Newmarket Era, 27 Oct 1905, p. 8

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7 l THE NEWMARKET FRIDAY OCTOBER Idle around the Hud Yoh know the action off raft Apple cm kidneys oranges for and appetite and for the bowel Bat fresh fruit wont CURS these or gan when diseased can only HELP to keep them or Fruit Liver Tablets ca and DO cure They are frail juices but changed medicinally by secret process So remarkable is this convertion that Frnitatire cure all Stom ach Liver and Skin Dis eases where the fresh fruit would hare no effect on the trouble a box At all druggists United OTTAWA AND COR- TO RECORD KING CITY Mr Herbert Vail gradu ate of University has ac cepted the pastorale of the Baptist Church here The pupils and expupils School Section No King intend holding a concert in Hall here on evening Nov 3rd They have prepared a large program con sisting of songs drills pantomines tableaux etc also a play entitled Crawford which from the sis should he good The funds are in aid of the school library and the concert should be well patroimcd KESWICK FARMERS BUY At the annual meeting were elected as follows President Mrs VicePres Mrs Mrs Law Cor Sec Mrs Morton Treasurer Mrs Ira Morton AIso the following Franchise Legislation Mrs Cornell Evangelistic Mrs Wm Scientific Temp Mrs Lords Day Observance Mrs A Morton Temp in School- Mrs Pros per Lumbermen Mrs I Morton Parlor Meetings Mrs Purdy Press Mrs McCordick Juvenile and Narcotics Mrs Law Arrangements were made for a Gospel Temperance meeting also for Portland I llaiiU meeU called for 20th to hear report of delegate to the re cent Co Convention THRESHIN per ton ALSO that Red Rose Is Good Tea The national Cement is the best for foundations and other work LKFROY J T HAVE made an honest effort to convince you that Red Rose Tea is good tea I have shown you in these talks that Red Rose Tea combines the good qualities of rich strong Northern Indian tea with the delicate fragrance of Ceylon Tea That by this combination of two good teas Red Rose Tea is better than either with a rich fruity flavor exclusively its own I have told you why it is always uniform in flavor and strength of its selection at the gardens how it is tested and blended I have tried to tell you all about Red Rose Tea and why it is good tea I want you to try Red Rose Tea because I want you for a permanent customer I know if you once try it you will use only Red Rose Tea The price of half a pound of Red Rose Tea is small that smalt investment may show you how much tea value tea quality and flavor you have missed Is it not worth trying SAMPLE We will send a large sample of Red Rose Tea by post free if you will write and tell us the priced tea you are now using and whether black or green As Mr and Mrs T Davis are about leaving this community for Huron St Storehouse their home in this week a number of their friends and assembled at their home here on Monday evening last and presented The North Livery Davis with the following ad- Consider yourself and keep up a cheerful look Our horses look sorry your in and you look gay And the contrast lhis vicjnity having learned that you has a great impression People look about your at you then at the horse and say what happy people And to save you from feeling that you don like giving you some expression of to take a nice new buggy out in the I mud and dirt is goo Er3tabrooK9 St John Toronto Winnipeg new buggy we use all ones I our will toward you would ask you to accept this Our horses have been on straw jar and easy chair as a token but now we have some you them If you require anything in our their intrinsic value but call on us or call up phones or father for the feelings that prompted Town Carting also done their presentation As often as you A E nibble a biscuit or rest in this easy 30 Proprietor chair may it remind you to reflect a transitory thought upon your many friends about Lefroy Arid now in Notice Of conclusion we wish for the Divine Notice is hereby given that Dover ol Fuller Avenue in I journey of the City of Toronto in the County of York and Province of Ontario Mar- Neighbors Woman will apply to the address was read by Mrs An- of Canada at the next session drew King the biscuit jar was thereof for a bill of from her by Miss Vera Grose and the husband William Arthur Frederick by Miss Vera Ardill after Dover of the City of Toronto in the which Mr- Davis made a suitable re- County of York Agent on the ground those present on behalf of adultery and desertion of Mrs Davis and himself Then the Dated at Toronto this day baskets and boxes were opened