J Weeks lioeal Hews GOING OH IK 11- w I Completed I Messrs McCoy contract- Where the cool water flows is where or the grading on thi Mr Harvey has pushed the third well Dike Mr Hardy the Market Grocer Royal yesterday is out van this week with a new delivery and new harness tan Extension to Lake have completed their work and moved their outfit to Bolton to work on the line to Sudbury there was quite a procession leaving the New morning in line and each drawing four scrapers He struck a flow of gallons per minute at a depth feet hut went on down hoping lor wore- No more dampness was found as far an feet so the pipe has been with Hi teams drawn to catch the flow at the form- three or depth This is not quite so as the How from the first well this season Organ Recital Miss Coon will give an Organ Recital in the Methodist Church on Wednesday Oct assisted by local talent Further week Free is the time to subscribe for new papers Balance of to all paying in advance or particulars Weekly Globe Era and Weekly Mail Era and Weekly Sun Era and Montreal Star The Hunting Season Monirea Get- away from your everyday life Era and Daily World Era and Daily Globe year in North York only I and enjoy a few weeks sport in the highlands of Ontario Single fare rate will be in effect to all hunting rounds including the re gion The Sportsmans new riiK- For further particulars call on agents Farmers The late Michael Winter of King City left Half of this is book debts and the balance is in farm land The executors Jl Winter and C W A Winter are in structed to sell the real estate and pay to the elder daughter Mrs M Garrow and to the young er Mary Winter if unmar ried it the time of his death or no Sunday is the Era till Jan advance to new After being 1st of October for cash subscribers torn up HI ree months the walk in front of the edi tors residence was finished on Tues day Mr quite Mr Office Specialty Notwithstanding that the stall at these works has been increased- to nearly three departments are obliged to work till each flight except Saturday to compline press ing contracts It is expected that the new boilers will be set up by Saturday night The men are working at them early morning till late at They came from Glasgow Scotland and the two will develop They are the same type as put in at Canes Factory are claimed to be nonexplosive The smoke stack brick on cement foundation will he feet high It is expected that the roof will be on the new boiler house next week Commissioners in their efforts in that direction This association has a membership of neatly who are all very aggressive against the liquor iraific Toronto is to be field of ora tions for a new religious sect as the and deriving their name from the Bible word Meftiridu which means God is here The leaders come from Rochester It is said they profess anxiety for a more diligent study of the Hi hie spe cial reference to the second coming of Christ No less than have been suspended for a week for having violated tie rule of the Co them to slow Up when passing churches on Sunday Harry Pollard a left his hat in a hurry at a house he had broken into on Markham St and it from convicted him The gavo im night months The Band of the Irish Guards will return to Toronto on the Oct and give two farewell concerts The Customs officials a lot of immoral books from Tie Stales this week James Cousins newsdealer at and Queen St corners was run over Wednesday night and severely A Union Carpet and Wool Carpet from to per yard Tapestry Carpets 25c 35c Lace Curtains from to Cretonnes from to 25c per yd Roller Blinds complete from upward is Atkinsons new an improvement Ferguson is closing the sale of his house on Prospect Ave to Mr Lloyd at the Specialty Works Mrs I Wright has a new piano Fall Fairs jf married The balance the es tate is to be divided among the Sutton West Sept Free With sons lasts Buy yours Dozen Records Fair Oct Queens- Mr has Oct just south of Wat Bradford Oct 17 18 house Gramophone at Jewelry Store while stock Bolton Oct 24 25 Only a few machines on hand Scott at Zephyr Oct Oct Oct 3 Oct 18 Weston Of Improvements Mrs Miller has fixed her house up on St an entirely new place Miss Mortons new house will soon be ready for occupancy Mrs Bayly has secured the house now occupied by Miss Morton for her private school Mr Wellington Curtis loise on Niagara St is lathed for the plaster Sought the resilience in a old man age and IS lo over lour the driwr Our New Stock of Boots and Shoes is now Complete in every de tails We handle nothing but tho best makes Bought for Spot Cash we give our trade the benefit of our Cash Discount We be pleased to show you our new and exclusive styles even if you do not want to buy Cooked Meats Smoked Rolls Green Rolls Bacon al ways In stock New Strained Honey and pails lb now and save fence and is grading the a tennis court Our Toronto better j Some People are fond of law and Studies Resumed At a meeting workers on Wednesday evening all Town schools r being represented was decided to Highways resume the weekly Union Meetings The Municipal gives a legal oftentimes have tremendous notions for the study of the lesson the opinion in regard to a highway such of their own importance or rights