Newmarket Era, 6 Oct 1905, p. 3

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Vi KawSfeTUlKT OCTOBER 1005 rri VM at- if weeks ff IS OH IK A ABOUT County Bridge York County Commissioners have awarded the contract for a new between Ontario and York Coptics at to Mr J Some of the workmen at the Office Specialty got quite a scare one day week There was a smell of burning in one the depart- over the boiler room and in vestigation led to the discovery thai tome the woodwork was on discovered very quickly a pie of pails of water put the Industrial The Commissioners passed accounts Monday includes quarters This sum arks of the officials ami a new horse also ay for Bible The annual meeting of the Newmar ket Branch of the tipper Canada Bi ble Society was to take place in the Presbyterian Church last evening Rev W to Rive the ad dress fire out Opening Roche Co are having their Millinery Opening today with Miss in charge of the Depart ment Improvements The cement foundation for Dr Clarks new residence is about com pleted Mr J is enlarging the cellar and pitting in a cement foun dation at his residence on Eagle St Re house on Gotham St occupied Mr has been improved by the addition of a new verandah Mr Dunham ha purchased a lot the corner of Millard Ave old JOitph St and intends on it this Fall Outlet The United Factories have been greatly hampered in their business of late for want of cars on the to ship their orders After waiting ten days in vain for a car to nil a Montreal order that was very urgent Mr Howard Cane went to Toronto and securing a car arranged with the Metropolitan to take the goods to Toronto A spe cial car and trailer were sept up the goods loaded transferred to the and shipped to Montreal the same The firm have about more cars to ship to Montreal bo- fore Christmas and if the do not wake up they will find some of their Newmarket trade which here tofore has a monopoly missing Just Firm Therei no medicine in Fruit- no no poisons are the curative principles fruit into tablets the recret of preparing that Fruit much titan the or Pratt Liver core Const ion Liver Loss of Appetite Indigestion and Kid Troubles nature Intended them to be with fruit Cure with Natures cure that never fails At druggists a box Limited OTTAWA Mr John Millar Deputy Minister of Education Was stricken with par alysis on Sunday afternoon and is not expected to recover lie has been deputy minister since Damages to the extent of awarded to the parents of Miss Lily who was killed by being run over by a street car at the corner Queen and Peter streets by the jury in the Civil Assizes on Sat- On Saturday evening an awning on la fifth storey window of lie King Edward Hotel took fire and merrily for ten minutes Five hundred and fifty competitors Wo are showing exclusive designs in season with Chine in all shades from lo Dress Fabrics this Trimmings to match Cord Persian Cord in Maids Shot Velvet Corded Velvets In fact the variety is almost endless Killed With a Bet Baseball Do you Former Newmarket Resident mils aMurder Which the Law May Justify Sept 28 At an early Gloves ear or Kid Gloves If so you are lucky These Sixes only of and quality are be ing sold at the Roche Wi of was Limited Assignee Sale at pair Tea and Coffee at per pound Black only Vene- took part in the annual match Broadcloth in all shades from Queens Own Rifles at Long to Lustres in all shades Branch ranges on Saturday During the month of September the number of immigrants to arrive at the Station was of this and the price extremely low We in cumber remained Ontario and your inspection even though you continued their journey to the nofc West The selectors of jurors to serve at the next Assize and County Courts will meet for that purpose on Satur day at the Court House Jurors are now after a larger in demnity and the for North I York Mr Lennox on Monday last was urging their claims upon Premier Whitney tor in stead of 2 per diem If the Prem ier would take one hundred dollars I from the indemnity to of I the Legislature and donate to- 5V5 T Shoes Our Boot and Shoe Department is a huge success We handle the Best Makers at the lowest prices Per fect Fit and Perfect Satisfaction guaranteed lis TO MEM Buy your Underwear early as the price must advance owing to the in- creased price of raw wool We han dle everything in Underwear from the j lowest to the best Imported Kippered Herring tin- Pork and Beans per tin Full pound tin Perfection Baking Powder Pink Salmon per tin 8c Cooked Meats Rolls and Bacon always on hand Methodist Sun The Fellowship Meeting last day morning was largely attended a splendid meeting On Sunday evening the pulpit was occupied by lie v Partridge of Queens- wile the pastor attending Hope The regular meeting of the was held at the home of Mrs Hughes on Tuesday afternoon Work in the different departments last Martin attacked Windsor hour this morning Harrington wards the jury fund it would pay the lakenjexira dollar Mr Lennox wants them into custody by the Detroit police to receive the Legislators would charged with having caused the death then be paid well enough of Charles Martin a boarder in his At this time year it is like he- house ling eight or ten miles out lit the According to the story told by wit- country to take a walk along Front of the Martin and and get a smell of the fresh hay other hoarder in the house had been