Newmarket Era, 13 Oct 1905, p. 1

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V The y week ban any two papers In North 1 i York combined and is acknowledged the Paper NORTH INTELLIGENCES AND ADVERTISER PA Give us the liberty to know to to freely to above all liberty r No paper outside ol North York unless paid In No each Newmarket Friday Oct 1905 TERMS per annum I if paid in Toronto tette It is current report that Mayor qultart will ask for a fourth term Aid has staled positive ly that he will in the and now If Dr and Osier also shew up Toronto will have next January with in favor of ASSOCIATIONS Of America Use For All Catarrhal Diseases a lively time chances largely Mayor A number of cars on the Street Railway have recently been with the air brakes torcnen are delighted with this new bra Ve il Carman in his little of everything in the Star takes occa sion to remark appears thai ow ing to the faulty construction the eaves at the St Lawrence Market there is some dantr of the eaves dropping The Lillian School of Household Science and Art and already more students arc registered than for the the Era The Pleasures of Boating Paying off an Old Scope Vermont Shepherd Dog BY A HANKER It is a familiar story that rattle- Here is a true story of a Vermont snakes are often seen entering or sheepdog which Scotchmen will find leaving the humble tenement of the it hard to match Captain of prairiedog The sight gave rise to Bradford Vt had a shepherd dog Why is the land which for all time beief formerly held that the which was accustomed to bring home reptiles and the small owl which also the cows at night always separating fequent these underground dwellings them from the other cattle and never ate on the best of terms with the allowing any but milch cows to come and that alt live togoth- up One day Captain a happy family That belief is the dog in driving the cows to now known to be without foundation pasture At one place on the road and a cattleman of whom the New the captain was surprised to see the York Tribune tells once witnessed a dog desert the herd and take to the scene which shows that the riKlIlful wootls by the side of the road The of these prairie homes captain went on with the cattle though forced to submit to eviction which were walking briskly in intrusion know how to balance vancc Within a quarter of a mile the account when the opportunity of fers term last year of HUSBAND Wife whats this string tied on my ringer for THE WIFE Its to remind you about my new National Range be sure and fetch it with you to night I want one just like Sabins the National Range with the square steel oven WE HAVE SOLD IN NEWMARKET AND VICINITY OVER 200 NA TIONAL RANGES IN THE PAST YEARS THE PEOPLE WHO USE THEM ARE THEIR A SOLD ONLY AT Benevolent of Chicago Henrietta A Marsh President Benevolent Association of Jackson Park Terrace Chicago 111 cays 1 with la for seven nothing helped mo until I tiled I felt at that I had scoured right medicine and steadily improving Within three I was fully restored Henrietta A Marsh Jape dent Order of Templars Collins Treasurer I of Everett Wash has used the great tonic for an case of dyspepsia She writes After having a severe attack of la I also suffered with dyspopeta Alter taking I could eat my 13 Take the Elevator ople 1 IT IS FASTER THAN WALKING UP STAIRS i BROUGHTON Syrup of the an elevator from basement of to Dr giving full statement of your case and ho lo pleased to giro you valuable When to shake hands is a subject which depends somewhat on j shore now using stances yet a few general rules may ol the billows when the sickness to top story of health DONT TRY THE LONG WAY Do you want rosy Letts Do you want that feel or 1 strength Do you want to he as a fcapling Splendid Tonic It Cares PRICE 90 Cents OUR FARMERS crowded to at our Parlor night our lc Cream is THE BEST It Is from the purest Cream and not adulterated In any form Our IceCream Bricks I loCream th BUY FT GOAL the classes have commenced their work This year there an evening class in cookery The tracks of the Railway will he changed almost im mediately to the standard which is two inches narrower than the guage to which the present harks arc laid It is expected This irt of the line will he open for travel before the winter sets in Mrs who away last week aged was horn in the County of Deny Ireland and came to Canada arriving Toronto in She has been years a widow She was employed in the first millinery shop in Toronto 1 co pers and bought the property on King street adjoining St James Ca thedral which was then a wheat field At that time the hay iront was immediately in front the pro perty The Hoard of Control have approv ed of the agreement with the Govern ment governing the laying of the postal in the It pro vides that the work of opening the streets and putting them in condition again should he subject to the ap proval of the City Engineer Four fullblooded Indian chiefs ar rived in Toronto last week from the Indian reserve in the far NorthWest This is- their first sight of eastern civilization and they cre ated as much of an impression in To ronto as the city exerted on them as they were in full regalia with fur tails to their headgear buckskin breeches and immense earrings They had never seen trolley cars till they reached Winnipeg On Thursday of last week charged with the theft of a horse and buggy from Matte of Markham Town ship and a shot gun and rifle from James of was arraigned before Mag istrate and remanded for right days About half a hundred active Con servatives held a political teaparly with the Government at the Parlia ment Buildings It is understood that patronage was the subject dis cussed The total amount of Niagara fruit receive in Toronto by rail wa ter during September was tons As the result of a small boat filling with Water and sinking Don- a young man who lived at Clinton street was in j the street slip at oclock last Thursday evening and his broth erinlaw Albert Price had a nar row from death Mr and Mrs Harry Wood Man chester are in Toronto ln llial They are celebrating their silver wed- with an infant is dis- ding by a trip through Canada Mr sleep Usually the trouble is Wood is one of the largest importers bowels your of pulp of which he has been a free do not buyer on the