Newmarket Era, 10 Nov 1905, p. 7

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I THE a s CHINA lot So Bad Mr Watsons gasoline launch Var was hauled out for the winter on Thanksgiving Day His record of trips taken- last summer totals over miles OK HALL Nov TS Found In last weeks Era an advertise ment appeared stating that a sum of money had been found in Newmarket- Last Saturday the owner turned up Yesterday was the Kings birthday Mr J Q has bought house he has been living in Miss Alice one of the New market High School students got her Junior Leaving Certificate on ap peal Tho arms are placed on the poles on Main St for thenew incandescent lights instead of the arc lights The fall session of York County Council will open on the to execute Convention Over 0 delegates are in and was made happy la being present- County Meeting at A meeting called by the executive of last vears organization was held In the hall on Monday night A good attendance of Tem perance workers appeared in response naming dates places to the call Several suitable PO as follows vis selections were given by the la- on Friday Deo 22nd dies of t Hall at The Secretary gave a statement the receipts and expenses of late Reeve find Clerk were the required transfers The Reeve Introduced to provide for for Council of I holding the election with a roll by the It was lucky got into honest hands in which was accepted as satis factory after which Rev of Sutton gave an excellent address The subject of agajn appealing to the electors came up for discussion In view of the fact that a special hills which opened in the meet of would have to be firmer Mr Church here yesterday at- in order to gve time for first for the that the and a very profitable time is second readmg of bylaw and ay lor trie that very little time was given for an active campaign it was moved Just CURRANTS Selected cleaned 3 ETC Opened very fine quality lbs 25c lb UISINS Finest selected Valencias Seeded Selected Muscatel Rais ins packages for Very fine selected lb Choice and 20c lb DATES fruit very nice lb EXCELSIOR BLEND is the finest quality lb Always fresh ground JAPAN TEA Our line is sure to please CODFISH Pure package ECLIPSE SOAP Quality is good but a slow sell er bars 25c St Pauls Church The annual Thanksgiving service in St Pauls as announced last week will take place on Wednesday next the at when the sermon will be preached by the Rev rector of St Simons Toronto There will be special music and decorations suita ble to the occasion All will be very welcome Very Generous The business people and citizens of Newmarket have shown their interest la the Town Band by very generously contributing the sum of 180 towards repairing the instru ments and meeting the leaders sal ary We may now look for a strong wellorganized and superior Town Band 25 ONLY Good quality full size a set Library Lamps Two Specials at and to each Leading Reliable UptoDate Grocer RIMLESS CLASSES They are attractive doubtless and becoming to many people not advisable for everybody though However it makes no differ ence about the rites Its the lenses that do the good The lenses may be in gold gold filled silver or steel rims and help the wearer equally in either fit lenses to the eye the to the features and the price to the amount which you would like to pay ALL ADVISE FREE ATKINSON CO JEWELERS I Reliable Store KESWIOK You want honest square dealing tbtt la my aim You get Just you buy at the RIGHT PRICE beautiful Porcelain Dishes thrown MISS of has gaged to take charge o the League interest in the League is being re vived and the attendance on Monday evening was much better than usual A verv good program was presented including addresses from Mr J P Belfry and Rev ft J reading by Miss Clark singing by the Misses Smith and recitation by Miss Luella Thomas Mr occu pied tlie chair When Greek meets Greek then tomes the tug of war Is now para phrased When Tom meets Tom well the least said the sooner mend ed The rails on the Metropolitan ex tension are laid from Newmarket to Two new telephones have been add ed to the Central exchange No Liberal Committee Room and No A Williams law office Stamped Rugs Excellent designs at Hughes Acknowledgment On Monday Mrs T Perkins re ceived the following very nice letter from the Sanitarium Of ficials acknowledging the contribu tion which she forwarded last week Toronto Nov Dear Madam Let me thank you very sincerely for your kind favor of the 2nd in you enclose a check for representing the proceeds of a con cert in Newmarket to be applied to maintenance account of the Free Hospital for Consumptives want to say how much our trus tees appreciate a gift of this nature and the kindly thought that such gift with it You will probably have noticed from the daily press that we have decided increase our accommoda tion beds this means an addi tional burden for the trustees to carry but so long as we have kind and thoughtful friends like those In Newmarket we feel sure that the raided money to cover the additional cost will come to us thanking you and all the friends