Newmarket Era, 27 Oct 1905, p. 4

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gjj A THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY OCTOBER 1903 BOTES Id an interview the other day Premier Whitney speaking of the Provincial Treasurers efforts to place the Bonds in said thai on the advice of some of the best bankers both and in the Old Country the time lor offering the loan has not yet arriv ed A Womans Health DEPENDS UPON THE RICHNESS AND REGULARITY OK HER BLOOD A woman needs a blood medicine regularly Just because she is a man From maturity to middle life the health and happiness of every woman depends upon her blood its richness and regularity If her Fees receive by the Provincial is poor and watery she is Secretarys Department from newly- pale and nervous If incorporated companies marriage censes etc for the nine months of l this ending Sept amounted aches and sideaches and other to increase of distress which only women over the corresponding period of last Some women have grown to This statement evidences con- at regular prosperity The marvellous results of which are now being rapidly rea lized by sufferers from diseases of Throat and Lungs Consumption and all Chronic and Wasting Conditions Pneumonia La Grippe Bronchitis and Stomach Troubles The Scourge of this Country and Climate is Tuberculosis or This is the way a city cotem of Connnative leaning prods the Hon Provincial Treasurer But and bear it in hopeless silence But they would escape the greater part of it they took a box or two of Dr Williams Pink Pills each time what to help them over the critical period price will the Ontario Government command the inadequacy of Hon A J exhibits that Govern ment as a helpless weakling in pres ence of the simple problem of raising on the credit of one of the richest commonwealths on earth The East Farmers Associa tion have sent the Commons mom- should be taken regularly by every of that Riding a resolution con- woman in land I suffered demnin his acquiescence in the sal- Mr those ailments that only a arygrab of last session Also ask- woman knows I had backaches and ing him to take action to have the headaches and a weary bearing down same rescinded or to support anyjpaih I was very irregular and was legislation introduced for that pur- Often forced to go to bed for two or pose It is now up to Mr Bennett three days at a time J tried many to take steps along lines sug- Williams Pink Pills actually make new blood They help a wo man just when nature makes the greatest demand upon her blood sup ply They have done this for thou sands of women throughout why shouldnt they do that much for Mrs James Candy Edith Avenue Toronto says I think Dr Williams Pills a medicine that the above Association time I tried medicines hut got nothing to help me until I began taking Dr Wil liams Pink Pills and they have me new health and relief from pain and made me regular I can not how thankful I am for what The World of Saturday names over a dozen Conservatives as available candidates for the vacancy in North occasioned the retirement of if medicine has done for me and I William Some of urge all women who suffer as aroes mentioned excited the Hid Williams Pink Pills Of of the readers of that paper Williams Pink Pills are the even among Conservatives When the greatest the wide world time come to make nominations it for all the weakness and backaches will be found that candidates Will of anaemia all the heaviness and be quite so numerous as the digestion all the sharp World fancies St Dr Sloe u Co I am sending you my July photo and testimonial herewith for your great remedy Yes your remedies did wonders for me I was about or years of age when I took PSYCH The doctors had given me up as an incurable consumptive My lungs and every organ of the body were terribly diseased wasted Friends and neighbors never get better But saved me My lungs have never bothered me for years and is a permanent Classifying young men who make a success life the Kansas City Jour nal slates that an old farmer in county recently remarked that a homegrown barefooted and hardfisted country boy makes a much better fighter in the battles of life than does the of indigestion all the pains of neuralgia jlisiii lumbago and sciatica and all the other ills that come from poor weak water blood Dr Williams Pink Pills make new blood with every dose and thus strides right at root of nearly every disease that afflicts- humanity But remember that the just as good medicines that some druggists offer never cured any- la but out of the thou sands of on file at this to unpar alleled excellence of In eradicating and preventing die of Throat Lunge Ghost and Stomach For tale by all reliable druggist at per bottle For further advice in formation etc writ or call Dr Slocum King Street West Toronto Canada FREE 8AMPLR BOTTLE ON APPLICATION pered highcollared anything Insist upon the youth of our towns and cities whose clothes have always been dust ed with a whisk broom instead of a shingle Wonder is this good law If it is it looks very questionable jus tice A Kingston despatch reports a police court trial there where an applebuyer was charged with getting goods on false pretences It was j brought out that a worthless j genuine pills with the full name Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People on the wrapper around every box If in doubt send to the Dr Williams Medicine Co and the pills will he sent by mail at cents a box or six boxes for Potato Rot The November crop bulletin of the Ontario Bureau of Industries stated that considerable rot had appeared on potatoes especially with this mixture because the ease Ik present In the and and hence cannot be got at cause of the Rot disease is terium a minute rote about of an Inch long which grows with great rapidity In the tissues of the the crop on potato and a subatuce soils or on low lying land- The ex tent of the loss wan variously ed at from to per pent This or wet rot Is quit distinct from the- so called Blight at first bight