Newmarket Era, 29 Sep 1905, p. 4

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A l THE FRIDAY- 7 and Colds are Ihe most danger of all forms of disease A neglected cold leads to Bronchitis Consumption Pneumonia Coughs are the result of irritat ed bronchial tubes cures coughs by removing the irri tating particles and healing the inflamed membrane It is a germi cide and destroys the tubercle germ It is a tonic that strength ens the lungs the liver and tones up the system It makes for better health in all conditions of humanity Get strong and the cough will dis appear majtes weak people strong It cures coughs of the most obdurate kind and breaks up a cold in a few hours trial DR A A son of Henry was run over oh Belleville Fair ground and may be fatally injured James a Winnipeg lad fell upon a stake and received injuries in the stomach from which he died The Grand Trunk Pacific is in quiring ol Glasgow makers for tons of steel rails the examination of our fine new cata logue If you have any idea of a Col lege course It explains all about our modern methods fine equipment End strong staff A postal will bring Address Toronto SHAW Principal Fall Term From Sept THE UNITED MINK WORKERS and the COAL OPERATORS ton Marigold from Page bush Yellow Com cars Mrs A A j Skinner 2nd Sellers White Corn ears Stephen Sell ers 2nd Stephens Large Sweet Corn ears Stephens 2nd Stephen Sellers I White Beans peck large Ste phen Sellers 2nd T Stephens White Beans Peck small Lee 2nd Stephen Seller Beans I peek Stephen Sellers 2nd Stephens Red Clover Seed hush Sellers Clover Seed Sellers 2nd Stephens Timothy Seed bush Stephen Sellers 2nd W Stephens Fall Rye I hush Stephen Sillers Artistically arranged display grains grasses Win Willis j ROOTS AND FIELD CROPS I Potatoes Stephens 2nd Stephen Sellers Empire State Stephens 2nd Stephen Sellers White Elephant Potatoes Stephens 2nd Mrs A A Skinner Rose of the North Potatoes Stephens 2nd S Mousley Burpee Potatoes Stephen Sellers 2nd T Stephens Potatoes A V named Stephens 2nd Stephen Sellers Long Orange Carrots A Starr 2nd Stephens Short Red Carrots A Starr 2nd Stephen Sellers White Belgian Carrots Stephen Sellers 2nd T Stephens Improved Short White Carrots J Cowieson 2nd Stephen Sellers Sugar Beets Stephen Sellers 2nd Uriah Young Globe Uriah Young 2nd Stephen Sellers Long Red Uriah Young purple Top Swede Turnips Steph en Sellers 2nd Mrs A A Skinner Turnips Stephen Sellers 2nd Uriah Young Mammoth Pumpkins Alfred Starr 2nd T Stephens Yellow Pumpkins J Co 2nd Uriah Young Mammoth Squash J Cowieson 2nd Stephens I CUT FLOWERS ETC Alters Beat Col 2nd C J- Balsam Beat wan Zinnia best Col J 2nd Mrs T Nasturtiums foliage bent col- W Wright 2nd J double best col Charles Norman 2nd Wrn Willis best col Miss Specimen -Plant- Mrs 2nd J Mr D if Plant Mrs I 2nd Wright House Plants cob Gardner 2nd Mrs Plants col Mrs Jones 2nd Are Maying Strenuous Prepara tion tor A FIGHT BE PREPARED WHEN THE Strike Best ColMiss Stark best col L 2nd J Smith Miss ton Phlox Drummond bent col Miss L Newton 2nd Miss Forsyth 3rd Mrs Jones j Petunia double best Buy Good Clew GA I W Wright III petunia beat col NOW SC ANTON ORDER BY Phone From Carters Frank Smith Ah Trivett Jos Wesley Direct Office