Newmarket Era, 20 Oct 1905, p. 7

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7 T CHINA HALL Oct 190 want to call attention to argains are offering while this ad appears only NO- ONLY pieces every piece Full Sire Printed Colore Sage Green Pale and Apple Green Price No 2 ONLY pieces Printed Special Combin ation Colors Park Blue and Deep Price 600 a the Pickling and Preserving To have good and Preserves use only the finest quality Pure Spices WE KEEP ONLY THE BEST and St Lawrence SUGARS Close Prices In 100lb Bags A The Leading Reliable UptoDate Grocer Telephone RIMLESS CLASSES THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY OCTOBER There was The farmers in this neighborhood are busy Retting their roots Unless the Telephone Company stops the buzzing on their wires it will be order for the patrons to kick against paring Hie increased rate Several attempts have been made to overcome it but the trouble J still remains as soon as the electric lights are turned on evening a good attendance at the Ladies Aid which was held at the home of Mrs Jas Lawson on Wed- and gathering their apples afternoon have a bride in our burg now Miss Minnie Wilson of Toronto is as Mr brought home a spending a couple of weeks at Mr wife two weeks ago Saunders We are sorry to learn that Mrs I and daughter George Haw tin continues in very of are visiting at her poor health Mr Reuben these parts Town I Newmarket has re- Thursday to continue his studies In the lurneo home after spending a short at Victoria College Toronto time at Mr Lemons J Mr Peter has hired Mr I Mrs Rev of Is- Fred W to assist him in called on Mrs J mil this winter Jast week I Male Chorus For some years the musical talent spent of the Town has been lying dormant Wlih relatives Market No particular change in cattle and sheep last week Hogs have and are now quoted at lor selects lights and fats less m Qneensville Fair Prize Winners Continued from Page FANCY WORK Lace Collar Miss Fisher 2nd Miss A Woo ten Sweeping Cap and Duster Hag J PHONE a in We are pleased to learn that in addi tion to resuscitating the Band ef forts are being made to organize a Male Chorus Some fourteen have signified their willingness to assist in this laudable object and any other musically inclined men young or old who would like to further this pro ject should send their names to Mr Schmidt Manager of the Specialty Works Another Bad Fall On Wednesday evening Miss Agnes Rogers daughter of Mr David Rog ers met with a very bad accident She was returning from the home of Miss next door neighbor and slipping on the wet sidewalk re sulted in a broken hip The acci dent is m6st unfortunate as she has bad the care of her invalid mother for years and Mr Rogers is such a cripple from rheumatism that he can move with the aid of a crutch There are now three people almost helpless in the same house Snaps in Stoves at No Range coal and wood 1 No with tank wood Fancy Wood Heater nearly new Fancy Wood Heater nearly new 1 Coal Heater with Drum Oven Of Bo Stove ft Box Stove in long Art Countess Coal Stove with oven double heater slightly damaged Wood Furnace good shape These Stoves are and will go quick Scott Mrs is visiting friends in Newmarket j Mrs Cook is spending a week with her son Mr Cook Mrs J Steele and daughter are visiting relatives here for a few days Mrs of ML Albert spent a couple of days with Mrs Law- son OOf PINE ORCHARD Mr Albert Starr has hired Mr Pearson Silversides for another year Graham 2nd Miss Necktie Case Miss 2nd BALDWIN BREEZES Continued from Page The Seth Chapman homestead is advertised for sale in the Era It is a desirable and pretty property Rob and Mary used to think my friends Robert and Mary Wed del a perfect type of rural contentment we have their counterpart and Mary who live together in quiet enjoyment of their J bachelor and spinster life Rut some day somebody may Kidnap Robs cook ami then Robert what of he Im sorry indeed to hear of Sir Mu locks retirement I had hoped to some day see him honored as Premier He has been an invalu able member of the Cabinet which will be difficult to replace But the cares of office are trying No one can blame him for desiring a rest Reports of thefts continue to reach The Owls ear quite evident we have some bad and sneaks at large in this neighborhood I wish Gov had them under lock and key I scorn professional matchmakers and all such and if any one was to charge me With this Loney will not be with us on Sunday as announced on account of a spiritual awakening in his church at Bronte but he expects to be with us on the following Sunday A of Benton Har bor Mich has been visiting with relatives here during the past week Mr Walter Brown was home from Whitbv over Sunday The Sons of Temperance lodge has apparently died again through lack of interest When resuscitated last spring interesting and wellattended meetings were held for some time- but so few members have been pres ent lately it has been decided to dis continue the meetings