Newmarket Era, 20 Oct 1905, p. 4

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Sit William Takes tbe Judiciary No disagreement With Colleagues Telegrams from Ottawa the begin ning of this week conveyed the inti mation that Sir William had Blood Diseases CAN ALL BE CURED BY THE USE OK DR WILLIAMS PINK PILLS More than half the disease in world is caused by bad blood weak Impurities resigned his seat for North oI his position of PostmasterGeneral j and backaches the lum- the Administration and rheumatism the neuralgia nt tic appointment or Chief Jus- and sciatica the debility and fit indigestion the paleness lice of the Exchequer of Ontario High Court diseases like eczema that- show In common with a very wide circle the blood actually is of personal and political friends we It is no trying a different medi- regret the severance which cine for disease because ther a spring front the one cause bad is thus created between the Ruling cure disease you must and the gentleman who for so mam lfae years has acceptably represented the trouble in the- blood That is what in the Dominion Williams Pink Pills do They hut at the same time join with make new rich blood Common mem medicines onlv touch the his many friends in congratulating Williams Pink Pills him not only on his past achieve- rool That is why in the public life of the these pills cure when doctors and but also upon his preferment to common medicines fail Here is Proof I suffered agony from the distinguished place he is now says chosen to fill in the judiciary of I had no native country We trust his career for my meals and no energy on the bench will be equally success- for my work my stomach caused me M as his Of the a department over which he has Mi a j with so much efficiency and honor always doctoring but it did me no good Then a little book came into my hands and I read that Dr Williams Pink Pills would cure indi gestion I got them and began tak ing them and I soon found were My appetite to improve and my food to digest bel ter I used the pills for a couple of months and I was well Now I am 1 In this connection we may say that the Exchequer Division of the High Court of Justice in Ontario to which Sir William has just been ap pointed was established about- two years ago but not till Saturday last was anyone selected to preside over it This court is simply one of the A readv for mv meals and I can several divisions of the Ontario High TOOT HO All the members of the Federal Cabinet have been summoned to at tend an important meeting Friday- Ministerial changes are rumored An Ottawa despatch states that it is understood at the Capital that the vacancy in the Court of Appeal caused by the elevation of Mr Jus tice to Supreme Court will be filled by the selection of Justice or Justice Meredith The Toronto Star makes a point against East End Conservatives of the city who accuse Liberal office holders of showing active political partisanship by observing They could not have shown very much of it judging from the election returns in Dr last contest Court hence is not directly connect ed with the Exchequer Court of Can ada over which Judge pre sides Immediately after the announce ment of Sir Williams resignation certain of lite Conservative press gave currency withdrawal from the Government was owing to disagreement personal and due to Dr Williams Pink Pills I keep the pills in the house all the time and I occasionally take a few as a precaution I can honestly ad vise all to use this medi cine as I am sure it will cure them as it did me Give Dr Williams Pink Pills a fair to rumors that his lrial you because they make that rich strong blood that disease cannot resist See vou get the genuine pills with political arid one or two city dailies i the full name Dr Williams Pink went so far as to slate that the Wis Pale People on the wrap- PostmasterGenerals views with re- Jf tan get from your medicine dealer or gard to the telephone and telegraph t question had caused a breach be- for writing the Dr Williams the Premier and himself Sir Medicine Co William gives an emphatic denial to all these rumors in language It is quite an error said the The official axe has this time London the less is the locality One day last week Daniel Noble and of the London insane asylum heard of their dismissal McKenzie was storekeeper for years No ble is painter and stoker of the institution In the murder trial which took place last week at Alexis was acquitted by the jury on charge of murdering his wife and stepdaughter This finding was rendered on the ground of insanity of the accused will be con- in Barrie jail till the decides where he will be placed Inward cleansing an necessary as outward bathing To keep the bowels free and regular is of even greater importance than to keep the skinpores from becoming clogged The neglect of either in vites disease Everyone needs a natural laxative occasionally to free the bowels of accumulated impurities For this purpose take u thc greatest boon ever offered to those who suffer from the ills that follow constipation For over fifty years Pills have been famous as a Stomach corrective a Liver regulator and Bowel laxative They never gripe nor cause pain Powerful purgatives are dangerous Avoid them Use Pills