Canadian market inert- Lady and daughters have re- a turned from Roachs Point and will for the winter at avenue unnatural and in With Prof and Mrs Your baby will and Hoard at a special it properly must be the central point of interest to the whole of Christendom permit ted to remain under the effete cor rupt rule of the Turk why does not decree that that malefic pow er should no longer hover like a vam pire over the sacred land of Pales- line ever retarding its progress and by perpetuating the discomforts of travellers deterring multitudes from landing upon its sacred shores and visiting those ever revered sites In consequence of this obstructive policy which forbids the construction of a proper harbor the Holy Land is altogether inaccessible to the outer world except by a long and tedious ride on horseback if as is frequently the case the waves are too boister ous to permit the the only means of landing to be launched And it must he freely admitted that this mode of landing cannot he numbered amongst the most pleasant and most incidents of a journey to the Holy Land The ves sel having anchored at perhaps a mile or more from the shore is soon surrounded by a number of these surf boats manned by shrieking Arabs which one after the other come as near to the step gangway of the ves- they came to a break in the fence which the captain hall no knowledge On this particular occasion the cat- leading into a field and here in the tieman was riding after some steers Rap of the fence sat the dog in a lie managed to get close to a colony way guarding it of and stopped 10 against the entrance of the cattle their quaint antics What else could his master suppose Considerably apart from the others that the dog Was aware of the two dogs were sitting with their noses together They appeared to be much concerned over the move ments of a big rattler which was lazily crawling about near them When the snake moved a length or two the dogs became excited and danced like little lunatics hut when he ceased his motion there they were with their noses together managing somehow to keep abreast of him without seaming to follow him gap in the fence and knowing that I he man would bring up the cattle made a detour through the woods to the place to prevent the cattle from going into the field Boston Tran script oooo An Unexpected Convert Once the snake coiled and then the as they dare without risk of cap- I elsewhere but suing Now as the boat rises on whe he straightened out they the crest of a wave and for a mo- him again The rattler in the course his is on a level with the gang way the passenger standing thereon is violently seized by an Arab and makes a wild leap over the came to a there as if undecided whether it When Father the great Irish temperance leader was at the height of his successful labors he en deavored to convert Lord to admitted that he drank wine but pleaded that his use of stimulant was most mod- hole and stop- crate a leap over surging would be Worth while to enter or gulf between the ship and the boat not The prairiedogs began to act into the arms of other shouting long- i an unaccountable manner as if robed Arabs who as the boat sinks they had been feeding on locoweed meals with relish my system wna OWii in the trough of the waves dec and suddenly felt its effect They hiit up my health returned and I posit him on a seat Now the boat danced on one hind foot and rolled remain in and having again risen on the waves a over They dashed up behind the now for over a year Mrs stout and uncommonly heavy British snake as if they were aching to push Collins matron trembling from head to foot him into the hole and every little If you do not derive prompt and sfttiiH is Unceremoniously seized by a while they would come attention factory results from pic of brawny Arabs who hull her as though she were but a feather bolster into the arms of another fiery savage or now an obstinate and irascible old individual who re- The noses together talking One night at a dinner patty Mat how amused the company by pin ning the green ribbon and silver med al of the Abstinence Society on Broughams coat Ill tell you what Ill said Brougham Ill take the ribbon io the House Lords where shall find old Lord ami Ill pin it on him This amusement was received with per shouts of laughter for the noble lord in question was famous for the Dr his fury threatens quiet until Shaking Hands the last of him bad the natives with his umbrella nearly disappeared Then they got to precipitates himself into the boiling work in earnest ami the Way they ocean kicked the dirt in that hole would At length the boat is full ami half- nut a railway sectionhand to shame muscular Arabs who do not They worked systematically When forget to importune for backsheesh the entrance was well filled with be given When a man is introduced to a woman she does not shake hands with him unless he is decidedly elder ly or distinguished It he is the husband or brother of the woman pre senting him it is natural to receive him cordially by shaking hands but it is not form to do so if he is a mere acquaintance A hostess should shake hands with every guest who comes to her house both on their arrival and departure Women do not shake hands when In troduced to each other but merely how When however a young girl is presented by a friend to a married woman the latter shakes hands with her hut the girl must not make the first advance Men shake hands when introduce1 to each other as an expression good will When leaving an enter tainment a man shades hands with the hostess and he may do so with friends who arc near but he must not go about shaking hands general ly New York Journal lovely palmbordered coast- line is apparent in all its beauty and now descending into the trough of the waves the lofty wall of waters on each side reminding the passengers of the little rascals seemed greatly the Israelites passage through the amused and rubbed noses times in- Red Sea numerable before I hey danced oil to But now we arc safe at the their friends and relatives arid with a throbbing heart parent with the intention of telling and a thrill of joy we set foot on them all about it soon began to slip into f his potations However the hole The dogs although intent Brougham carried out his