PEARSON PARK AVE FRUIT AND Alexander Mrs 2nd Penrose American Golden Russet John- 2nd A Dyke American Pippin Norman Brown- Baldwin A- Starr 2nd Norman Brown f Duchess of Oldenburg A Starr 2nd 3 King of County Norman Brown 2nd Uriah YoDng Uriah Young 2nd Mrs G Mann A Hill 2nd Uriah Young Northern Spy Norman Brown 2nd Rhode Island Greening Norman Brown 2nd A Miss Penrose 2nd J Snow Mrs G 2nd Stephens St Lawrence Norman Brown 2nd SpUienburg Norman Brown nd W Stephens Twentyounce pippin Stephen Sellers Sweet Johnston 2nd Mrs G Wealthy Millard 2nd Mrs a A Yellow Bell flower ft Edward Johnson 2nd named Thompson 2nd Seedlings best A A Skin ner 2nd Stephens Col best and largest A E Starr large 10- Norman Brown 2nd Uriah Young small Mrs- G 2nd A P Starr Bar tie it A 2nd p Norman Brown Lee 2nd A- Dyke Fall V Gilbert Johnson 2nd Wm Thompson Winter Norman Brown 2nd A Starr Col of Pears Dyke Norman Brown Golden Drop 2nd Norman Brown Green Gage Norman Brown Imperial Gage 12 Norman Brown Lombard Mousley 2nd Hill Glass oan Shippers Mrs 2nd Norman Brown PLUMS GRAPES Yellow Egg Thompson Japanese AY iF 2nd Stephen Sellers Plumes Named Young 2nd Norman Brown- Col best and largest Stephen Sellers Grapes black 3 bunches Nornmn Brown 2nd Uriah Grapes white Steph en Sellers 2nd Norman Brown Grapes- red bunches Norman Brown 2nd Stephen Sellers Grapes Col best and largest en Sellers 2nd Gilbert Johnson Mr J Wilson For with Mr Poole Leading Photograph er taken charge of SMITHS Photo Studio will be to have you call High Work and carelul atten tion will be the watchword Satis- guaranteed Developing and lor amateurs done St Jos- 2nd Mrs Verbenas col- Uriah Young 2nd illss L Newton Mrs Annuals best col Martin 2nd J Perennials hardy beat col 2nd Miss Newton or Chinese Pinks Mrs Prober 2nd J Smith Carnations col J Geranium col J Smith 2nd Miss L Newton J Nasturtiums col Mil lard 2nd Mrs grosser AntlrrhlnlumC J Smith 2nd J If Salpiglossis J 2nd 2nd Miss Newton Stocks col J Mrs Grosser best Col 2nd J Mrs Jo Sweet Pen any color Mrs Stark 2nd G Wright Asters sshadoH of white 2nd Monty Hand ft Martin 2nd Mrs Dan Tam Boq let Mrs D 2nd Brides K Martin 2nd J Floral designs for table Mrs Willis Funeral J 2nd Cut Flowers Miss Newton 2nd Alters shades of J Smith Bad Martin shades of purple- Miss Forsyth 2nd J Smith Astern of J 2nd Wra fieaijlta Miss Forsyth J Smith fc Martini Jones TELEGRAPHERS HEEDED Oil by VfftwM of vi to Loam and Accounting Our wh tUr 2D frvut to rrrrr or tiring ttoiA itoiito to of upon toy PLANTS IN Begonia single specimen J 2nd Jones Begonia Bex Miss Forsyth best col Mrs Dapathns J 2nd Mrs D ffpard Mrs Jones c J Cacti bent Ingle Mrs UK Millard Wright 2nd I of fc to our Bom of ftanFraKcU la ceo Fuchsia Mrs Jones Geranium col J J- Smith Geranium tlogle specimen in bloom J 2nd J Smith Geranium best double specimen In bloom W J Lundy 2nd Ipard Plants Mrs Jones 2nd J Jundy Hanging basket J Lundy Vrl VEGETABLES half Long Stephen Sellers 2nd TV Stephens long blood Mr 2nd Stephens Beets turnip Stephens 2nd Lundy 3rd Stephen Sellers Cabbage largest head any kind G- Low 2nd J ft rjowlcKon Cabbage summer Mrs A A Skin ner Cabbage Winter Jno 2nd fcfartln Cabbage red Lundy 2nd Jno Cabbage col- not than Stephen