Newmarket Era , October 20, 1905, p. 1

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1 If WAX ORTH ORK INTELLIGENCER AND Give us the liberty to know to and to freely to above ail liberty ADVERTISER No paper sent outside North York unless paid in advance 1 a Copies WE HAVE SOLD IN NEWMARKET AND VICINITY NA TIONAL RANGES IN THE PAST YEARS THE PEOPLE WHO USE THEM ARE THEIR BEST A SOLD ONLY AT A Man and His Mother in Can Agree hut there are two things that Cannot Aree in the Same a Headache and one of Headache Powders One to and that one in never the If eadache PRICE CENTS What wakes at our Parlor night our Ice Cream Is THE BEST It is made from the purest Cream and not adulterated in any form Our IceCream Bricks I the SOFT Newmarket Friday Oct Our Toronto bete FARMERS BUY -ALSO- Art BEST Come and Try Them SIMPSON END BAKERY No Binder Twine feet CM feet feet Portland Cement The national Cement la the heat for foundations and Other work AT J WILLS ON Huron St Storehouse William aged years pass ed away at bis home Rom Avenue on the Deceased resided in Newmarket some years ago Complaints have readied the city that pickpockets made large hauls at the Fair The total sums reported to have been stolen now reach This is the first year that special officers were not sent from the city The High Constable states that no requisition was made to him for extra constables The Special Committee have decid ed to hold the next General Confer ence of the Methodist Church at St James Church Montreal beginning on the Sept The contract for the hit new steel bridge at the River has been lei by the Provincial Department of Works to the Hamil ton Bridge Company for the sum of The local option campaign througli- the Province was opened with a conference in this city last week Mr presided The citys share of the receipts from earnings of the Street Railway for September amounts to What arc the receipts to the County of York end Town of Newmarket for street rentals from the Metropolitan A round cypher like this The Toronto Ferry Co purpose building two new ferry boats for ser vice on the bay next summer Willi these new boats will come enlarged attractions at the Island It is un derstood a good deal of money will be expended in installing the plant for permanent source of amusement Rev R Home of has been appointed to succeed the late Rev Dr Moffat in connection with the Upper Canada Religious Tract and Rook Society The Radial Railway Co has order ed steel rails for the line be tween Newmarket and Jacksons The shipment is being made this Week The authorities are moving the girls in the juvenile department of the Mercer Reformatory for Women to the Alexandria school in East To ronto This is in accordance with the Governments intention to even tually sell the present reformatory building and erect a new institution on a more desirable site The succession dues from the es tate of the late Dr James Thoilmen coming to the Province will be The Chief Justice appointment to the Exchequer Court carries with it an annual salary of Law yers their services higher than other profession in the country No wonder the whole country is so full of the legal profession Last Friday was the anniversary of the battle of Heights In memory of Jen Brock the hero of that conflict a monument overlook ing the battlefield has been erected to his memory It is now stated that the society of this city is tailing steps towards the erection of a monument to the memory of Col John a gallant young officer who fell by the side of the honored The corporation is in the throes dealing with a reported bribery case in connection with the Co The case may go to a court of inves tigation before the agitation