J j m Weeks Meat Heals HAT ON feux TV Beard of Management have add- worth of new books to the public Library this week The Read ing Room continues to be well pat- and more books are in than ever before Off the Track The engine that is used on the Extension got off the track last Saturday and caused considera ble We Two cars broke loose in nine way and in down the grace with the result- ri- badly smashed v Graftal better an The Toronto World personal organ last week with election in North York perding printed the following Roughly speaking there are in the five townships in North York 250000 acres of land this land taking Rood and bad could be bought or an acre which would mean twelve millions and a hall of money and twelve millions ami a ball of money could be borrowed and interest paid on for the a year involved in the salary indemnity and pension In other words THE GRAB IS EQUAL TO THE WHOLE VALUE OF THE LAND THE RIDING OF NORTH YORK What do the farmers North York think about this Air Maclean On Thursday of last week a I moose caeca was brought to Onion Station North Bay dis trict It between and lbs and over feet long No less than carcases of I deer arrived by trains from the northern grounds the same I day Julius a street car was killed by a trolley near ly opposite his own house on Silver Wednesday the of Mr and Mrs A wedding day they were veiv affectionately remembered by children who presented them wit a Silver Tea Service May Ions live to enjoy the gift of Darkness Lanterns that we can good light in any windbrass tin topper a dash at of a Pioneer We have just learned this week of ilk- death of Mrs Mary Wilkin Km- widow of John Emery wis one of the early settlers of the Iuefts Bush and dil at Drayton she was well known for the ual CO years on the 2nd of Augist last She was born near Newmar ket in being a sister of the late JS Wilkin of and afro of William Wilkin of fciia Deceased had a family of nine and three daughters seven of survive her Only a very few or our pioneer settlers are now This is the shaking season The politicians are with us Now were all jolly good fellows Dont to vote next Wednes day Mr Morton has added a neat verandah to his residence foundry is so With orders thai the is increase and they are casting every day Small boys are fun stones at in the creek The in are putting the finishing loathes the new Specialty Works chimney the highest in town Mr Wilrnot Lehman has out store and taken ses ion Mr Eves shipped two carloads of on Wednes day Donkeys and Facts Arc both stubborn things Here is a fact Brilliant double- coal stoves are most power ful heaters very economical on fuel much lower in price than other stoves the same class Sold only a A Hardware Pi Great Ih of the Christian Church are to be congratulated on their an nual upper last Tuesday evening Then- was not such a crowd as lav year there being tickets MjiI the previous year the number reached about COO hut the addition of ten cents in the admission charge brought the net receipts to ahout the same figure As usual the ladies Were most attentive at the ta bles itA the hot fowl and other deli cacies of I he season wjrre enjoyed to fullest extent was half past eight before the crowd were all when the pastor look the chair and introduced the lecturer of evening of Something Everybody Wants was title and the subject was handled in a racy eloquent and humor- ou manner and at the tame time out the defects of human nature and how remedy them He explain how that everybody did not want wealth knowledge power matrimony or life but what everybody did want was sought to find this Is travel dissipation How to find satisfaction l do your lies cultivate the best appropriate and appreciate arc and what you have The was frequently applaud ed held attention of the rfjvvith his wit and eloquence from to end The whole both a physical and an treat Net was in Parliament when this great grab as he calls Hc went ttirough According to the reports Mr Maclean and passed around the instead of protesting against the grab tried to increase it He not the track not knowing only voted for the increase in indemnity and the pensions but he actually P another car from wanted to extend the pension system to exCabinet Ministers who had opposite direction not- served five years Here are his exact words no fjJ Church opened last Sunday has fallen But taking these two together that Parliament lasts less than five years and that the people might desire to make a change and a number of deserving Ministers might just put in four years and months and I hope that there will be frequent changes of Ministers MIGHT BE QUITE A NUMBER OF MEN ENTITLED TO THIS RECOGNITION WHO UNDER THIS RESOLUTION WOULD BE There might be a temptation on the part Governments not make appeal to the country when there should be one if the public interests were consulted because a number these members might be de barred from this pension So THINK THE PERIOD OK SER VICE SHOULD BE REDUCE SOMEWHAT When we have re- sard to the fact that Parliament lasts but five years and the like lihood of an administration changing with every general election That was the way Mr Maclean talked in Parliament last MHVII into line with a choir of ty voices Sir William entered upon his duties as Chief Justice of the chequer Court week It is estimated that Mr P A has covered over his auto bis several tour