Sellers 2nd Stephens Cauliflower Lundy 2nd Martin Vegetable Marrow Ed 2nd Miss Newton t Carrots rooted ens 2nd Martin Carrots point rooted Stephen Sel lers 2nd J flrd Stephens Celery red table Steph ens 2nd Low Celery white table ens 2nd- Celery Golden Table use Jno 2nd Mousley Corn Sweet A Starr 2nd S Mousley Stephen Sellers 2nd Witt Thompson Cucumbers pickling Lee 2nd Stephens Citron round Stephens 2nd Egg V Stephens 2nd Lee Herbs Marjoram V7 Stephens 2nd Mrs this year Johnston Bert Gardner Musk Melon J 2nd W Stephens Water Melon J Cowieson 2nd Yr Oniony large vblte Stephen Sel lers 2nd Stephens Onions Stephens 2nd Mrs Young Onions yellow Stephens 2nd Jos Onions hlte Pickling Uriah Voting 2nd Mrs Young Onions Stephen 2nd T W Stephen PaTHiiIpK Stephen Sellers 2nd A A Peppers large red Stephens 2nd Mrs Young Peppers ftV Steph ens 2nd t small table ue Lundy 2nd A K plants VA 2nd Alfred Starr Radish A 2nd Stephen SeUert W Stephens Sellers Sweet plants Stephens 2nd John Squash any table variety 2nd Pop Corn Johnston 2nd Stephens Tomatoes largest Stephen Sellers 2nd Tomatoes largest 2nd Stephen Sellers Tomatoes for table use S 2nd X E i Tomatoes best largest named cob Stephen Sellers Tobacco best plants Stephens 2nd J Col Garden Vegetables Stephens 2nd DAIRY PRODUCTS Crock Butter lbsJohn Mrs- Beat Crock or Firkin of Bntter lbs speclal L Lepard John Stephens Son Best lbs butter In lb rolls Crock Butter lbs Geo Leslie Willis Best lb roll butter Willis Crock Butter lbs Geo- Hew itt- Mrs Best lbs butter in lb rolls Mrs Graves Best Roll butter not less than A Grahnrn Willis Best 10 lbs Butter in 1 lb rolls Ed Jackson Mrs Best 10 lbs butter In rolsfW Shaw Willis Best lbs butter In lb rolls A Smith John Stephens Son Dairy Butter lbs in lb roll or prints with separator Mrs A Graham 2nd Mills Dairy butter lbs In lb roll or prints without separator TV Lee 2nd Mrs p Tomlinson Butter lbs in lb prints mem bers never awarded prise on butter before Johnston 2nd T- Mills- Cheese Factory made James Wells Cheese Home Made Walter DOMESTIC Grape wine home John ston 2nd Mrs Voung home made ivine 2nd Lyson Denne- Tomato Catsup Mrs How ard 2nd Johnston Catsup AO K Mrs D 2nd Johnston Preserved Pears 2nd Mrs You Preserved PeachesBert Gard ner 2nd Miss A Preserved Cherries Uriah Young 2nd Bert Gardner Preserved Apples Mrs 2nd Lundy Preserved died Raspberries E Johnston 2nd Uriah Young Preserved Plums Mrs Young 2nd J Preserved Tomatoes Uriah Young 2nd Johnston Preserved Currants Uriah Young 2nd Mrs Preserved Currants Black Millard 2nd Mrs Orange Marmalade Mrs Young canned fruits not less thau kinds Lee Knd Col Canned fruits less than kinds Mrs 2nd Lee Col of Jellies Mrs Mustard Pickles Mrs J Road- house 2nd Mrs G Mixed Pickles E Johnston 2nd Lundy Chilli Sauce J McCaffrey Bert Gardner Governor Sauce Mrs A A Skin- 2nd Mrs YOUR KIDNEYS Let your morning urine stand for hours in a glass or then if it milky or cloudy or contain a red dish brickdust sediment or if parti cles or germs about in it your kidneys are diseased If are well they filler just so much blood but if they are lick or weak from any cause they leave the poison in the blood and this poison affects the entire iytem It is natural to pass urine three