Newmarket Era, 24 Nov 1905, p. 3

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1 I 1 T J I i i THE ERA FRIDAY NOVEMBER Weeks Jews SEAT IS OH IK SOTO Groin Stolen On Thursday of last week about of wheat were stolen from the barn Mr in the surv Towns Another The United Factories report orders in lively and every depart ment rushed arc now turning out lor the wholesale market a large quantity Butter Prints Eg Bolts each on spiral wire Step- Udders etc Christian Church The regular monthly Fellowship the church will take piked use Stock a only at Hardware- You are losing money if you do not Sold Toronto 1 Thieves broke into the wholesale Temperance Sunday Next Sunday Nov is Temper ance Sunday throughout the whole World and pledgesigning will take place in many Sunday Schools as well as public meetings AH Sunday Schools in North York arc requested to have their pledge rolls resigned You Tried and report the number to the County a him Secretary of the T Wiley Richmond Hill warehouse of Perkins Co on A Novel Bet Sunday night and carried off two Yesterday noon Mr Luke Doyle had cases of whiskey the pleasure of a wheelbarrow- ride on Bennett a middleaged Street Riven by Mr Stanley man was committed to the Mercer as the outcome of a bet Col lor a term of six the North York by ejection months for shoplifting was served in batons hat under her cape When searched large canvas bag filled with articles finish heat paint- on your stove It makes a beautiful silver and will stand any amount of Get the brand its genuine only at Getting On Well The ails tension are on the Metropolitan Ex- laid to Keswick and if Masquerade Party A delightful private Masquerade Party took place in the Music Hall of the Sovereign Bank Building on Wednesday evening About were present and the costumes were very Mayor in the chair Members Lands that the Minister was found on her and others still were at her house Word was received in Toronto on Monday from Copper Cliff that Fred an of the Toronto Police Force had been fatally slabbed by an Italian The City Solicitor has received no- pretty MUSIC Was furnished Toronto pianist Mrs Watson Hunter and Smith continues droned the party which was ar- Following bills passed the men hone to reach Jack- MlSS Wesley cartage P- Duncan Constable Hallow tification from Mr Aubrey White Council met on Monday evening the Deputy Commissioner of Mines and had decided sons has been purchancd to ballast the line and work will be continued lone as the weather is favorable land Boys were seating on Fairy Lake on Tuesday night and they report Hughes selecting that the ice is in fine condition There have been eighteen teachers J selecting in training at the Model School here jurors and expect to finish their Hunter jr cartage some tinie next week Hunter jr streetwatering King Council meets at Express Co express on Hotel King Station on Saturday lamps Coincident to the victory smoke United Factories j noticed yesterday am for the lamps will be ftrl and no doubt a very social evening coal by a Messrs Robertson Coombs to sell the waterlols which were desired by the city pri vate parties who had tendered for the same some of the papers of the city intimate that AttorneyGeneral and Minister are treasuring up FLAKED DRESS GOODS 60inch Flaked Dress Goods regular for PURE WOOL IRISH FRElza 60inch Pure Wool Irish for HEAVY BLACK HEAVER 51inch Heavy Beaver lar for t S h and Rubbers Our aim in this department is keep everything that you want lowest possible prices We keep shabby goods and no old stock to at no Imported Kippered Herring Fork and Beans tin Sardines tins for Fancy Mixed Biscuits lb Force for j New Fruit has arrived prices right en P Constable Hallow- C J Anderson selecting Tea The Ladies of the Methodist congre gation propose Riving a Social Tea the Parsonage this Friday evening Tea will be served from to to which the public are invited This is the first and only tea given by the ladies this year and it is expected that there wilt he a large gathering 2 be enjoyed The admission is foot brick smoke stack Mfg Co Papers Now is the time subscribe for Webster is trimming ihe paper8 Balance of free to all paying in advance for Era Weekly Globe lues about Town to prevent the es cape the electric current The Council are putting in a new Weekly Mail wood furnace at the Fire Hall and Montreal Star- old one having played out freight on coal freight on coal A Yule duty on coal T Co K Wick Co coal freight on coal A Yule duty on coal Smith drawing coal I Sunbeam Co lamps Jl drilling IS Christmas four weeks from Monday Montreal Witness I The freight business on the Metro- Era and Daily World Railway leas increased to such Globe year in en extent that the company have only teen compelled put on a second Cosmopolitan one of the best Monthly Magazines published freight car Tuesday morning was the coldest We have had this season degrees febove zero I No Dust No noise no effort just comfort in sweeping with