Newmarket Era, 6 Oct 1905, p. 8

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FRIDAY JTTJT i T S I e around J I J J coo and lb tfhysiolara of its cures and its wonderful power over Consumption and diseases of the throat chest and lung It is also the best nerve tonic and system builder known and not only aids but gives the stomach abiding enriches the blood arrests all taponaix8 to STOUFVVILliE No Thornton Norman hints J j Emma Mitchell Audrey limes Con- McDonald year is Spelt One of Mr David Clarks sons of line Whitchurch was operat ed upon last week for appendicitis Mr J who recently j sold Ms harness business to Mr Baker started on Monday for Win- nipeg Mr Was most highly respected in town and where he- has done business for the past thirty years While Mr Norman to a live icon not our of tree in Mr bush on Tuesday met with a painful accident After lie I am not a said Governor La Wiscon sin but a friend of mine Turner nearly made odd Turner and I were travel lo- noon- titer a certain hotel and there to my amazement the Jr Pollock Eva Gil- man registered Ernes l Carl What is the matter with you John exclaimed Why do you adopt that Jr Flossie Cole Harry Mat remarkable alias Have you Mildred Rose Edna some crime I indeed said Turner R Shattered BY A BANKER and Fever Many of the best physicians scend the tree rapidly out alighted in wasting diseases and vanquisbesChiJIs inghtS he and Fever Many of the prescribe it in their practice BRONCHITIS Caught on such a way -as- to badly sprain his ankle Schcli writes wit at June led I got a heavy which turned to my were ICY Mrs K Robinson OF Newmarket was the of friends here for a few flays Miss Hughes entcrtfjued a few friends very pleasantly on Wed nesday evening j Workmen are engaged this week How puny are the mightiest clrorts of approach to the tremendous tions nature s powers ever achiev ed by man was unquestionably the destruction of Flood eu phoniously termed also Hell Gate a most sunken obstruction near New York For eight year workmen were tunnels j- Then why dont you register your own name said I That is my own name he an swered PhtholORnyrrh Turner Thats my name Well I said I cant see how you- name Turner man as compared with the is your ob- forces of nature such Oh said my friend I used to register plain Turner I attract ed no attention Now though my name excites a great deal of wonder ing comment People study it They ask one another what my can be Even now you and shads the n0 theIe is a cr buzzing over the register Phth- tending the switch lately put in the whole having been mow loan twenty miles which when completed were charged with dynamite or othr explosive the whole connected with an electric battery All being in readiness the charge is fired a little girl it slated is to a to rre it it a at messing the vhicn the station west towards Main St ect destruction of an island so as to take in the new stock yard Rev Mr and Mrs Toye of East paid a visit to friends here for a few days Mr was stationed here as a pastor of Methodist church olognyrrh is good for Turner too In the phth there is the sound of as in phthisis In there is the sound of ur as in colonel The gn is n as in gnat Fi nally in the there is the sound cr as you have it Turner III Dan III By PhD He sat by a furnace of sevenfold heat As he wathetl by the precious ore And closer he bent with a searching As he heated it more and more He knew be had ore that could stand the test And he wanted the finest cold To mould as a crown for the king to wear Set with gems of a price So he laid our gold in Ihc burning fire Though we fain would have said nay And he watched the dross that we had not seen As it melted and passed away And the gold grew brighter and yet more bright But our eyes were so dim with tears We saw but the lire not the Masters hand And questioned With anxious feats Vet our gold shone out with a tidier glow As it mirrored a form above That bent oer the fire though un seen us With looks of iuciiablc love Tea tried to blend lending HAVE you ever shade of the red rose Pretty difficult yet an expert can easily Why Because he can tcl by what colors to produce thai tint or shade He can make that color every day the- week Just as the artist in colors blends tints of the red rose so my artists in tea tlend the rich fruity flavor of Red Rose Tea With expert and intuitive skill he selects the particular picking of rich strong Indian tea and the precise grade of fragrant delicate Ceylon and by skilful blending produces the peerless flavor of Red Rose Tea a tea which for delicacy and strength is matched byno brand of Ceylon alone of all Tonics Consumption La Pneumonia Catarrh of the Stomach and Decline SIR WATSONS OPINION He says that the commonest of all disorders and one from which lew escape is Catarrh Sir James a moment with roar as thousand thunders a seething of ocean fourteen feci in length and cifcht hundred in breadth together with Hie of the island are experiencing