Newmarket Era, 10 Nov 1905, p. 2

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1 BRA FRIDAY NOVEMBER I 1 tons of Clover Hay at once EVES Newmarket The Reform Candidate Bedroom Warm and comfortable would ac commodate two good boarders y at Era Office 2vM2 House Wanted Small modern house or four pleas ant rooms furnished or unfurnished Will pay rent Box Era Office For Sale A general purpose Horse bands Apply to GEO Sutton West For Sale or to Rent Blacksmith Stand Everything In good repair First- class stand Apply on the premises or box 353 Newmarket PO 1 For Sale acres of Standing Timber for milling purposes consisting of elm ash cedar bass- wood and soft maple Will be sold cheap Apply to A Pig Astray Came upon Lot 32 in the 3rd Con East about the 1st of September a good White Sow Owner is requested to prove property pay expenses and take the animal away A ROSE Good House for That house and premises belonging to the estate of the late Joseph on the north side of Queen Street Newmarket The house is in good repair and well situated For terms of sale apply at my office Vendors Solicitor Hon PostmasterGeneral of Canada was bom on farm near In Lennox County and spent his early rears there where the Aylesworth family well represented On the jfoffovember days after he have been elected member of Parliament for North YorJc he will be years old so that he is still a comparatively young man and can look forward to many years useful service He was educated in the public school the High School and the University of Toronto where he immediately gave promise of his brilliant career He graduated In with the highest honors and the Princes prize and took his the year following In having completed his course at the law school he was called to the Bar and immediately entered upon the practice of his profession His professional career has been one continuous series of successes until today he is recognized by other lawyers and the public as well as the foremost lawyer in Canada In he was created a by the Ontario Government and in a similar honor was conferred on him by the Earl of Derby GovernorGeneral of Canada In recent years he has been retained by one side or the other in most of the important le gal cases in the Province In the Countess libel suit against the Toronto World in he was leading counsel for the prosecution He has been engaged in a number of election trials sometimes by the Lib erals and sometimes by the Conservatives who have always been anxious to engage him though he was a Reformer his talents and integ rity commended their admiration A little over two years ago he was selected to represent Great Brit ain in the arbitration over the Alaska boundary With him representing Great Britain were Sir Louis and Lord Alvestone while the United States was represented by three of the shrewdest men in public life there What happened on that occasion is a matter of history It is weft within the mark say that Canada was never more ably represent ed on an- international tribunal His protest against the decision of Lord and the United States commissioners was so firm and un compromising and at the same time so moderate that it did much to raise Canada and Canadians in the eyes of the diplomatic world If Canada henceforth is treated less as a mere dependency and more as a partner in the affairs of Empire the credit is due largely to Mr worths stand on that occasion His attitude called forth the highest from the press or Canada irrespective of politics and the English ess was equally outspoken is a true patriot was the tifbutc of a leading London paper It is an open secret that Mr has on more than one had opportunities to go on the bench He is the type of man who is hard to get to enter public life and Canadians are to be congratulat ed oil the fact that he has now consented to do so There is no doubt that lie will make his public career a brilliant one and it is especially fitting that he should represent the good old riding of North York Oar Society Unfair accomplish in dealing with Manitoba Our cot em knows better The new Provinces above mentioned enacted their present school system of their own accord have enjoyed it for a decade and a half and the people profess to be satisfied therewith These Provinces have one Minister of Education one Public School Inspec tor one class of uniform elfsame By Tender Cash tenders will be received up to Nov POO for house and lot belonging to the late Susan Hughes estate Newmarket The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted Address Do Not Forget Auction sale of Registered Horses highgrade Cattle Sheep Pigs belonging to JAMES A WOOD Lot Con West Thursday November 41 sheep pigs Farm Implements of all kinds Quan tity of household effects Sale at oclock Sharp Lunch at noon J Phillips Auctioneer NOTICE Is hereby given that a Court will be held pursuant to the Ontario Voters List Act by His Honor the Judge of the County Court at Au rora on Saturday the day of November at 2 pm to hear and determine the several complaints of errors and omissions in the Vot ers List of the Municipality of the Township of Whitchurch for All persons having business at the Court are required to attend at the said time and place 1 Township Clerk The candidature is hopelessly wrong in its policies and its ideals Such is the avowed criticism the Toronto Telegram in regard to the nomination of Hon A Aylesworth the Liberals of North York to examination no doublebarrelled successor to Sir William turn raiKnient and after halfpast three as the representative of this riding by trustees of the in the Commons and as Postmaster- section preachers or priests may General Had some nonentity been for half an hour