first meeting to take place in as the deviation road along the shore a writ claiming damages for Mission Hall next Wednesday evening of Cooks Bay Lake that unnecessary interference with business at oclock and Mr Lehman to will settle a disputed point Where has been issued against the Indus- be the leader a road has not been surveyed and trial Exhibition Association by Local arrangements were made in lawfully established the World says Silverman who purchased a with the approaching an- Unless it can be shown hat the selling permission at the late road in question was lawfully and was prevented from selling soft as a highway with drinks and cigars in addition Some tain boundaries the public can only people want the earth and the full- claim what has been actually used as thereof a highway Convention High School Notes Mr has gone to Bradford and Mr Ireland is the new science v ii Gloves Hosiery and Corsets he Commencement will take place on Tuesday Oct Re- To suit the fall trade at Hughes the date Mr Hen- the celebrated cartoonist will J do the drawing Presbyterian Principal Coombs has been inform- The Sacrament of the Lords that Cody who was sup- will be dispensed next Sabbath nosed to have failed in Chemistry at Oct 1st at the morning service late examination has full matriculation standing received Friday even- oclock at Baptism will Baseball The Chicago Bloomer Girls succeed- Preparatory service on of this week at which the ordinance of be dispensed Childrens Day Service last Sunday morning was very well attended The Warden I I genera agent service was very beautiful and appro priate The responses were good and the song by four little of sweet and in trimming the local team last Friday In line style There were girls playing two being the school was especially their places filled by by a well rendered The was pie of local sports One of them in the 1st innings and did well only allowing runs Church f a nit- nun lid bat- LarRe to c act was the box lor the locals did his fine work in the fourth when runs in He was taken out and Fox substituted the ladies were shut out to the j Another writ was issued by the city last week against the Street Co claiming for with the City service orders The penalties now total Miss Sertrudc Watson was with a testimonial of the Canadian Humane Association last week for rescuing two men from drowning in Smalls Pond on the of July last Italians anil Chinese are giving more than their usual trouble in the law courts this year The condition of Rev Robert of he Presbyterian church in Canada has not improved as a result of his The score years of No blame is attached of the wagon Hon J P Whitney leased the house of the Misses in Welles- ley street and will settle there next week The Misses sail for England on Oct anil be ab sent a year In a state of collapse from opium poisoning a man living on Adelaide street was admitted to the Emergency Hospital early Thursday morning At the hospital it was discovered that he had taken an overdose of laudanum No serious results are anticipated The Board of Education will wait on Hon Dr to request that the law be amended to take away from the Council the power to revise their estimates Governor Van of the jail morning received word from the chief constable of Port Perry that Convict Graham who escaped on Saturday last by hiding behind a wheelbarrow on the Don flats where the prisoners were working was seen near Port Perry on Sunday Frederick Watson and Morse the two young men who were arrest ed in a boarding house on Wilton ave nue on Sunday morning last with burglar tools in their possession ap peared again in the Police Court Wednesday and were remanded till next Wednesday Rev Woodsworth Cor responding Secretary of Methodist missions in the West has just re turned from a three months visit to Great Britain and Ireland where he succeeded in obtaining about forty men as probationers foi the ministry in the NorthWest A which probably fell off a passing train was picked up at the foot street last Wednes day evening and was handed over to the police at the Esther street sta tion THREE JURORS CURED Of Cholera Morbus with One Small THE BEST RESULTS FROM BAKING POWDER i i lie returned Bottle of Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy this city is Mr Fowler of High tower at Roachs Point to the city last week Mr Timothy Eaton of a summer residence on an relates an experience he had island up in estimated to while serving on a petit jury in a cost jOchiO murder case at Edvardsville county The reckless shooting in the vicin- seat of County Alabama ity of marsh continues to He says While there I ate some go on A young man in the assess- fresh meat and some souse meat and OF TOOK OF finish The score Chicago 2 Newmarket JiattriesBennett Sells Fox Hughes Opening Saturday Sept when a id display of artistic work will hi- shown Toronto last Sunday Next Saturday at pm mnl department narrowly escaped he- it gave me cholera morbus in a very regular monthly Fellowship morning by a hoy severe form I was never more sick in my life and sent to the drug store for a certain cholera mixture hut the druggist sent me a bottle of Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy instead