If A THE NEWMARKET FRIDAY CHINA y Piano On Wednesday Oct Miss Wills ATCM pupil of Mi Vogt will give a piano recital to her friends in the Sovereign Hank Hall Miss Wills is a scholarship in music and a highclass performance is expected around the WIDEAWAKE WORTH TO KESWICK i 1 Bread Cheek Mr Simpson has Mr Harry list this week Miss Ada ill with paralysis for not much improved is on the sick who has been some time is of and was at tended by her cousin Miss Mary The groom was supported by Dr of Collingwood The ushers were Mr Peter brother of the groom and Master A cousin of the bride The looked charming and was beautifully gowned in white silk with an embroidered chiffon yoke ami chiffon ami ribbon trimmings The brides veil was caught with orange blossoms and white heather She fc Railroad was ept The grading on the discarded finished on Monday the old bread and is Be sure and see the hats Coles ing an aluminum Bread Check which Millinery The are all right has the advantage of being more Mr Ira Crittenden has taken able and less to carry in- in Aurora- The family of any kind hence cleanerand go soon approved by the medical fraternity Oct a dollars worth and try the best bread in Town a po- is to carried a bouquet of white carnations and maiden hair fern The wore a white silk dress trim med with Valenciennes all lace and insertion and large while bat and carried a bouquet of pink their friends at then the concert on the evening of the second day is going to be the best of the season Miss Alexander of Toronto is coming and press re ports say she is the best Vocalist and reader is ob tainable Mrs las laic of Glasgow Scotland is soloist and any person who pas not hoard Mrs Moore sing has missed a rare treat Harry Dennett Toronto is coming and be is lb- funny man that ever Came so every person will he glad to hear Mr Mr A is the obliging secretary of Assc- and any person wanting a prize list will be by Calling or writing to him Queers- I villc folk are always glad to sec all sure constant activity at this Store is positive proof of the satisfaction dispensed to our numerous patron fair time sec SO argams We want to call your attention to Tvo Special We are offering while this ad appears only No I ONLY TOILET SET Private Drains The last Municipal World in an swer to a correspondent slates em phatically that a municipal council should not construct drains lor pri vate parties To do so at the j pense of the general public would be matadministration What shall be said of municipal councils who take an obligation to do the honest thing and then well do other thing 4Q carnations The church was and come to the lair this year or handsomely deco- will miss something great ST SOUTH A new Sunday School was organiz ed in the Friends Meeting House on Friday evening under very favorable circumstances It will he union held school and the following officers were brides mother elected A Dyke Asst Supt Mrs John Smith Win Rust in Librarian Clarence Clubine There were members enrolled at the first session last Sunday School meets at each afternoon tables rated with cut flowers and evergreens While the bridal party were enteiing the church Miss Alice cous in of the bride played most beauti fully Lohengrins wedding march After the wedding a le af the mine of the Llewellyn Lodge which was beautifully ornamented with cut flowers and palms The dining room was profusely decorated with white asters and maidenhair ferns a bank of flowers adorning one ORCHARD Mrs Cutbert has returned to her home in Little Britain after a three months visit with her daughter Mrs Hall has leased a farm ear Victoria Square and will remove there in the spring Mr L Kefler of Toronto is visit ing his sister Mrs for a corner palms being festooned around M leaving for British the walls and bouquets placed on the Columbia Oct your Peaches this week A large variety of choice fruit at lowest prices See our stock Pears Plums Tomatoes Grapes Bananas etc Hams Rolls Breakfast Bacon Long Clear Bacon A Large Assortment of Cooked meats oh ice sliced to please you- Pompon Collars And other kinds small and large pieces every piece Full Green Pale Pink and Apple Green Price Briefless and a cordial invitation is extended to all to assist jn the work Miss Baker of i No 2 The dangerous task of repairing the Sunday at Mr M Paisleys trickwork in the Christian Chuich of Pine Orchard ONLY brickwork in the Christian JIISS of Pine Orchard Tower has been going on this week a time at Mr J Davis The Industrial Home Commission- of is the meet next Monday guests of her uncle Mr which were very preitilv set with a dainty wedding breakfast Upwards of forty guests were pres ent ibyse from a distance lining Mr and Miss of Mr Miss Glover of Mhses and Catherine To ronto and Miss of New Jer sey Rev L McLean proposed the health of the bride which was you use crease the producer our stock food Myers best you on earth value of your tattle Myers Poultry Food an will Experiment with Myers foods it will pay you Tuesday tender pieces Printed Special Combin ation Colors Dark Blue and Deep Pink Price A very hard frost on morning shrivelled all the plants and vines The days are growing decidedly shorter This the Pickling and Preserving Season To have good Pickles and Preserves use only the finest quality of Pure Spices WE KEEP ONLY THE BEST and St Lawrence SUGARS Close Prices in Good Record Provincial Constable George of Brampton attended Newmar kets big County Fair on and Thursday of last week and had Ids eye open for business bur it was with great satisfaction he reported to the President that he saw nothing illegal about the Fair both days It is a good idea to send a who is a perfect stranger to do such week