Newmarket Era, 6 Oct 1905, p. 4

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J FRIDAY OCTOBE Do You Suffer from HEADACHE LOSS OF SLEEP INDIGESTION jTORPID LIVER BILIOUSNESS will of lK and actioo to You will lit A taking few of of liairoVe the direction and Give Positive in all rtof Crest calico excellent result by the tfw f hare proved htm worthy enjoy They have IbwwMi and recommend fell In Phased of the Problem During the past week a new organ ization was brought into existence in Toronto designed to help forward the work of Moral Reform regard to Dr Its In the Blood Williams Pink Pills Drive Rheumatic Poison Out this new I waste time and money to try that they have taken over the cure rheumatism with liniments Canada Atlantic and hereafter it will Rheumatism is rooted in the blood any doctor will tell you that i Nothing can cure it that docs not the tobacco problem The Christian the blood It is a foolish Guardian announces that organization is called The poultices or anything else that only colic League of the Centennial i kk in goes skin deep Rubbing lotions Chutch Toronto and says It has to skin M9S the painful been felt for some time poison to circulate more freely- The and Sunday School workers ha one cure and the only cure for is to drive the uric acid out of your blood with Dr Williams Pink Pills They actually make new No other evil not even the blood and the new blood sweeps put liquor habit has so steadily the poisonous acids loosens tentlv and systematically plundered aching jomts cures the church and Sunday Schools J The Hamilton Herald puts thcmat- ter somewhat delicately in this way A band Wli a rectorships and their ermine The managers of the GTR an- active steps should be taken to arrest the growth of the lobaco form part of the system A new board of directors has been elected for the Game Warden in reply to queries respecting conditions under which snipe quail or partridge may be sold points out the Act as amendedthese game birds shall not be bought or sold before September and makes the sufferer ter in many other ways Mrs Jos their best assets the boys and young Que says men and the workers have stood by and allowed this work to go on hardly more than offering a word of warning or protest The I suffered from rheumatism a chronic form for nearly twentyfive years I mony in lini ments and medicines hut without avail until I began the use of Dr given to the new organisation Williams Pink Pills Sometimes I properly classifies the tobacco habit was so stiff I could move land places it where it scientifically The trouble seemed to be growing j worse and finally seemed CO effect ny Ontario Power 1ia belongs among the dangerous narcot- Ontario rower to lias A Kingston press despatch states Allen McLean Stewart and John jMcManus storekeepers I Asylum have sent their resignations the Ontario Government Alter efficient service they retire with splendid records Mr McLean has been in service since Mc- since The sale of Niagara power has Shorthand and Book- Keeping Courses of heart as I used to have pains in the ic poisons region of the heart and some limvs The foregoing presents one phase of a smothering sensation so the tobacco problem and indicates the weak and suffered so much that place where Moral Reformers are or- began to consider my case hopeless to assign it That it is a and then one day a little pamphlet rapidly growing habit is clearly indi- telling of Dr Williams Pink Pills from a statement made by Mr fell into my hands and I learned of the Canadian Cigar Man- that they could cure rheumatism I Association during the is- sent for a supply and in about time before a recent convention of weeks found they were me cigar manufacturers when he said The trouble which affected my bean that since the consumption of soon disappeared and gradually the AMERICA Canadian leaf smoking and chewing pains left me and I go a banker every banker would like to BUSINESS Really truly fits ihelVI J a reasonable I ntie J Increase llp lirv I a has increased by 3000000 re- with more freedom than I lad done i be a trust magnate and every trust presenting nearly onehalf of the con- for years I still take the pills magnate hopes some day to a sumption of Canada To counter- as I now know it is farm and have chickens and cows and act the growing evil of the tobacco to keep my blood in good condition and horses to look after We habit church and Moral Reform or- it is because Dr Williams Pink lend where we begin Associations puis actually make new blood kindred societies are now direct- they cure such troubles as In the October number of the You ing their energies tism anaemia nightly Review there is article On the other hand growth