ing trips this year Mr J C too has toured largely and has enabled the Muskoka to J tec the first tunic what an auto looks like Mrs land Aliss Edith J Bailie arc two intrepid autocar owners Ihout a chauffeur Assistant Lady Toronto General by the resigna- FLAKED DRESS GOODS Flaked Dress Goods regular for PURE WOOL IRISH I 60inch Pure Wool frisk for j HEAVY BLACK BEAVER 64inch Heavy Black Beaver tegu lar for means one quarter more than we ate selling them for i S hoes and Rubbers Our aim hi this department is to keep everything that you want at lowest possible prices We keep no shabby goods and no old stock pedals Imported Kippered Herring tin Pork and Beans tin Sardines tins for fa Fancy Mixed Biscuits lb Force for 25c New Fruit has arrived prices right v THE BEST RESULTS FROM BAKING POWDER summer the 761905 Out Owing to so much election matter several school reports and other cor respondence is crowded out ill next issue the Patriot The other day the Toronto World Friends Church m A Services at the usual hours Sub ject for evening How to Make Death of Mr It is with profound regret that we ton some of the outstanding learn of the death of Mr John of the incident How Hae of Sutton- man of sterling protested against qualities always foremost in matters sacrifice of Canadas rights in of moral reform a leading spoken and dignified terms We and a staunch Reformer one Shave been he said in the whom Sutton could ill afford to lose course of a statement of his The- Era extends its sincere reasons for refusing to sign the thy to the family award to witness the sacrifice of powerless to it though satisfied that tin future all pupil nurses will have no salary during their course of train- A maidservant who had nursed the little children belonging to- the Spen cer family stricken with smallpox contained a snarling reference with the disease AWeworths attitude on the Alaska and was taken to the boundary award which recalls Hospital are fact that of all the Em- children belonging to the about the only one that hospital now and the to the Id There Avieswoitirscowluct on lhatocca a smallpox is the Toronto World owned1 Hospital and edited by Maclean to the Mayors sneer brings to mind order to be allowed lea- j iiiired to divert track at Mount I Pleasant Cemetery westerly and bring out- ls Christie St The j object of this is to keep the conges- ever spoken in anything but terms of went voluntarily the highest commendation for Mr to nurse her I L worth at Cut Prices Cost not considered Preservation Miss Lillie Dyke has left the Ceil iral Exchange to keep house for her brother on St and going to her sister in Winnipeg siring Miss Dyke was greatly appreciated the Central Exchange and the staff together with Mr and the lion of country oil St I The ConservatiyLs arc very uneasy i now and a good strong men are desirous party The fellows who are making things unpleasant to a new majority determined want a share of the i in respect to the matters prepared I above specially referred to ignored the men who made it possible I the just of Canada a dip at the public crib A His protest Was received with general blowout is in the air and acclaim in this country uneasiness of some men respect of party On his return lhc forthcoming mayoralty dec- i Toronto he was tendered banquet evidence and c and c and cand Dress Goods for Goods Goods Goods for Dress Goods for and a On tin Mrs by ICO leading citizens Starr showed their appreciation by of that day the Toronto Friday night burglars broke presenting her with a gold ring Wotld came out with a sensational JOPCI the street showcase of the To- oods for Also about Remnants of Dress Goods and Silks marked down to sell fast Miss Lizzie McCaffrey who is also a good operator has taken her I article under scare headlines Painless Dental Parlors ing that Mr would 1 street and got with the liter a speech- Oiled with resentment contents which consisted of in this the World was teeth etc and were valued at Fancy a burglary of this kind occurring with a policeman on the was disau- Not Correct Mr Aylesworths speech The manager the Office Specialty on that occasion was one of the Mr was inTown on est examples of patriotic utterance Wednesday and informed us that delivered in this country More- while the factory is exceedingly both Mr arid those in all its departments and the pay in charge of the demonstration were oil now increased to still they impelled give voice to a not got the large order lor serve rebuke of served Mall Toronto mentioned a sensationalism couple of weeks ago is Mi high The Company are doing all patriotism and devotion to the they can to build up North York and Crown and Empire were eloquently it is hoped thai the Canal project exemplified during that famous ad- will not he injured by the Here is a brief extract lion vote j Is it not a matter of pride that I we all are here with the folds of heat all night The City Architect has issued a for the construction of a two storey addition to the Western Hos pital on Dal hurst street The the World for its ll will be used as an infection ward or worse and will cost sense of Sale Register A lady from Union occupies a ward in the General Hospital suffer from catalepsy Mrs Mary Ann Curtis It is about three weeks since she taken ill and has been askep most of time She was lo the hospital last week More Dress Goods than all other