and September AD partook of a sociable feast and A ARMSTRONG hoping to meet soon with for Applicant n Victoria St Toronto TELEGRAPHERS King Council NEEDED Annul nil the new lorn by lca Young Ladles good to Learn Telegraphy and Accounting if of Our arc be the by firofiip Council Hull King on V Hon to tu4t to of be irnnliO birr or her a fuoMh In i or a month wot of upon ritu4cnU Mo vtu for full of our writ to our free i The Morse School of Telepraphy 1 CInclnnata Qa Toyarkana Tex Buffalo LaCroBeo CISCO opera which waf a few collaps ed week WOCKt The that it replaced was burn ed in January Medical Examination Free bit K of Believing In or not there no the fact that the doctor can ex plain thitource and cause of your either mental or physical ad baa to health and happiness who would have invalids all their lives fiend lock of hair name age arid fctarjp to OR my all present Council in of the whole on bills Mr in the chair the bill were order- Ml to be paid If Winger Bon on and road JO In flew tolvirt lumber John hauling Win Htm and repw to David rpx to culvert I Walter road work road work Luke road work Albert to bridge road work Michael Mcinnlh load work John to bridge and timber I- red line Keliy to bridge and road work it printing John road John Fry road work Jamison road work John A Ireland work on tem porary bridge dinkey Gray lumber hauling lumber Ml road work A road work 2 Alfred of by road at John Clark hauling Henry Miller Cedar J Win road work to culvert J gravel -Phillips- that I J J a K the ditch on Con 7 on east side of road to prevent water backing upon John land that the fol lowing bill be paid for erection or wire fences on highway Calvin rods H Proctor rodK On motion Council to at Harris Hotel on Saturday GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES Itching blind blading or protrud ing piles Druggists refund money OINTMENT fails to cure any case no matter of how long standing Id to days First ap plication gives ease and reet If your druggist hasnt it send In stamps and it will be forwarded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co St Louis Mo kindness A young woman who had passed through deep sorrows said to a friend one day in speaking of the comfort certain persons had her unconsciously I wish sonic peo ple knew just how much their laces comfort one I often ride in the same street car with VWr father and- it has been such a help UK to next to him There is something so good and strong and kind about him it has been a com fort just to feel he was beside me Sometimes when have been telly depiessed and discouraged he somehow to know just the right to say to me but if he didnt talk why I just looked at his face and that helped me lie probably has not the least idea of it either for know him so slightly and I dont suppose people half real ize anyway how much I hey arc or hindering others There is a great deal Of this unconscious kindness In the world Moses wist no that his face shone The best people are not aware of their good ness According to he old legend it was only vhcn It felt behind him he nt see it that J he saintly mans shadow healed the sic This is a parable is aware of itself has lost much of its charm Kindnesses that are done unconsciously mean he most Selected Collingwood will submit a bylaw to raise for a new collegiate institute Pittsburg Oct The investiga tion of the affairs of the Enterprise National Bank of Allegheny City the doors of which were closed yesterday are the name width but only In thick Two Inch spaces the slats In front enable the chickens to cat from the trough The bottom in apart and the Flat nearest the back is In from the corner piece The bottom sluts are placed on the top of the bottom cross pieces of the frame to prevent the chlclcene feet being bruised when the crate Is placell on the ground The top slats are two Inches and the back slats inches The top slats are cut above each partition and six two Inches wide are nailed under thern The three doors so formed are hinged to the rear corner piece The crates are placed on stands 16 In from the ground The drop pings are received on sand or other absorbent material A light V trough In Inside carried on two brackets nailed to the ends of the crate Is placed in front of each crate The bottom of the trough Is above the floor and the upper Inside edge Is In from the crate Situation of Crates In warm weather the crates should be placed in a sheltered position In unsettled weather it Is advis able to construct a rough board shelter to shed the rain or the crates might be carried Into a