Newmarket Era, 3 Nov 1905, p. 5

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THE NEWMARKET ERA NOVEMBER a B A op to Tot AMtW bow BRANCH A General Banting Business TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits ISSUED At ni American bought and Discounts cPTyatK to LEGAL J Robertson Not bite Street Newmarket to loan on good Farm Security St Conveyancer ri Choppln over Billiard Parlor Reformer Block Money io J tt Agent for Life Current At the A Ramsay Fire Insurance Agent on and Town Property- Sovereign Weeks lioealfleajsl WHAT OH ABOUT Prize There are between thirty and forty prize winners at the late North York Agricultural Society Fair amounts running from to residing in and about Newmarket who have not yet called for the same Solvation The proceeds of the Musical Festi val Wednesday Nov will go toward helping the officers meet the fuel bill and the quarters more comfortable the Temple Band giving their service free for this purpose A splendid program is promised Free Papers Now is the time to subscribe for new papers Balance of free to all paying in advance for Era and Weekly Globe Era and Weekly Mail Era and Weekly Sun Era and Montreal Star Era and Montreal Witness Era and Daily World 50 Era Daily Globe year in North York only- and Cosmopolitan one of the best Monthly Magazines published I Out top Him One of the biggest frauds and nui sances that travels is the crayon trait agent He solicits a photo graph and agrees to make a portrait free charge and to return the orig inal photograph When he delivers the picture he insists a frame should be bought at double its value and refuses to surrender the photo graph until his demands are met The way to frauds is to refuse to do business with them are cheats and swindlers and should not he tolerated Street Newmarket Bolton Practical Painter and Route Decorator Millard and A Architect and Sanitary Engineer Manning Chambers Toronto Plies and estimates made on all kinds buildings at Era will receive prompt attention Down with the screen doors and up with the storm sash Get ready for cold weather It might be well in these days of increasing cold to clean out choked or defective flues and keep an eye on chimneys generally Many a fire re sults from carelessness in these re spects About time to hunt up the Shut the Door signs Only weeks till Christmas the next holiday Next Thursday is the Kings Farmers are moving on the double to get their fall wort done be fore cold weather sets in lor good The Busy Leaves in connection with the Friends Church were entertained at Tea in the school room Thanksgiving afternoon A couple of colored musicians were in Town on Tuesday Layman Jackson MARRIAGE LICENSES the Office Paper at If Mrs Nay TEACHER from Toronto Us engaged Studio In Hall over Sovereign Bank where she will re ceive her pupils and be pleased to anyone to consult her In to terms week on Friday NEWMARKET Monuments and Head Stones Before JAMES Butter 25c lb Eggs 22 to Dressed Chickens to and Dressed Ducks 10c Dressed Geese He lb Dressed Turkeys to He lb Lamb 10 to lb Fall Apples SI Winter Apples to Fears 20 to basket Cabbages to Cauliflower to head Onions peck Winter Radish basket Carrots basket Heels basket Parsnips basket Potatoes to Chickens Old Hens lb Live Ducks lb Live to lie lb Pigeons pair pigs per pair Hides and tic lb Calfskins and lie CO to each Tallow lb Toronto i t Hill MAY IRWIN Canadas Favorite Comedienne One of the leading comediennes of American stage today May Irwin a daughter of Canada In these days of plays with their dull dreary pes simism of problem plays portraying the morbid pathology of the emotions of society plays with their whipped cream of forced epigram on the base of a t bin plot and of melodrama that puts a dime novel into the dresssuit of it is a relief to turn to something that gives us a hearty wholesome ugh and leaves no bad flavor in the mouth no later regret- is one of safety valves of civilization it a needed vent in an age of strenuous liv ing and a genuine apostle of laughter May Irwin Her power is her personality her naturalness her spontaneity her bubbling contagious good spirits establishing a telepathic sympathy with her audience which creates a continuous ripple of fun ana laughter that defies analysis The daughter of Robert Campbell Miss Irwin acknowledge that she was bom in doesnt look it of course in Whitby Out whore she i i the death of her father threw upon her and her Flora the duty