Mrs W Bassett returned last week from a visit her daughters fence Id burl back the charge with in Winnipeg and Dauphin Man Mr Urias is enjoying a visit from a brother who lives in Michigan and whom he had not seen for seven years previously NORTH genuine bargains Torjun Bond The set of Band instruments was taken to the Hospital in Toronto on Thurs day to undergo an operation Mr Robert a young Eng lishman from near London England why has been working thcold summer for Mr Thomas Rigkj6ii I Con died very suddcnrvNflast contempt A friend and I were badgering a mutual about her love affairs She pleasantly oh so retorted Well you put me up to it Well if slightly en couraging by kind words and good wishes an intimacy between a nice gentleman and a charming woman is matchmaking I plead guilty and crave the mercy of the court or courtiers Jerry Graham Fancy Collar Miss Madge Bennett 2nd Miss Penwiper Miss 2nd Miss Bennett Lace DoiliesMiss Bennett 2nd Miss Fisher Tatting Miss Fisher 2nd Miss Bennett Any kind Lace Miss Fisher 2nd Miss Bennett Collection of Lace Miss Fisher 2nd J Graham Linen TeaTray Cloth Miss ten 2nd Miss Fisher Netting Miss Wootten 2nd Fred Lepard Stand Cover 1st and 2nd Miss Embroidery on Silk Miss 2nd J Graham on Cotton Miss ten 2nd Miss Fisher Piano Scarf Miss Bennett 2nd Miss Fisher Roman Embroidery Miss Bennett 2nd Miss Wootten Toilet SetMiss 2nd J Graham Outline WorkMiss Fisher 2nd Miss Bennett Drawn Work Miss Wootten Silver Pincushion Miss Fisher 2nd Miss Bennett Sideboard Miss Bennett 2nd Miss Fisher Hatpin Holder Miss Fisher 2nd Miss Bennett Teapot Cosy Miss Wootten 2nd J Graham Linen Centrepiece Miss Fisher 2nd Miss Bennett Lace Miss Fisher 2nd Miss Bennett Hair Receiver and Match Holder Our Stock of Grapes Saturday I a Potatoes Cape Cod Cranberries Cod Fish Fresh Finnan I A straight Grocery every available space occupied by bright fresh stock and only the first quality goods gain access to this exclusive eery Old patrons who desert our market 2nd MissWootten the in summer return here for winter like Hooligans swarming to the city for cold weather rec buyers make things hum Our women glory in having a run on their produce THE OWL UNION longing to the Town which were sent Saturday morning Mr says to for repairs arrived here worker on Monday and the newly organized complalned Band met for practice in the Fire morni Hall on Tuesday evening The re- and to pairs cost which sum was gCn- at neighbors instead The fall agricultural fairs are now contributed by our- Factories sections of the ana business people Mr ate his meals as usual country and it is gratifying to note The services of probably the best Apartment is I quite a feature of these for Dr Graham who came but said billons Thee was a time when a secured and he has no hesitation were no hopes for him Seized few cages were put up in an that next Spring Newmarket viocnt heway building and in them farm- five men to would show their chickens They passed from were nothing more than chickens one fit into another till death ended If a farmer happened to have a few on Saturday morning big fellows or some that had -gor- clock On Sunday after- geous feathers he would lake them to the benefit of be- the body was placed in the the fair They represented no deadhouse to await breed A farmer that knew no join the arrival of his brother who lives in more about poultry than ho did about will have the best Band any Town quired the strength of of its size in Canada Success to him in bed he fil An Auxiliary Class will be conduct- his sufferings by Mr the same evening from to for This is for who desire to Band They are attractive doubtless and becoming to many people not advisable for everybody though However It makes no differ ence about the rims Its the lenses that do the good The lenses may be in gold gold filled silver or steel rims and help the wearer equally in either We lenses to the eye the to the features and the price to the amount which you would like to pay ALL ADVISE FREE ATKINSON CO Canada monkeys awarded the prizes How I Reliable Store dealing Ad that Is my You get Just whit you buy at the RIGHT PRICE beautiful thrown Id TRKAKOR of has Iwa engaged to take charge of the a Hookey Club Annual At the largest and most enthusias tic meeting ever held the Newmar ket Hockey Club last Friday night The following are the new officers Hon Aubrey Davis President Clark ViceIresW Cane Doyle Com Hunter W Clapper Andy Davis The selection of Manager and Cap tain was deferred until a future meeting of officers and players be called at an early date The club colors are as in the past and White membership fee was fixed at and it was de cided to enter teams in the The Club starts the season with a balance in hank of nearly and with the old and new playing mater ial in town Newmarket hones to make a better record than ever for the championship this year Cullers The annual meeting of the Curling Club was held at Forsyth House on Monday evening That the good old