of troubles backaches headaches and Lord on Nates on is a profitable industry in sideaches neuralgia erysipelas and Army in which affirms v western Ontario and is becoming a the special ailments that burden the That such an organization as a cit- A valuable product of the farming com- lives of so many women and growing army for home defence is men During the past wee Hon girls But only the genuine pills can have always believed and J Tree Ontarios Minister this and these always have the recent experience with thy cHizcu Q made an autocar lour full name Dr Williams Pink Tills for of Canada had given me of Kent County arid expressed him- People on the wrapper around leal proof of the soundness f greatly impressed with what he every box Sold by all medicine lief He entirely of military service for ie of peace The basis saw regarding the growth of tobacco dealers or sent by mail for by compulsory in that part of the province To a writing The Dr Williams Medicine adult in til It looks as though the 5ftte a choose between their iceoH to overcome it and good health and perfect body drainage Smith and Butternut containing the two needed elements to liver action go accu rately to the and restoring them completely Suppose your bowels tailed to mom for a week or tea days Dont you know you would be quickly trated It the Mine in degree when your bowels do not move at once a day You you soon become languid and tired your blood gets bad and yon ivA all over You a full healthy daily Dont condition develop pineapple Jtnd Tills bowel potsoa oat end ctatlih ere portly vegetable and nights We will send yona ge pills Tree and that you beyond doubt of wondefulicuxative Co Street and Butters euro Constipatrt and la All deafer ccato A A France has accepted in vitation to attend the peace confer ence at The Hague The AttorneyGeneral Ohio is to investigate the International Har vester Company Joshua an Indian was run over by a train near Belleville and killed Mrs Reuben Park of Chatham years was killed while walk ing on the railway Baltimore had a fire on Saturday Bubbles rising on the surface of the river at Brock a of hundred yards from shore has given some the impression that is a gas well there of for Catarrh as mercury will surely destroy the Illustration Fairs All the agricultural nocletlea in the In county bcen written to Superintend ent of Agricultural ptl to delegates to cither the exhibition li Renfrew on October ft or the exhibition in Norfolk County October These are two of the very purely agricultural societies in the Province They both splendid grounds and buildings the equal of any In the Province and the ground J IJJ Large Berk shire Boars and Sows Bull Also a choice lot of Yearling Rock Breeding J B to Let contracted with an American manu facturing concern in the border State of New York for the sale of horse power at and has also further agreed to supply the new Plymouth Cordage Co of with horse power at The Republican has this kind of a notion fann er boy wants to be a school teacher every school teacher hopes to be an editor every editor would like to be West end of Lot 32 3rd Con King and buildings are paid Good buildings mostly cleared and for annual report of the North under cultivation fair orchard well Renfrew Society for showed watered Terms reasonable For that Its buildings worth further particulars apply to John land total with J prem proprietor 20tf FOR- HUNTERS press reporter in Toronto he said I am convinced that tobacco grow ing has a future in this country and we are going to try to help it along This is the other phase of the problem Moral Reformers arc organizing to stem the tide of the to bacco habit arid regard the use there of as an evil almost akin to the AA4i traffic while the Government fiood going October to as fiuble fcer inclusive to Lakes lo Bays River ffl Midland all is to the the crop points in on ag points on Northern Co Co Brock or standing point of for sense of smell and completely large voluntary citizen must range the whole system when enter- He Was a Financier be the military training of boys Hon J replying to nhvlrims Two members of the Chicago Stock article of Rev Dr Chown who P ten- Exchange went to a restaurant for leges that the license law is not recently and after a hasty enforced in New Ontario at the bill of fue each an- Jed The men interested in the liquor I trade if they consider their own welfare will not only observe law hut sec one Wait Midland i is correct In statin to Lindsay to profitable Severn to North Bay all fc Bay Mackinaw Divi sion also to Marie and Port Arthur via Co Good going October to Nov ffth to points Mattawa to Port Ari inclusive All tickets valid re- Hunting until