closes ft is said that was distributed between three men two being Aider- men The persons charged with being bribed ad deny the story The charged is said to be based on stolen fetters which refer to other transac tions The centenary of the battle of Tra falgar will be celebrated by a grand concert under the auspices of the Sons of in Massey Hall next Saturday evening This celebrated historic event will be under the pat ronage of the GovernorGeneral Lieut Governor and the Mayor The memory of Lord Nelson will long live in the hearts of Britons every where The Municipal Reform Association last week determined to support only those candidates for the Council and Control as would favor wip ing out or liquor licenses apd support a bylaw to allow the flee- lorate to vote for local option There Is something brewing re specting the brewing business On Friday last a deputation of several brewers had an Interview with C0NGRESSflANLIVINGST0N Says a Splendid Ca Fair Prize Winners COLONEL LIVINGSTON Colonel I- Livingston Member of the Industrial and the lead ing Democratic member of the HORSES Span in harness John A Son Brood Mare Michael 2nd Frank Cunningham Gelding or Filly years old An gus Hamilton 2nd J Yearling Gelding or Filly Michael 2nd Geo Hamilton Sprint Colt or Filly Frank Cun ningham 2nd Win Greenwood GENERAL PURPOSE HORSES Span harness Titos Watt Brood Marc J as A Wood 2nd Angus Hamilton Gelding or Filly years old Da vid Miller 2nd A Wood Yearling Gelding or Filly Barker Sons 2nd Greenwood Spring Colt 1st and 2nd John Moore Filly years old 1st and 2nd J A Bong Son SPECIAL J per annum if paid in advance 1 and Bell Flower Gilbert Johnston 2nd C A Crab Apples Mrs Geo 2nd J Graham Red Ciawson Wheal Stephen Sell- Judges D Silver and Pearson White Winter Wheat L judges Note Pleased to report 2nd Stephen Sellers marked improvement in names of Spring Wheat Stephen Sellers and classification 2nd David H Miller Judges Geo Richardson John Stephens GRAIN on Appropriations In the General Roberts Colts John Representatives whoso home Is at Moore 2nd Chas Starr Atlanta write Barrancas Colts 1st and 2nd Greenwood Cart Horse 1st and 2nd John A Son Judges A Major and Nell CARRIAGE HORSES arc promptly and permanently cured It is through its operation upon the net- g Tons system that Per 1111 a attained inch a worldwide reputation as a Bro Sanderson 2nd and Pliable remedy for all phases of Gelding years take pleasure In joining General Wheeler Congressman Brewer and others In reconmening Perttna as an excellent tonic and a catarrh cure Col I I Livingston Catarrh Cured All phases of catarrh acute or chronic A catarrh wherever located Mr 0 Ontario street Montreal Canada writes Peruna Is certainly a great catarrh of the Colt Rich remedy It cared me of catarrh head and I gladly indorse it Canadians are peculiarly with this disease end for years the doctors have tried to overcome with powders and pills but has solved the question since the medicine has been here hundreds of people have cured catarrh you do not derive prompt satis factory results from the use of writ at to Dr giving a full statement of your case and he will oe to give you his valuable vice Dr Hartman President of The c f The Fairbanks Company of Chicago have completed arrangements to build a Canadian duplicate of their Chica go factory in Toronto and have pur chased eight acres ol land si In a ltd on street west for the pur pose- The company employ about I hands In the garrison church parade of the infantry and cavalry on Sunday about were in the procession Wards Island hotel is now certain The agreement signed calls for the construction of a hotel there by October next The promoters are Judge Morgan