THE NEWMARKET FRIDAY OCTOBER Dp Richardson NEWMARKET DENTIST at Albert Brooke Block on 2nd aid Tuesday of each month Jersey Grades for Safe from to old have been bred also Cows For particulars apply to D STOKES Mount Albert Farm for Sale acres close to Albert having thereon good 3rick House Bank Barn well fenced well and in good state of cultivation DAVIDSON PI Mount Albert The Liverpool London Globe INSURANCE COMPANY I Available Subscribed Tola HEAD OFFICE CANADA Andrew Chairman Went- J Deputy hair- man Mr Ate Lactate Accepted tit Current DAVIDSON Ml Albert Cnler Agent for Dominion THE MARKET There was the usual busy time at the market on Tuesday Prices as follows butter to eggs to chickens to ducks Reese to per lb turkeys 1 is without a rival said Mrs Moore was who ever Miss Patti Mrs Moore on the Mr Bennett the best asssted him accompanied piano Miss SUCCESSFUL SOCIAL A social was at the home Mrs Richard Harper on the coil- cession on Friday evening under the auspices of the Ladies Aid the Franklin Christian Church There was a attendance and a most enjoyable time was spent Among those who contributed largely to the success of the entertainment were Miss Barker and Messrs Eugene and Geo Barker Buy Goods and Sell Them Thats all that we There arc no other considerations to take up our time six days a week we manage to keep busy advertisements always to see our display we make most of our promises gain most of our new friends and do the most our best advertising while you are a visitor or rather pur goods do it for us Our supply of Furniture shows no fipotfi It is complete ALLAN THEAKER Our rite but PERSONAL Mr J Grose who is known as the great handcuff monarch and has been giving exhibitions of bis sfciUiffgettiu rid of handcuffs fet ters etc- in different parts of the United States is in town this week on a visit to his father Mr Grose Miss Florence of New market is in town on a visit to her friend Miss Hose Mr Fred is in this week the wedding of his brother Mr and Mrs A Everett spent Sun day at the home of her parents at Green bank Mrs Ross of Toronto is visiting at the home of Mr Eugene Miss Flo is spending a few weeks with friends in the city NEW STORE Having refitted the old James Shields Store throughout we are now open for business in the line of Dr Forrest has disposed of his black driver to Messrs Graham Bros of Many of our citizens attended Zephyr Fair on Tuesday last and re port an excellent fair and an enjoya ble time One of the attractions was a hog weighing Its Maude Alexander as a reader and is certainly in the first rank of her profession All her se lections were well rendered and well received Mr Harry Bennett was there to make the people laugh and he was never heard in better form than he was that evening All his selections were choice but the two Willie Winks and Imitating a lady who was asked to sing simply brought down the house Proceeds of concert As a result of the fair fast week we were rather too busy or too to write any locals so will en deavor to give you a few items now even if it is a week late Miss Irene Moore visited in market last week Miss Lillian Henderson of Toronto is visiting with Miss Link Miss Alma Aylward of Toronto Normal School was home over Sun day Mr Geo Bond visited with his brother Chief of Police Bond of Port Hope a few days last week Miss Flo Traviss of was the guest of Miss Gertrude Wight last week Miss Minnie of Toron to was in town for over the fair Mrs War nock and Mrs McNabb of are visiting at J J Ter rys Three new Gerhard pianos were placed in the town last week Mrs J and Wright were Ihe purchasers The anniversary services in the Presbyterian Church on were very largely attended Mr McLean preached two excellent sermons The thankoffering in the morning amount ed to Mr Geo Fogg sold his house and lot in the village to Mr James Cow- itson Mr Fogg does not vacate until spring Mr and Mrs of To ronto also Mr W Pearson of Mr James Milne arrived home from the NorthWest on Monday last Jim says that toe only country Miss Marjoxie Wight is visiting friends in Aurora Presbyterian Guild Every Wednesday evening oclock sharp October Songs That Help Leader Miss B Col 3 Piano Service SOME SEASONABLE ADVICE It may be a piece of superfluous ad vice to urge people at this season of the year to lay in a supply of Cham berlains Cough Remedy It is al most sure to be needed before winter is over and more prompt and satisfactory results are obtained New- J when taken as soon as a cold is con tracted and before it has become set tled in the system which can only be done by keeping the remedy on hand This remedy is so widely known and so altogether good that no one should hesitate about buying It in preference to any other It is for sale by W Lloyd SUTTON our folks reciprocate the kindly in terest by running to tell the Owl that a new residence is to be put up in Keswick immediately if not be fore Well well bide a wee And some more youll hear from me An autumn stroll What can be more delightful when the trees are lovely in their tintcd foliage At this