of money- making and they made their debut as singers in Buffalo They were billed as the Irwin Sisters unknown to them and accepted the name They sang Sweet Genevieve for their first song Flora fainted after it was over but May valiently faced the audience for an encore with the coolness of a veteran Engagements in other followed quickly on the western circuit and their third season found them at Pastors in New York at eighty dollars a week Seven years iHis engagement where improvising was often necessary and the roles ranged from a babe in to a grandmother gave Miss Irwin a confidence that lias never forsaken her despite her statement that she cannot take her initial cue at any performance without a little qualm of uncertainty and fear of the audience Daly who had a keen eve for new talent gave her an excellent postgraduate course of four years in his theatre which was a splendid training school and prepared her for her later successes At the age of sixteen she married Frederick Keller who lied eight years later her with two sous her loving comrades and the pride of her life the f Id it of AriuUuf jvr 1 i L- Maple Leaf Rubbers are made of pure Para rubber are wetproof neat perfectfitting and lasting Every rubber has a Maple Leaf branded on the sole and this brand is our guarantee that the rubber is perfect in every way Insist on your dealer giving you PHOTOS Mr J Wilson For years with Mr Poole Leading Photograph er baa charge of SMITHS Photo Studio will be to have you call work and careful will be the watchword and for amateurs promptly done can catch the story teller by putting salt on hi tale cm MM of A Golden Opportunity The town of Berlin Out has a successful and unique ex of lite manufacturers of the various factories of the place and the result appears to have been a not to the originators of the enterprise but to many resi dents of the town and surrounding country Made In Berlin was pla carded on the articles on exhibition the extent and variety far surpass the sanguine expectations of the promoter of the exhibition Prem ier Whitney and two or three Cabi net Ministers who were present gave Interest to the opening proceedings We make allusion this unique ex hibition to call the attention of our manufacturers in the hope that at an early day a similar exhibition may be held here We have ho doubt of its success A small entrance fee for a couple of evenings would more than all expenses and would af ford an opportunity for Toronto dealers to Inspect and make pur chases They would also form a better conception of extent and variety of the output of our factories while the exhibition If sell would prove of Importance means of advertising the Town as a manufacturing centre What our men Made for every purpose and to fit every shape and style of ladies mens and childrens shoes S SHARON SCHOOL Class Shaw Milton Frank John Gladys A HAPPY MAN Is Mr of North who was cured of muscular rheumatism by moat powerful rheumatic remedy In Gordon Tunny world I all manner of Alonzo Wesley pain for years he writes and III Lewis Gladys lino was the only thing that did mo Penrose Viola any good I can heartily recommend Class Walter Davis Harry for all forms of rhtumay Penrose Harry Shanks John Jack- it goes to the very core of son Fred Hall pain and brings lasting relief Let PI Herbert Black Gertie every sufferer from fame back aching A painter named Joshua expired on operation table at the General Hospital on Friday last while anesthetic was being ad ministered While discussing the business to be transacted by the Executive of Canadian Lumbermens Association in regard to- the evidence to be laid before the Tariff Commission oh last Mr Joseph Turner a prominent lumberman of Midland expired suddenly in his room at the King ward Hotel A current rumor says that the On tario Government is contemplating the erection of a new Government House in the northern part of the city Premier of Manitoba and Premier of Quebec were in the city last week and had an interview with Premier Whitney at the Parlia ment The visits are said to have been merely social and form al The civic bribery investigation has been adjourned till the In Thanksgiving sham battle last week men of all ranks took part The march past was witness ed by an immense throng The church census taken in the Town of Toronto last week indicate that per cent of its in habitants are churchgoers Mr J Ross Robertson has decided to retire from the Presidency