Thos Ma jor J Sinclair and J They agree to do without the liquor license It is expected trolley ears will be run along the Lake Shore road into Port Credit before the week closes Premier Whitney is announced to speak at the Trafalgar celebration at Hamilton 011 Saturday The graduating exercises of the To ronto General Hospital School for Nurses will take place Friday The Weston Fair last Saturday was a grand success Hon Dr opened the fair Several Ontario Cabinet Ministers were there also Speaker St John and Mr Archie Campbell North York should arrange for a visit from Premier and Picmiei Whitney next They would be drawing cards and cost less than paid attractions Smiling Babies Yearling Gelding Win Arnold 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd The baby it is well baby is never a cross When baby cries or is fretful tin only way it can to let mother know that there Is some thing wrong That something Is probably some derangement of the Stomach 01 bowels or perhaps the pain of teething These troubles are speedily removed and cured by Own Tablets and baby smiles fact theres a smile In every dose Mrs Mary Adams George says I have found Babys Own Tabids so good for the ills of little ones that I would ROADSTER Span John Hamilton jr Single Driver Dr Campbell Win Abbs Brood Marc Cunningham Gelding W W Barker A Sons Yearling Gelding Frank Cunning ham 2nd Spring Colt W 2nd W Spring Cult by Accho 2nd 3rd Guy Judges Peter Holt and Duncan EQUESTRIAN Gent Rider Frank 2nd Jas Driver John Smith 2nd Abbs Saddle Horse 2nd Pony and under Jacob Smith 13 and under John Hamil ton Turnout Dr Campbell 2nd Fred Cowicson Judges Peter Holt and Duncan Mc- inch v cattle Bull Win Arnold Yearling Bull John Cowicson Milch Cow David Morris 2nd A Heifer years 1st and 2nd David Morris Yearling Heifer David Morris Heifer Calf David Morris 2nd Win Arnold Herd David Mollis CATTLE Heifer years Rich Pair Fat Cattle Greenwood Judges and Russell SHROPSHIRE SHEEP Aged Ram J Rain J B Rain Lamb John sr 2nd J Davidson Judges Mackit apd Jas Russell BERKSHIRE SWINE Aged Boar J B Brood Sow J It Cowicson Pig 1st and 2nd J Cow- Sow Pig J YORKSHIRE WHITE SWINE Aged Boar Fred J Judges Wm and Russell POULTRY 2nd I Stephens Turkeys Stephens Ducks 1st and 2nd It Eli Edwards 2nd Stephens Barley W Stephens 2nd J Cowicson Small Peas Stephens 2nd Stephen Sellers Large Peas Stephen Sellers 2nd Mrs David Weddel Black Oats Stephen Sellers 2nd W Stephens White Oats Sellers 2nd Stephens Indian Corn Sellers 2nd C A BeansMrs Weddel 2nd Ed Alsike Sellers 2nd Ste phens Red Clover Sellers Sellers 2nd Stephens Judges J Coombs and Car ley GARDEN VEGETABLES Collection L Stephens Gilbert Johnson 2nd Turney Cabbage John Cowicson sr 2nd Fred Parsnips Stephens 2nd Ed Johnstone Table Carrots Ed Johnson 2nd Stephen Table Beets Ed 2nd Ed Johnstone Tomatoes J Cowicson Gilbert Johnston Citrons Stephens 2nd Fred Celery Rich 2nd Stephens Red OnionsEd 2nd Ste phen Sellers White Onions Stephen Sellers 2nd Stephens Pumpkins J 2nd Stephens Hubbard Squash W L Stephens J B Mammoth Squash J IS Mammoth Pumpkin J B Cowic Stephens IMPLEMENTS C Wide Plow Smith Gen Purpose Plow Smith Sod Plow Smith Team Harness M Nottingham Single Harness Nottingham Judge A DAIRY PRODUCE Rolls Butter Wights prize Johnstone Crock Butter Price Mrs David 10 lbs prize His prize J Proctor Crock Butter T Peregrine Crock Butter Cowicson Rolls Butter prize Ed llb Rolls Butter prize Ed Rolls Butter Ebby Mrs Geo 1lb Rolls Butter prize Mrs Willis Rolls Butter Allan prize EM lbs Crock Butter Red Rose Tea I prize Ed Johnstone lbs Crock Butter Davidson Hay prize Mrs Win Willis lll Rolls Butter Jackson prize J Honey in Comb Gilbert Johnston Strained