a upwards the clouds ing boom these days With thehuilJ- a long lofty wall of Waters of elevators stores houses suit- iave reminded Iho spellbound helievcs in local treatment which walks etc and the improvements at spectators of the Watery supplied by the station things have a deCideJIy through the Red Sea which No ease of Catarrh can exist where appearance Israelites marched when pursued is it is a to our fair on Pharaohs hosts it stands relieves almost instantly Thursday and Friday October though only for a moment like an and cures after other remedies fan Price and market day during thai enormous suddenly molten iceberg Other treatments cant reach week will be held on Tuesday instead projected from the ikpths of the eased parts like tft wot Toforio of on Wednesday so as to ocean by some great convulsion of cause it goes to the source of the TRIAL FREE directors a chance to fix up the And then with an appalling trouble along with the air you ball in which the market for crash those millions of tons of water breathe is free from use during the fair fall back into open cocaine it leaves no bad A hundred years ago come next The work of tearing up tLe wooden chasm cleft in the sea in a few it is simply natures own cure Ac- month Nelson thumped French walk along Main St in is more than Tupper did ten for the laying of the come next June has commenced A number en aispjaceo ooo are engaged at it and things ate be- all this is as nothing to the ine rushed so as to have walk terrible submarine outbreak Can we think that it pleases his lov ing heart To cause us a moments pain Ah no but he saw through the pres ent cross f The bliss of eternal gain So he waited there with a watchful eye With a love that is strong and true And his gold did not sutler a whit I more heat Than was needed to is goodTea St- John Toronto Winnipeg And it pure through n u in a a v minutes the foaming waves have sub- cept no substitute for halt sided and the shattered island is fur which alone can cure Catarrh years ago which ready for the use vistiors to the took place near Java little Buying a fafr on October and than a year previously suiting in Chinese Family- j Sufficient funds for the purchase the immolation of nearly thou- J the right way for the new sand souls With a terrible roar Looking about in Hongkong for a to from Main were heard at a distance of three thousand congenial household wherein to -mW- miles a vast mass of ihe home for a few week I Ml in parent recently by the furnace hut the midst Passed a thorncrowned and king ly form The fire had no power on the gleam ing gold So close to his bosom home He has lifted it out from his furnace now Too bright for our eyes to sec Till the tears that dim them are wip ed away On the shores of eternity Too His Papa At once for Canadas Greatest Nurseries for the Town surrounding country which way is now in course construe ion will be reserved for the right man Workmen are busy at it and it k in will be finished in a the and one of the coo on or particulars and send for our Aluminum Pocket Micro- aoope a little gem useful to j Fanners examining seeds and ixam Trees or Insects Plants for Infects Teachers and Scholars in studying Botany and Everybody in a hundred di0erent to School Reports SCHOOL Honor Roll for September I Class Evelyn Starr Harry Tories from Bombay to 1 Sheridan Toronto linger Gladys Vernon Arthur Vti- atmosphere of the entire globe STONE WELLINGTON Howard McClure Gordon And though mans greatU Nurseries are so puny and so yet over acres III Sheridan dares to put himself in TORONTO ONTARIO linger Gordon Kiroy omnipotent Being Who created a vast mass of the my home for a few I fell in cent interior of the is hurled with a most friendly Chinamanan Possessor of some upwards to the estimated height of elderly person whose family consist- A seventeen miles its of himself his wile several child- safely corralled in a cage mighty seawave fee in rcn two sampans and certain height on an desolation gods of various sizes and degrees to his playmates Now death over many neighboring si an dr says a writer in Pearsons large vessels are Magazine for September I acquired miles inland and tile and prosper- the whole for and was supposed ous islands are buried a pull to own everything including the of volcanic dust three hundred net gods for a period of three months deep And so great was the eon- with board in the bargain The that a convulsive throb teg- food was good too well seasoned istercd by the instruments in ohJeiv- and palatable though I did rot al- and rough I ways know what I was eating gained flesh and really saw some thing of China during those three months The old man found his occupation in being head ol the household and smoking opium while CO YEARS rsA Trade rmm Mabk Dretarft C frir fit t his wife did washing or the vessels Starr Gertrude Allan Mary Haw and ran the two sam- with its six hundred million billion pans She also acted as my foster Jr III Cleave