shed or During cold weather the crates should be placed in a warm building Abundant ventilation is required at all tinier In order to have chickens plump and fit for the market when at the most profitable age they should be put In the crates when from three to four months old though suitable market chickens of any age will show gains In the crates Select for fattening chickens that are of med ium size of a broad square shape with short straight legs set well part and above all with a good constitution Equipment For Fattening It is advisable to use the crates described in Bulletin No 7 If only a small number are to be fattened packing of suitable dimensions be adapted for the purpose The open top of the may be made the bottom of the crate and one side should be removed for the front Tilths should be nailed up and down the front and lengthwise of the crate to form door The laths ftre put the same distance apart as recommended In the construction of the fattening crates A board should be loosened in the top to remove the chickens and a feed trough ar ranged In front A shaping board and shipping boxes are also required A satisfactory He one that is palatable and that will produce a white flesh Oats finely ground by the Comptroller of the Currency the coarser hulls sifted out following the sensational suicide of T Clark the cashier is making good progress The developments following the tragedy and the closing of the bank have been startling in volving as they do the names of sev eral prominent citizens who have been active in State politics HAWKERS SP1T- TERS Public expectoration is against the common law against the laws of health also When the throat tickles thats the time you need it soothes away the irritation cuts out the phlegm and loosen the tight feeling Youll quickly cure that catarrh and throat trouble with It positively prevents new attacks and cures catarrh for ever and for all time to come Dont take our word for it try yourself Once used youll be delighted with its pleasant and help ful influence Feeding Chicks For Market as J the hoid of the collector be approved by ihlv council the clerk be instructed to notify the and Aurora Co to clean out or fit Viler or Falling fcnd valuable treaties on Co Street Toronto Canada All or can obtain you Spring chicks usually bring about even per pound live weight when sold without special prepara tion A little will give them an extra market value whether sold alive And will pay well for the trouble There Is a good demand this year for a good qual ity but dealers do not want the poor scrub Farmers do well to put their chicks on the market In good condition one can make a pound of chicken as cheaply as he Clin make a pound of pork or beef and the difference shows In the price If you have not customers already ship only to reliable produce mer chant- If shipping alive one must allow for considerable I The following extracts from Bul ltin No deaf with feeding and pre paring poultry for market Fattening Chickens in Crates The fattening In at the Illustration station ft long In wide and In high Inside crate Is divid ed by two tight wooden partitions Into three compartments and each compartment holds four chickens frame Is covered with slates placed length on three sides bottom back and top and up and down In front The slats for the bottom are In wide and In thick the back lop and front slats I should form the basis of all the grain mixtures Ground corn fed in excess will result In a yellow flesh of inferior quality ground peas impart a hardness that is not desirable oats buckwheat and low grade flour are the most suitable meals Satisfactory Meal Mixtures L Ground Oats coarse hulls re moved tings from rolled oats no hulling should be included Two parts ground oats two parts ground buckwheat our part ground corn parts ground oats ground barley and ground buck wheat parts ground barley two parts low flour one part wheat bran The meal should be mixed to i thin porridge with thick sour skim milk or buttermilk On the average 10 lbs of meal require from to lbs of sour skim milk A small quantity of salt should be added- When sufficient skim milk or milk can not obtained for the mashed animal and raw veg etable food should be added to the ration Duration of Fattening The chickens should remain In the crates not more than Home will fatten more readily than others These should be picked out a week before finished and during this last week It Is well to feed a little beef tallow shaved into the trough along with the mash about tallow per day to or it chickens Killing the Lice