game is on the boom in Newmarket was manifested by the large number of young and old curlers prescsit- The following officers were elected for coming season Hon Pus J Downcs Patron Lennox PresidentPhil Morgan ChaplainRev A Campbell Secretary Choppin Treasurer Rogers to A A T If The resignation of Sir William different today Only standard v PostmasterGeneral in the Do- are now accepted Success knows Just how OPENING DAYS are Satur day 6 Jid Monday Oct All art invito Call and minion Cabinet has come as a great and sad surprise not only to the Do minion at large but especially to the people of North York Those who have known him most have lov ed him best for his high ideals of honor ami integrity for all the no ble qualities of head and heart that have distinguished him both as a private citizen and as a minister in the service of the Dominion It is needless to that Canada loses in his resignation one of the shrewdest and most progressive administrators vet conscientious awl painstaking in every detail that this country has ever had Standing side by side with Sir Wilfrid Sir Wil liam presents the strength of union that comes from great and no- hie natures Seldom if ever has any country presented two such men of distinguished ability and patriotism for their common country working so harmoniously together in the same administration for the common good yet of different creeds and nationali ties It presents union not yet thoroughly understood and appreciat ed in Canada although Canada has already given the nations a lesson in this direction This union of differ ent creeds and races working harmo niously together was noticed by the Duke of Cornwall and York now Prince of Wales in his visit to Que bec and referred to particularly in bin Toonto Speech The time is corning when and loyalty In Canada will bury in oblivion I he last cesspool of intolerance May time soon come It goes with out saving that a man of Sir Wil liam Mulock b conscientiousness skil ful legal knowledge profession and the his read you will missel some of Embroidered Photo Frame Miss It Fisher 2nd Miss Bennett Doilies Miss Dennett 2nd Miss Fisher Bead Work Miss A 2nd Miss Bennett Original Novell Bond 2nd Miss Fancv Razorholder and Shaving Pad Miss Fisher 2nd Miss Sofa Cushion Embroidered on Or gandie Mis- Wootten Toothbrush Holder Miss L Fisher 2nd Miss Cut Flowers Mrs Tomlinson 2nd Mrs David Weddel Bridal Bouquet Mrs Tomlinson Drawing Gilbert Johnston Oil Painting Jerry Graham 2nd Miss Fisher Water Colors J Graham 2nd Johnston Pencil Drawing Johnston 2nd Painting on Glass or China Ed 2nd Johnston Kensington Painting J Graham Painting on or Velvet J Graham 2nd Miss Fisher CHILDRENS DEPT Stamp Album Johnston Tea Biscuits by girl under Mrs Graves Chocolate Cake by girl under Mrs Rob Graves Cake by girl under Mrs Graves Lemon Cake by girl under Mr Pencil Drawing by child under WJ Johnston Hemmed Handkerchief by girl under Miss Crochet Work by girl under I Graham Dressed Doll by girl under Miss Fisher Judges Lillian Terry and Mrs Harman KESWICK Miss Annie Main left here on Mon day to accept a situation in Chicago Miss Helen has gone to her aunts in Michigan for a few months Mr Win and his force of carpenters have completed their con tract at Bradford and intend start ing another near Sutton this week Mr John Rose has a sale on Fri day as he has sold his property here and intends removing to We understand that Rev Back formerly of Rock wood Out Is purchaser of Mr Roses property Listen or thc ringing of wedding bells In the near future Several from hero Intend taking the exhibition of speed given by friends lastl worlds champion pacer Dan Patch In Toronto on Saturday CouncilFrank Stewart J I vears in Toronto went from here to this week row A thorough love of jus- the Fair last Wednesday is very ill at Schmidt J will fit Mm exactly as chief jus- carried off 1st on his A J Harvey J Ontario Canada loss in Mr Lloyd returned last in the poultry business docs not pend upon luck for good luck is acquainted with lazy poult rymen Mr J will head list of prize winners with mouth Rocks this year If you do not turn back every adv in this paper never know what you have Every one clean genuine and them aimed right at you Everybody was delighted with Ben nett at concert KETTLEDY on the Win Woods I ill line is sick list Mr A formerly of Kttllebylate of has just returned from Oxbow being much taken up with that part of Canada Ladles Aid of the Methodist Church will hold a teameeting in near future We have spoken of our sidewalks as being scarcely uptodate but pros pects are now that wo may have a portion of our walk at least laid with cement this fall Mr Love has completed his new wastegate and Is now prepared for any emergencies or freshets that may come Robinson Is more than busy packing apples having already ship ped about barrels carloads Miss Eliza Carbary and her friend Miss Abernethy of Toronto visited at Mr Murrays on Sabbath Mrs Chas Pratt visited her daugh