They give re lief without doing violence to any organ Their action is in Itar- wiJi physical laws Take them regularly and the necessity for their use becomes less frequent They are a natural laxative and a positive cure for Constipation Biliousness Indigestion Sick Headache and Dyspepsia Prepared only the Proprietor Tbomu Helena Lancashire J everywhere la Cco34a ni America la boxes as cent PostmasterGeneral for anyone to suggest that I am withdrawing from the Government because any disagreement with the Gov ernment or any of its members on any question whether political or personal the Cabinet sim ply because after nearly a quar ter of a century of uninterrupted public life with its many arduous exactions I do not feel equal to a continuance of a task the duties of which have already become a fee ere strain It is with the utmost regret that I part from the Premier and my colleagues and from a Gov ernment which enjoys rny fullest confidence whilst the severance of the strong personal ties of affec tion which have developed between me and each member of the Cab inet adds great poignancy to the separation the following i THOUSANDS DIE OF No condition causes incur- diseases as constipation It not prevents the kidneys elim inating the poisonous wastes causes anaemia stomach trouble and indigestion Why dont you use Dr Hamiltons Pills and get cured This excellent medicine restores normal bowel action in night Thousands say so Your system will be pure and clean youll be free from no more sour stomachs in short youll have jovial spirits and perfect good health Dr Hamiltons Pills are sold everywhere a box Here is a story of strange coinci dences of seconds now going rourrds of the press associated with the life of His Majesty King Edward Hi is made that it has been ascertained that Kine Edward was crowned at second second of the second minute of the second hour of the second day of the second week of the second month of the second half of the second year of twen tieth century An American exchange states that twentyfour deer and three hunters were shot during the first dav of the hunting season in the Maine woods which is a pretty fair proportion The Wilson Star observes It is estimated that each deer kill ed in the Adirondack costs the hunt ers an average of It is not surprising that the guides are solici tous for the preservation of both deer and hunters They need them in their business Word has been received that Hon Col Matheson Provincial Treasurer who is now in England has failed in his endeavor to float the Provincial loan but he did succeed in effecting a renewal of existing treasury bills at per cent Col ought to have Hon Mr with him to show him how things are done in financial circles over the big pond Premier Whitney was feted in Mon treal last week and the Telegram states that he was accorded the ban quet in recognition of the glorious doctrine proclaimed in the exaltation of Hon Dr to the Ontario Cabinet After stating that Mr that into J P Whitney has settled it a FrenchCanadian must go every Ontario Government just be cause he is a FrenchCanadian thc Telegram goes on to observe The next move will be for the leader of the Liberal Opposition to promise two portfolios to FrenchCanadians follows Sehorobetg pah King Township Agricultural Socie ty was favored with beautiful weath er and the Fair last Friday was a grand success The Aurora Railway ran extra trains and the service was greatly appreci ated especially by the farmers all along road as the trains stopped at every crossroad About people were on the grounds and mu sic was supplied by the Brass Hand show of heavy horses was splendid the draught and agricultur al classes being filled throughout Mr J Proctor of St had wonderful success with his draught colt winning three prizes on the one animal 1st on Vvrold gelding 1st on Cart Horse and Sweepstakes for best gelding year old and under Keen interest was manifested in the races which resulted as I m a word with you and itastc words We are sole and Overcoat We wont about your Fail Suit agents- for what are admittedly the finest ready-to- wear garments offered in Canada- the because thev arc FrenchCanadi ans Then the statesman who makes two FrenchCanadian Cabinet Minis ters flourish where one flourished be fore may get two banquets in Mon treal instead of the one which cele brated Hon J P Whitneys surren der to the hyphenated of Quebec The Mail and Empire of Saturday Class 1st 2nd 3rd Bolton Boy Free for aH 1st Hal of Cookstown 2nd Boy of 3rd Ernie Hunter of There was also a good show Carriage Horses and Mr of St won two first prizes on his team one for matched span and one for gents turnout In Cattle honors were passed IT brand of mens fine tailored garments Dont confuse these clothes with the readymade stuff They are different and better in every respect and the very kind of clothes you are looking for They are being worn by dressy men all over Canada They solve the clothes problem for the man who want stylish clothes at a reasonable price Were ready when you arc I I OPPOSITE SOVEREIGN BANK NEWMARKET calls attention to recent utterances pretty generally hut not so Of the Conservative member sheep and Pics Mr Get the genuine The hotelkeepers of Lakes have