v ho helped In getting up the believe me Very truly yours J GAGE Presbyterian Church A well attended and enthusiastic meeting of the Willing Was held at the home of Miss on Tuesday Ladles have an inter esting announcement of their plans to make soon A new feature En work was undertaken last Sabbath in the open ing of a class for Chinamen under the care of Miss Blizzard who has bad experience this work Other teach ers have offered their services and this promises to he a permanent part of our work Our choir is under the capable leadership of Mrs The service of praise is a very anticipated The evening sessions commence at Dr Mills of To ronto was the chief speaker for last night This evening Rev of Toronto will give reminiscences of his trip to tbe Holy Land illustrat ed by the stereapticon It is ex pected that church will be crowd ed to the doors Go early to feet a good scat Hots A good assortment now at M Hughes regular meeting the Womens Missionary Society in connection with the Methodist Church took place at on Wednesday after noon and was fairly well attended The president Mrs conducted responsive exercise appropriate read ings were given by Miss and Mis J and Miss Coon contributed an instrumental It was decided to invite Miss a returned missionary from Ja pan to address a meeting in New market on the of Nov Further particulars later CampFire On Wednesday three young men were up before Jackson J P on a charge of chicken stealing ft ap pears that certain persons have been in the habit oi visiting in the neighborhood of the woods building campfires and roast ing poultry On Sunday on going through the woods a fowl was found with its head wrenched and still kicking Three young fellows were seen in close proximity to the place who took leg bail on finding they were suspected The examination proved that the fowl had been killed by them one of the boys having thrown a stone at it but it did not belong to the person prosecuting They had since paid the owner for the bird Mr Armstrong who was the complainant in entering the case only wanted to put a stop to the nui sance and danger by fire and it is hoped the warning the Magistrate gave will prove salutary in future seconded and carried that it should i not be tried at this time but that a permanent organization be formed an executive of five members to cairv on and perfect plans looking to a Local Option campaign next year when it is hoped adjoining municipal ities will also take action FINE ORCHARD Miss Case of Toronto is spending a few weeks with friends here McLean and camp has been reinforced by a large number of men and teams and an effort will be made to complete the grading this month Mr peter Scott who lived here some years ago surprised his friends by his appearance on Tuesday He had not been for several years and was supposed to have been billed in South Africa during the Boer War Miss Phoebe Brown is visiting in with her sister Mrs die Mrs Watson and Mrs Ross of Au rora and Mrs Brown of Toronto were visiting at Mr over Sunday The political pot is beginning to boil slowly Several of our local politicians heard Mr Aylesworth at Newmarket and Aurora last week and were much impressed by the addresses given The PostmasterGeneral eas ily ranks next to Sir Wilfrid Laurier as a debater and this fact coupled with the knowledge that he has suc ceeded in all his undertakings has caused the word to be passed through Conservative camps that he must be defeated- is to he hoped that every elector will exercise his fran chise and assist in electing a man who will be a credit to the riding not one who will sit on the back Op position Reaches and read speeches prepared by Maclean at pm Sharon Polling on Jan shop J A Collins Temperance Hall Sharon Bonn in v Anderson A Fletchers House Holt I Town Hall Albert Geo House lot con J A deputation composed of Rev Cameron Edwards and and other waited Council and the gentlemen each oil In support of the submitting of I of a ByLaw providing for a vote on Local Option re sale of Liquor In the Municipality but no action was taken i Council adjourned to meet on Friday December in Sharon at am Just received first shipment of new Fruits selected Valencia Raisins and very fine Vostiva cleaned fullflavored Fruits Partridge on the the Tbis seasons Canned Tomatoes This brand always maintained it Peas Corn and Beans Aylmer Brand supremacy and has won for itself an enviable reputation for SALMON Nothing but the Highest Grade Fish AT POPULAR PRICE Our Tea Department carries the best values in North York Our cial Japan at positively without a rival At Our Provision Counter Sample our Breakfast Bacon lb no better cured meat pro curable Smoked Hams and Rolls Long Clear Bacon Cooked Meats Ham Corned Beef Jellied Veal and Hocks Headcheese and Bologna Pork Pics Hast Sharon Nov Council 1005 held this Council Regular meeting held Oct 30th Members all present ex cept Mr Crittenden Mr John Smith from Council made application for assistance to build a road from to Bradford On motion tne matter was laid over for further consideration