brought in for sale from to drinking heavily and about midnight loads per day is the average THE BEST RESULTS FROM BAKING POWDER Miss taken up by the union was discussed and arranged for the year as well as other business transacted A very good report was given by the delegate to the County Conven tion held at Toronto Junction last week niversary services The sermon Mr was an excellent one The regular meeting Wo mans Missionary Society will be Arrangements have been held in the church next Wednesday the Industrial Horn afternoon at three oclock The afternoon next All desirous of Bradford Auxiliary are expected to ome be present and give the program and at 230 where a bus will be waiting to convey to ly i aged as passing thru the back yard into house The girl screamed and Har rington who was in bed rushed out with a heavy baseball hat in his hand the halflight he saw his daughter lying in the yard while made to Martin had his hands on her throat on Without a moments hesitation Hope Morgan Torontos ivoritc vocalist and Miss Beatrice who will be as the talented violinist of the Concert Company will tour Canada together the coming snason Miss Myrtle Meggy will be the pianist of the party Rogers the new inspector of asylums and public charities left this on his first trip inspection a very interesting time in anticipat ed brought his club heavily week down on Martins head His skull taking in London and Woodstock was crushed like an eggshell Then Captain who was suspend- polite arrived on the scene and fed by Commander Spain and held Organ Recital The public are invited to attend the Organ Recital in the Methodist J Church next Wednesday evening com- at oclock Miss Coon is doing everything possible to make it a great success In addition to a of very choice selections on the organ she will be assisted by three splendid sopranos Miss Miss Fisher of Newmarket and Miss the Home j the close of the Meeting following officers were elected the ensuing year President Mrs Mrs S Cane Mrs Mary Treasurer Miss Walsh into the for responsible for the accident in ranto Bay between the steamers Primrose and will appeal no his case and ask for a new trial Some has The Whitney Government vised the list of Justices Peace in and for the County of Toronto The making a number of new of admission is only and the proceeds will go towards the of a watermotor to run the organ Come and spend a delightful musical evening Broken ments Following is the complete list for North York Alexander Bruce J jr Bethesda Isaac James Cowieion John Thomas Lewis Titus Peregrine and Joseph Benjamin W Kite- took and witnesses custody Harrington says he is forty he hut thinks he more ban he deserved A coroners Work on the erection of the statue I jury has been empanelled but it Sir Oliver is Queens Park probable no proceedings will be proceeding and it Will en against Harrington probably be unveiled before the end The first tragedy was followed the month The base is almost minor one in the Harrington home a completed and the statue has arrived few hours later when Miss Marring- York ton who is an exceedingly pretty and a change is to be made in the girl gave birth to a baby of cars on the She declines to say who is re- 1 tan A train will be sponsible but stoutly denies that placed in charge who will move the Martin who was killed had anything tears by aid of the telegraph or tele to do in the matter Harrington ad- phone the same as on steam that he knew of his daughters ways condition six weeks ago and places With but one or exceptions the the blame upon Martin whole of the arrangements for the Harrington is only years old l Garrison Church parade on Sunday and besides his wife has a family of j October are now complete Stock stored in the Sovereign Bank Building and assigned to Mr Ostler Wade of Toronto 1 seven children senior of whom Kitty is the There was a big crowd down Town ley Frank and James Way- last Saturday night and the side- ling Sharon Charles Ezra Lundy were lined in the vicinity of and John Stallaid Newmarket John Sovereign Bank Building owing Moore Robert Forrest and Geo to the Salvation Army having a Mount Albert George Smith fctreel meeting During the Ravenshoe Isaac and David of the meeting homebody pushed Graham Sutton West Myron through one of Mr Hardys show Silver Isaac John windows causing him quite a loss Michael Jesse Council John The blocking of the sidewalks down and David by these Army meetings should wick John Hamilton and John not be permitted It is a nuisance A Ravenshoe Henry to people who want to do business as Bel haven Corner and I nomas well as detrimental to the merchants Corner Donald John T Perkins A week ago last Saturday night Kay and John Virginia John Bell Telephone Council ilks about Regular meeting last Monday i-Vcn- ing Members all present except Mr Coombs Mr Hardy was heard with to the obstruction of the sidewalk at the corner of his store on Saturday nights by reason of the Salvation Army Following bills passed reps to straps rent cement cement less SMS during the Army meeting some Howard Sutton West Robert Toronto Pottery Sons were jammed against the fruit William Station and Toronto Pottery baskets in front of Hardys store and E- Tomlinson David freight two baskets of peaches were entirely don Julius Baker Michael freight on cement ruined If the Army want openair Lot and Can Express