A- V i i J J f WEWMARKET ERA a OCTOBER 20 a Weeks Steals IS QOIUO OX ABOUT TOW Church The Key A Campbell will con duct the morning service In the evening the pastors subject will be Midnight Address Independent A special meeting will be held this Friday night at to initiate some candidates The regular Monthly Meeting of Court Signet will be held Wednesday night next week at Foresters are requested to at tend these meetings iii old it the Extinguished May What became of that frame of yours put him out was a case where we lost tale a nice kitchen outfit Better luck next time We have the im ported Enamelleh Wire that lasts for years Tea Ket tles Coffee Pots Saucepans Stew s every at H Brieflets forget High Softool Com ment next Tuesday evening is open at Rogers Drug Store Mr Art Brammer has bought the Nash property Main St and is hav ing it overhauled from the cellar to the roof Mi put domestic wa ter connection into his residence on Tuesday Mr Cyrus reports a second crop coining on his berry bushes it las ken such a delightfully bright and mild fall Wei weather knocked the Bradford Fair out on Wednesday Mrs Wool ten and Mr have had furnaces put into residences by men After such glorious weather that ice have had over four weeks of National is the name of a solid built range that last lifetime Sold only at Hardware- PoUoe Court On Wednesday evening Col Lloyd taxed a stranger or 30 days for using profane language in the waiting room to Sir I Presbyterian Church Next Tuesday afternoon at 230 Mrs Gregory President of the Pres byterian is expected to give an address AH ladies interested ft missions are cordially invited worth at a big reduction Ladies who are judges of good value should inspect the stock as it speaks for jjjj com Ottawa Oct At a farewell din- so that he may gain the needed im- given by the Prime Minister to provement in health Therefore gen- Sir William tonight at the tlemen whilst it is a great sacrifice Club Sir Wilfrid Laurier ex- to myself and a great sacrifice to preseo the keen regret of himself all of us I have been obliged colleagues at the late antly to allow Sir William to go ami lerOenerais retirement from the have taken this opportunity of and paid a cordial ing a few of his many friends to ute to the great services which Sir meet at this board just to testily to J William had rendered to the country him in this very superficial way our and the loyal manner in which he had esteem cooperated in carrying on the Ad- friendship for him In this am ministration He said thai four sure I have met the wishes of all his years ago on Sir Williams return friends want Sir William Australia he had expressed a Jin the new sphere of action upon desire to retire from office owing to which he enters and in which he will impaired health but at the Premiers be a decided ornament to feel that our our ever shown that improvement best wishes for his success Great which had been hoped for and do- applause spite the sacrifice involved Sir Wilj SIR WILLIAMS REPLY ho was evident- have just sung trial am a good fellow The toast of Sir Williams health certainly do not feel in that frame was accorded musical honors the of mind but quite the reverse I company singing Hes a Jolly Good well recall tonight my first entry by a three into Ottawa to take my place as a ff iG QyiTW Goods You can save money just now his he takes with him our esteem buying Dress Goods from health had not friendship our admiration ami Roche So Co who are offering We are showing exclusive designs in admiration aflcction and Dress Fabrics this season with spe cial Trimmings to match Cord do Chine in all shades from to Persian Cord in Black only Vene tian Broadcloth in all shades from to Lustres in all shades Plaids Shot Velvet Corded Velvets Id fact the variety is almost endless and the price extremely low We could not any longer refuse to who Ply with Sir Williams request I- touched said SIR WILLIAMS HEALTH a Shoes Our Boot and Shoe Department is a huge success We handle the Best Makers at the lowest prices Per fect Fit and Perfect Satisfaction guaranteed TO MEN Imported Kippered Herring tin Pork and Beans per tin The Executive of the North fork Reform Association is summoned to meet in the Temperance Hall New- following it up market on Tuesday next at p times three Sir William was great- to consider the political moved by the Premiers tribute in North York owing to m evidence of esteem in which of Sir Wm J His voice faltered as he told how greatly he felt the part ing from his colleagues and his Society from public life He expressed The Treasurer this Society has that his health would not out checks for all prizes award ed at the late Fall Show except to those who reside within a few miles of this Town or in the corporation Those to whom checks have not been sent calling on the Treasurer any or Saturday can obtain their prizes The sooner those who have not been paid call for the mon ey the better the Treasurer will like it mil him to continue 10 share with his former colleagues in the great work of but he wish ed them every success and assured them that he would be with them in spirit Sir Wilfrid occupied the chair having on his right the member of Today my an end traded the House of Commons political has come to I entered public life possibilities and by Full pound tin Perfection Baking Powder 10c Buy your Underwear early as the price must advance owing to the in- Samon price of raw wool We ban- Cooked Meats Rolls vite your inspection even though you die everything in Underwear from the Bacon always on hand do not want to buy lowest to the best THE BEST RESULTS FROM BAKING POWDER the glamor that is supposed to sur round it and my imagination pictur ed at that time what it might be possible for one to do I suppose it is the experience of every man but looking back over many years of ef fort one sees so little accomplished Still the effort to accomplish gives an interest to the effort itself and so my twentythree years in public life become attractive to me I was guest of the evening and on interested in public work and it was his left Hon A The remainder of the company comprised Sir Richard Hon W Scott Hon Hon made pleasant to me