a Bearing Sweeper Sold at A A I fln Exemplary Young Man A Great improvement People who were down Town last Saturday night almost thought they had struck a United States city of 20 COO population Main St was brilliantly illuminated from one to the other the new system street lighting In fact there is more light now than is needed arid if some of the lights could be shifted over on the sie streets the change would be greatly appreciated Some one suggested turning out every other this would not the as the system on which it is running require the current to be whether in lights or shunt coils society of young men ana we so there is no advantage In turning lecply sympathize with his relatives them out The expense of operation Is no more than the previous lights and the street lias the appearance of It is with that we learn of the death of Mr John K which occurred in Toronto on Deceased learned his trade in this office and was a very estimable young man Quick of freight on do J Can Co meters freight on meters A Can Oil Co cylinder oil freight on oil J A Allan Co Can Co on lamps Pay Sheet Pay Sheet 13 Pay Sheet 37 Pay Sheet 21 Mr Smith was heard regard ing payment of road grades Miss Mitchell applied for water services in the houses at corner of Prospect Ave and Water St Mr Chas applied for elec tric light meter for his residence Referred to the Com painstaking and thorough in his work pleasant yet modest in his manner and being free from any had qualities he was a favorite wher ever he went His death is a Joss Council adjourned till Monday even ing Nov a Midway their bereavement I The funeral takes place this Fri day afternoon Interment at New market Cemetery on the arrival of the oclock train from To ronto mr j Professional Concert The Newmarket Hockey Club have arranged with Mr A of To ronto to hold a concert In Town Hall ft Newmarket on Thursday Dec l0 be- by his high- Major Stephenson died at the resiUlass concert company composed of dene of his soninlaw Mr following artists Miss Black Farm Irons elocutionist Mr Geo Kilts St on Saturday last in his j Fax comedian- Miss Frances Store In Trimmed Hats Act quickly Only a limited num ber on hand at to per cent at My Hughes year Deceased was a native of Yorkshire and was born on the rd of April He came to Canada in the spring of 183 and settled on contralto Miss Violet McK night fancy and national dancer and Miss Stella Shields pianist and accom panist The reserved seat plan will be opened on Monday Dec at Cobalt is Booming Mr John McMartin proprietor of the richest mine in Cobalt the La Rose was registered at the House Toronto Seen by a Tele gram representative Sir said that very little prospecting would be done in Cobalt until the spring There are about seventeen I mines here now and altogether I think there are a thousand people in Cobalt The La Rosu mine which is now employing about sixty hands is the oldest and richest in dis trict was discovered by Mr Mc- Martins brother and Mr La Hose two railroad conductors who were putting the line through two years ago Since being opened up about three hundred tons of ore has been out which close on two Yofijre St near Newmarket and en- am at Rogers Drugstore Tickets gaged in farm work for a few years and rush seats at A when he bought lot in the 4th con- special car will he arranged for to of King place he has owned run to Aurora after close of concert ever and on which place he come and have a good a family of sons and 1 time daughters Stephenson in earlier days J as an expert judge of Produce hone and and until recent Good market last Saturday The Ms services were in frequent usual high standard of prices at agricultural fairs but Following are the ruling prices was more widely known ah one of Butter 20 to lb the plowmen of the Pro- to viiife and had to his credit a long Chickens lol to list of prizes won by him In It Whlclj were open to fhc Pro- Dressed Ducks to it Amongst the won by Geese to lb Mm were two valuable sliver tea sets lb and he was presented by the friends to lb of agriculture in the county with a and Kold at that time worth Apples to basket drcd tons has been pure silver Wt are getting more ore below the sur face than we were on top ami we are now at a two hundred foot level The labor on the mine costs about a month but during the win ter very little mining will be done The ore Veins In the La mine average some places from one Id two feci In thickness and the price at present is about announce What we want- in this country sail Mr is a refinery so as we will not have to use American for the next election Annex ing North and now selling these lots which the city was ready to purchase for public purposes is causing much adverse criticism of the two local members with seats in the Cabinet The latest- addition to Torontos fleet is a motor wecdcuttcr It cost the city and is estimated to do the work 100 men working with scythes from boats in keeping down the weeds in the Bay The