December per acre Here we have the two issues the production is profitable its use is an evil Which will dominate jounced what he wanted Im for a fried bass said Ditto said the other two fried bass picas I In a few minutes the two bass on a platter and two plates were on the table One was larger than it through the mucous surfaces Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from the- damage they fold to the good you can possibly derive from them Halls Catarrh Cure manufactured J Cheney A Co Toledo also contains no mercury and is taken ternally acting directly upon the that others observe it and surfaces of the t Otherwise they will hasten buying Halls Catarrh fiure l0 the genuine It Is taken Internally and made in To- be necessary to meet Urn condi tions Much of what Dr has A BILIOUS HEADACHE Is one of the meanest things In the world To prevent biliousness use other and the itaauccr has come to the notice of whom the platter had been placed department from other sources As passed the smaller bass to his the hotels in course of cornpanion none have promise or prospect Now I call that a downright licenses trick the man who the smaller bass What is a mean trick Ohio by J Cheney Co lhe Testimonials free Sold by druggists Price per bottle Take Family Pills for con stipation Spwlll Hamiltons Pills which keep the and keep the big one for yourself system clean and pure regulate the What would you have done if you Points in Columbia tone to kidneys and had been serving the fish To Colorado Idaho Montana Oregon Utah Washington etc go ing dally until October For illustrated literature aid information call on J Agent TELEGRAPHERS NEEDED by Young of Learn Telegraphy and Accounting All tilt new We liver Youll never have a headache youll never have a sour stomach you will have vigorous bracing health by taking Dr Hamiltons Your druggist sells Dr Hamiltons Pills per box or five boxes for one dollar York County i 1 ligni ficIvol In the Our fclx If and Ve to or be of the President Mrs W in upon of York County which lias been in session at the Street Methodist Church con eluded their business on Wednesday evening after a most successful vention iTIe first business im portance was the election of which resulted as follows Mrs On the reserved points in Port Why to give me the smaller ha Arthur and election trial judgment was given week The Justices that Sutherland should not be disqualified on the I should certainly have gSvcn grounds of treating or receiving the larger one ley for hire of cutter and horse in that case I have wise on the other hand they had the larger one Ive now that lames Saunders ami loaolvo who was as AIO more do you The argument did 1 ft want not seem eon hut at moment man was unable to find answer to it the other a TO CONSUMPTION Ninety per cent of the contract consumption by power resistance to fall no low that a condition for the development of the is pro- Sutherland were disqualified from vine- voting at this election on account of having received payment for employ ment at election The Justices also decided that any costs to A Preston through he the cross petition should paid by him I The Mercury referring to the attendance At the Ontario Agricultural College say The attendance hoys is in a healthy system con It he in the ie or from to a In frfittr at any tiro No vaca- full Dirt rearllny any of Our writ our at Horse School of Buffalo with Tox aanFrancleco farmers There were many outside applications thin year as usual hut the great majority of were Headquarters Harnesss Hill Recording Secretary weak nothing equals It Weston Treasurer makes the blood nutritious and the Mrs Abbott Toronto Junction nerves enduring The way It presided at the after- verts food into nutriment the appe- The requirement j meeting when Mrs it gives is surprising lust residence on a farm the Province read a very interesting paper dialing J what the man verging on before entering rendered a gooU use of the cigarette In needs thats many the latter of the paper references tired and weak dont put Kilty The made to the efforts put cents buys a box tablets at opened with an attendance of young ladies Tho both institutions will therefore lie 1 1 I recently to have a lav passed the all dealers Dominion Government prohibiting the ifacture of cigarettes Mrs lick urged that efforts he made to again have the bill introduced and the was backed up by the delegates Vttn In good Harness call present who will take steps 10 that vo A revolver which Miss Dorothy OConnor of Ottawa Is in habit keeping under her pillow at night was accidentally discharged as she Charlotte Maria Tucker known so long in A Lady of Englandthe of her books had personal beauty