THE NEWMARKET- ERA FRIDAY OCTOBER 20 ONTARIO Stock Paid up Held Offlw cedent General BRANCH A General Banking Business TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits CDBMItT ISSUED AT ILL American Drafts taught and Collections LEGAL J Robertson Notary Public c Office Halo Street Newmarket to loan on good Farm Security Conveyancer fi CtopplD Billiard Parlor Aurora will aid Court Bow A Co Banker ft Bank Aurora Block Loan INSURANCE J fl Agent for Life i and to at Current Rate AtthePoatOraceNe fl Ramsay Fire Insurance Agent low Halt on Rules and Town Property New prank Street Newmarket- is on Whitchurch Council meets at on Wednesday Next Thursday is Thanksgiving Day holiday all over Canada Last Sunday the pastor preached anniversary sermons on the Stroud circuit the pulpit Here being occupied by Rev formerly of Temper- to good acceptance Thanksgiving Thursday of next week being Thanksgiving Day the Era will be issued a day earlier than usual and advertisers will please govern themselves accordingly In the report of a Police case last week we inadvertently used the name of EH Murray when it should have been his brother James We are sorry for this mistake as the para graph cast odium upon one who was innocent of Pulpits Next Sunday morning in the inter ests of the Upper Canada Bible So ciety there will be an exchange of pulpits among the ministers in Town as follows Methodist Rev PresbyterianRev J Christian Cornell Friends Rev A Campbell Probated The will of Mrs Mary Smith wi dow of Whitchurch Township dis poses of an estate of including in property To Mary Jane Wells is left a first choice of house hold furniture which is then to be divided among three- other ladies The house and laird is to be sold and the proceeds divided among nephews and nieces Bolton Pointer Millards and Humane Corner A Ellis Architect and Sanitary Engineer Room 200 Manning Chambers Toronto- Plans and estimates made on all kinds buildings at Bra Office will receive prompt attention I layman to AGS LICENSES ibe Newmarket er- Paper at private If Papers Now is the time to subscribe for new papers Balance of free to all paying in advance for Era and Weekly Globe Era and Weekly Mail Kra and Weekly Sun Era and Montreal Star Era and Montreal Witness Era and Daily World Era and Daily Globe I year in North York only bending Help The Treasurer of the Methodist Church Mr Jackson desires to acknowledge With thanks the follow ing subscriptions on Saturday last towards shed repairs A A Skinner Watson Woods J Thompson total Quite a large number oth ers promised assistance It would be specially welcome if paid this month Mrs Nayjt VOCAL TEACHER from Toronto fexa engaged Studio in Hall over where she will re ceive her pupils and be pleased to anyone wishing to consult her la to terms on Friday each week NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS IS Monuments and Head Stones Call Before JAMES BY FANNIE T A Canadian Author now In In Simla that famous India town perched on a ridge connecting two peaks of tha Himalayas and halfhidden by wealth of tall dark fira a town that Rudyard Kipling advertised as no other town has ever lives Mrs Charles Cotes the popular Canadian writer better known by her maiden name Sara Duncan Mrs Cotes was born in in the eldest daughter of Charles Duncan and received her education in the public ana the Collegiate Inslituie of tier native town She tried teaching for a time but soon discovered that she had talent for writing which was clamoring for development so she bade the child goodbye with pathos in her voice but a of joyous relief in her heart and started into literature tfome win literary success in a single bold brilliant charge to other the publishers and public surrender only after a long hard siege Mrs found it Her verse and prose seemed to have the un erring instinct of the homing pigeon for wherever she sent them they always came back Then she determined to enter literature by its back door journalism She wrote a series of syndicate letters about the New Orleans Cotton Centennial which she actually sold Then after a period of editorial training on the Washington Post she returned to Toronto and contributed to Canadian papers Her work as parliamentary correspondent of the Montreal Star attracted attention and some delightful essays for The Week showed her in a new vein In with Miss Lily Lewis she made a trip around the world writing syndicate articles along the way and in first hit the target of literary success with her uncon ventional of travels A Social Departure How Orthodosia and I Went Round the World the first of her tenor more books all breezy chatty stories that reflect her personality as naturally as a rosejar suggests roses While girdling the earth she found what determined her life She met in Calcutta Mr Cotes a professor who had a scientific connection with the Indian Museum and had won reputation in his special field of research Indian She returned to Canada but in they were married and Mrs Cotes went back to India Her writing has vivacity wit humor brilliancy and the charm of frank naturalness with the happy knack of hitting off a character or a scene in a few vivid strokes the same characteristic that makes Kiplings sketches so real graphic and seemingly spontaneous In India Mrs- Cotes has engaged in editorial and general literary work and this transplanted Can adian has none of her sparkle energy and charm in the new life and romantic setting of old India of tic It Ml I T Sutton Fair Prize Winners List of Winners at the George Ina North Gwillimbory and Sutton Union Agricultural Society Held at Sutton on 28th and PPJEDING Two Year Old Colt Race Open To Three Year Olds In North bury Sutton and Tory 1st- 2 years old Kays Dixon 2 old Stiles 3rd old Free For A Proctors hoot Glass lets Sid Pas Net tie Bright- 2nd J Martins Dick Turpi 3rd DRAFT HORSES Two Year Entire Colt J A Bong Son Year Entire A Son 2nd- Scott Son