formed an Association and at the organization meeting a short time ago it was decided to form a memorial fund with the view of erecting a Memorial to the late A P said memorial to be erected if possible at Port Carling A committee was appointed to man age the The purpose is a worthy one will honor it self erecting a substantial statue to the memory of a man who did much towards the development of the district men Kcnora Oct 13 Another terrible j drowning accident occurred at a place seventeen miles down the Winnipeg River this morning whereby four men lost their lives Engineer Miles the survey with a party This positive denial from Sir riyer Darn spoils the story of the noticed that six men had got llon press that he was crowded out to a Petcrnoro canoe which the Government The crocodile hem Two of the six swam tears they have been over I rooks Brown Porter and Lorensen the differences the ffwl net which caused the Postmaster- ooo General to retire may now tease to flow especially as he states it is with the utmost regret that he parts from the Premier and his col leagues This very assurance too I ANNOYING BLACKHEADS External applications will never re move pimples or blackheads Only Mil strengthen the confidence of Liberals of this Riding in the n be one For Administration a fiure takes place it drives all humors Now that a vacancy has ere- in of the Rid- th it is up to the Reform Executive made by Committee to the wheels in mo- impossible to suffer for a Liberal Convention to i have a or the skin healthy color J Delays beautify I complexion by using nominate ion to a candidate I No lime to are often time responsible for and youll feel immensely better as well Fifty buys a box containing fifty tablets at any drug store- HOW TO CURE TOOTH Any aching tooth can be relieved in- ftlwlly with Fill the VIVIAN SCHOOL with batting dipped in I Nathaniel rub the gums Merle If the face awollen arid bathe Gladys Brooks Stewart painful parts with and Clara Grose Florence Mc- with a flannel cant kills the pain out- Frederic right and prevents it returning Mabel Gladys quicker more Scott than any other liniment Poisons Vivian has been the large- brooks Myers for fifty years try it your- Jr Montgomery Scott fcelf Jr Smart Oliver Neva Murray Wouldnt this jar you ejaculat ed an old farmer on the market last Saturday when he heard that Mr Herbert Lennox was reported in the Telegram as having stated No I would not accept a nomination bo- cause six months in the year is too long for me to be away from my business He was referring to the anticipated byeelection consequent upon the retirement of Sir William If the local member for this Riding wants to see his finish let him send in his resignation for the Assembly to Mr Speaker St John and test his popularity for the Commons The Liberals of the Rid ing are just longing for such an op portunity as would thus be afforded The Khan in Hamilton Herald has a readable on po tato rot He says The trouble is that it is the finest tubers that are put to the had The little measly scabby runts that nobody would eat anyhow are as sound as a dollar while the nice big smooth ones the fellows that when you boil them un touched by the knife unbutton their jackets on the table and show off their nice white vests arid frilled shirts they are tbe ones that are on the bum Tbe fine varieties sudor most Then this conclusion is drawn and it has its moral better to be a little contemptible spud than to be a great rotten mur phy no matter how big you are Guess the Khan is about right and rigs Mr Toronto in Commons and Whitchurch swept the board in says Hon George Foster j Edward Jeffs A Son of served in his recent speech that on Nicest Lemon- bis return to Parliament last session in be noticed a distinct change in Cross of in Oxfords W character of that body A few years of Bond Head in Parliament was composed of men There were five entries for took a direct interest in all its flock and the deliberations and voted with the of minimum of party sentiment Now the work of Parliament appertains captured all the prizes in York- to a few members and the majority Ket without debating the issue will vote did same thing In the the caucus has ordered In the skinner of same speech Hon Mr Foster justified in the any breed the increased indemnity or salary- attractions grab made last scssionand yet he the people but the merrygo tells the people of North Toronto monopolized the show that the majority arc in fact mere business License Inspector Way- voting machines who follow the Sharon was moving around to beck of the minority workers and lho was violated pocket the slack This is called everything passed of very order ly Miss and Miss Fisher of Newmarket were both successful ex hibitors in Fancy Work The Concert in evening was a great success the hall being packed to the doors parliamentary representation by 1 Conservative leader In the year grace a of aa0 Shorthand and Keepjng Courses of the British America i business COLLEGE J Really truly fits a reasonable o Increase the salary You done there r It A llA TORONTO FOE RegiBtered Large English Berk shire Boars and Sows Jersey Bull Several Heifers Also choice lot of Yearling Bar red Rock Breeding Hens J Great throughout I tomorrow