Several persons made application for bonus on wire fence The follow ing amounts were paid Rose bonus on rods wire fence on Con Isaac Kenton rods Lake Shore road John Till rods Con Friend Morton rods Ver- ncv road Thos 25 rods Con Frank Terry rods Con John half value of two sheep killed by dogs Val Crydcnnan cedar and re pair 2 culverts on sideroad lots and Con Henry Vanderberg rep bridge on Con Morton rep culvert on lots and Con j Henry rep culvert and bridge in Leo Pollock work on Con Council then adjourned to meet December BOTES 200 lbs Pork Sausage lbs The best Bulk Oysters in the Dominion Fresh Finnan I laddie Labrador Herring Cranberries and Sweet Potatoes Sweet Oranges Round Lemons WESTONS Toronto Bread PETERS CHOCOLATES- 12 GO Tel 3 knows just how DAYS are Sept Monday Oct 2 AH Invited Call and COLE The Corporations Real Friend If Archie thinks he will be able to do anything for the poli cies he advocates under the red flag of W P Maclean it only goes to show that he has been hypnotized by the noise originating in the Toronto World office The cause of public of telegraphs telephones and other national and municipal franchises has had more harm done to it by P Maclean in the past years than by the open hostility of all the corporations put together The same is true of every other meri torious cause he has taken up There are several reasons for this In the fust place Mr Macleans advocacy is the most flagrant insin cerity He accuses Mr Aylesworth of being a friend of the corpora tions an accusation utterly base less while he himself has through out bis whole career been notorious ly dominated by the greatest corpor- In Canada and one has to search no further than the proceed ing last session in Parliament when the fought to the last ditch to maintain its monopoly in British Columbia to demonstrate this He now denounces the salary steal as he calls It while in Par liament lie voted for it like all the other members and was one of the few members who spoke in favor of It He actually advocated the ex tension of the pension clause to Min isters who had not served five years as required by the Act and It is tbe pension feature of the legislation that Mr- A vies worth purposes to have altogether Another reason of Mr Macleans clucking hen futility is to be found In the circumstances which have giv en rise to the epithet The man important part of worship A duet with the That there Ik good God is Love was beautifully reason for the title best known by by Miss and Mr Young former and leaders Mr It Borden A I bird reason lies In the fact that j his methods and supreme egotism The Young Girls Mission Band Mr Maclean immediately alienates gave their friends an intellectual and the best elements of the community social treat on Tuesday evening Mr from any good cause he professes to gave an Inspiring support on the work of Knox College Mission the corporations want to delay Society the largest student Mission progress and reform public society on the American continent ownership and allied lines could Members of the Mission Band gave a not do better than to subsidize Mr program of song and recitation Maclean to continue In the precise Lunch was served The offering course that he has teen following about was handed Mr the Apparently Archie has first course served biro at lunch to not learned things or he would aid Knox Collets Missions Com 4 be Hying tbe Maclean colors read Meeting of day AH members present Minutes of last meeting confirmed Communications received From James Co From Mrs Dougherty From following to whom payments were ordered to be paid stature dont count in an Win Mortimer work on Toronto Globe The Toronto World is so unhappily situated with regard to Mr Aylcsworths campaign that it no doubt make a new- year resolution never again to praise a Liberal who is not dead 4 no J 4 35 Mr Presbyterian Mission ary from the West assisted In the Machine MWright work lots con lumber tttufnes bridge Con ftheittleworth reprs cul grading Jl hardware re hardware Albert John Proctor gravel John Tate reprs John grading Harvey grading John Maries grading Jus bridge adv re ltd Expenses County Council In spection re bridge over River lots con yds gravel A lip Arnold re culvert con John teaming c t Hopper re culvert work gravel sheep claim The Reeve Councillor Smith were appointed to wait upon County Council at Nov urge the building of a bridge over the River re lots lift con West The request of the James Bay It Co re water privilege was re ferred to Reeve and Councillor French to take such a they may deem best The Clerk was Instructed to ob tain a statement from Radial Co as to the quantity of land from each person for Right of Way and report same to Council with a view to making a rebate of taxes to parties on account of land to Railway Instructions were given for the of that portion of the Road now closed to the parties whose hinds adjoin the price being election The Hamilton Herald ob serves If big Arctic re sembled Abe Lincoln in ability and character as much as In stature Mr Aylcsworths