times a day but many who regard themselves as healthy are obliged to pass water six to ten limes daily and are obliged to get up frequently during the night They have kidneys and bladder and dont know it Smiths Pills cure Rheumatism and all Kidney and Bladder diseases and make new rich blood We will send you a generous sample post paid Free together with our large book on the above mentioned diseases Address Smith Co St Jamea Street Montreal Canada A POSITIVE CURE RHEUMATISM AMD ALL BLADDER ILLS AY AW- A 2nd Mrs Dyeing Domestic Mrs A 2nd Mrs Tomlinson Darning on socks or stockings Miss A Wootteni iind Miss A Gra ham Blankets home made Uriah Young Knitted Counterpane home made- Mrs Kersey 2nd Knitted Wool stockings handmade Miss 2nd Miss I Mc pherson Knitted Cotton Stockings handmade Miss 2nd Miss I Knitted wool mitts fine pr handmade Ml- 2nd Miss J Knitted wool mitts coarse handmade Mrs G Tomlinson 2nd Mrs J Knitting Col plain work- Mrs 2nd Mrs Pamells Ladys apron handmade Miss A 2nd Mrs T Ladys White Cotton nightgown handmade Miss 2nd Miss L Fisher Ladys Flannelette nightgown handmade Miss L Fisher 2nd Miss I McPnersou Ladys Wrapper any cotton mater ialMrs If 2nd Miss A Ladys Set White Underwear Miss L Fisher Mrs Tom J Willmot 2nd Miss A Ecclesiastical Miss B Fisher 2nd Mrs Kersey Venetian Mrs Kersey 2nd Miss in Lace Miss 2nd Miss I Roman Miss 2nd Miss Eastern Miss I son 2nd Miss Bennett Bulgarian Miss A Woot 2nd Miss Col not less than kinds Mis A Graham 2nd Mrs J W Work Basket Decorated Miss 2nd Miss L Fisher Whisk Holder Fancy Miss L Fisher 2nd Mrs H Samells Feather Stitching Miss 2nd Miss Fisher Glove Tic Case Miss McCutch eon 2nd Uriah Young Handkerchief Case Uriah Young 2nd Mrs J J doz Initial or Mono gramMiss A 2nd Miss i Fancy Mrs A Graham 2nd Miss A Head Miss Bennett 2nd Miss L Fisher Ideal Miss A 2nd Miss M Jewel Work Miss L Fisher 2nd Mrs Kersey Lace Miss L Fish er 2nd Mrs Kersey Lace Point Miss McCutcheon 2nd Mrs Kersey Lace Guipure Miss Gannon 2nd Miss Fisher Lace Honiton Mrs Kersey 2nd Miss Lace Mrs Hunter 2nd Mrs Kersey Lace Knitted in Wool Etc McCutcheon 2nd Mrs Kersey Col of Laces Miss McCutcheon 2nd Mrs Kersey Tray Cloth Linen Mrs A Gra ham 2nd Miss A Tea White Linen Miss Willmot 2nd Mrs J W Tea A OK Mrs Young 2nd Miss Mantel Drape Miss Fisher 2nd Miss I Mount Work Miss 2nd Miss McCutohcon Netting Fancy or Plain Miss 2nd Mrs T Sideboard Scarf Linen Mrs L Fisher 2nd Mrs Kersey Work Miss 2nd Miss B Fisher Pincushion Square Miss McCutch 2nd Mrs J Pincushion AOK Miss 2nd Mrs J Pillow Shams Miss Reentered Large English Boars and Jersey Bull Heifers Also a choice lot of Yearling B red Pylmouth Rock Breeding lieu- J Farm to Let West end of Lot 3rd Con Kin Good buildings mostly cleared and under cultivation fair orchard well watered Terms reasonable For further particulars apply to j Black on premises or to proprietor J Farm for Sale cast Sim- Being composed of the north part of lot No in the sixth cession of Township of Gwilllmbury in the County coe and part of the north half lot No concession of the said township containing about acres The buildings are good aim the farm Is well drained and fenced Two wells of good water good orchard and farm is In good condition Most