vt J I THE KB A 1M5 9 i Cured Catarrh rand ThHMtt Troubles by J IT SIKEEN to row anxious to ethers The Municipal World tells its read ers that An Irish city council has reused this resolution Tfeat a new jail be built that this be done out of the materials of tbeold one and tsat the old jail be used until the one is completed Next Bloodless FIND NEW HEALTH THROUGH THE USE OF DR HAMS PINK PILLS Hardy St de writes a tow for two year Throat Ca tarrh and an obstin ate cough bad a splen did effect I ob tained the cure I bad so de- and shall do all in my power to Increase for Dr Remedies in Vicinity tec an hardy When you see a you pale and ailing and wasting you know that woounhood is making new her blood supply Hon Dr Minister of which she cannot meet Month after tion has chosen Mr month her health her her I James to be his secretary and the life is being drained away No Cabinet has confirmed the appoint- food and- ho care can do her any Mr James at the time of Common medicine cannot save his selection for the position was em- her from broken health and a as a stenographer at the post less decline New blood is the one thing that can make her a healthy V J Cheerful rosycheeked girl And Dr Toronto is making a move for se- Williams Pink Pills actually make curing legislation which any com- new blood with every dose That is carrying on a telephone the whole secret of how they have in a municipality shall be com- saved thousands of pale anaemic io pay a reasonable percentage Rills from an early grave Miss of its receipts to the municipality I Alice aged years living for the use of the highways upon j at St Timothee street carries on business jal- gives strong proof of Dr A couple PrucJ Sik free writ SlfKvraUraeJ Toroato Cai Trill In the morning praise God for op portunitybut make some use of it fceiore the morning goes OMPTLY SECURED oici he of who realize the advisabil ity of hating their latent transacted by Experts free Char re York Mr Montreal KEEPS KINDS OP FRESH TA S Your Patronage Requested CORNER MAIN ONTARIO Headqaarters Harness la of good Harness call At Also Whips Blankets Teletcovsa and SuitOases Gaul to Cure or Prompt and Neat Repairing done GIVE US A CALL P QUEEN8VILLE Custom Sawing Having erected a SawMill lot of Whitchurch I am prepared to take orders for bill stuff Terms reasonable Pine Orchard Teacher Wanted Vol No 2 tor Apply personally if possible to RICHARDSON Vandort Fre4 Warden Detroit River a on Sunday last in ike of shooting on Sunday shoot ing a launch and shorting a license Magiatratt of fined the culprit Only tor this triple offence much to disgust of energetic gives strong proof of Pink Pills cure A press telegram from Calgary an nounces that Mr Bennett de feated leader of the Alberta Conserv atives has made public his retire- from politics no matter which war the investigation into ballots cast in the Calgary election results one follower in a House of was too much for Mr Bennetts nerves The Stratford Beacon has on Premier Whitney sure joke enough One of the newlyappoiufed Justices of the Peace for Perth County is to have passed to that bourne from whence no traveller returns before his nomination to be dispenser of justice The Beacon thinks the Premier is correct in insisting that should be able to read but considers also that he should upon their being in the land of the living The Dominion Dental Council held a session in Toronto last week One of the important questions discussed was this Will a dentist who has passed the examination of the Domin ion Dental Council and obtained the certificate be entitled to practice in all the Provinces of the Dominion ft appears New Nova Scotia Prince Island Manitoba and the NorthWest Territories have accepted this proposal but Quebec and Brit- ColumMi have not yet consents An effort will be made to bring all the Provinces into line on ibis ques tion of years ago says Miss I was an almost continuous sufferer and became so weal I could hardly go about I suffered from frequent and prolonged spells of dizziness I had frightful headaches and mv was completely out of order The least exertion would leave me worn out and breathless and I did not appear to have a drop of good blood in my body I consulted a doctor who told me tin trouble was general debility but his treatment did not help me a particle To add to the trouble my nerves way and I often passed sleepless nights At this stage a friend advised me to try Dr Williams Pink Pills and I a few boxes The first benefit I noticed from the use of the pills an improved appetite and this seem ed to bring much relief I continued taking the pills until had used six boxes when 1 was fully to health and have not trad a days illness since I cannot praise Dr Williams Pink Pills enough for the great they have done me A pale anaemic person needs only one thing new blood Dr Williams Pink Pills do one thing only make new blood That is all do but they do it well They dont act on the bowels They dont both er with mere symptoms They wont cure disease that isnt caused or iginally- from bad blood But when Dr Williams Pink Pills replace bad strike straight at the root and cause of all common- diseases headaches side- The