Newmarket Era, 10 Nov 1905, p. 5

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0 Stock BRANCH General Business interest Allowed on Deposits lfllel ISSUED AT al MINTS leeks Iioeal WHAT IS GOING OH J A ABOUT LEGAL J Robertson Ac Street Newmarket to Let A Clark BARRISTERS SOLICITORS TORONTO Private Trust Fund to Current R Liennox Conveyancer over Parlor Reformer INSURANCE J fl Agent for to the ft fl Ramsay Insurance Agent Town Property- prank Duncan AUCTIONEER Benin Industrial The Commissioners Warden Messrs Rogers and Powell met at the Home on Wednesday last week and inspected the new which are being erected They expressed as well order ed 600 to fee paid on building ac count Other bills were passed amounting to about Newmarket milk vendors ever since the 1st November have advanced the price to six cents per quart This thing was done before and it brought a new dealer in the market People would not complain at the price for the four winter months but to fix a for half- the is causing comment that looks like organizing a ratepayers milk association fA ore Houses Sold Mr Allan Howard has bought the house on the corner of Prosvect Ave and Timothy St for This house was sold two years ago for which shows the advance teal estate in this town Mrs Gideon has sold her house on Teeumseth St to Mrs of for This house was bought five or six years ago for and has been improved by a new foundation but still shows a rap id advance in real estate Free Papers Now Is the time to subscribe for new papers Balance of free to all paying in advance for 10B Era and Weekly Globe 1 Trade Canadas total volume of year ending June millions dollars increase of five millions over and fifty millions over I Canadas volume trade has more than doubled in ten years Canadas total revenue year end ing June millions Canadas revenue 15 millions Canadas expenditure mil lions 1 millions Canadas surplus for year ending June millions a Era and Weekly Mail Era and Weekly Sun Era and Montreal Star Era and Montreal Witness Era and Daily World Era and Daily Globe year in North York only Era and Cosmopolitan one of the best Monthly Magazines published Street Newmarket Bolton Fainter and K Corner and Jus A- Ellis and Sanitary Engineer Room 2Cr9 Manning Chambers Toronto and on all kinds buildings Enquiries at Era will prompt of MARRIAGE LICENSES Paper- Nay VOCAL TEACHER from Toronto engaged Studio in Hall over Bank where she will and be pleased to nut anyone wishing to consult her to terms on Friday of each week NEWMARKET WORKS Head Stones- JAMES Developing His Self liife Rev Well wood had a narrow from serious injury on Mon day afternoon He was throwing the bricks to the old fur nace out of the cellar through a window when the youthful member of the family came alone and concluded it would be about as much fun to throw them in He picked a fullgrown one up and hurl ed it in and the next thing Mr Well- wood knew was about the good shot he had made saying he had knocked papas hat The brick struck the victim on the top of the head and it took him some time to get rid of the effects of the blow- Banner Rev Well wood was formerly sta tioned at Hie or Soft Stuff This was the question tobe decided before E Jackson and J Hughes on Friday The case came from Whitchurch when the License Commissioner for North York Col James had Ed McQuillan summoned for selling spirituous at his hotel on the of Oc tober last Mr Choppin was prose cuting counsel for the Inspector and Mr defended the defendant witnesses were called to prove the charge but one so completely contradicted the other in a material that he case was dismissed The defendant however cannot hut teal he got luckily out of the woods Perhaps there will be less talk about liquor being sold at in the local option township of Whitchurch after last Fridays in vestigate Mr J Wilson Vor years with Mr Poole Leading Photograph- Us of Photo Studio will be to have youcuH work and careful atten tion will be the watchword itMoa guaranteed Developing and for arnaVsura promptly done OLD For Hale at This Office I DR WILLIAM The Famous Poet It was eight years ago that Or delightful verse The Habitant and Other FrenchCanadian Poems made its debut Their pathos humor and blended with the rare sympathetic touch that makes smiles chase away tears and tears follow smiles won instant response in the hearts of Canadians and of all lovers of good literature throughout the world Toe simpler minded purehearted FrenchCanadian characters told their stories in a new dialect handled with such loving sympathetic interpretation that no slightest cloud of exaggeration or burlesque marred the spell of the charm They were original scribbled on a block of paper held on the authors knee often by V campfire later begged borrowed or purloined by friends many of them drifted into print and became popular without the authors name and with no trace of their parentage It was the poets wife who carefully collected all these earlier poems and made copies of the later ones and so made possible ope of best selling of poetry in recent years Dr was born in County Ireland