promise upon his movements remained per- and meeting the gentleman a few I evenings later said I have a for you from cat the same time swiftly slipping the badge and medal over bis head Thank you said I he peer quiet ly and now Ill tell you is Brougham Ill keep sober from this night The best part of the story is that he lived up to his word greatly to the amusement of his friends and to the delight of Father loose dirt they tamped it and then threw in more dirt and tamped that They were not satisfied until the en trance to that hole was blocked and packed down with dirt until it was as solid as the original sod Then set foot on them that sacred land whose holy fields were once trodden by the Divine He- Who though the Creator of Make Count J Babys Sleep worlds there endured privation penury and hardship finally bedding His on the hitter cross order whosoever will mglt virtue of that great atonement ob tain a certain inheritance In the- glory laud Brides o the has been received by cable the marriage ill the Anglican church Christiana Transvaal on Monday last October of Miss Flor ence Jesse Mary Wilkinson eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Henry Wilkinson street Toronto to Mr Arthur of Taxings British South form erly of Miss Wilkinson who was one of the twenty Ontario teachers selected by the Minister of V Hu mecting last week on suggestion Own Tablets there is first in out to the Transvaal in is well known and very Toronto On leaching South of and sent April IMS popular in Africa she The one who starts out in the morning with a determination to do something during the day that wilt amount to something that will be distinctive that will have individual ity that will give him satisfaction at night is a great deal more likely not lo waste his day in frivolous un productive work Mian the one who starts out with no every day therefore with a program and determine that let what will come you will carry it out closely as possible Follow it up persistently day by day and you will be surprised at the result Make up your mind at tin outset of the day that yon something that will amount to something that you will not al low callers to fritter away your time and that you will not allow the little annoyances of your business to spoil your days work Make up vour mind that you will he larger than the trifles which cripple and cramp other will of President decided the dates of the Inhibition in Are like BEST our Come and Try Them SIMPSON Binder Twine feet feet feet Portland Cement The national Cement the streets on an atom of poisonous sleepy stuff and yet by their beneficent healthy be Monday August to give refreshing steep Monday September Id remove the cause and the re- at Christiana Premier Whitney has intimated that healthy refreshing lifegiving I The Wedding wan not to have taken with engagements already accepted wn the little one until October but to avoid it will be impossible for him to bright and well Mrs jclaKhing with an educational any more invitations until after B says the Christmas holidays with A who makes use of patio was restless and uneasy and a bicycle to bis escape natch- jy 11 i well at nights I gave a purse from Mrs at the Own Tablets and the mediocre lives and that you will rise tin above petty annoyances and and afterwards In the I plans in a school at Klerksdorp being transfer- red again a year ago to the school for something make It tell in the The Human Spain The story of the brain as scientists have gradually unfolded its peculiar construction is of marvellous inter est This pulpy and apparently ho mogeneous mass is revealed to us as the most highly specialized and vi talized organ in the human body It consists of hundreds of millions of separate and independent- organisms once known as nerve cells but now called neurones The units of the brain are independent of a cell its axis and its branches The cell body contains within its covering membrane ele ments which generate the nerve force or energy The axis is the nerve or medium which conveys that force and the branches are the of Com munication of the neurones with other and with the organs and tissues to which the nerve is distributed The life history of these microscopic al bodies is the same as the cells of organs and tissues They are implanted before birth ami may re main dormant for a lifetime If stimulated to activity they enlarge through more abundant nutrition but waste and atrophy when the stimu lant is removed They are undergo ing constant changes through the process of nutrition and from the in numerable impressions made upon then by objects within and without the body Stephen Smith in Leslies Magazine Vesuvius is in eruption and lava of the for that date which would have prevented the attendance of many friends the ceremony was ad- grand results not merely as an ad- is lowing down the side ded day but as an added day with tain something worthy achieved va need a week ornvr of lor foundations and other work AT Ho SOUTH J WILL SON Carlton and change they made Friday He was pulled the from his wheel but got away Three hundred villages were by the recent earthquake In Huron St Calabria was wonderful y now sleeps well dealer does not keep the Tablets send 2r cents to the Dr Williams Medi cine Co and a box will sent you by mall postpaid Mr and Mis Aylin will Iaungs which Is a village live in near a bowels and he native settlement of night If your Mr Aylin being Interested in a diamond farm and other specula tions in lhat locality Telegram When any one tells you something about another just put them on cross examination for a little while Ask them If they know themselves that It is true if not ask them who told them then ask to go with you to the one who told them This do much wards curtailing the practice of cir culating but it will keep certain the to absent friends The art of keeping the mouth shut should he taught in every school Some rules work both ways and some others wont work either way I During a long life I have proved method will not only that not one word ever spoken one kind deed ever done but sooner ma win Keep certain or later returns to bless the River sons from coining and sharing Shaftesbury and injurious stories Willi you

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