Co they should hold on ward Aurora Geo John- A supplies the Market Square when- ihiy will John March and R Wire for not interfere with the business of Samuel George streets the Town The streets and Powell Vandorf George Walks are narrow enough without be- White Hose Holland Mailings Walter Nathaniel Vivian J Wilmot Brown Jas DO Ob y Ml ing up in of the therefrom this way damages say ting freight on alcove Packard Electric Co lamps Can Express on above Morrison Co supplies for well Langs Jenkins King City L coal ffavf Duty C0G freight Smith cartage Can Co trans former Freight on above an Westinghouse Co meter to P Pearson 35 The Parliament and street Methodist churches may alamgamate A meeting of the Quarterly Board and the trustees of the former church was held last Tuesday night and it was decided to favor the proposal The sudden blowing out of the fuse last Tuesday on a car on St frightened a passenger Mrs Coon and in endeavoring lo escape the imaginary danger she fell and fractured her knee A detachment of the permanent mi litia from Ottawa and Toronto will leave for Halifax on October 10th Sir William has decided to try experiment of employing deaf mutes in the port otlice Six will be given positions in Toronto as mail sorters By falling from a moving streetcar last Wednesday night Avenue road the aged mother ot Mrs J Clarke street west sus tained a fracture of the left leg mid an injury to her right knee At the Toronto end of the Macken zie Mann Sudbury line more than men are now at work between this city and to which about Jackets about Half Price ice A The Whole Stock Marked Very Very Cheap hive Market o a fc2 I W Robert Gallagher and John Robert Mr who has been Norman Joseph buyer for the Stanley Mills Co Proctor and Newton Hamilton for the past he years has Schomberg Joseph Rogers Jese left the firm to go into business for Walton William Fox and Lloyd himself having bought the v goods business of Mr Wands corner Aurora John George Pay Sheet No 10 J of Lock and Main St in that eity and Archibald services Vfe copy the following paragraph King Robert Kelly and James froi the Hamilton Herald with refer- Strange William Bond and to his change John A Armstrong LloydtoWn alter six oclock last evening Wells ike employees of the firm wishing lo Alfred Love Aided Yule John W express their appreciation of Mr John Stephenson presented him with a beaut i- Frank Daville William J Steven- fu gold chain and Ivckct also 0Hi Horace Christopher a stick uin set with 1 Kennedy and William Brook bank Piper read a nicely- Worded address In Aurora Walker Arthur was referred to the Inspector was expressed the regard and and John Stevenson be paid if found correct esteem in which Mr is held ton West Jackson Alfred The claim of for nil the employees Miss Allan Thomas James Woodcock pairs to wheel was not vie made the premutation Mr liar- Thomas Br nut on and James also the claim of Peter for ker a few chosen word expressed McKay Newmarket thanks for the gift and raid be Coupon Walter Charles Ramsay Edward Sinclair Joseph A snip and goodwill which he was Todd Charles and William J to say he ha I always Stark Good butchering cattle from JJ50 to Good feeders from 370 Milch cows from to Veal calves from to are going 10 each point the road may be opened this g rtr lo Export ewes from 400 to and lambs from to Select hogs lights and fall Pay Sheet No walks Pay Sheet No It merit walks Geo Trivett constable service re Fair Duncan constable- services I I The bill of Lcpard or 12 bJ Some of the more ancient maidens less are inclined to feel discouraged This should not be Naomi Enochs fats daughter married at the age of years- Cheer up girls Tottenham Oct While leading a horse yesterday morning Reggie the the elevenyearold son of Mr Jas of this place was kicked on the head by the animal skull He lingered un conscious for twelve hours but to the injury this morning 71 the Peace before rebate on putting down pipes four years ago The application of John Hunter for and electric light to the A Com The applications of and vices In pirating all the empoyees wish- of- in his new upon the duties of their of- has Dunham for water flee require to a declaration of were granted formerly in New- property qualification in the sum of The Corn Instructed maret and his many friends incumbrances with to purchase a new hydrant for the m success- to him In his the Clerk of the Peace for the corner of Main and Lot streets new venture Council adjourned at markets Oct Flour per barrel 00 White Wheat per bush Spring Wheat per bush Goose Wheat 0 61 Buckwheat 0 I- CI Of Rye per bush Barley per bush Oats Per bush 30 Bran per ton 0000 Shorts per too 20 0 Hay per ton Butter per lb 23 per 20 markets Oct White Wheat per bush 0 Spring Wheat per bush 70 71 Red Wheat per bush per Rye per bush Barley per Butter per Eggs per Tub or Crock Butter Dressed Hogs per cwt 7 Beef fore Beef hind Hay per ton CO Chickens per lb- Turkeys A Whole Regiment of Soldiers frtirt 0 22 17 X 00 to Newmarket Couldnt people of this vicinity to buy one ot our FALL AND WINTER SUITS any quicker than the following significant reasons Choice of Durability of Goods Unique Designs and Low Get Wise and Give Us a Gall WILLIS NEXT DOCK TO ATKINSON MAIN STREET O o o tire a ok Laxative Mitt Hi Cares Two Day Seven boxes In box

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