tons of fiery molten rock but also mother and sometimes took in a Shropshire Albert Armstrong a lnsc myriads oi other sampan to collect or deliver laundry Bottle far mightier worlds scattered and I found myself indorsing the IK Horace the dread abysm of the infinite Anil among the ships of m- Armstrong Bertie Alice yct j g lnc acquaintance Often mv foster ley Myrtle this minute planet as the fa- ters took me in tow and orb whereon to make a great the neighbors or some theatre or Myrtle Allan for the misdeeds commit- took delightful rambles into the strong Audrey Vernon Frank I Mabel Allan Greet a as a judge and its so said the father cage and hold ted in all those serried for Christ having died no more and whosoever will universes once dieth may ItVti ltfirh Hum ikii In lb Lawrence participate the benefits of ton Cora Allan Clarence Helve j atonement and may thereby attain to bur Shropshire an inheritance in the realms of glory a r J Herbert Shropshire Marjorie 1f0C May of Toronto has been appoint- of theOT Rail- passed well enough for a lI tlftc Hew York You Will Have to Hurry of laying to Jacksons Point on as announced the of orders from Button and vicinity at the Photo Studio has been great that has had to wire to his Toronto for extra as who will remain with him at the Point until Oct seventh country climbing the terraced hill sides to get a view of the splendid harbor I really enjoyed being Jack in clover for the time and acquired a great fondness for the Chi nese life as 1 saw it As a sailor I had let my hair grow long now it in a pigtail put tin the national costume and with tan and a little tint applied by my merry B ABBOTT teacher way His jurisdiction embraces the live to have a good deal of sport and iVj fell on of of Harvey a bicycle he was riding disease SHARON SCHOOL Class Shaw Milton terrnan Prank Ausrnan Class Walter Davis Harry Penrose John Jackson Harry Shanks Florence Hall H Black Gertie Sherman Clayton j HI Gladys Barker John red Penrose A Wesley Gordon j Jr III Lewis Viola Barker Gladys Alice Cod- hip and J Hopper Susie Lindsay Walter northern and southern divi- to perpetrate a number of which includes all the lines of which came near landing me in a west and north Br has Chinese prison if not on the 1cen connected with the leal service since mod- block o -w- per ClairvoyantPsychic Medical I Sr John Hopper Clark Walter Tate Melville Boan a ih Slunk fildulIfldUOIl free Willie Carl j Wesley Graham Geo Wright By K Hodge If Believing in j Present every Shaw or not there is no gainsay- Gertie Stephenson Ilk the fact that the doctor can Clark John Hopper plain the wciai4icaufce of your I A Teacher either mental or physical and restored to health and happiness t u who have re- general store of SB invalids all their the residence fiend lock of hair name and fctamp to lift were destroyed by SyrajcUBe Tty tie for For coughs colds bronchitis asthma weak throats weak lungs consumption take Ayers Cherry Pectoral- Cherry Always keep a bottle of it in the house We have been saying this for years and so have the doctors Iit run It iodide Id I CURE PILES I Itching blind bleeding or ing piles refund money If OINTMGNT falls to cure any case no matter of how long Btandlng In to days First plication gives easeand rest j If your druggist hasnt In stamps and It will be forwarded I postpaid by Paris Medicine Co St Mo Humored changes In the judiciary arc current In legal circles It Is stated that Judge in to be appointed to the Supreme Court in place of Iudge whose retire ment has been foreshadowed Also that Sir William Meredith Chief Jus tice of the Court of Common Pleas retire from the bench In order to become President the North American Life Insurance Company J Is CO for eLungsl Dally action of Aid nature Pills Massacres of Christians by Turk ish troops arc reported from Mace donia Great Britain establish naval at Dover and Singa pore it seems these youngsters Knew of a sell in which guinea part They started to hook the youngster and they him hard and fast He felt so badly about it he started to sell some one else His father the victim Jlo you know papa if you hold a guinea pig by the tail its eyes will drop out His father laughed outright Who in wonder told you such stuff as that Louis The boys all say answered Louis sober yes sir Oh nonsense still laughing Well you go to the one up and youll see Just to humor the hoy the went out In a moment he came back looking well looking like a man who had been badly sold The little rascal got me that time he remarked to a friend I lint I dont see the point said the friend Dont you No Well guinea pigs have no fails A When the fall and winter make It seem delightful to he again indoors girls often like to have suggestions for methods of making their meetings attractive something besides the us ual talk and refreshments what some eminent man of letters In a waggish way described as giggle gabble gobble anil git A scries of Utile meetings In celebration