of the village of Bond Head is on lots Terms as may be agreed on Apply to CROSS 25tf Bond Head Lodge Crown bred by of Brampton wilt be for Also a few choice of good typo plenty of bone for E 10 upholstered Miss Fisher 2nd Mrs K I handmade- Work Fisher 2nd Airs Mens Cotton Shirt Mrs Kersey Cotton Shirt machine made Mrs A Graham Miss A Cover Airs Kersey 2nd Miss Lou I Paper Flowers Miss L Fisher 2nd Mrs Photo Frames Mrs J Notice is hereby given that a by law was passed by the Council of tho Town of Newmarket on the day of July AD providing for the issue of debentures to the amount of for the purpose of perma nent improvements and that such by law was registered in the Registry Ofliee of the North Riding of the County of York on day of July Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made within three months from the 1 date of registration and cannot bo made thereafter J K HUGHES Clerk Dated the day of September A 3W31 Mens flannel handmade- 2nd Miss L Fisher r Miss L Fin d sirs Queen Anne Darning Mrs J Johnston TattingMiss Gannon 2nd Mrs Maple MolassesE Johnston 2nd Trimmed HatMrs H W l pie Gilbert Johnston Honey best Col Gilbert John son 2nd Best dressed pr fowl for market J Harris Best cured smoked Vinegar homemade teal Gil bert Johnson 2nd Mrs Tomlinson Lemon Pie Mrs 2nd Mrs Maun Apple Pie Mrs 2nd Mrs Pie AOK Bert Gardner 2nd Miss Penrose Fruit Cake Mrs A A 2nd Bert Gardner Chocolate Cake Mrs Mann and F Cocoanut Cake 2nd Mrs Cake A Bert Gardner 2nd Mrs Maun Lcuiou biscuits 1 Mrs A A 2nd- J Lundy Tea I dot Mr J 2nd Mrs Hi nit made biscuits dor P Mrs Miss L Mrs Col Domestic Baking J Best home made buns Mrs Hume- made lb loaf Mrs 2nd Mrs Young Bert Gardner LADIKBWOKK Babys Long Dress White Materi al- Mrs 2nd Miss Fisher if- Button holes on kinds material Miss A nd Mrs A Gra ham Childs drens any kind or material Mrs 2nd Mrs I J Carriage or sofa Mrs Young or sora Afghan MrH it Mrs Crochet Counterpane Mrs Crochet Babes wool Jacket Uriah Young 2nd A Wootten Crochet Col plain work Mr or St Dance or vntefot and ich to a Co King Street Toronto All or can Ladys Trimmed Hat Mrs 11 Pillow Case Mrs Gra ham 2nd Miss A Patching in a materials Miss A 2nd J Willmot Quilt Cotton Patchwork Mr Kersey 2nd Mrs A Quilt ailk Patchwork MrH B 2nd Mrs A Graham Quilt Log CabinMrs 2nd Miss Newton Quilt Mrs Kersey 2ud Joshua Wlllsou Bag Carpet homemade Mrs Young 2nd Uriah Young Slippers Crochet or Knitted Miss 2nd Miss I McPherson Bag Mat or iWill- moti 2nd Mrs Table mat 2nd Mr LADIKS FANCY Art Braid WorkMiss 2nd Miss L Bead Work Miss 2nd Mrs Kersey Berlin Wool Work Miss L fish er 2nd Miss J rochet Work Fancy Bin Id Miss 2nd Miss L B Fisher Crochet Work in Cotton Mc 2nd Mrs Crochet Work In Silk Miss Mc Miss Fisher Col Fancy Crochet Work Mrs II It Five Oclock Tea Cloth Miss 2nd Poker Work on Leather or Wood- Miss A Wootten 2nd Miss Fisher Collar Cuff Case Miss Fisher Coronation Braid Work Miss M Bennett 2nd Miss L Fisher Centre Piece Miss Bennett 2nd Miss A Centre Piece A V Miss A 2nd Miss I Carving Cloth Drawn Work Miss M 2nd Mrs T F Doylies Initial or Monogram Miss L Fisher Doylies Bread Miss A 2nd Miss Fisher Doylies AOK Mrs A Graham 2nd Mrs J Drawn Work or Mexican Needle Work A Graham 2nd Miss