ters in the city over Sunday Mr McArthur aiwl wife of Aurora were calling on Sabbat Tankard Skips and W COLE KESWICK Frank Stewart I Fourteen other skips were eleo elected for the Cup and the Championship of Club compe titions which will be started as as Re Ik available The to the Rink building Is com pleted will in and what will be the Dominion Cabinet will be Onta rios gain on the Bench of the High week from New Ontario and has returned to college In To ronto Mr John Lloyd moves from this hut under the care of doc tors and a trained nurse hopes arc entertained for her recovery Thc Owl Is not the only one that can boast of the good work In ladles millinery Perhaps the work in thai line that is done in Baldwin Is place tomorrow to reside In ml fan lose than that done by Miss Treanor at ST ail v so good a neighbor our loss will be gain on l or so ladles all say to attend the social very Requisite Canned Meats varieties Coffee Essence Condensed Milk Pickles Sauces Catsups Hams Rolls and Breakfast Bacon We have everything to make your camp table homelike Our Cooked Meats on ice are always fresh and dainty and we slice them correctly We have a- very choice grade of Sausage made by a prominent To ronto butcher small size perfectly delicious try them 10c lb Our Tea Department becomes more popular each month our sales are in advance of the previous one The quality shows up in the cup A Variety of Biscuits all Choice Prime Stilton Cheese Pure Clover Honey 3 lb Tin Pork and Beans 3 for 25c I Corn Starch 5c Jelly Powder flavors 4 for English Malt Vinegar 60c gallon WESTONS Toronto Bread Tel PETERS CHOCOLATES given by the Ladies Aid of Meth odist Church on Thanksgiving eve What we would like to know Arc to have a railway station here Who the widower was that got lost one Sunday evening lately What attraction is there for one of our townsmen at Baldwin Mrs and family moved in the house lately vacated by J Crittenden It seems that every house is taken up here as fast as they arc vacated There were two or three applications the above house One Mr photographic staff of Jacksons PL has made sev eral trips here and succeeded in tak ing several orders Wc arc pleased to see Master Ross around the village again af ter such a severe illness The Ladies Aid of the Keswick Methodist Church have arranged to hold a social in thc Temperance Hall on thc evening of Thanksgiving day There will be no admission fee and no collection taken up but each will have an opportunity of giving a freewill thaidofiering for Home and Foreign Mission work of thc church Refreshments will be served and a good program rendered- Mr Partridge popular superintendent of the circuit has consented to act as chairman A cordial invitation is extended to all There is a growing inkiest in the Soiis of Temperance Division at Installation of officers on Tues day evening Bio Allen is WP for the present quarter The topic in the C next Sunday eve is Sacred Songs that have help ed An unusually interesting meet ing is expected The old familiar hymns arc to lie sung as duets solos quartettes and choruses A short account of how sonic of these hymns came to be composed will be given by dtuereiit members the society Mr and Mrs Morton were visit- fug at RaVonslioe cm Sunday Mr and Mrs were visiting at Miss Dorothy Emes is visiting her aunt Mrs James at Kes wick Miss Maude Jewell who has been her sister- Mrs Elliott ex pects to go home in a few days Mr ami Mrs James spent last Sunday at with Mr ami Mrs Draper Mrs also Miss left on Monday for To ronto to visit her Mi loughbv also Mrs John Harper Sorry to hear Mr John Spragues two daughters are very sick Mr R Pollock on sick list but is somewhat belter Mr will not be with us on Sunday as announced on account of a spiritual awakening In his church at Bronte but he expects to be with us on the following Sunday DO YOU WANT PRY Pine Slabs cord Mixed Wood i cord i lid Maple cord 1 WE DELIVER GOOD CLEAN COAL the LEAD ORDERS From Carters Frank Smith AbTrivett Jos Wesley or Direct from Office Phone PEARSON PARK AVE BETTER THAN EVER Are tho splendid advantages offered In every department of our school the OF TORONTO For quickly thoroughly training young people to earn good salaried in business positions With 22 teachers best equipment uptodate modern methods and thorough sys tem we can guarantee excellent re Our new Catalogue is a dan dy Write for it ENTER ANY TIME SHAW Principal Sts Toronto Girl a For Dining Room Apply at Eagle MRS J Hotel Boy Wanted To learn the Printing Business One that has attended High School or two years preferred Apply at this To flont Farm acres lot Con of mile from church school post etc and three miles from station WALTER Rosscau House and Lot for Belonging to the Estate of the late Hughes Newmarket Kin Township dlb jjj KINO CITY Thc annual plowing match of King Plounciis Association will he held on farm of James lot Township King City on Tuesday Nov

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