr Stephen Winn of were guests of County Councillor for the weekend Hill Flower Miss Harris Hill Press and White Ribbon Tidings Mis Point of I r aver Mrs Gray Toronto Juvenile Mis Morton Morton Park pat or Mrs Deny Hill A Vry interesting paper read hy Mrs has of left mothers than for home on Wednesday after iu- heart of district ilUt At the evening session was a Mrs tt Low St Miss Lush formerly telephone citizens Hew Dr operator here but now of Toronto sided and the speaker of evening is visiting Miss Lillie Dyke and all- was Mr of Toronto Town Shorthand and Keeping Courses America J COLLEGE J Really truly fit LI ft J Rt the I You ere TORONTO pi facilities the prospects were never more hopeful The program which is now being issued includes the name of a number of Canadian spe cialists in addition lo Mrs rcaux a noted Primary worker from Chicago and Marion Lawrence the International Secretary from Toledo Ohio Seven open parliaments and conferences have been ranged will undoubtedly prove an attractive feature and will embrace Primary Work Teadiei Home Depart ment House to House Parents and Deci sion Day House doubt receive con- and in view of the connected with the movement this present year Visitations have taken place in Hamilton Lon don Belleville Dili id as and with the most results and it is expected that simi lar movements will he in Kingston Woodstock Tgltoyljjr Pembroke Port Hope Berlin Water loo the Township of Windham in Norfolk County and Toronto in near Teacher Training will special In view of the fact that this is the ftMt year the department has had a secretary He has already visited 5S coun ties organized W classes roll men approximating students ing on other friends in Mrs of North Bay formerly of Newmarket has received through Newmarket Lodge AOUW Insurance by hus band Mrs A ami Mrs Kate MacCallum of Strange also the Misses of King City visited at Mr W Huron St during the Fair those in attendance at League and Newmarkets big County Fair last Ions which He proved by statistics thai Canada Was the soberest country In the world and is steadily improving in re spect although there was a time when so little work was being done as at present lie attributed the situation to I be fact that some years ago organizations such as the as Temperance and the Good were allowed to dwindle and the work Was h other church organ had not done tin- woik Week we noticed Messrs den Co Clerk P T J A Lee Frank Lennox Mr F Ireland the new Science Master at lh High School arrived in Town on Tuesday and commenced his duties next lay He was fa vorably ami will no doubt give excellent service Constable Savage relumed to Town on Wednesday after spending two months in detective woik in Western Ontario for the and left for Toronto again the same night lor further orders Bams- rhy promised to The convention q do will be col- puled Miss aged Australias lady champion Thames at Putney and swam to over thirteen miles tinder ft is announced that the Ontario Government intend to revise the mining legislation of the Province next session Hence with the view to allowing mining men to Solomon knew hut little with what sojfift they When men think fit express their opinions In regard to Miss Helen Coon having accepted regulation ehanges they being the position Organist and Choir through various Lands Conductor for the Methodist Church agents Jo hold mVctlus place on has taken up her residence In Town their conclusions In this She will receive at Mrs it Is hoped a concensus of Hewitts on the first Thursday of opinion of miners reached in each month various mining districts and Friends visiting Mm should they deem it advisable a ten Georgia the mountaineers last week during the Fair were convention Is recommended to Mr and Mrs Lemon Baker Baker take place In November to he Hill Mr and Mrs and nosed of delegates from mining Mrs Lemon son The Government is desirous and of of learning what changes miners ft Rider desirable catch trout with a sledgehammer Their practice is to thump a rod un der which a Kecks refuge with a hammer the concussion the senseless and an prey PATTERNS 10 cents KEPT in STOCK NEWMARKET This Stores Boot and Shoe Business has grown to its present size by being known and backed by integrity and sterling value We have had long and varied experience in exclusive Shoe selling and buying and have found during these many years some of the secrets of How to Buy Where to Buy and When to Buy this experience we give away with every pair of boots we sell Buying as we do in the large centres direct from the manufacturers for cash gives us many advant age over our competitors If you have- never tried this store for footwear you had better begin now Never before in the history of our business have we offered to the Good Clothes Buying Public such an clean stock of Highclass Cloth ing We bought it at in the dollar and are therefore in a position to sell you Suits and Over coats at less than wholesale prices We must have room as our store is not large enough to accomodate two large stocks so have marked this stock down for quick clearance Come direct to this store for your Clothing wants and we will load you down with Bargains Grocery Three of the Best Victor Chop Anchor Brand Brand i J lb in the Trade Coffee fresh ground Hunter Bros big bar laundry soap 10c bar Hams Rolls and Bacon Cold Cooked Meats Bologna Sausage lb S St llFlDERTAKlHa HOLLAND LANDING MAIN ST NORTH All Orders will receive Careful and Prompt Attention Christ Church Supper Wed- evening was very successful About enjoyed one of finest dinners of the year- and the service at the conclusion was appropriate to the Thanksgiving feeling of this sea- I FOR- The HILLARY In Aurora on Friday Sept Ir05 the wife of Dr Hillary of a daughter Whitchurch oi Sept Mis Jos it daughter ROWLAND In Mt Albert on Tues day Sept to Mr ami Mrs if Rowland a I The CURIISAl the of the brides parents Whit church on nth Wo by the Rev J Mr Marry Forester of White Rose to Miss Violet Curtis of Ik- June at St Charges Church New York City by he- Rev William II Mar garet daughter of Mr and Mrs William If Daly Holland Landing and of the late Luke Maxwell Daly Hi of Head to Mr Louis Davis Hopkins son of the late Hon Stephen Hopkins New York City Whitchurch Council Whitchurch Council met Van- Good going October to Novem ber inclusive to Lakes Lake of Days Maganetawan River Midland Lakelield all lions Argylc to Lindsay Malt Sept Mr Severn North ail Members nil present points in Temagami on T Communications from Minister points on Northern Agriculture re proposed Ray ami Mackinaw or County Council J also to Saul t St Marie and THE LEADING Purnitore Undertaking From A Collector Ing to he from the office From Stewart Applying for the office of Collector From Robert French applying for the office of Collector were presented by J yds gravel J I McKay printing postern use of turnpike shovel 50 culvert Con opposite Lot a ft linker yds gravel Councillor to have from cleaned out Stewart Walker was fob lector la lieu of A rtntlj the offend him accepted The treamircr Instructed to pay the presented James was selected to the actions In Court the Municipality by Eliza- belli Kelly and Fanny linker for la Fort Arthur via Co going October to to points to Fort Ar thur Inclusive All tickets valid until Dcccmlcr Special OoeWay Colonist Fares To points in Columbia Cal ifornia Colorado Idaho Montana Oregon Utah Washington etc go ing daily until October For tickets illustrated literature ami Information call on J Agent mat PROMPTLY SECURED tor our or Help a rough of orlmprovcticiil vt you vluilir it JurliH to fully off in by being thrown out of their buggy You can buy your Furniture Cheap For Gash UNDERTAKING AND A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at residence John Millard Phono and TvifiiiftfW on Con The InKtructetl to In spect bridge on it and If deemed have It repaired Councillor true ted to fill ivanhout hill between in Con 0 j Council adjourned to meet at Dal- antra on Wednesday of i Millie 1 rcfcreilJi through Marlon Ma nntc It limit in over ncwripci minion Specialty I ol lurerxmf MARION MARION Export Solicitors Life A threestory brick building in course- of construction in Buffalo col lapsed and six workmen were Ihe common housefly sounds the Injured note In lying This meuis its it wings vibrato times in a second honeybee sounds A indicating a il 0 vibrations to the second kill ade flv w Killed and twenty injured

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