impart religious chosen as the party nominee thereby teaching or conduct religious No pupil however is to the list of political mum- lo mies at present adorning not a few without the permission of of the back benches on the floor of the House instead of an admittedly real live man qualified intelligently patents or guardians In this re spect Protestant and Roman Catho lic Stand on equal terms This law has been in force for years and is to discuss the more important issues so satisfactorily that only a Dated Nov IMS HIGH K ft ACCOUNTANCY By means of our original complete Correspondence Course in CHARTERED ACCOUNTANCY Carefully prepared and personally conducted by David Toronto A Institute for Ontario spare time get ready for A examinations and for earning a better salary Particulars Viet DAVID Instructor SHAW Principal Central College Toronto Write for our regular school cata logue describing general business and shorthand coarse Heifer Astray upon Jot the Con Kt about the til Sept a 5yearold Heifer to prove pay charges and take her away GOODWIN BROS before Parliament and the country and to assist in moulding the future destiny of this fair Dominion along lines leading to progress happiness development and civil and religious liberty criticism would have been in order When it is remembered that the Telegram was foremost among the evening dailies in pronouncing en comiums upon the new Postmaster- General on his return from the Commission his ability and un compromising fidelity to his native land on the side of right we are more than surprised to find such pure unsophisticated sophism as is con tained in the above extract in its col umns In regard to Provincial too our asserts Chat Mr candidature for this riding asks the electorate To approve of clericalism Working through coercion This is simply a gratuitous asser tionnothing more By inference an effort is made to induce the public to believe that Sir Wilfrid has retreated from his former views in regard to the school question and that by his action in dealing autonomy hills of Alberta and Sas katchewan he took a wide departure frufii his previous views in dealing With Manitoba which resulted In the overthrow of a Conservative Admin istration But is this true Not means It matter of history that Mani toba in the exercise of its Provincial had passed a school lav sat isfactory to a vast majority of its people but the veriest clericalism which seems to give our a fcori of hysteria under the guise of Legislation Conservative Administration compos ed largely of men whom Sir Macken zie Dowel characterized as a nest Of traitors to Impose upon the Prairie Province a separate school system against its will This coercion Sir Wilfrid and his political friends resisted That re sistance led to the overthrow of the Tup per dynasty The Telegram now seeks to Impress upon Its readers that In regard to Alberta and Sas katchewan the Premier has changed his attitude and by the legislation of last sought to do the thing that the Tories attempted to dozen separate schools Protestant or Catholic have been formed in those Provinces When the autonomy bills were before Parliament last session the Opposition sought to disturb this Provincial Rights legislation but Sir Wilfrid said No However he added a clause to further deal with this question later should the Legis latures those Provinces so desire Thus it will be seen Sir Wilfrid was consistent throughout Hence to argue as the Telegram does that Mr Aylesworths nomination In North York is a glorification of Federal interference for the sake of separate schools is to ignore facts and misrepresents both the Premier and the Post masterGeneral on the question and also the people of this riding in regard to Provincial Rights Maclean Slander Where they think they can do so with impunity canvassers for the Maclean nominee are telling voters that this man Aylesworth has been saying all sorts of things about farm ers to the effect that they were a lot of ignorant knownothings etc etc Of course Mr Aylesworth never said any such thing A man who has himself been a farmer and whose brothers and other relatives are still farmers does not feel let alone talk that way OOfl-4- Mr Meetings Hon A Aylesworth will hold meetings at the following places be tween now and polling day night Nov Temperance Hall Kutleby Saturday night Nov Organization meeting Monday night Nov Tuesday night Nov Andersons Hall Newmarket Wed afternoon Nov Nomination meeting StouHville Thursday night Nov Sutton night Nov Mt Albert Monday night Nov till Jan I for Mr and lire J Cane enter tained friends on Saturday evening 4Irs Gregory visited with Mrs J Davison Niagara St Mrs Dr Stuart Toronto was the guest of Mrs Ross on Monday Miss and Mrs Lewis St were visiting at York Mills one day last week Mrs Sep Morris has returned from where she was visiting Mrs Ensign for a month Mrs Wilson mother of Mrs Manning returned Newmar ket this week after spending over a year with her children in Dakota Mr Jos Meads wife and two children from Toronto were in Town over Sunday Mrs Meads and child ren will remain here for a couple of weeks Mrs Millard of Orillia was visiting over Sunday with Mrs The latter gave an af ternoon tea last Friday in honor ol her guest W Esq Mayor of Renfrew and editor of the Mercury came to Newmarket last Friday to investigate the typesetting machine in the Era Office Mr Geo Trlvctt who has been poorly for about a month had the misfortune to sprain his ankle very badly last Monday and is now con fined to the house again Hunfsville Forester Mr Sher man R Fletcher of Seattle U and nephew of Mr J John- son lias taken a position as book keeper on the Foundry and Machine Cos staff