Muy the centenary of the of or Dry fc ponder wiM the t I Good Herbert I Muriel Good Clarence Robert Jr Smart Stanley Mc Carl Tlllle It is that with ap pointment of a new Deputy Minister of that the Ontario Gov ernment purpose passing upon the whole primary and secondary educa tion The Globe says The present system is understood not to he particularly In favor with the Minister of Education who would prefer a guarantee of more substan tial ground work in schools Do mestic science and manual training are approved but In other directions there Is too much cake and jam and not enough bread and butter Hence in making the nomination of a Depu ty Minister of the Department there Is not to be much hurry the Impression obtains that some time will before definite action Is taken TO CURB A COM Iff Oil DAY Take Laxative Quinine Tab lets All druggists refund the money If It fails to cure 25c W signature Is on each box m Senator of died at Newton Mass from the effects of an automobile collision A tale ol the sea Is told by two survivors of the coasting schooner of New Haven which went to pieces off the South Carolina coast Fred Sanford a prominent young farmer of Virden Man whose par ents reside at was in stantly Willed by being caught In the feeder of bis threshing machine Little Current Oct J no ol one of the carpenters working on Robert Mal ta new store was standing on a barrel on the balcony when head of barrel gave way and be drop ped Into it barrel tipped over and rolled of the balcony and with inside fell fourteen feet to the sidewalk struck on of his neck and shoulders and would probably have been killed had it not been for the barrel break ing the force of the fall Af It was he got a severe shaking and broke the two bones of his left wrist offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure J CHENEY A Co Toledo We the undersigned have known J Cheney for lho last years and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm KINNAN MARVIN Wholesale Druggists Toledo O Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter nally acting directly upon blood and mucous surfaces of the system Testimonials sent free Price cents per bottle Sold by all Drug gists Take Halls Family Pills for con stipation 40OO James Clarke pleaded guilty to six charges cattle stealing in York County and has been sent to the Cen tral Prison for two years cul prit said In court that liquor was cause of the theft Headquarters I Harness When need good Harness call At Harness Headquarters Also Rugs Whips FlyNets SweatPads Tel escopes Trunks Suit Cases Gall Cure Guaranteed to Cure or Money Refunded Prompt and Neat Repairing done GIVE US A CALL 11 QUEENSVILLE WANTED Farm to Let West end of Lot 32 3rd Con Klnj Good buildings mostly cleared and under cultivation fair orchard well watered Terms reasonable For further particulars apply to John Black on premises or to proprietor J 29-tf- Farm for Sale On easy terms to suit purchaser containing sixty three acres situate near Sharon in the Township of Soli clay loam Good House with Woodshed two frame Barns and large straw shed Hard and soft water Eight acres fall wheat in tho ground twelve acres seeded Fall ploughing will bo done For further particulars apply to Sharon A agent for Newmarket and James Clarke pleaded guilty to surrounding country Good pay weekly territory Sample case or outfit free Our terms arc thu best In the business We need a man of character and ability during fall and winter months Farm for Sale Being composed of thc north east part of lot No In the sixth con cession of the Township of West In the County of Sim- coo and part of north half of lot No concession of the said township containing about acres Thc buildings are good and the farm is well drained and fenced Two wells of good water good orchard and farm is in good condition Most of the vlllago of Bond Head is on lots Terms as may be agreed on Apply to THOS CROSS Bond Head o WHAT CAUSES SNORING When asleep people that breathe through the mouth instead of the nostrils which are choked with catarrh Just use before retiring and youll quickly cure the snoring habit By destroying the cause ol catarrh and healing the makes a com- Pie W It SickDc1 write for a lUt Louie and valuable nostrils stops discharge and pro- on vents dropping In throat in a few Kinj Street Toronto All minutes Nothing so pleasant or certain to cure snoring catarrh or cods thats worth To remembering OVER ACRES The choicest and most list of stock in Canada including fruit and ornamental stock small fruits and seed potatoes Fast sell ing specialties offered for first time Write lor terms now to THE NURSERY CO Toronto we ray salarytwo to six doi- per week cither sex introducing our NEW IDEA free training ra pid advancement opportunity sure Nicholas Company Limited Toronto Mention this paper PROMPTLY SECURED Write for our Invent- at Help an I How you are at a sketch or mode of your in- orlmprovemenl ami you opinion at to whether It elected en prosecuted by W conduct fully equipped office and pitch work and quickly abTOid the Invention hebest reference Patent procured through Marlon A Mi- in distributed Dominion Patent of MARION MARION Patent Expert end

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