M on Silk or Satin Miss J McPherson 2nd Miss M on Bolting ClothMrs J 2nd Miss I on Flannel Mrs Av Graham 2nd Mrs Kersey Toilet Mats Miss L Fisher 2nd Miss Toilet Set Mrs J 2nd Miss McCutcheon Table Cover Miss Gan non 2nd Miss Teapot Holder Miss Fisher 2nd Miss A Sofa Cushion Silk or Lace Miss 2nd Miss Wilmot Sofa Cushion Miss 2nd Miss Winning Largest Number 1st Prizes Miss JudgesMis Mrs L J ARTS Col of Photos J Study of Head J Miss Mercer Landscapes Miss S Mercer Miss Florence Bailey Marine Miss Metvec 2nd J Animals Miss Florence Bailey 2nd Miss S Mercer Flowers or Fruit Miss Bailey 2nd Mrs W Hunter Still Life not lowers or fruit 2nd 2nd Dissolution of Partnership Notice Is hereby given that the partnership heretofore subsisting be tween us the undersigned as Marble Cutters etc in the Townof New market In the County of York has been this day dissolved by mutual consent All debts owing to the said partnership are to be paid either to James or Allan at Newmarket aforesaid and all claims against the said partnership are to be presented to the said James by the same will he settled Dated at Newmarket this I day of September CASSIDY W ALLAN MICHAKL Witness Miss Florence 2nd Miss Mercer Silk or other Fabrics Mrs Hunter 2nd Miss Mercer Oil Painting on ChinaAirs Hunter Miss Flossie Banbury Water Colors Figure Subject Miss I McPherson 2nd Miss Mercer Miss I 2nd J Muir Marine Miss Mercer 2nd Miss Florence Bailey Animals Miss Florence Bailey J Miss Mercer Flowers or Fruit Mrs Hunter 2nd Miss Bailey Still Life flowers or fruit Miss Mercer 2nd Miss Bailey Pastel any subject Miss Bailey 2nd Mrs K Hunter Pen and Ink Sketch Miss 2nd Miss Mercer Pencil Drawing any and 2nd J Muir Charcoal Drawing J 2nd Miss Mercer Col Fine Arts J 2nd Miss Susie Mercer Chip Varying 1st and 2nd Miss Forsyth Belief Carving Miss Fisher 2nd Miss Leila Boss Concluded on Page 4ooe to curb a corn day Take Laxative Quinine Tab lets All druggists refund the money v it falls to cure on Table Linen Initials or I Gloves signature Is on each TKNDKHS addressed to the undersigned and endorsed Ten ders for addition to Drill Hall To ronto Out will he received at this until Saturday October 1Kb inclusive for the construction of an addition to Drill Hall for cav alry artillery Ac Plans and specifications can he seen and forms of tender obtained at this Department and at the office of Curry Esq Architect St Toronto Persons tendering are notified that tenders will not be considered unless on the printed form supplied and signed with their actual signatures tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank made to the Honorable Minister of Public Works equal to per cent of the amount of the tender which will be forfeited if party tendering de cline to enter Into a contract when called upon to do so or If he fail to complete the work contracted for If the tender be not accepted the cheque will be returned Tho Department docs not bind it self to accept lowest or ten der By order Secretary Department of Public Works Ottawa September Newspapers inserting this advertise ment without authority from the De partment will not be paid for 1 1 m OLD NEWSPAPERS For Sale at This Office

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