Honey Gilbert JohnBton Collection Canned Fruits J ham 2nd Mrs Geo Collection of Pickles Ed John stone 2nd J Graham Maple Syrup Gilbert Johnston 2nd Ed Johnstane Bread R Peregrine 2nd Ed Johnstone Bread by Girl R 2nd Mrs Graves Wine Ed 2nd Airs David Judges A Coombs i ROOTS White Elephant Sell ers 2nd W Stephens White Star Potatoes W Ste phens 2nd S Sellers Empire Potatoes J Sanderson 2nd W L Stephens Early Everett Potatoes Ed John stone 2nd W L Stephen Any kind Potatoes Rich Patten 2nd Eli Edwards Grey Stone Turnips Sellers Swede Turnips Sellers 2nd Rich Pattenden Long Red Mangolds David Mill er 2nd Rich Pattenden Yellow Globe MangoldsJohn 2nd Fred Cowicson Long White Carrots Stephen Sell ers Orange Carrots Stephen Sellers 2nd Mrs Geo Short White Carrots- J 2nd Collection Sellers Judge John Salter FRUITS Collection of Apples J Graham Collection of Gilbert John son Snow Apples special Green wood St Lawicnee Apples Fred Snow Apples J Graham 2nd Gil bert Johnston Northern Ed Johnstone 2nd A I Greenings J Graham 2nd Aylward Ben Davis Ed Turney Cowicson Golden Russet 2nd Johnstone Baldwins Jas Aylward A Flemish Beauty Pears las 2nd Gilbert Johnston PippinsR Peregrine 2nd Sellers SwcctsJ Graham 2nd Johnstone Peregrine Johnstone and J 2nd Miss 2nd Peregrine 2nd not like lobe without them That and Provincial he experience of all mothers who I forma but when seen afterwards the Die Tablets and they latter said there was nothing to give flits medicine safe for it is out to the public regarding the visit ditaileed to contain no opiate or poisonous soothing stun Equally Whats member for North Toronto by his recent add reus to his constitu ents by grab good for has not increased his popularity druggists attempting to justify the salary the child just born or well years Sold by all or mailed at 2f cents a box writing the Dr Williams Medicine Co Ont son Minorcas 2nd W Stephens Plymouth Rocks 1st and 2nd J 1st and 2nd Brown Leghorns 1st and 2nd Hulve 1st and 2nd J B L Stephens 2nd Jas Wyandot tes 1st a lid 2nd Cash or Cure II Cute hull lo cure your Cold or Cough you gel you paid for l You Cure lkeCh cure Can anything be II you have a Cold Cough or any of the of Air WHILOM 25c per All LADIES WORK Wool Mills Single KnittedMiss Wootten 2nd Miss Bennett Wool Mitts double Knitted Gil bert Johnston 2nd Ed Johnstone Wool Socks Silver 2nd Miss Wootten Gents White Shin Johnstone Gents Fancy Shirt Miss Fisher Sofa Pillow Miss Fisher 2nd Johnston Afghan Miss Fisher 2nd Miss Wootten Splasher Miss Fisher 2nd Miss A Wootten Darning Miss Wootten Ladys Apron Miss Fisher Miss Bennett Worked Buttonholes 1st and 2nd Miss Table Mats J Graham 2nd Miss Fisher Piece Work I Silver T Peregrine Crochet Quilt 1st and Sara Bond Fancy Silk Quilt Johnston Worked Slippers Miss Wootten 2nd Miss Fisher Crochet ShawlMiss Bennett 2nd Miss Fisher Pillow ShamsMiss Bennett 2nd Miss Fisher Fancy Screen Miss Fisher 2nd Miss Bennett White Underwear handmade None Recommended machine made Miss Fisher Head Rest Miss Fisher 2nd Miss Beimel Foot Rest Miss Fisher 2nd Johnston Collection of Photos J Graham 2nd Mis Fisher Miss Bennett 2nd Miss Fisher Toilet Set Miss Fisher 2nd Miss TcnrnAV Doilies Miss Fisher Ladys Collar Case Miss Fisher 2nd J Sofa Pillow embroidered M Silver 2nd Miss Ladys Fancy Slippers Miss Ben nett hid Miss Fisher Hairpin Holder Miss Fisher 2nd J Graham Fancy Towel Straps Sara Bond 2nd J Graham Judges Flora Travlss and Mrs Ken- yon Continued on Page A driving rod on the engine of thft Grand Trunk train leaving for Hamilton at pm Sunday broke near Port Credit The did not leave rails and no person was hurt Bur Kind Bijator6 of

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