by the friend ships that grew up between my dear -art- colleagues of the Government today and those who left us some time ago and myself As Sir Wilfrid has Bad Foil An accident occurred at the Davis hint we can surely stand two days Tannery last Saturday which nearly of tears without grumbling Reserve first Wednesday in Nov for grand concert in aid of Sanitarium Hon Clifford Sena- winded you I received a shock to my tor Frost Senator Ward Hon nervous system in crossing the At- Lemieux Dr Coulter Deputy antic in which caused me such Salesladies To assist us on Saturdays ford Co Anniversary Anniversary Sunday was observed in Carrvilie Methodist Church on the Services were conducted during the day by Rev W Baker of Downsview In the afternoon and evening Impressive sermons were from the following texts To every man according to his sev eral ability and Where hast thou gleaned today The music given by the choir assisted by Miss Rich- and Mr Young with Mrs J of Newmarket pre siding at the organ was much appre ciated by the large congregations had a fatal result Mr Ben Price one of the employees was upon a slepladder oiling a shaft when he was struck by a loose belt and knocked down His head struck the cement floor with such force that the back of it was burst open requiring several stitches to close the wound His back was also badly hurt We are glad to learn that he is recover- Post masterGeneral Messrs A Robert Stewart P L Macken zie Kim A Mackenzie and H Dickson SIR The toast of the having been loyally honored Sir Wilfrid rose and said I desire to you one other toast and it is that of our pain that for months and was unable to He down months For six but it will be some days before old friend the late PostmasterGen eral and the new Chief Justice of Ontario It is to me and the col leagues of Sir William very sad and ver real sacrifice indeed to of have to part with Him Let me tell of you a secret this is a matter- that in has been known between Sir William her year at the residence of Mr and myself for at least our years J Whitchurch When Sir William came back She is survived by two children Geo from Australia in the year his Watson of Toronto and health was so much impaired that he Mrs J She is the begged of to relieve him from the widow of Thomas Watson of official duties which he had can return to work Obituary Clarissa Watson Clark daughter Stephen and Catherine White died on Wednesday months I did not know what it was be free from agony yet never during that whole period did anyone ever hear a murmur from my lips I suffered as words could never tell Since then there has been recurring twinges premonitions that there are limits to which the nervous system can be subject if indeed there is not an entire collapse However I feel perfectly satisfied that under more restful and peaceful conditions I have every reason to look forward recovery Applause this is the saddest mo- experienced since my come come 4 Are selling Dress Goods and ilks at the lowest prices in Canada today They bought a stock at cents on the Its your chance to share in the bargain to complete Nevertheless incut I have manhood and public Whilst public men men go whilst we who was deceased in She was again married in to Freeman Clark who died in and has since resided with her which attended both services The duet in the afternoon by Miss Rich- daughter near Newmarket and Mr Young also the solo by Mr Young in the evening were exceptionally well rendered and add ed much to the enjoyment and of the occasion Cor Curling At tie semiannual meeting of the Association held in Toronto on Tuesday at the Victoria groups were arranged to con test for the Tankard and District Cup matches Newmarket is named in Group for the Tankard with so successfully as Post master- General in the Administration I beg ged him at that time not to insist upon my accepting his resignation but to continue in office and try if possible recover his usual health file consented to my suggestion and Address persevered in work but after In order that Sir may couple of years he had to inform me say a word in parting from bis con- I that he nought he could not regain in North York it has been his strength if he were to continue in arranged to hold public meetings in the very arduous task in which he Newmarket ami Aurora on which was engaged You know my addresses will Ik presented to leagues especially know that Sir the retiring member in the House of Williams duties were of a very The meeting at nature I again begged him will he held in the Town Hall at to defer little longer but now have tome to realize that he could oclock next Wednesday and in the Mechanics Hall Aurora at oclock the evening never hope All strength the following clubs Newmarket irrespective of politics are Beaver ton Col- to attend either meeting Midland Meaford Churchill and Sound Umpire Rev Burns to play at For the District Cup the following dubs comprise District No Churchill Newmarket and Beavtrton Umpire A play at laddies don your loggics and make a record for yourself this sea- ton A tankard or cup dont amount to much but Its the glory of having Public A meeting of the Board of Manag er held on Tuesday evening President 1 in the chair An account of for new book added was passed and it was to add more new books next month The Secretary was Instructed to bill reader of one of the late for- it having been ruined by being carelessly left out door in rain- Librarian reported that two books that were overdue had been aurreptftiouisfy returned to the Read ing Room The Board decided that hooks are not properly handed Let all his friends turn out in big numbers and show how we appreciate him as our representative to recover his former long as be continued in such arduous duties We all know our friend Sir William and we all know that whatever he undertakes he does most thoroughly We also know how arc the duties connect ed with the administration in a coun try like Canada Therefore came to the conclusion that it would not jhave been fair to Sir William had I asked lo remain longer in office FRIDAY Oct 20Mr J A very reluctantly had to give will have a sale of stock consent to his withdrawing from and furniture