the chickens ire placed in till crate they should be well dust ed with sulphur to kill the lice They should be sulphured again ft days before being killed The First Week Feed them lightly the week A small quantity of should be fed along the troughs as thio ls eaten add more but not as much as the chickens would consume They should lie fed and the and turned over I times a tiny jive them water twice a day ami grit or a week lu nee of the Time The chickens should be given twice a day as much food as they will eat Half an hour after feeding the trough should be cleaned and and turned over Waler and should be supplied as In the week plucking Chickens fattening in crates some times pluck the feathers from one another This habit Is Caused by ail irritation at the roots of the feath ers resulting from overheated blood or parasites The remedy Is to re move the affected chickens and feed the others more milk in their mashes or add animal and vege table food to the ration If the trouble Ik caused by parahltes the mites can be found among the white powdery matter at the base of the quill A riiilphur and lard ointment should be applied to the affected part I I of ION Canada ESTABLISHED MAY Total Deposits on April Total Deposits on 30th April 1904 Total Deposits on April Total Deposits on 31st August YOUR CURRENT OR SAVINGS ACCOUNT INVITED ONTARIO fz ESTABLISHED 2d YEARS Consultation FREE Horn TrcstevsBt FREE Prices Low No Cure No Pay at A NERVOUS WRECK ROBUST MANHOOD Wo to Guro Debility Blood Poisons Vital and Bladdes eases ana All Diseases PeouIIat to Men and Women time and raoay on cheap dangerous experimental Increase at your own your sufferinjfa by being experimented on with rem- edies which they claim to have just discovered They fire but temporary relief Hut come to as in confidence We will treat yon conscientiously and and restore you to health Id the shortest possible time with the least medicine comfort expense practicable Each case Is treated as indicate Our New Method is original and has stood the test for twentyfive Shelby Street DETROIT MICK 9 Gray of Re Cures Coughs GRAYS SYRUP does thnt one thing does it well Its no cureall but a CURE for all throat and lung troubles GRAYS SYRUP OP RED SPRUCE GUM stops the irritating tickle takes away the soreness sooths and heals the CURES COUGHS to stay cured None the less effective because it is pleasant to take bottle FOR SALE DING The average horse with the usual flow of eats cms quart of oats ia about fifteen minutes this fiorr partially stopped i thirty minutes This shows how important It it to have the proper of saliva and digestive juices Clydesdale Stock Food Increases the saliva and digestive Juices because the feed being made tatty it makes the animals mouth water the same our own when we add butter or to our soda bis cuit it makes it more enjoyable to eat The horse therefore eats its feed up clean The increased digestion and assimilation makes the blood circulate better loosening the hide and making the coat glossy Nothing Injurious In It and can slop It without harm ful effects Our Heave Cure Tar Foot Remedy Colic Cure Embro cation Liniment Gall Cure Balsam Pine Healing Oil and Worm Powders are equally as good In their own way Money cheerfully refunded by the dealer if any do not give satis faction Try Poultry Food Co Toronto Oat Registered Large English shire Boars and Sows 1 Jersey Bull Several Heifers Also a choice lot of Yearling Breeding Hens J Farm to Let West end of Lot 32 3rd Con buildings mostly cleared under cultivation fair orchard well watered Terms reasonable For further particulars apply to John Black on premises or to proprietor i J i Farm for Sale Being composed of the north cast part of lot No in the sixth cession of the Township of West In the County of coe and part of the north half of tot No concession of the township containing about acres The buildings are good and the farm is well drained and fenced Two wells of good water good orchard and farm Is In good condition Moss of village of Bond Head Is on the lots Terms as may be agreed on Apply to Bond Head I WE PAY SALARY Two to Six dol lars per sex introducing our free training ra pid advancement opportunity sure Company Limited Toronto Mention this paper Headquarters Harness When in need of good Harness call At Harness Headquarters Also Bugs Whips FlyNets SweatPads Tel escopes Trunks Suit Cases Cure Guaranteed to Cure or Money Refunded Prompt and Neat Repairing done 9 US A CALL P NOTTINGHAM OLD NEWSPAPERS For Sale at This

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