finish would be even now within the range of vision A large and enthusiastic meeting was held at King City on Tuesday night in the interests of Hon Mr and a warm reception was accorded the new Postmaster- General Mr A occupied the chair ami addresses were given Mr Thos Legge Reeve King Mi Joseph RogeYs County Council lor Mi Aubrey Davis ol Newmar ket and Hon Mr Aylesworth Wed nesday evening an excellent meeting foregathered at Temperanceville King Township will give a good re cord of itself on the Mr is warmly received ev erywhere he goes leader Three letters will spell their utterances so far as antagon ism to the views of Mr is concerned and here they arc The Canadian Churchman chief journal of the Church of England in Canada gives this expression clear cut views in regard to Hon A as a setoil to the whole sale abuse heaped upon him by The Mail and lesser lights of the Tory party Sir William after a vigorous progressive and on the whole beneficial tenure of the import ant position of PostmasterGeneral of Canada has given place to Mr A a lawyer of the first- class whose name came into interna tional notice by his uncompromising stand as one of the Retiring Sea Tri bunalfor what he believed to be the clear and undoubted rights of Canada as opposed to the United States contention even when that contention was accepted by the Chief Justice England The strength of mind force of character incorruptible inde pendence of Mr Aylesworth combin ed as they are with profound knowl edge of the law and unusual ability should warrant Canadians in expect ing things of the new At the outset of his official career may express the hope that this expectation will be amply verified DO YOU WANT TRY OU It- Dry Pine Slabs cord Mixed Wood cord Maple I cord a WE DELIVER GOOD CLEAN COAL SCRAM the LEAD ORDERS From Carters Frank Smith Ab Trivett Jos Wesley or Direct from Office Phono i PEARSON PARK AVE an BOO IK Modification or rccal of the Act giving pensions to Minis ters is talked of at Ottawa This feature of Government action was In directly foreshadowed Hon Mr Aylesworth in his Newmarket ad dress If the entrance of the new PostmasterGeneral to the Federal Administration has already hastened the determination to modify Or repeal that Pension Act what may we ex pect from Ms influence when he gets North Yorks to aid in moulding the future public policy of Ottawa Government Please Archie stand one side for a while when North York Amis it more convenient the electors will ask you maybe I ft Is announced that Mr I Borden leader of the Opposition at Ottawa will be banqueted at King IM ward Hotel Toronto on Tuesday Dec The banquet will be under the auspices of the Borden Club It is Intimated that he will defend the Indemnity Increase to members of Parliament Now just watch press reports of that occasion and read what Mr Maclean MP for CO Oct The will of late Senator was entered here today for probate The estate is valued at of which J71C10 is in real estate in the balance being bonds and de bentures stocks mortgages insurance promissory notes household furniture and other person al effects The bulk of the estate is bequeathed to the widow of the late senator his two daughters and one son The Gener al Hospital gets a legacy ol direct Custom Sawing Having erected a on lot in the of Whitchurch I am prepared to take orders for hill stuff Terms reasonable WIDD1FH0LD Pine Orchard For Hunters Single Fare dally until Good going dally until Nov 7th to Points in Temagami on T N O to points to Port Ar thur inclusive to Port Arthur via N Co Going October 26th to Novem ber TO Muskoka Lakes Midland Lake of Bays River Lakcfietd All stations to Severn to North Bay Points on Northern Co Geor gian Bay and Mackinaw Division All tickets valid returning until December For tickets illustrated literature and information call on J Agent Farm for Sale Teacher Wanted For school section No East Duties to commence Jan 3 State Salary with references Apply to Secretary Sharon Good Apply to Mrs Aubrey Davis Vic toria Ave Newmarket Stray Cattle Came upon lot I In the of North about the 20th of July a 2yearold Roan Steer and York and his protege in this a Yearling Roan Heifer Owner is Riding Mr Archie will say respecting indemnity increase pensions public- etc In the presence of the Conservative requested to prove property pay charges and take them away NORRIS acres in A condition Well watered fences good good roads uptodate buildings and conveniences mile from gristmill stores Ac adjacent Situation Ideal It and you will want to purchase Lot Con County of York being at village of Baldwin For further information call on or write to Mr Baldwin PO or to Mr Chap man Hillsdale PO Executor of estate of Susan Chapman 11 House and Lot for Gale Belonging to the Estate of late- Susan Hughes Newmarket En- quire of M Hughes or Boy Wanted To learn Printing Business that has attended High School one or two years preferred Apply at this House to Rent On Lome Ave All city conveni ences Apply to J S Millard

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