moat of the potatoes appear to be bound but on examination the skin over certain areas is found to be discolored and on the which has a dissolving action on the cell walls which hold the starch and other contents of the cell in place when thee cell walls are des troyed the potato become watery and soft sets in and the tuber is destroyed The Department of the Ontario Agricultural College Out Duty the skin a turbid liquid can be easily pressed out liquid may may contain bubbles and turns Our greatest duty is the duty next black on exposure to air The bad been given as payment on the m easily peels away day following the delivery of exposed apples The magistrate held that a worthless cheque must be gnen at the same time as delivery to const- fa fraud and dismissed the case Most people consider thai giving a worthless at any time is a lh if the maker knows it is worthless beneath Is soft On breaking has the for the last year like to ascer tain if the disease In various parts of Ontario Is similar tothe one with which It has been working and which caused so much damage last year and hence would like farmers evil T Column The Two workers in one field Toiled oh from day to day Both had the same hard labor Both had the same small pay With the same blue sky above The same green grass below One soul was full of love The other full of woe One leaped up with the With the soaring of the lark One felt ever night For his soul was ever dark One heart was hard as stone One heart was ever gay One worked with many a groan- One whistled all the day One had a flowerclad cot Beside a merry mill Wife and children near the spot Made it sweeter fairer still One a wretched hovel had Full of discord dirt and din No wonder he seemed mad Wife and children starved within Still they worked in the same field Tolled on from day to day had the same hard labor Both had the same small pay l5ut they worked not with one will The reason let me tell the one drank at the still And the other at the well National Advocate Hotel Accommodation The hotel question which seems to some people in the Province of Ontario has solved itself in Manito ba The following is what is stated concerning our sister province in this connection One of the most striking facts well worthy ol special emphasis is that the towns under the local veto have very best hotel accommodation An ounce of fact is worth a pound theory ami although it is possibly true that the liquor manufacturers arc ready to spend some money in building even where they are rot needed lor the sake of getting the franchise to sell drink the fact that ihc towns on the branch the wlich have the largest cleanest and best are the local veto town Willie and Gladstone J is one of the delusions which die hat a town must license a barroom to get a hotel It is a of satauic wit that married the mean degrading j allying disorderly offensive barroom the necessary honorable business of entertaining the public It has turned the travellers home in- a den of tipplers It has handed j over our country hotels to a of men who have little care for the fort of their guests so long as they I can a harvest from the rooms ft has preserved and I lie life of the barroom I UST a word with you unci Lis about your Fall Suit and Overcoat We wont words We are sole for what are admittedly the finest ready- to- Wear garments offered in aim da the brand of mens fine tailored garments Dont confuse these clothes with the readymade stuff They are different and better in every respect and the very kind of clothes you are looking for They are being worn by dressy men all over Canada They solve the clothes problem for the man who wants stylish clothes at a reasonable price Were ready you are W M OPPOSITE SOVEREIGN BANK NEWMARKET i It is intimated that the Dominion Government contemplate changes in toe Rules of Debate in the Commons with view of ending useless and discussion thereby expe diting business This will shorten up the session and a good ami reason for lessening the fu ture indemnity paid to members The Globe correspondent says Onc ol changes aimed at will he to prevent snap motions to adjourn the house The change will probably make it necessary to obtain the Speakers permission before putting such motions or provide that it shall be with mutual consent Some time ago the attention of the License Department was called by the pulpit declarations a minister to the fact that a drunken debauch Indians which both men and women joined had occurred at Kent County The De partment ordered an inquiry hut up to present the question Where did the whiskey come from still unanswered Inspector J A Smyth of Essex made inquiries and confirmed the stakinents of an Indian debauch having occurred but he had unable to trace where the liquor from Smart Inspector why did he not summon of the drunken Indians This Toronto World rises to remark The country is entitled to the reasons why Sir William retire from the cabinet it Is not a difference on account of policy on state telephones and telegraphs the government or Its organs tell what the policy the govern ment in thin direction is The quite obtuse when he in timation of Sir William was given to the country the reason therefor accompanied the aftaWiCernenC When the- World aakfc the policy of the govern ment rtgard to the telephone and telegraph questions it Is asking for a fcpcfal declaration in advance of he Governors spteoh at the opening of parliament Meanwhile It may be a of consolation to him to know that the expressed vlewa of the had the ap proval of the Premier is one that we can kill where is the sense of in a lofty way about our of our slavery of strong drink And what efficacy is there in prayers for the salvation of men from the terrible curse of intem perance when an open barroom oper ates with our passive consent on the next corner Half ihe barrooms in Ontario could be closed within a year and we arc responsible for those we can reach Our duty then is plain arid cannot be evaded by any squirming or shuffling