Hew Thousands Sign Pledge A Na tional The Very Rev Father Hays has achieved wonderful success in bis temperance evangelistic work in Zealand in Australia During too seven weeks spent in Australia chief ly in Melbourne men and signed the total abstinence pledge In New Zealand in less than teven weeks over people joined his temperance crusade He is met everywhere with immense attendance and intense enthusiasm A feature of bis work has been bis influence with the children In addi tion to the numbers given above many thousands of children have been enlisted as recruits for the temper ance work From The Alliance News we clip the following report of one of his meetings which will give our readers some as to their character and strength Immense Gathering At Wellington The Empire City tendered its public and official welcome to Father Hays on Monday- evening The new Town Hall the largest in Australia ma secured for the occasion Long be fore six oclock crowds of people be- to assemble and when the sever al entrances were thrown at oclock a great stream of living poured into the building from every quarter Many had travelled sixtv and a hundred miles to be pres ent At a quarter to eight the Chief Superintendent of Police ordered the doors to be closed for public safety lb is estimated that over two thou sand were unable to train an entrance Father Hays on arrival was re ceived officially bv his Worship the Mayor of Wellington His appear ance was the signal for a tremendous outburst of cheering from all parts of the hall Three hundred and fifty occupied seats on the form These included Cabinet Min isters in the persons of Sir Joseph Ward KCMG members of Parlia ment city councillors doctors law- years the clergy of all denominations all creeds and classes were repre sented Ward Lady Stout etc The in the name of the citi zens welcomed Father Hays Mr P solicitor on behalf of the Roman Catholics Mr for the Church of Rev Dr Gibb President of the Council of Churches for the Protes tant churches Rev Isltt for aches backaches kidney trouble the temperance societies of the col- liver complaint biliousness Ition anaemia neuralgia sciatica In the proposed agreement suggest- and lhe by Mayor as a basis for allowing the Radial Railways to extend their lines into the city is a clause the city the right to purchase the plant in An of ficial of the Radial lines says This kills ihe whole project Speaking to a press reporter he added It troubles that every woman knows but that none of like to talk about even to their doctors Hut you must have the genuine pills or you cant be cured and the genu ine always have the full name Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pate pie on the wrapper around the box may not be generally known that dealer or sent and lines are being dircct a box or run at an annual loss It would take five or six years after the lines of or on to TofOTfo All of a fif t entered the city before Investors would hewn to receive a paying in come on their investment and if we paid the interest on our bonds in years we would consider than an ac complishment The Mayors scheme to lay a third rail so that radial and street cars can run over practically the same route is really not practi cal enough to discuss seriously even without the clause limiting the fran chise to years Ward Six Conservatives in Toronto at their annual last week adopted a resolution which if it means anything clearly affirms thai tin party worked and voted for long rears against Ibc Liberals cot for good government not for patriotism not for dearly loved principle not in the interest of progress and develop ment and for the public weal but for patronage the emoluments of of fice A resolution adopted at the above meeting complimented Mr Whitney and concluded While not approving of the spoils system in the ordinary sense of the term we are of the opinion that it would only be fair to divert the ben efits of patronage to who have struggled long and faithfully to place in power lhe party to which we belong lust exactly as Jesu itical as it could well be put No spoils system lor us they say but it would only he fair inasmuch as have been so long on the ragged edge of expectancy that the fellows be made to Walk the plank in order to give Conservative party hangerson a chance to their hands into the public corncrib v60 la Vat a Wiw v Gorge Weakly a mason was kill ed at Woodstock falling from the Armory If a child had an arm long enough to reach the sun it would be years before be feel the of the burn T Brown the Hamil ton bank sentenced to tears tor and forgery At inquiry at Quebec Into the of the Bavarian the cap tain- and officer J throwing the responsibility on the sir boxes for 1250 by the Dr Williams Co A Tramp Cure a town in North Carolina was for a long time infested with tramps It has at last found a nov el and successful mode of getting rid of them A railway runs straight through the town and beside it for half a mile runs a street When a number of tramps arrive in town they are gathered in by the police and lined up at the town hall at one end of this street Half a mile away stands a policeman at the other end Then at a pistol shot the