The Forester takes pleasure in welcoming Mr Fletcher to our midst The published at Indian Head says Mr Win has appointed commissioner his financial agent As Mr Hills several farms are all lei on shares a considerable portion of his time has necessarily been spent here looking after them and the horse business which he carried on for sev en years This will relieve Mr Hill of the necessity of spending so much of his time in the West The Rush Is On During the past week a few dozen copies of the beautiful picture Alexandra Her Grand children and Dogs have been distri bute in this section and every per son who has seen it has no hesita tion in pronouncing it the finest pic- lure ever issued that great week ly the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal To say it is a beauty does not begin to do it jus tice It charms every one at sight We learn that it Is offered absolutely free to all who pay a years subscrip tion to the Family Herald and Week ly Star the price of is one dollar per year No wonder there is a big rush of subscriptions through the mails these days going to the Family Herald office It is the biggest value offered this season by long odds KESWICK At the meeting of the Sons of Tem- on Tuesday night sides were chosen with Messrs J and as captains to provide en tertainments lor the next quarter A good program literary and musi cal may be expected each week Next week the division will meet on Monday instead of Tuesday on ac count of the lecture to be given in Methodist Church on Tuesday evening Rev Johnson of Toronto KETTLKBY A massmeeting will he held at Kettleby on Nov in Temperance Hall at oclock in the interests of Loral Option for King All in terested in Temperance work urgently requested to attend Contractor I fancy who Is laying the tunnel under the waters of To ronto bay Intends to keep the open all winter The NEWTON SMITH In Newmarket on the of Nov by Elder I Prosser at the home of the bride Mr Walter Newton of Whitchurch- to Miss Nellie Smith Niagara St the resi dence of the brides parents Ring- wood on Nov 1st by Rev Thos Mitchell Mr Angus Camp bell of Toronto to Miss Florence daughter of Mr Timothy BARBIE We purpose holding two Big Bargain Days this week FRIDAY SATURDAY If possible shop on Friday as Saturday we are always very busy Run your Eye clown this List the Prloee are very low v Quality Considered Ladles Fashionable Jackets Shaker Flannel Might 12 Only Ladies new Jackets all each sizes regular and on Womens Striped Shaker Flannel Sale Saturday Night Robes regular 75c each Ladies Gloves pair doz Ladies Colored and White Gloyes sizes to regular 25c pair reduced to Pure Wool Blankets Large sizes soft finish 60 80 pair pair Cotton Blankets heavy weight 10x4 90c pair 11 x 4 pair 125 pair for 59c each 38 Inch Shaker Flannel yard Si 200 yds full Shaker Flanne regular yd for 8c yd Inch Union Carpet yd 3 Pieces 36 Carpet Imitation Sandal Rubbers pair pair Womens Imitation Sandal sizes to 7 List price on sale at pair Mens All Wool Sox 25o pair 100 pair Mens all Pure Wool Sox in Dark Oxford Greys sale at pair and Boys Worsted Hose 25o pair 12 Pure Worsted Hose 8i to 10 regular pair for pair Mens Gloves sop pair doz Mens Brown Mocha Glove regular 75c 1 on sale at 50c pr Mens Rubbers pair mm 24 pair Mens Plain Sandal Rubbers to 10 list price 85c pair on sale at 50c pair Mens Protection Rubbers pr 50 pairs Mens Protection Rubbers sizes to 10 list price paii on sale at pair OROGENY Victor Chop Japan Tea Hi Fresh Ground coffee lb Spanish Onions Christies Fancy Biscuits Anchor Blend Black Tea lb Golden Net Salmon regular J tin Saturday for Christies Plain Sodas Crown Brand Tomato Catsup regular 15c special 2 for 25c MARTIN Id Bradford on Thursday Oct Day at the residence of the brides aunt Mrs J Suth erland by the Rev Har den of the Presbyterian Church Garrett of Toronto eldest son of Garrett editor of the Witness to Annie Mar tin daughter of Mr and Mrs Martin of The Tomb In Newmarket on Nov 3 Anne widow John Bennett years The funeral took place Sunday afternoon interment at Newmarket Cemetery rOWNUY Accidentally killed at Granite Falls Minn on Nov Bernard Henry eld est son of John Henry and the late Amid formerly of Newmarket years and six months LLOYD At her residence Aurora on Nov Sarah of W Lloyd and mother of John Lloyd of Toronto aged years WRIGHT At Bowling Green Ohio on Nov William Wright brother of Mrs Jack son Newmarket in his 84th year Newmarket on Nov Kdgar second son of Mr Andrew In his vear McCUI On corona Island Nov 1st Geo J OYSTERS Haddie Cranberries Oranges Lemons New Raisins Currants Peels Use Phone T Simpson Bakery S J ft MAIN ST NORTH NEWMARKET All Orders will receive Careful and Prompt Attention LEADING Undertaking House You can buy your For Cash UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at residence John Millard Phono and OPEN EVERY EVENING Oysters- Served In any Stylo Come and Try Them Hot Sodas every evening start ing next week SIMPSON SOUTH END BAKERY Mo ALL KINDS OK CROC MEAT AND Your Patronage CORNER MAIN A ONTARIO STS for And acres of land near Newmar ket Cemetery Barn and hard wa ter Apply to Mr cor Main Huron Newmarket Teaoher Wanted For No Whitchurch for Apply personally if possible to RICHARDSON J Vandorf Acre Farm for Sale the cast quarter of lot the 2nd Concession of Whitchurch The premises are well fenced and Rood arable condition Good frame barn frame house and plenty o wa ter Orchard of rock fruit Will sell for cash or on easy terms further particulars apply on farm opposite FRED O SIMPSON PO Money to Loan private funds at per cent on farm property first mortgage Enquire at Era Office

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