live work We congratulate the rectors on the good record The Pair was excellent throughout and the big crowd of visitors were thor oughly satisfied Everybody was de lighted with the music provided by the Highlanders Hand The receipts amounted to be ting more than last year and the receipts from the Grand Stand were better luite a number from here attended the C Convention in the Chris tian Church last and all report profitable meetings i Mr of Goodwood visited at Mr Morris on Sunday Mrs is spending a time with her brother Mr Mr and Mrs visited a day this week in our burg The Harvest Home was Well last Sunday tin- church was decorated beautifully and the pastor an excellent address A number from here Convention at Churchill to by the groom and congratulatory speeches made The happy couple left on the noon train for Toronto and week points gown was The brides a green other were at tr ot her goingawav broadcloth re veers and velvet turban costly gifts the high is the hist I A Hats Latest styles at Hughes Mr Jos of spent a few days here last week with relatives and friends Mr Richard Dales brother of vid Dales of the Concession was visiting friends last week Mr Dales though brought up in this section has been J2 years a resident of and worked continuously in the Piano Factory for that period Mr Major Stephenson was quite so well the past week suit with green silk silk blouse and to match Many handsome and were received showing teem in which the bride was held by her mauv friends Among them was a handsome silver pudding dish from the ladies of the Presbyterian of which the bride has been organist and a prominent worker for several Tears also a magnificent silver lea service from the sisters ami brothers of the groom The grooms gilt to the bride was a handsome gold watch to the bridesmaid and Miss pearl crescents and to the grooms man a pearl pin We were pleased to see in liie Era of two weeks ago an account of the bicycle invented by of Pine Orchard Mrs Jas Brown Mo and Mrs Lewis Lukes of Toronto were calling on friends on Thursday last Mis formerly resided here and lias spending the summer with her daugh ter in Brooklyn NY Messrs and Coleman the engineers who have had charge iff the construction work near expect leave in a few days to resume their studies at the in Toronto Miss Mary Miller of Toronto func tion is spending a few days at Mi o For the Era tines of Good I lb Tin Baking Powder I lb Corn Starch Bars Laundry Soap Mb Tin English Breakfast Coffee Soap Chips pound WES TO Toronto Oread Tel PETERS CHOCOLATES the Ihe North- Mr Hill lift on Seekers Excursion for West on Tuesday Mrs ami Miss have been summering at Orchard Beach and are now spending a few days at not J- H A wards before returning to their borne in Toronto North York Co Fair The Leading Reliable Grocer Telephone was way the air RIMLESS CLASSES They are attractive doubtless and becoming to many people not advisable for everybody though It makes no differ ence about the rims Its the lenses that do the good The lenses may be in gold gold filled silver or steel rims arid help the wearer equally in either We fit to the eye the rims to the features and the price to the amount which you would like to pay ALL ADVISE ATKINSON CO J exhibits was be seen from Horses Cattle Sheep Swine Poultry Grains Hoots Fruit Vegetables Flowers Plants Domestic Plain Work Fancy Work Children Fine Arts Natural History Mechanics Carriages Etc wick very of j Mr Edward Blackburn ami wife of Newmarket were his fathers here over Sunday also Mr Will Black- Spent Sunday at her home near Brad- the shadow of Miss Pearson visited in Toronto over Sunday arid Miss Sutherland of the Desert BY A BANKER Those wild sons of Esau 10am over the desert or con gregate round the pyramids and oth er places of interest in Egypt and Syria in the hope of extorting back sheesh from travellers or who lurk in roads in anticipation of plunder although tuibulent pre- face are- yet withal but children in some of their tastes pleased with the merest trifle and with far less education than a school boy An A lib fete is indeed a weirdly vacuous and insane performance In the background looms the miejity pyramid of Cheops the stupendous structure lowering majestically up wards towards the skies its vast proportions appearing in the fitful moonlight even more huge and prodi gious than in the glare of day In the immediate foreground- is the flower bedecked garden of the great a grand success well sustained as the following i Tin were Total gross S3 38 MA J it 192 no burn of Toronto and brother John ford and his wife of spent Sab- Miss Mae has been vis- bath last at home in Newmarket tho past week Mr and Mrs and Miss Hayes of Mr of Toledo Ohio is spent a few days last week visiting his motlier Mrs friends here Miss of Toronto is a guest Miss Lena Spalding of Toronto vis- Mr Win Pax tons Bed with Miss Claim a lew Dame rumor has it that mail- days this week carrier has found a gold mine some- Mr of the of the where west of here We Wont Union Bank Toronto is visiting u where Mr I Love commenced work on his dam this week Liking out and pull lie new limbers in one gates Very many of the fanners are com plaining of their pot aloes being I It Wrights Miss Jennie Williams of is visiting at her home here Iviiiilv left lor Toron to on Friday last where she will at tend Bible Training School Miss Tinner Miss proceeds of the Concert Produce ten ft is said lie a and I Partridge We heard of some fields of tended the League Conveu- that are not cut yet and its lion In King City on Wednesday certainly a brain puzzler to know Miss Hat tic Link goes to how to cut hem on Friday where she will on Sunday We presume that our sidewalks