in and wfcen a I- of nine was brought with his three brothers to Canada by father who settled Montreal He lovecl outdoor life camping fishing boating anything with open and companionship He was happy at a meeting the river drivers and shanty men on their way down Quebec absorbing their stories and talk with all the intensity of an impressionable boy unconsciously storing them away in silent preparation until the day when he was to add a new character to the literature Canada and a new name to her roll of real poets While in the High School at Montreal and later at Bishops College at in his mediral course from which he graduated in he wrote some vers but it was Ills splendid physique and great that distinguished him wonderful records in hammerthrowing and shot ui ting winning more atten tion than his throwing of words or putting of phrases When he came to Montreal to practice be became identified with the clubs and on the rivers and in tramping through the wools came close companionship with the guides the halfbreeds and the habitants Wiiosc con fidence he won and whose was given to him as naturally as echo rcsois to sound In recognition of his splendid contributions to literature was elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature I I of the Royal Society of Canada a of Bishops College and from Toronto University latent book is The J j1 I lv j Increase in Canadas trade in years to millions Increase in Canadas trade years to millions Canadas imports for mil lions exports millions Since Confederation the exports during 28 of the 38 years were great er to Great Britain than to the Unit ed States Canada a foreign trade onefifth as large as that of the States At Confederation per cent of Canadas export trade was to the United States per cent to Brit ain In 1903 per cent was to Britain and 31 per cent to the Unit ed States Canadas relative percentage of commercial growth for seven years was 107 per cent as of United States of Britain 38 of Germany of France North York with this showing is bound to support the Governments trade policy For Era Midst the Revels of the Wind BY A BANKER Era Readers Chance for Profit Everyone Ought to Grasp this Opportunity To roam amidst those bold anil lof ty munitions of rocks which for ages past have withstood unharmed the continuous onslaughts of the great ocean and in which by some mighty convulsion of nature yawning rifts- deep fissures and narrow gorges have been cleft is to some a pleasure indeed For here where The scattering waters rage And the winds their revels keep where with wild fury the billows are hurled against those rocky buttressed ramparts and where the raging tempest blasts im prisoned in those narrow gullies whirl and gyrate like a desert sand storm or rush furiously upwards the cleft to the summit ol the cliff with a force so great that a heavy stick or even a stone thrown over into the chasm is hurled back high in air here may the majesty and the sublimity nature be in all its overwhelming grandeur and stately and impressive solemnity Scattered along the iron rock- bound coast are numerous isolated rocks some massive and lofty rising high above the turmoil of the ele ments sonic rounded boulders con cealed at high tide clothed in long streamers of seaweed of a golden hue tinged with delicate green resembl ing at a distance a mermaids flow ing tresses the similarity to that To have even a simple case of heart burn specks before the gestion is to have inside tongue sleeplessness lion of that warns of or ous trouble in tl future unless the ST should system offered to try aginary creature being enhanced If you cannot eat and digest three Jugt tablet out partly covered by the rising good square and satisfying meals ft 50 ccnt remedy be- the golden locks wave to and each day without discomfort your each few the varying talc Towering stomach needs Miona tablets They vin are not a mere temporary relief clirfs are composed of valuable medicinal Cannot obtain agents which strengthen the digest- J some 5 CUrC Postpaid on receipt of price Write ton and jagged though an army stomach troubles When there are pains or distress leading stomach specialist which will rocks asunder leaving the after eating headaches belching of be sent free The Booth Corn- l piled almost as gases a sour taste In the mouth diz- Ithaca Y Correction Every man owes it to himself and In the printed prize list of the his family to master a trade or pro- Show the first prize in Read the display advertise- Class should have been A rnent of the six Morse Schools of Newmarket instead of In this issue and learn how Jacob Smith Bast easily a young man or lady may learn The tickets got changed in some way telegraphy and be assured a position If You Take Good market last Saturday The usual high standard of price prevail ed Following are the ruling prices Butter to to doz Dressed Chickens to and lb Dressed Ducks lb Ducks to pair Geese to lb Turkeys to lb 10 to 12c Beef lb Apples to basket Fall Apples 9125 Winter Apples Si to 1176 Cabbages to Cauliflower to head 26c peck Winter Radish basket Carrots basket