city census taken by the Police on the of last month shows To rontos population now numbers an increase of in four years An employee of the Vokes Co was struck by a train on Monday while crossing the and was ren dered unconscious for some time Mr Pratt MPP was in the the beginning of this week He has just returned from a hunting trip to Parry Sound where he suc ceeded in capturing his two deer He is of the opinion that dogs are not essential the hunting of deer and may seek lo secure legislation next year in that direction Four cases of highway robbery on Saturday night in three of which vi olence accompanied the robbery makes timid people feel unsafe in byestreets of the city For certain comments on the trial of the Plumbers Combine the editor of the Globe has been- cited to appear next Monday to answer to a charge of contempt of court The combine case is widening as it- proceeds On Saturday last Mr James Hardy of the firm of Jenkins Hardy accountants was summon ed to answer to a charge conspir acy forty seven new members Were re ceived into Trinity Methodist Church last Sunday The Commission finished their inquiry in this city on Satur day less than seventy deputa tions were heard sonic of them com prising a dozen or more speakers Although ilic Horticultural ami Honey Show held in Hall last week was unusually good it is said there is a deficit of several hundred dollars A horsetrainer named was badly injured last Friday while riding on Dundas street The coll which he was riding was struck by a street car McConnack was thrown violently to the pavement and rendered unconscious for several hours The coll had to be shot Charles McHrldc a Canadian Paci fic Railway brakesman while at work in the at the foot of John St last attempted to step on a moving yard engine but felt heneatli lie Doth legs were so fearfully crushed that amputation was decided upon at the Western Hospital He may survive Hon Minister Public Works was in the city Satur day He announced that Gov ernment Is preparing plans for the new barracks for the permanent force to be constructed near the golf links In the Basement Sold at Apples to Winter Apples Pears basket Onions peck For it years Major Stephenson had lived in this community to notice the political and in the county which have taken Place- and being a close arid Winter Radish 25c basket a great reader he kept himself well Cat rots basket informed on public questions- Living j Beets basket av did In the midst pi the Parsnips basket agitators of he was able to Potatoes to bag converse concerning Canada rebellion and its after- Ducks to math He the late Samuel Turkeys to morning he left Ids home Chickens to St to join forces Old Hens to lb and always Mo WW- be abU to I he 25c pair for the reprieve Young pigs per pair Si I Hides 8 and in the Unity and Mot at he Cemetery on W c each last Com j Tallow Grand Trunk Railway LEAVE NEWMARKET Going South and am and pm Going North and am and pm TORONTO Going North am and pm Going and am and pm Going and am and pm Metropolitan Leave 916 and 16 am 416 and pm car every Monday morning at fl16 pate car every and Saturday night at and 45 and pm Late car Wednesday at A local option bylaw will he milted to Hie electors of Pickering township In January The Government lias mo bilized more Cossack regiments keep order In Southern Russia William Johnston of London who fell down the flight of stairs in the city hall Ik in a precarious condition Mrs Martha of fell dead at the station Hamilton while watting for her train ISleuimartket Nov 23 White Wheat per bush 0 Red Wheat per bush Spring Wheat per bush 0 Goose Wheat 0 75 Rye per bush- 0 Barley per Oats per 36 per ton Shorts per ton Hay per ton Duller roll per It- per Potatoes per bag Chickens per lb Turkeys Ducks per lb Geese per 80 Stock in No particular change In prices Toronto this week About kits the usual price for export cattle but some went as low as Q Choice cattle from to medium to com mon to and feeders from to j Milch from to each Calves from to 8550 per Ewes from to bucks from to lambs from to Select bogs from to lights 26c A man receives his first congratulations af ter purchasing one of our FALL AND WIN- TER SUITS from his looking glass He re ceives His second from HUNDREDS Of Stenographers Typewriters Correspondents men Dustiness Tcacucrs Railway Clerks places from the CustomMade ME SUITS Just enough dash and style about these win ter suitings to make them distinctive The citymade look stands all over WILLIS NEXT DOOR TO ATKINSON MAIN STREET o farmer scholar and clerk get catalog at once Could not Oil offer ed in October RA YMOA DWg cor Toronto Toronto markets Hay per ton olo Dressed Hogs per roll per lb Nov A A3 White Wheat Dei 0 Wheat per bush Spring Wheat par bush 70- Goose- Wheat Oats per bush 37- 0 39 bush Pec U Tub or Crock Butter Potatoes per Turkeys 0 Chickens per Ducks per K Rye per ouch to Barley bush 0 pec

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