will next sing the anniversary services be repaired when labor gets cheap in Beer Park Presbyterian litrcii enough so thai Hie commissioners and Mrs McArthiir are ex- afford to attend to it We think peeled borne from Alberta purchased some halm of a ven- in a few days some few hays ago to mend the Mis J El already sore shins caused by the It was kind of them even air market last Saturday Prices Reliable Stores were follows Butter to per lb Eggs to 20 Brewed Chickens to Apples 10 to yOc basket Apples SI 00 to per barrel Crib apples basket ears 20 to to pall 0 had her sister vis iting with her a few days Ihis week Mr James Cunningham had the misfortune to lose two valuable horses last week I Mr Henderson of Newmarket was in town on Tuesday getting some views of the village One of our en- very business men intends relies of the past the pav ing fronds of graceful lofty palms il luminated wilh colored lamps re minding the spectator of a scene from the Arabian nights while out side formed up in a ling are con gregated a large number of wild Bedouin men only their wives and daughters being left be hind in their lenls in the desert to attend to their household duties in termingled with many British ladles and gentlemen The ring being ideated the place is lighted up with colored fires hideous discordant sounds sup posed lo be music are produced from probably the identical form of in strument which was use when Pharaoh ruled over the country though a considerable of the is requisite to enable the to realize that human being can that grating stridor as tuneful imlody A number of shrieking now lush in and pel form an insipid pantomimic dance which though it appealed immensely to impress their excited compatriots is a most graceless and uncouth per formance not worthy of description But now a diversion is created by a sudden sand storm from the desert the powerful Bengal lights coloring the sand laden atmosphere a FRIDAY and OPPOSITE EWMAKKET KESWICK want honest J thai my aim you buy at what beautiful Porcelain Bihes in of has to take charge of the ions peck Pickling Onions JOc Cabbages JOc doff Cauliflower to head Tomatoes basket square dialing Celery and head You get Cucumbers banket Pottoe to hag tinting everything in A very business men intends weird and lurid hue and causing tin wedding was solemnized at the views on souvenir post cards gesticulating natives to resemble a noon on Wednesday Sept tfOtk when which will be ready in a few days spectral horde writhing in some Miss Alexandria Bertha only Watch for them and get some cards This however soon daughter of Mrs Olover ami send them to distant friends sides the moon again shines forth in was united in marriage to Mr Kohl They will be glad to see some views her glory once more revealing the Owen Sound formerly of of the old burg solemn grandeur and stately dignity Paisley Scotland ceremony The Fire Brigade had a hurryup that mighty monument Cheops performed by the Rev Mc- call on Saturday afternoon last Bedouin hie off their homeland the British back to was performed by the Mc- call on Saturday afternoon I J ear of Churchill former pastor of Smoke was seen coming out of the church The bride was John house but when the by electric rail given away by her uncle Mr John brigade arrive on the scene they And bow Immovable Is the OUST fcfJ she knows just THE DAYS are Monday all iw day All Sept A and are Chickens to pair Old Hutu lo Live turkeys to lb Pigeons pair Hogs to 1576 per live weight Young pigs per pair and It Calfskins and lie to each Tallow lb I Are You Up to the Hark If not feeling as vcll as you should do not make the mis take of letting your health take care of itself Resort to under the miasma of Mohammedan ism for as the centuries go by ami as Christian nations continue to ad vance In knowledge anil in attain- Los because to bo washed times a year summon Wsfamsg to your aid and let twins do your work COLD DUST Is womans best dirts worst enemy OTHER I noon clothes USES FOR work COLD DUST I room pipes etc lbs sort soap THE P of FAIRY SOAP GOLD OUST wales soft COLE Food Is hold under a positive guarantee or money refunded by A Hiring i of Sold I Sold where In found It was nothing more serious than varnish being burnt off the pipes which Were on fire near the chimney Now do not forget that October and are the dates for mculs Ike Incubus thai strange Hall Fair and the is going to retrograde faith ami fetters he bigger and better than ever The devotees and enchains them hi i first day is Childrens Day ami every the gyves and of a cruel- year every person present and soul destroying yoke And so A new scandal has arisen in ton- General is arranging to Hie spoils in which the school it he until they accept the faith with the Marie charter three steamers lo firing were taking part This year the Christian and that the that failed about six years ago grants lo Canada next spring there arc one or new special fear- Jesus whom strange to say About of note circulation tuns on the first day which will the Koran admits to be a Divine Per- dccincA by order of the A buggy in which Mr J make it more interesting than ever son has died for them as their issued again through fraud Dynes of Quebec and Miss Polly Irking llamil that should ton Miss Nash was killed Mr Ami you simply have to come the and that whosoever comet of the- officials and of course lite Nash of Hamilton were day visit with your friends unto for life and for salvation liquidator has hail to redeem Ihein struck by a trolley car and see the best display of every- will be received a glad and a again out of Die money thing from onions Jiorses And loving welcome v I been paid the depositors Dynes leg broken bthrAuii