Beets basket basket Potatoes to bag Live Chickens Old Hens 1c lb Live lb Live It Turkeys to lie ft pair Babbits to pair Young pigs per pair Hides and It and lie Sheepskins to each Tallow lb fritp ttr it vha way Bay and a residence celebrating The trouble to examine carefully While the occupants of the contents of The Weekly Sun you Street were will understand why it is so highly Halloween down staira burglars by Its Untiring things up stairs One lady had devotion to the interests of the farm- taken from her dresser era is the secret of its popularity Dominion Express Company you are not you ought to be a has announced a reduction of massive high as reader of The Sun Subscriptions taken at the Bra Of fice per pounds to all points west of North Hay and to New Nelson and Day of the purchased a cow and a calf at the sale at week for the The paid was 91100 People are well now asking has this calf got a cough very The Trunk and the Canadian fflethodiat Both the Love Feast and Commun ion services last Sunday were attended and everybody was much pleased with the new Pacific Railway Companies want the ual communion service It detracts city to onethird the cost of in no way from the solemnity of he constructing street bridge occasion The administering of the and they each agree to pay a sacrament only occupied about half amount the time and every objectionable A rumor is current In the city lure from a sanitary point of view J that Dr P May Is to be the one cup is overcome the position of Inspector of who at first were opposed to an Public Libraries by Mr innovation in this line were well formerly organizer for the pleaded with the Introduction- We Conservative party the adjoining cliff In wild chaotic disorder some of the immense blocks apparently poised so insecurely that a touch might precipitate them head long into the seething wean far be neath And stretching out into the broad Atlantic Is the Irregular tongue of rock well named The Lands which constitutes the western cx- rernlty of nought hut the grta ocean save that romantic clus ter of rocky islets the Scilly Islands intervening between here and the great American continent And as the visitor stands upon that ridgt of rocks and looks out upon the vast and wide expanse of the heaving ocean it is difficult to recall the fact that this earth of ours is such a minute speck in the mighty myriad- starred universes of Rut hough so small ft is the most hon ored For here the Creator of them all deigned for a time to dwell and here He made that Great Atonement which Ik the passport to the realms of for all who will accept Ills loving offer to be their Saviour from the wrath to come make no doubt that In future many more than ordinarily will take ad vantage of the communion service GUARANTEED CURB FOR PILES Itching blind bleeding or protrud ing Druggist refund money OINTMENT tails to cure any no matter of bow long standing in to days First ap plication gives and rest If your druggist hasnt It send stamps and it will be forwarded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co St Louis Mo TO CO HE A COLO IN OHM DAY Take Laxative Quinine Tab lets All druggists refund the money It it falls to cure Groves signature Is on each box The body No lady should turn and look be hind her in street the girl who so directly courts unpleasant at tentions from men who passing Unless she is a hostess or a mem ber of the family a need not rise when a gentleman Is Introduced to her i When visiting conform to the rules of the house In which you are stay ing A visitor should always bear this in mind When shopping do not order assist ants about a lady never to be thoughtful for those who serve Good resolutions are good It we make them good known by the company keeps This applies equally to ft Han Life it l the Era to absent friends Watch this Space Next won PROVED A SUCCESS AND WON A NAME AND PLACE IN THE HOMES O CANADA IN ONE YEAR SOLD ONLY BY J A ALLAN 5s CO NEWMARKET took ML ft- is TORONTO JOB What is the Use of Goin to Toronto For your Watches Clocks Jewellery or Silverware when you can get a good assortment of iahlc makes at Watsons Jewellery Store at just as low prices Article is Guaranteed Exactly as represented and we arc right on the spot to make good our guarantee Spectacles Properly Fitted T WATSON- Watchmaker and Graduate Optician in a need In home for A lew doses at the first of a cold will allay all throat Irritation check the the off the cough Alt tie aoothfng cnratlre proper lies of an Spnu with aromatic Pleasant to take in HUNDREDS Of Stenographers Typewriters Book keepers Correspondents men Business Teachers Hallway Clerks places from the During Months ELLIOTT Every teacher scholar and clerk got catalogue at once Could not fill positions ottered In Octo ber A cor McOllI Toronto TORONTO ONT Corner Yonjce Alexander has received Ten Fifteen Twenty and even Kilty Times as many calls for Stenographers as it bad students during the same months This Is The School To Attend ENTER NOW Write for magnificent Catalogue J ELLIOTT Principal

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