saying that he had what I sent for but that this medicine was so much better lie would rather send it to me in the fix I was in took one dose of it and was better in live minutes The sec ond dose cured entirely Two fellowjurors were afflicted in the service Next Sunday will be the second an nual Rally of the and church The pastor will preach at both ser vices on the principles of the church This will afford an opportunity for who would like to know what the church stands for to go and hear The public are cordially invited All vices at the usual hours The Ladies Aid of the above church will hold their annual supper Tues day evening November Re member the date Church Hood congregations last Sunday an good sermons by the pastor is a brilliant and choir under her management is finely The solo by Miss was beautiful a well as duel Miss Fisher and Mr Walter Stephen The Sunday School largely attended and very I jail Tuesday Visited Manager Moore of the To ronto and Radial roads placed sentenced to Central Prison for who was shooting birds with 22 calibre rifle Mrs Annie ol age while walking near her home in last Thursday afternoon was attacked by a cow and had her left arm broken and her right hand fractured I Four cases of smallpox are report ed in the city The military manoeuvres on Thanks giving Day are not all definitely set tled hut the scene of the operation one twentyJive cent is to be in the northeast of the city aid the attack and defence will con clude on or near the entrance to the Don Flats There was an event at To- Now being Removed from Sovereign Bank uilding and open in a few days bottle cured the three of us sale by Lloyd OOQ ASSIGNS Toronto markets The Pearson presided Mr referred to byegone days and practical I the past Mr 1 was P P pleasantly drew lessons the study of Hood He Mr A E Coomb- Robert on lb- on dent on hi school extended a me to the Supcrinten- return from- the Old ing as a metaphor the Salvation ith much Mr laekson SjJond- 1 eXpreKslng sincere thanks for the many assurances- received gardn his safe return and for half an on custom In the Old Coejty including the degrading ijj- private ear at the disposal of Mr Stewart General Manager the Sovereign Hank to attend Fair on Thursday of last Mr invited a few to accompany him the party being made up of Peter Christie Alex Mc- Warden Coun ty Councillors and tenant J A Thomas Renfrew Win Graham Smith Reeve i who was re- months in tin stealing the York St to Amy Stock Market i from was pell a girl with whom he was keeping company before his viclioii and who stoutly refused to believe guilt Mis Iliovn Will have a hone her husband his liberty It is reported that a small deputa tion wailed on Dr Heat tie a Ml drew thur Davison Stark Man- of the Market branch the Sovereign Hank The car was in charge of Mr Superinten dent of the road and the visitors were the guests of the directors of the Fair d ago and requested luin to t candidate for the Mayors w lays I he Dr is nut chair next January anxious for the lace The echoes of the recent election in South Ontario are not yet dead One more came in The Toronto market Is crowded with animals of the common ami these are not wanted conse quently trade is slow Good butchering cattle arc going from to Good feeders from Milch cows from to Veal calves from to each and from to fie per lb Export ewes from MM lo and lambs from to 15511 Select hogs lights an I less Sept Wheat per bush Spring Wheat per bush Red Wheat per bush Oats per bush Rye per bush Barley per bush Hotter per III Eggs per do Tub or Crock I Potatoes Dressed Hogs per Beef fore Reef hind Hay per ton Chickens per lb Turkeys 71 71 -10- til 25 GO 12 0 CO 10 O the form of a writ for damages oi Regisfcep flue- of the drink and tobacco fir School at next Sunday and Geo Evan ft is hoped that thre v ill he a large atleiidanee in the Bible Claw as well as i be classes libel Mr Dr Moore for unstated lamag statement fi made In a letter Premier Whitney spemlfm the Sept lfJOS Flour per barrel femes White Wheat per bush Week in Morrisburg packing up prc- have a sale of good Furniture oaratoryto moving bis home general household at her to Toronto for Spring Wheat per bush Goose Wheat Buckwheat per bush per hush Oats per bush Regular monthly t in the Lecture Room -i- Sunday morning at o dock residence St West New market Term cash Sale at pm Duncan AI a meeting the per ton OS- CI- 00 ha- 0 45 CURED OF LAME HACK YEARS OF SUFFERfKO I had been troubled with back for fifteen years and I found a complete recovery In the use of Chamberlains Pain Palm says John CI Fisher This Is also without an for sprains and bruises ft is for sale by W A Whole of Soldiers to Newmarket of this vicinity to buy one I II SUITS of Couldnt force the people our PALI AND any quicker than the following significant reasons Choice of Material Durability of Goods Unique Designs and Low Prices Oct Wise and live Us a Call WILLIS NEXT DOOR TO ATKINSON STREET o o a Cures Crip In Two Days Hie Era for J td that they will elite the Work ol reducing the number of lie d saloons in lee Toron to and will actively support the 11- Shorts 20 Hay per ton roll per lb Eggs per do HO LaxatSw Quinine Tablets boxes Gold In Signature on every box