season of the year especially the forest beau ties haunt dreams Im a true lover Oils and Goggles Guns and Ammunition hob lb Eh ALBERT t DONT GIVE IT AWAY Wool Is Valuable This Year Sell to GROCERIES the best we can buy and solicit a share of your patronage We are Paying the Highest Price for all kinds of Grain and Seeds We regret to announce the death of widow of the at over Sunday Mrs Wm is very at present with pneumonia Miss Lillic Stick wood is confined to her bed with congestion of the lungs Mr and Mrs Watson of Auro ra were visiting at Mr A J Milnes on Sunday last late James Hammett on Sunday last in her year Deceased was the mother of Mr Allen Theater and of Messrs Geo and Nathan The funeral tool- plate from the home of her son Mr Theater to Cemetery The Cemetery Company are build- I a dead house Mr John T has the contract and is Nottingham and good progress Sunday last in has purchased bridge the farms of Messrs and Henry Manning Mr J has gone to St Michaels hospital for treatment for blood poisoning in his hand which attacked him a few days ago WWSHIELDS I MILLINERY A JUDICIOUS INQUIRY A wellknown travelling man who visits the drug trade says be has ol- MOUNT ALBERT ten heard druggists inquire of cus tomers who asked for a cough cine whether it was wanted for a child or for an adult and if for a child they almost invariably Chamberlains Cough Remedy The reason for this is that they know there is no danger from it and that it always cures There is not the least danger in giving it and for coughs colds and croup it passable For sale by OPENING Mr J McFarland is somewhat indisposed and unable to attend to business Into the premises of the undersign ed lot Con East on August one Yearling Steer all white Owner is requested to prove property pay expenses and take it away Sharon STRAYED Mrs and family of the Lake shore have gone to Huntsville on a visit Miss Secretary of the To ronto of the gave an interesting and instructive address on week in Knox Church in connection with the MS Miss was the guest of Miss Cameron while in Sutton Rev J Boyd attended the meet ing of the Knox College Alumni while in Toronto Mrs Newmarket is visit ing her daughter Mrs Walter Scott who has been ill lately Mr Charles Daly left here for venhurst on Wednesday of last week Mr Geo Wright and brother at tended fair last Wednes day Mr Walter of was in the village last Friday Miss Sarah of Town Line and Mrs J who was her narrowly escaped asphyxiation on Friday night by coal gas escaping from a stove Rev Neil McDonald who has been occupying the pulpit of the Presby terian Church at Bala re turned to the Hermitage in the fore part of this week The work of repairing the Manse is progressing rapidly A number from here attended the Hoi Supper at Virginia Methodist Church on Monday evening The Rev Mr of Wilfrid took the anniversary services on Sunday It looks very like an exodus from here to the NorthWest this fail judging by the number of sale bills among the farmers Henry Leigh has a sale of fur niture on Monday afternoon Kemps blacksmith shop is being of natures artistic beauty A rather crusty bachelor said to me there are no girls worth any thing about here This rattled up for a moment- See here my friend says I there are dozens yes scores Let me put them in bouquets of half a dozen air lowers each Theres Misses Let tie and Minnie Lake and Myrtle j J Alice and Tomlinson for first lot Then we have the Misses Adelaide Georgia and Lucy Crittenden and Minnie Net tie and Huldah Draper How do you line them And heres a clus ter of rare gems and flowers the pick of them all Misses Clara Cam eron Lily Station Riddel Jessie Barber Ruby and Mag gie OBrien And if youll just trot over in youll the AddiC May and Edith Hamilton and Vera Graham And we have a of maiden ladies names not divulg ed worth their weight in gold and as many more fair lassies just in their teens Why there never were such girls you old growler Continued on Page A FULL LINE OF CLOTHS FLANNELS SHEETINGS BLANKETS YARNS ETC ALWAYS ON HAND A SON MOUNT ALBERT I Mount Albert Planing and Sawing Mills COULD NOT BE BETTER g The uniform success of Chamber lains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has won for it a wide repu tation and many people throughout the country will agree with Mr of Va who says It works like magic and is the best preparation I know of It couldnt be any better He had a serious attack of dysentery and was advised to try a bottle of this reme- For sale by Lloyd Doors Sash and all kinds of Dressed Lumber on Get the material for your bouse ready this spring and save money Lumber and Shingles P CUT CHEAPER THAN ANY PLACE NORTH OF TORONTO Saturday Sept A T- is unsur- Lloyd IJUEKNSVILLK Our annual Fall and Wednesday of dampened on Tuesdaj all were ALBERT Morton in Charge ALBERT From Lot Concession in the Tp of East a light red Cow white face dehorned due to freshen October 1st Information suitably rewarded R ivriH ALBERT I Pure Paris Green ft In bulk and put up puAti by Poison Fly Paper and Tanglefoot carry full among and