Early in life she reached a sage conclusion regarding that depri vation Shu says that one day she examined her face with a mirror and handglass the profile as well as the full face with a very unsatisfactory resull Yet a very wise resolution followed Since I could never he pretty she said resolved to be good and do all I could in this world This sounds like a curious echo of an early experience bur lather When he was a hoy of ten he had smallpox and came forth woefully disfigured I Well Henry said his aunts you ake manners and accomplishments The words made a deep impression on him and they had their on his future life Hut like ail people who live a sweet and lovely life Charlotte Tucker must have found her face softening and beautifying in response to the soul within A celebrated artist who saw her fa her later days said unhesitatingly in reply to a question regarding her looks Plain No A face with such a An Ottawa press despatch says that the Trade and Commerce Department has withheld payment Of a bounty At Qugensyille end placing it there Tuesday night j claim amounting to several thousand The question of local option was and the bullet lodged In her arm made by certain Canadian discussed and it was decided to as- above the elbow She Is in St jfttccl mills upon their output of angle Also Hugs other municipalities to ecu re Lukes Hospital FlyNets Tel- this law in their different Trunks Suit Casta The reports from the secretary and of Intellect as Miss Tuckers could never be plain Hut she has more than the look of intellect she had the look of soul treasurer showed- this branch of the work to In a flourishing condition HAVE YOU quite common with people Gall Cure or convention will he at whose digestion is poor Immediate Keswick Hand of Hope was relief follows the use of I fastenings used upon railways Par liament two years ago granted a bounty upon structural iron and steel the Intention being that it should ap- ply to material such as is used on bridge construction and in the flame- work of large buildings The steel Prompt and done awarded a for having I largest attendance and best work during the year the is strengthened rifgeston Is rail fastenings come within the the made perfect lasting cure results lo jnltloti of structural since they are every case Use Poisons fused In the building of railways The once and youll never be without It I because every type of stomach Jackson who stole a boat and order is conquered by a few doses burned the of Mr One bottle of always of was sent to the pent- convinces Sold everywhere for the for two years past fifty years Justice Department In rejecting the claim for bounty on steel rails that a Is not structure No opinion has yet been given how ever upon the point regarding the rail fastenings you or relatives aaKW telth St VI falling qtrlatbottlo and valuable treatise on to Tux Co King Street Toronto All or can obtain for you liabilities only 9400 the report of the Norfolk Society showed that Its lands worth Its total with a mortgage of only On tario Department of Agriculture la arranging Tor a convention of re presentatives from other agri cultural societies in Province at each of these exhibitions Reduced rates are being secured over the rail roads particulars of which will bo mailed society later It is expected that delegates will be able to attend at half rates The Department believes that the time is coming will be a material reduction In the number of societies In the Province and that Instead of holding no many ex hibitions fewer and larger exhibi tions will be held This will make it possible to arrange the exhibition Into circuits and lor the educational institutions of the country to prepare ex hibits to take from one exhibition to another To illustrate what can bo done In this direction Department in arranging to a number educational feafuresfi at both of these exhibitions Delegates who At tend will be to gain full Informa tion as to the co9t of Introducing these features and as to the beat methods of conducting them at their exhibition The evening of first day a meeting of will be held when at opportunity will be them 1 the various features of the other matter relating to tho management of fairs special features of ex hibitions will Include Demonstrations in the womens department under tho direction of Mr Putnam Superintendent of Ontario Womens Institutes Live stock judging competitions for farmers sons A special exhibit prepared by Mr Chief of the Poultry Division of the Dominion Department of Agriculture illustrat ing desirable and undesirable type of birds for purpose- showing a model poultry house fat tening crater packing cases meth ods of packing trap nests etc An of