or talking it is to the barrooms we can close Distant fields look green We would often overlook near duties by at I he large looming distant ones National or Provincial prohi bition bulks so large in our vision that the barroom under our very noses seems insignificant Yet by closing it We bring still nearer that desired larger reform Push Local Option common decency would long ago lave and white but soon troubled with this to mail from civilization but for its we say l almost black LatJ affected potato and state the shrewd deception in hiding like a within reach fer white time If troubled with behind the shield of the use ful beneficial hotel Till local veto makes a most Tale the Elevator E I pulp and becomes highly the soft or wet rot last year with a putrefactive odor Finally rot and to of black We oiler One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure J CHENEY Co Toledo We the have known J Cheney for the last years and believe perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm WALKING KINNAN MARVIN Wholesale Druggists Toledo Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter nally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces the system Testimonials sent free Price cents per bottle Sold by all Drug gists Take Halls Family Pills for stlpatlon Edward George who rob bed the Adams Express Company In Pittsburg of in cash was arrested at Bridgeport Conn the potato becomes a soft pulp The stem of the potatoes may or may not be affected In fthe former can the of the becomes discolored and black then the above wilt end the falls over If a piece of diseased stem Is cut open try fibrous the bundles will be found brown to black In color The of the Blight which particularly affects the leaves is a funguH and the Bordeaux properly and applied will hold this dl- feflbfc In check but wet Or soft able contribution to temperance extent the rot is present In the in theie towns that wc can command present season crop 00 A company has been formed to develop power on the Thames river eight miles from London Iu trying to account for the ori gin of the fire which recently a flour mill in Toronto the daily papers as usual surmised that electricity was at the bottom of the disaster As a matter of fact the owners of the mill lighted the build ing by their own dynamo which ceased operation at midnight while the fire occurred three or four hours wc can of hotel accommodation with better landlords in cleaner quieter more homelike houses without the bar without its disorder its profan ity its often ess -ooo- Prohibition or Demoralization Which IT IS FASTER THAN WALKING UP STAIRS Syrup of the 1 I Is an elevator from the basement of rot cannot be managed by later I TO A IK DAY Take Laxative Quinine Tab lets All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure Groves signature on each box are made only from the best Para rubber Made to fit every style and shape of mens shoes ladies shoes and shoes for the little ones In ladies shapes they are neat light perfect fitting and lasting Insist on the Maple Brand its on rubber Sold by all dealers Leaf every In commenting upon the figures given In the annual report of the Provincial License just is- siiid the Jlrantford Expositor says Although there was a marked in crease in drunkenness there were fewer licenses by in 1 than in flu figures being vearly ordinary licenses in and in the figures being yearly include the reduction of May last which Mr Saunders chief offi cer of the License Department esti mated would be about for the whole- Province If this rate of reduction is main tained there will be prohibition In about twentyfive years and if last years increase commitments is maintained by that time a big pro portion of the population will be terms lor drunkenness The figures certainly appear at first glance he rather contradictory vet the simple facts arc that where licenses arc abolished drunkenness de creases where licenses are main tain drunkenness Increases Licenses have been maintained in more localities than they have been abolished in and the Increase of drinking where there arc open bar rooms more than Counterbalances In the good done In other localities by I heir abolition The lesson is plain We must push the work of barroom abolition we a o effect a reduction in he con sumption of liquor The barroom has been proved to create drunkards to increase dissipa tion and where there arc open bar rooms there Ik a growth of the at tendant evils of Intemperance The only real solution of the barroom problem Is no barroom sickness to top story of health DONT TRY THE LONG WAY you want rosy checks Do you Get his want that reserved feeling of strength Do you want to he Splendid Tonic as a young sapling It Cures Quickly PRICE Cents Of Clank DENTIST Ifaln St Farm for Sale BETTER THAN EVER Are splendid advantages In every department of our school the Good grain or dairy farm fifty acres alt under cultivation large frame barn on stone foundation tog house and two good wells well fenc ed convenient to church and school being lot In Concession North also Sixty- acres good clay loam about thirty acres under crop balance pas ture land well watered Lot 10 In concession North Either or both these valuable farms will be sold on reasonable terms upon application to DRAPER Violating the law of succession the Sultan of Turkey Is said to have chosen his favorite son to succeed him on the throne The Australian Federal Mouse of voted to petition Kim Edward to grant home rule to Ireland ooo- Bum ft OK TORONTO For quickly and thoroughly training young people to earn good salaries Is business positions With 22 teachers beat equipment uptodato courses modern methods and thorough sys tem can guarautco excellent re sults Our now Catalogue Is a dan dy Write for it ENTER ANY TIME SHAW Principal Yongo Ac Toronto for Good rough cast rooms on good foundation situated on Timothy St West Newmarket Good cellar good well Apply to MRS J John St Newmarket

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