of the Much regret is expressed at his retirement The institutions in the city for the aged poor or people un able to work are reported to be fill ed to the limit The House of Pro vidence with accommodation for is filled so is also the Haven and tin House of Industry A fine collection of curios has been bequeathed by the late Captain Koiighuet to the Provincial Museum ami the Art Gallery of Ontario the annual rally of Metropolitan Council of T a couple of weeks ago ten candidates were initiated including Mayor Aldermen Keeler Hay and Two other members of the city council were also present- Messrs and Jones Local Option is looking up in this city After investigation the Management Committee of the Board of Education have reinstated Mr A Stevens principal of Manning Avenue Public School who had been suspended on a charge of punishing a pupil too se verely One day last week young John Mc- an employee of the Puritan Knitting Mill Co was crushed to death between the walls of the build ing and the elevator He was alone when it occurred hiring the Provincial Horticultur al Exhibition be held in Toronto Nov it to IK four conventions will hold sessions The Fruit Growers Association will meet Nov to 10 the Vegetable Growers Association Nov and the delegates from the Horticultural societies Nov and there will also be a convention of the Ontario Associa tion A shifting switch caused the front trucks of a King street car to con tinuewest at Shaw street while the rear trucks started north The fend er was smashed and a tree broken as a result hut no one was hurt Citizens of Toronto enjoyed their Thanksgiving dinner Those who could afford it had to pay from to for their turkey and from 11 to per lb for dressed chickens Poult was uncommon scarce and the middle classes had to satisfied with good roast beef Mr John Gibson a pioneer of York County ami well known throughout its southern part passed a Way on Friday aged years He was the first farmer lo introduce the iron plow into Township Just before retiring from office Sir William appointed sonic extra tiers the Toronto office with the view of effecting an additional midday delivery of letters in the district by Jar vis John and streets a concession to the rc- of the business commun ity Sir John who has oc cupied I he editorial chair of the Dun dee Advertiser since and has IxKii an extensive traveller through the United States Europe Egypt India and Ceylon and Canada is a Visit to Toronto this week accom panied by his wife A deputation waited upon the Pro vincial Hoard of Health from the city of respecting the filtra tion of water supply The Hoard recommended the employment of a competent engineer to look after it Anybody could no that much wanted I he Hoard of Health to give hem i solution to their trouble- that what the Board Is paid for aoo Watch this Space Next Week FOR PROVED A SUCCESS AND WON A NAME AND PLACE IN THE HOMES OF CANADA IN ONE YEAR TORONTO JOBBING I is the of to Toronto For your Watches Clocks Jewellery or Silverware when you can get a good assortment of Reliable makes at Watsons Jewellery Store at just as low prices Article is Guaranteed Exactly as represented and we are right on the spot to make good our guarantee o Spectacles Properly Fitted WATSON Watchmaker and Graduate Optician Sherman 1 rid nay Clayton Story Hopper Susie Jr I j Clark John Hop per Everett Stickland Laura Pen rose Melville Walter Tate Joints and swelled limbs ilne Its sure to cure and costs for a Urge bottle I Tlnr Imperial troops will be with drawn from Halifax and the fortress Carl Wesley Graham Teller placed in full charge of the Canadian Shanks Hobble garrison by November ham Willie Wright George Wright I Present every day Shaw I Soap disinfectant Is Gladys Clark recommended by the Hopper as a against Laura Penrose diseases CURB PILES Itching blind bleeding or protrud ing Druggists refund money It OINTMENT falls to Cure any case no matter of how long in to days First ap plication rest If your druggist it In stamps and It will be forwarded poetpaid by Paris Medicine Co St Louis Ho At a cattle conference in Dundee resolutions were passed asking that the restrictions upon cat tle be removed is MOTHERS ON to the children the thick up cold COUGHS nip of the A of Ihli remedy It hot iqallMoodlcril IMCblrt g Corner Drug Store PCfl SUndyS Church and Meal Hours PURE PRICES TED Druggist Corner Main and Timothy Streets

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