of some poets birthday or other anniversary would he an ex cuse for making some interesting ad ditions to the usual Thus there would be no great In arranging a Shakespeare party or a Milton party In which from works of ell her poet used In Invitations dinner cards hills of fare and so on Or an Amer ican poet might bo chosen Oliver Wendell Holmes would furnish Hues of a cheering nature fit for mild festivi ties or you might introduce your guests to some of the beautiful poems of or of Jean it you do not mind going outside your own land St Nicholas Stranger When will next train be along Native It aint along Its just went past I like the laughter than lips and Ihc heart that at same time pearls and the soul Vic tor Hugo- ESTABLISHED YEARS i THE MASTER SPECIALISTS OF AMERICA Wo know the diseases and weaknesses of men like an open book We have been curing them for years Wo have given our lives to It and thousands upon thousands of men restored to Vigorous Vitality today living monuments to the skill knowledge and success of Kennedy We never hold out false hopes we never undertake a case we cannot cure We have made so thorough a study of all diseases of men of Varicocele Stricture Blood Poisons Hydrocele Nervous Debility Paralysis Bladder Urlriaryand Kidney Diseases General Weakness Loss of Vitality and have cured so many thousands of cases that If there Is a cure for YOUR disease you will find It here When we undertake a case there Is no such thing as failure We charge nothing for consultation and our knowledge skill and experience are at your service We will explain to you How and Why Wo Can Cure You why diseases of men require the knowledge and skill of Master Specialists We do not require to experiment with your case as we know from experience in treating thousands of cases to prescribe for your symptoms Dont be discouraged if you have treated without success with Quacks Fakirs Electric Belts Free Trials etc You must get curedand Doctors alone can cure you Our New Method System of treatment has stood the test for 25 years why should it fall In your case Should your case prove Incurable you need not pay us a dollar We refer you to any Bank in this city as to our financial standing If you cannot call write for a Question Blank fop Home Treatment Consultation Free Booklets sent Free SHELBY STREET DETROIT iT irr milk II 1 1 J The interior of a cow udder contain a collection of blood veins milk tubes tc far as known the milk secretion is largely dependent on the amount of blood paw ing through the udder If the blood circulation the digestion and of food are good she will show a higher milk se cretion than otherwise as in a boiler the better the condition it is in the more steam can be generated Clydesdale Stock Food will stimulate the organs of circulation and digestion because it makes the food tasty increasing the digestive juices dissolve the food and this means more milk and at a profit For cows at Calving there is nothing better a it tones and regulates the system helping her to clean better and lessening the usual danger Can stop feeding itwithoac harmful effects there i nothing injurious in it Human beings can take it with benefit We take it every day Your money cheerfully refunded by the dealer if not satisfied Tr Fool Try Caroline lor Stock Food Co CONTRACT addressed to the Postmaster General will he re ceived at Ottawa until noon on Fri day 3rd November lor the conveyance of His Majestys Mails on a proposed contract lor four years six times per week each way be tween and Klein burg Station from the 1st January next tod notices containing further Information as to conditions of pro posed Contract may be seen and blank forms of tender may ob tained at the Offices of Linton King Creek and Holly Park and at the office the Post Office Inspector at Toronto ANDERSON Superintendent Post Office Department Mall Contract Branch Ottawa Sept Maple Lodge Crown by Wilson of Brampton will bo kept for Also a few choice ones of good ba con type with plenty of bono and length tor sale 10 Mice of Application for Divorce Notice is hereby that Julia Dover of Fuller Avenue in tho City of Toronto In County York and Province of Ontario Mar ried Woman will apply to the Parlia ment Canada at the next session thereof lor a bill of divorce from her husband William Arthur Frederic Dover of City of Toronto in the County of York Acnton the of adultery and desertion Dated at Toronto this day September AD A Solicitor for Applicant Victoria St Toronto The North Consider yourself and keep up a cheerful look Our horses look sorry and you look Ray And the contrast has a impression People loo at you then at tho horse ami say what happy people And to you from feeling that you dont to take a new out In the mud and dirt wo all old Our horses been kept on but now we havo some sawdust so you anything In our call on us or call up phones 38 Town also A Proprietor line or 10

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