stores put together A Big Choice admitted III Mains flag still floating proudly and was then as now In a steeping SATURDAY Nov house arid Jot furniture etc belonging to the over us Is it not a matter of pride that we are still to as was said by a Canadian row state Mrs Curtis is of English parentage and about years of age Previous to her present attack it is no more A subject I said she suffered from hysteria and estate of the late T will J J subject i will had a last summer be sold on the premises cheers and waving Or Allen Haines thinks Mis Curtis St Newmarket commencing pm Terms cash except for house For particulars see bills Duncan Auct MONDAY Nov Mr John Harri son lot Con I Scott will hold an extensive unreserved sate of horses cattle implements etc at oclock sharp on the usual terms Smith Auct cheers and waving of at handkerchiefs Gentlemen with will recover this spontaneous reception I am sun Comrade David reported that those who wish to the contrary at the meeting of the veterans of have their answer and it is the an- association week that Mr not only of the people of Out a- Cochrane Minister Crown Landn no but of the whole It had unofficially offered each is a feeling that our love our the veterans who had not yet lo tion our loyalty to the Empire the lands grantl by the In the Basement Sold at Cash Prices Not credit prices You can save money if you pay Cash on the spot marrkets confessed to five cases ol housebreak ing during the previous ten days Stolen articles amount of in value were found Rev Dr Warden was reported this tobe failing very fast and Wheat per bush is said the end Is not far off Thcooose Wheat per bush per bush Nov White Wheat per bush Wheat per hush to the Crown will stand and what ever may be the result this Alas ka boundary award now and in the lieu the laud grant Petitions against any reduction in the JJifuor IJcenses of Toronto arc in LEMON ILL E The Ladies Aid Society Intend holding their annual meeting in the church on Friday evening Nov J A good program is being vlled Tea be served from to8 Mi and sister of Churchill visited here on Sunday Mr Geo is having a new stable erected development our diplomatic circulation J the tionK In the future I sure that A rumor is floating In legal circles Canada is for England and that tin city that Mr who to the end is part of camp here from practice Empire lav Is likely to be made a judge of Had the suggestion of the World the Ontario High Com en followed Mr The percentage Street Hallway would have breathed treason earnings for October coming to this stead of the loyalty city amounts -to- of his trouble is cancer GO For Haulers Single Fare Oats pec bush Hi an per ton Shorts per ton Hay per ton 18 7 10 Rev Williams of Hill on Old callow have married her Wear two with but thought youve gained A Isnt many but It or- you to Sadie enough for two HI van we will A to iitchtn a range and lied pled the pulpit hern and Mrs A of were on one day last week a number from here attended the open meeting of the Ladles Aid on Friday evening at Retheada report a good Our Rev Leonard has commenced holding cottage prayermet tings every Wednesday evening Hon A parsed thru here one day week well received been word in Ann for some reason of other the World has been carping at Mr ever since but he had the sa tisfaction of the warmest praise from public opinion everywhere else The London Globe as a lot James mended in strong terms his concilia- on Wis lt which actuated Mr Is abroad there need no apprehension as to thT outcome of or the modern virility and sanity of the British Em pire -I- will become the York Canal IF ariyfiook or crook Is elected Think He Is he- mark your ballot next A fatal accident occurred to the yearold daughter of Dr on Friday night last The little one was playing in the parlor and taking hold of a heavy man tle pulled it over The mantle struck the child on the head and she died In a hours after A city evening paper makes this observation Whenever F Mac lean thinks of his candidate in York he eloquence- of a hair tonic Rvtry train Xroin the northern fnggroOnds brought dr deer for the On Friday of week 77 wrro brought down Geo Flay and Charles Johns arrested on Friday for and liive Stoek Export cattle were dull in Toronto this week but trade in good butch ers and feeders was brisk Not much change in prices however About was the usual price for export cattle but some went as low as Choice butchery cattle from to medium to com mon to 9350 and feeders from to Milch cows from 435 to 4C0aci Hogs per Calves from to per 1 flutter roil per lb Export Ewes from to per doz r 35 bucks from to from 45 to Select hogs from to lights and less going daily until Points in Tcmagami on to points Port rj inclusive to Port Arthur via Co Going October to Novem ber TO Muskoka Lakes Midland Lake of ToPOntO River Lakefleld All stations Argylc to Coboconk Nov Severn to North Day White Wheat per bush Points on Northern Nav Co Wheat per bush 78 Spring Wheat per bush 70 71 loose Wheat Oats per bush per Barley per bush Hay per ton 10 CO Dressed Hogs per glan Bay Division All tickets valid returning until December For- and call J Agent Boy Tub or Crock Butter To Printing Potatoes per bag 0 that has attended High iV 0 or years preferred Apply Chickens dressed per lb this Laxative Tablets a boxes uilM signature w i on every 33SE6Z3MVS2mKSS2S SESSiSiiiSSSSSSi