on lot con Sale consent the Cabinet of which he has been an North months credit on sums over except for wood and fat hogs Sale at oclock TUESDAY Oct Mr Wilmot will have an extensive sale of stock and farm implements on ornament and a resourceful member Silt WILFRID WILL MISS HIM If our friend were not here might say many things him which I pre fer not to mention his presence which I would have more pleasure to say In hi absence 1 would tell how tA much for my part I shall miss him I associated from the of Last that he entered politics lylhree years ago Our associa- all Burns over except for hay grain roots and fat cattle or per Cent for cash Sale at one oclock sharp If Kava lions became more intimate with j years I have relied upon his advice upon his work upon his energy and upon Ids absolute loyalty lo myself to our party and to the country Hear hear It gives me some sa tisfaction that at all events his ser vices will not be lost bo the country but that he will lie able to serve it upon the stage pave our brief stay there and go some of us like myself perhaps linger reluctantly too long upon the stage- yet we Know there comes an end to that life TO But in this present instance in my own case there is something that makes the parting to me extremely hitter was deeply interested in problems that we are now develop ing I roust not touch upon politics here of course but I see such rapid developments over our country that it is the loss of the greatest charm that could come to one not to he able to take hand in that work In addition to leaving the public work and public life which has en gaged my heart and energies so many years I have become attached to my colleagues one and all and if the other gentlemen will permit chiefly my old friend the Premier Sir Wilfrid He has alluded to our acquaintance Twentythree years ago it began as a mere acquaintanceship afterwards de veloping into a close peisonal friend ship and later still when I had come learn better his object his devotion to his country his high aims to build up a great and unite Canada in North America that friendship grew into admiration for his purposes Therefore you cart realize the pang to me when I am obliged to take part as a fellowworker with him and to step down into comparatively private life and not rendering him any further assistance in this wortf of nation- building And so go a very heavy heart from you all because I was in suel perfect accord with you upon all questions and enjoyed such friendly and happy relations with you all hut I will tab with me In to private life memories and I trust I- i how Boom open for the season under the charge of Miss At Clearing Prices WANTED Salesladies for Saturdays DAWF expression determination and loyalty will soon satisfy you and the coun try that you have made a most pro fitable exchange Let me say I en tertain the deepest the best and the strongest wishes for the welfare of the Government of which I have been a member I am sorry that shall not be present to help in your bat tles as lime on but you have- got a stronger ally than I could be you have gained by the exchange and I have no doubt that the country will soon realize the fact Sir and gentlemen I thank you from the bottom of my heart for attachments bat will last as long as and good to wards me I know that there are In marked off the record book Mrs entertained a another capacity not so absorbing large company of young people on as is political life but nevertheless Friday evening last it being the an- one in which he will be able to give their eldest daughters Canada in another form the benefit to birthday I of his great ability Of his success Mrs McMillan and Mr Fred i In Ids new capacity I and those that that the Librarian if further books to the family A number hf hooka art now over- j spent over Sunday with Mr Moans If not returned at once the sister Mrs Miller at be billed Mr Armstrong has with cost The reading moved into the house lately vacated by Mr Mr and Mrs Fred attend ed Fair and remained a is on and many books are ask ed for that are continuously out In a public library people should not be but give others a chance few visiting relatives ordinary book sbould be read in J Mr foliar is moving into two or ftirip weeks hut some have of Mr- Andersons houses on been out that many months Street one S co- know him have no doubt whatever Sir William will make a of whatever he undertakes be cause he will put all his soul and all bis into his work He will not spare and the only thing I would recommend to him if he will allow me to make a rccom- is to spare himself and to himself with his ternary Intense vigor to his duties went energy eloquence power life Itself Long applause These friendships will perhaps serve lo be a light to lighten my remaining years as the rays of the setting sun Illumine the hilltops upon which we look from the capital Let rue express my best wishes for the welfare of all my colleagues in the great work iri which they arc en gaged I shall receive a deputation of employees from the de partment which until now I have ad ministered and their I shall return to Toronto When next We meet you will stilt lie in the work of nationbuilding and I hope you will bust To carry It on effectually A TO TWO I congratulate you all upon the gentleman who has been chosen as successor to me my old ft lend Mr Aylesworth whose clearness of many who arc not hero tonight Who would HI- to have been if circum stances permitted and I speak to them as I do to you all when I say that my associations with my fellow- members of the House of Commons have been of the happiest and I would ask you when you meet In your rooms where we nave of Jen foregathered that you will think occasionally of me and believe that I am present with you in the spirit Loud and prolonged ap plause A man receives his first congratulations af ter purchasing one of our FALL AND SUITS from his looking glass Ho his second from MEN U I Just enough dash and style about these win ter suitings to make them distinctive The citymade look stands all over them F WILLI NEXT TO ATKINSON STREET o o l e Cure a Cold in Toko Laxative Tabled Soven MUHoa Mid In past month Signature m