tramps race away for liberty All but the last man are allowed to keep on running as far as they willso long as it is away from town The last man is seized by the policeman to work on the roads A race on a heavy road is hard for a trained athlete For an untrained and beersodden tramp it is torture but with their feet winged by fear of work on the roads the tramps and blow their hard est and arrive at the terminus with aching sides and jaws out of breach and ready but for fear of a second capture to drop In their tracks and indefinitely It Is said no one of them has yet cared to repeat the experience Every mag It to himself and family to master a trade or pro fession Read the display advertise ment of the six Morse Schools of Tel egraphy In this Issue and learn how easily a young man or lady may learn telegraphy aid be assured a position Buttermilk to be veryfat- tening and is a good beverage for sedentary people since It corrects certain physical disabilities Hot buttermilk Is recommended for colds Too much care cannot be exer cised In keeping clean the ordinary house broom It Is a fertile breed ing place for the germs of grippe tmallpox scarlet fever and other dis eases delivered addresses of welcome Greetings to Father Hays were re ceived from the Chief Justice Sir Stout the Bishop of Wellington etc Present a Memorable Service As Father Hays rose to reply he was greeted with a storm of applause vast audience of over four thou sand persons rose en masse They and shouted and waved hats and pocket handkerchiefs As one volume of applause died away anoth er pealed forth over the great hall was a memorable scene and one never to be forgotten thou sand eyes were fixed cm the slender form of the Rev Father who for hour and fortyfive minutes held the vast audience spellbound Near ly took the pledge and pledge forms were exhausted in a few minutes Carried Away Sacred Cannon WHY AMERICAN MISSIONARIES Washington I Nov Ac- to a report of the aflalr made to Secretary of State Root by Sir Cheng the Chinese Minister here the recent massacre of Chinese missionaries at nohow arose from a personal quarrel A Chinese festival fair was be ing held and a pavilion or booth been erected which the missionaries claimed overlapped the mission hos pital compound several feet They ordered the removal of that part of the building but before this request could be compiled with one of tle missionaries went Into the pavilion grounds and seized several small can non with which salutes were being fired There cannon were held to be sacred instruments and were finely based with symbolic designs and gor geously ornamented for this particu lar occasion The Chinese believed that each dis charge blew away or destroyed cer tain malignant spirits hovering about the place Their seizure created at consternation and then anger and the illfeeling culminated in thu attack upon the missionaries and their death Farmers Dont It The Farmers Manual and Veterin ary by the Family Her ald and Weekly Star of Montreal Is a book no farmer be without The Family Herald this year offers the biggest value to be had Their premium picture also included with the paper Is a beauty Samples of the book picture and full par tic regarding thefr offer can be bad at this or by to them farmer read ers would do well to etc to any other paper for next year How to Tost Hair Byes Containing Sugar of Lead Roison and it is solemn duty as an analytical chemist familiar with the facts to sound a note warning to users of hair dyes The market is Hooded with that only injurious to the hair but endanger the health of every person who uses them These preparations variously advertised as hair dyes hair hair- re storers etc are in the majority cases solutions containing nothing more nor less than Sugar of Lead and Sulphur And Reader Sugar of Lead is POISON I to the public every bottle of hair dye containing these substances should bear the POISON LABELand the POISON THE SKULL AND CROSS BONES I Thousands of people who have no idea that they are PLAYING WITH FIRE are using these preparations and not knowing of anything better are SLAVES to them Now I am going to tell you how YOU can DETECT the presence of Lead and Sulphur going to the expense of a chemical analysis The manufacturer of every Sulphur and Lead preparation gives emphasis to the direc- ti0nsSHAKE BOTTLE BEFORE USING f Why Simply because the Sulphur and the Lead settle to the bottom of the bottle forming a THICK SEDIMENT and you MUST shake the bottle and STIR UP this sediment for ITS THE SEDIMENT THAT DOKS THE WORK Here is the test DONT the bottle Just TRY to DYE the hair with the CLEAR LIQUID at the top and the stuff FAIL ABSOLUTELY TO COLOR THE HAIR So tbe venders of these dyes are always shouting Shake the Bottle Lead and sulphur nafce the hair sticky and greasy and the stuff rubs oft on everything it touches Theres another oldtimer the two bottle dye thats so popular with many hair shops No one but an expert can use this properly and the customer must as a rule pay dearly to have it applied from to Then in a very short time the gray hairs at roots must he RETOUCHED by the expert and another fee paid Right here is the real trouble