Brood Mare Shields 2nd 3rd iW Kay Two Year Old Gelding or Filly J A Son 2nd J A Son Year Gelding or Rynnrd 2nd Kaiser Span J A Son 2nd Jno Stephens Your Sack Sunlight Sunlight Soap is perfectly pure genaioe and free from adulteration all dealer 10 return money to- anyone finding je by trying and you will with millions of other women that the Sunlight way is the only way to wash cloth reward paid to any person who can prove that Sunlight Soap contains any form of adulteration or contains any injurious J Wilson for years with Mr Poole St SMITHS Photo Studio be to have you call work and careful the watchword ftitU- guaranteed and tor promptly tone Hicily has tome finest in the world CASTOR I A Bui Of Dp rated the ease of Mrs vs Dr Wesley before Chancellor Boyd on Saturday a nonsuit was entered The Telegram reports the trial and result as follows After the expert evidence of Dr Bruce and Dr Bing ham had been heard in the case of v Wesley the judge gave judgment without a Chancel lor after summing up the dente completely exonerated John Wesley from the charge mal practice brought against him Mrs Newmarket paid their own costs market last Saturday The usual high standard prices prevail ed Following are the ruling prices Butter to lb to Dressed Chickens to Ducks to Lamb to Apples to basket Apples to per Crab apples basket Fears SO to Cabbages Cauliflower to head Onions 20c peck Onions to 10c qt Potatoes CO to- bag Live Chickens lb Hens lb Ducks lb Live Turkeys lb Pigeons pair Hogs to 1576 per live weight Young 1 per pair Hides and lb Calfskins and lie CO to each Tallow lb then any inj good f BROTHERS TORONTO rub Sunlight on clothes and let them soak in tepid water rinicout in fresh water Iris equally good in lurd or soft water Sir Henry Irving will be Interred in Westminster Abbey Send the Era to absent friends The Emperor of Russia and the of Japan have signed the treaty of peace Japan will begin the evacuation of Manchuria at once The threeyearold daughter Miss is about to give a ser ies lectures in Canada on the schools in India and her own people These people the Par- sees are the most cultured fit India Their wealth culture and put them out of the reach of an or dinary missionary but Mrs and her daughters have found the vul- James spots in these schools as the was burned to death through setting willingly run any risk lor her clothing on fire the sake of education Wen and Women who are In Weed A Liberal Offer There are scores people In New- cous membrane the stomach at lm- and vicinity who arc starving the solar plexus and strength- In the midst of plenty This Is not the nervous system because they cannot digest they eat To help these unfortunates our leading druggists have recently celved a large supply the Every owes it to and most rtceut for the cure his family to master a trade or stomach troubles Read the display advertise ment of the of Tel- because they are in need food but One little tablet out of a the food box of before and you can eat what you like and when you like You will have no- more headaches backaches heartburn or indigestion will give you perfect health arid you cannot obtain Mlona your druggist It will be sent by mail is an combination postpaid on receipt of price Write A remedies for the stomach and us for advice on your case from a egraphy In this Issue and learn a man or mar team organs that heretofore have leading stomach specialist which will been little known in this country It be sent free The It Booth telegraphy and assured a position lgoolho lhe Kry 2nd- H 3rd J- Howard Cart Horse Hamilton Spring special 2nd W J Kny General Purpose or Agricultural Brood Mare Hamilton Two Year or Graham 2nd J Howard 3rd Cane Year G or Wm Barker 2nd 3rd Fry Span in Harness- Wight 2nd McMillan 2nd J ton 3rd Best Draft or Agricultural any age J A Son CARRIAGE ROADSTER Two Year Old Park Year Stallion Corner 2nd J Clark Brood Mare Morton Two Year old or Filly Barker 2nd Lambert 3rd Scott Son Year G or FWm J King 2nd Graham 3rd Wra Fry Span over 15 Bog- art 2nd Park Roadster Span under T Hamilton Jr 2nd Lambert Single Driver Carriage A John 2nd J Hamilton Single Driver Roadster J For est 2nd J Francis Saddle Horse J Howard 2nd Nelson Foal C Sinclair 2nd Morton Turnout Dr J 2nd J Francis Lady Drivers Miss Way 2nd Ml Sherman Lady Drivers Fastest mile Heats for Ha r mans special of a Sewing Machine decision has not yet been given it wan only open to horses that had never won public money consequently a protest was entered against the Winner Pony J Hamilton Yearling special 2nd Win Lambert Best Mare any age J Hamilton Best Gelding or Foals any or breed- J A Son SHORT HORN Two Year 2nd Martin Year 2nd Scott Son MCnrdill 2nd Kay Aged Bull J- Howard Scott Son 2nd K Heifer 2 yrsT Scott 2nd J I Howard Year K 2nd Scott Son Calf J- Howard 2nd Herd I Bull and Scott Son 2nd Sib J Bull any age Scott Bon GRADE CATTLE Cow M 2nd Year Heifer Jno Fat Steer or Heifer Win Rynard 2nd D Davidson Ram LiinbT Davidson Aged Ewes J David son Shearling ttavldHon Davidson- Aged Ram Shearling RamWnw Ram Lamb Win 2nd Aged Ewes Wra Shearling SHEEP Aged 2nd Kay Shearling Ram I McCardlll 2nd Kay Concluded on Pago 3 2nd Miss Son Watch this Space Next Week FOR it A- PROVED A SUCCESS AND WON A NAME AND PLACE IN THE HOMES OF CANADA IN ONE YEAR mi c if f And you run no rink We only reliallc AND WARRANT and arc right here all the time to good our guarantee Call and goods and prices ESTABLISHED T WATSON and Graduate Optician- Corner Necessities Opel Except Church and Meal Hours PURE DRUGS PRICES MODERATE TED Druggist NEWMARKET Comer Main and Timothy Streets Bond and Gravel For cement delivered by mail promptly attended to A Chandeliers for Sale JACKSON Church Brick iooma hard water Good garden good lo cation Apply to A I Boyds Livery The undersigned is now running a Union Bus to all trains by telephone for all parts of the will receive prompt attention I A BOYD Old Stand