desirable and un desirable types of hogs with Rides of bacon showing Injuries caused by the treatment and methods of hand- Hug hogs when alive An exhibit in the fruit depart ment prepared by Alex McNeill Chief of the fruit Division Ottawa illustrating the right methods of packing fruit Infractions of the Fruit Marks- Act tc will also be a special exhibit of desirable and undesirable fruit of the district fruit from sprayed trees etc This part of exhibit will bo be In charge of iMncoun the Central Experimental Farm Ot tawa A special exhibit by the Seed Division of the Department of Agriculture showing weeds designated in the Seed Control Act paused at session of Farm for Sale On easy terms to suit purchaser containing sixty three acres situate near Sharon in the Township ol Soil clay loam Good frame House with Woodshed two frame Barns and large straw shed Hard and soft water Eight fall wheat in the ground twelve acres seeded Fall ploughing will be done For further particulars apply to BBNJ Sharon P O Farm for Being composed of the north east part of lot No In the sixth con cession of the Township of West In the County of coe and part of north half of No concession of the township containing about acres The buildings are good and the farm Is well drained and fenced Two wells of good water good orchard and farm is in good condition Most of the village of Bond Head Is on the lots Terms as may Agreed on Apply to CROSS Head Write for our interesting Help How you arc swindled Scud us a your in vention nnd w fill tell our opinion as to whether patentable Refected applications often been successfully prosecuted it We conduct fully quipped offices in Montreal thUquallfit to prompt ly work and Patents as brotd as the invention refcrericej procured through Morion Ma rion receive notice charge in over papers throughout the minion Specialty Patent Manufac turer ami MARION MARION Potent Export- and Solicitors rwn I WANTED A reliable for Newmarket and surrounding country pay weekly exclusive territory Sample case or outfit free Our terms tho best in the business We need a man of good character and ability Inrllumeiit will In- JJuvicch This will include engine wood OVER AORKS The choicest and most cutting water etc list of stock in Canada all at the ftmI A complete of as can be Introduced into tiny house flight cost J exhibit In the prepared by the cheese xpotter of Montreal Mr Superintendent of Government fool Curing at Thin will Include constructed checnf strong boxes broken boxes received at packed boxes showing much too large or too for boxes they were whipped In properly and Improperly cured- cheese defec tive cheese etc At the exhibition In addition to above thero will also ho a gyuikhaua or competition- hold back front of stand competitlous by school children for best drilled squads and demon stration plots Illustrating methods or growing farm crop and crop suitable for the district As already stated will be able to full Information as to the cost of each of these feature should they desire to lutroduco them at their exhibition and pointers lu regard to best of man aging them Am these have been for some years two of best exhibitions In Province and these pecla features have- added or the purpose of illustrating to fair managers and directors that they can bo put on It Is earnestly hoped that every society that can do so will arrange to delegates to either ono of these exhibitions Iambs to ooo Britain Sept 28 Tho little twoyearold son of William J Hod man three miles south of here wan dered away and fell into an old un used well When found ho was dead body floating on the water to iff day Take Laxative Quinine Tat lets All druggists refund the money it falls to euro 26c Groves signature is on each box including fruit and ornamental stock small fruits and seed potatoes Fast sell ing specialties offered for the first time Write for terms now to THE CO Toronto I GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY LEAVE NEWMARKET 1347 am Daily for Muskoka Wharf with boats for points on Lakes Orlilla North Hay am Dally except Sunday for Allandale Stayner wood Pending Wharf 307 pm Daily or Stay- North Bay and points In the Canadian pm except Sunday for Allandale Coll In g- and ARRIVE NEWMARKET am Daily from North Bay Wharf and am Dally except Sunday from Orlilla and pm Dally from Cana dian North Bay and Bar- lit 42 pm Dally except Sunday from aid Orlilla I I II 1 I f The flvoyearold daughter Mrs Warner of Hamilton died from In juries received in falling oft a piano box Levers YZ Wise Head Disinfect- ant Soup Powder la better than oth er powders as It Is both soap and disinfectant

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