Cure Prescription VkvmWy or LLOYD Fair on Tuesday last week was the last day On Arts placed in the Mall and judged The exhibit in the building was larger and belter than ever Roots there in abun dance and far better samples than were shown at any of the local fairs this year The exhibit of fruits was so large and such careful work by the judges that the work in that was not all finished on the trst day Ihe line arts ladies Work occupied all one side of the hall and part of the centre The competition in the finer work was wry keen and the Judges were some time deciding who should be the winners vK a day for a fair Rain fell from am until about I pm but still the crowd was there In the afternoon The exhibit of all live stock was smaller than ever before but if the weather had been favorable ft would have been bigger than ever as the live stock entries were larger than for any previous show Look for fair next year will have the railway up here thn and an Old Boys ReUnion for on the date The Grand Concert on Wednesday evening was a huge success both and otherwise The hall was fairly well filled and the very beat of order was kept throughout the whole program Mrs J T Moore made herfirhl public Mum a audience- and was received with in doubt the best hah our privilege to hear person the In praise of Mrs Moore and as an accomparlt Farm for Rent Being Lot Con containing acres good dwelling house barns and outbuild ings Will rent for a term of years full particulars apply to MRS DOUGLAS Holt A BEAUTIFUL WHISK HOLDER Given Away With every lot of Polish Try a bottle of Patent Leather Cream It preserves the leather Ve sell the celebrated time Shoe Polish Once used always used also a full line of Tan Polish Fine Shoe Repairing and Ordered Lehman Mount Albert Queen Heaters Good Cheer HOT BLAST Cook Stoves COAL Kitchen Queen Range J ROWLAND Mount Albert HOW TO CORNS AND BUNIONS First soak the corn or bunion in warm water to soften it then pare it down as closely as possible with out drawing blood and apply twice daily rub bing vigorously for five minutes at each application A corn plaster should be worn a few days to protect It from the shoe As a general lini ment for sprains bruises lameness and rheumatism Pain Balm is un equalled For sale T Lloyd oooW BALDWIN BREEZES Samuel Park Is retiring from farm- in possibly to engage in cutting his favorite enjoyment Peter Peiaull has leased his farm and is giving up housekeeping to re side with his daughter Mrs John Stevenson We shall miss him from our midst Geo- has the North- West fever The hoys are home quite enthusiastic over New Ontario A brilliant wedding lure next week Baldwin loses one of her sweetest little sugar plums Donald Riddel got his discharge jury list and took a trip to Parry Sound district He our id friend and exneighbor Sherwood Donald is not wonder fully Impressed with that country Thinks it admirably Adapted for a quiet life Mrs was not over whelmingly fortunate at Her prizes were few but there arc plausible reasons for this She only got a prize list a day in advance thinks Its a long Sigh I less trouble and almost as much expense to remodel an old house as to build a new one You are happy right Jimmle When It Is completed David Drown would never recognize his old Canadian home It seems to disturb spine folks dreams trying to conjure who Jimmij will Have for cook Aye aye vho is it to- be A gentleman of Keswick is greatly in our burg and o o o o o Paying Dozen for Eggs AND lb for Butter a J FALL AND WINTER Comforters covered with nice dark shades of Print good clean Filling very special each Comforters good light and dark colored Chintz soft Georgia Down fill ing regular each for GO Comforters covered and lined with fine English art Sateen finest African Down filling regular each for range of Blankets comprise a wide selection from to per pair Horse Blankets lined throughout with good heavy Scotch Kersey regu lar price a pair for pr Horse Blankets extra heavy all Kersey extra large size extra special pair Buggy Rugs good heavy Woollen Rug assorted patterns and colorings some plain dark shades regular 52 each for Grey Flannel heavy Union goods regular yd for Grey Twilled Flannel 20c yd for Extra fine Grey Flannel close even weave and good width reg yd for Grey Flannel extra soft close weave inches wide our very best rcg J5c yd for Army Flannel reg yd for English Military Flannel One close even weave inches wide yd for Also in stock White and Cream Saxony Flannel Scarlet Flannel and fine Fancy Shirting Flannels Mens and Womens SelfActing Umbrellas double sets Of Ribs covered with fine Alpaca 5150 each for SI Mens heavy Rain Coats a line just In special each- t o Just arrived a of Furs These were ordered by a In Western Ontario who have since been forced Into liquidation The lot com prises some very fine pieces for Womens and Childrens wear and as wc bought them at a big discount can pass them to you at sensational prices WE ARE CONTINUAL BUYERS OF BUTTER LARD BEANS HONEY AND BEESWAX Johnstons Gash Store Sutton 1 o a y t- I ft I a f