begins for then on two and sometimes more colors and the effect is startling to say the least After the first application the hair has a dyed appearance that does not fool anyone but the user But when a variety of col ors appear even the victim of the expert awakens to the shame of situation Many people had a good head of when beginning the use of the twobottle prepar ation or the mixture but after two or three years thin short hair was their reward In some cases the eyes and head are affected by the Sugar of Lead and the victim presents a truly pitiful appearance The method by which these nostrums are commended to the confidence of the public consists in the liberal use of socalled tes timonials- If you only stop to think your own common sense will tell you that no disin terested person would permit the use of his or her name in an advertisement particularly for hair dye- The very fact that one uses a hair dye is evidence of a desire to CONCEAL the presence of hair But even If any could he found honestly do vou suppose they be Willing to answer a hundred letters a day just for the FUN of it would YOU Reader do it for nothing Intelligent people will not be led astray by cunningly worded testimonials the meaning is too transparent Thousands of men and women have learned by sad experience the truths above statoi a real Dont dye Your Hair Restore Its Color Naturally that my remedy has failed But it WILL NOT fail It WILL restore the natural color to gray or faded hair It is AB SOLUTELY harmless It is a delightful preparation to use and I know that alter you have it you will be my friend There are many thousands of men and women using our preparation and iu making this liberal oiler we must protect ourselves against those who already JAiow the great merits of Mary T Goldmans Gray Hair Re storer from taking advantage of this free distribution This offer is only for those who have not used our pre paration Every bottle is sent express prepaid as the bottle is too large to mail The following MUST he filled out IN FULL or no atten tion can be paid to letter Mary T Goldman Goldman ST PAUL Send me bottle of Mary T Goldmans Gray Hair Restorer I enclose in stamps or coin to cover express charges I SOLEMN- LY SWEAR that I desire the Re storer for my own use that I will not sell or give it away and that I have never or purchased Mary- Goldmans Gray Hair Restorer If your hair is starling to turn or is already gray and dont make MATTERS WORSE BY DYEING IT is a mistaken idea to suppose that vou can use hair dye without injury or detection Theres only one way that you can RESTORE gray or faded that is to ASSIST NATURE by giv ing NEW LIFE to the HAIR ROOTS and increasing the secretions of the PIGMENTARY GLANDS- For NATURE in these minute la boratories forms the coloring or pig ment WHICH ALONE can give you a handsome head of hair Mary Goldmans Gray Hair Re store is the true scalp stimulant and hair food It is clean and pure as water and contains no thick heavy Lead and Sulphur that must be shaken up This scientific discovery does not the hair a dyed appearance Another thing it affects the gray or faded hairs ONLY therefore DOES NOT CHANGE THE ORIG INAL COLOR of ones hair makes the natural color COME BACK in from SEVEN TO TEN DAYS It Is applied as easily as water Now listen I I want you to do inn AND YOURSELF the favor of TESTINO Mary Goldmans Hair Restorer and the test shall be at MY EXPENSE AIIott me to send you FREE a full size bottle of my Restorer to PROVE that every claim I make is the truth the whole truth and NO THING RUT THE TRUTH Then use my Restorer according to directions and SEE THE NATURAL COLOR COME BACK If hair Is not restored to Its ORIGINAL COLOR in from six to fourteen it will he the first time in MANY THOUSANDS of similar tests Full Name Nearest Express Office The original color of my before it started to fade or turn gray was Enclose sample if convenient Local Dealer Norman Rogers Co Its a great loss when a mans keenness cuts out bis kindness It is easier to tear down than It is to build The steamer Hilda from South ampton struck on the rocks near St Male at oclock on Sunday morning In a snow storm and sank over a hundred people being drowned Deifness Cannot be Cared by local applications as they cannot reach diseased portions of the ear There Is only one way Jo cure deafness and that Is by constitution al remedies Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing and when it Is entirely closed Deaf ness Is the result and unless the In flammation can be taen out and this tube restored to hearing will be destroyed forever nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh which Is nothing but an In- darned condition of the mucous sur faces We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness caused by catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure Send for cir culars free A CO Toledo Hold Druggists Take Halls Family Fills for Beer said the man who take a drink or let it alone is a great It Certainly is retorted his friend on Rut leer doesnt produce much flesh on the beetdrinkers wife and children Temperance Cause 0 SICK AT YOUR STOMACH Perhaps feeling if trie bottom had dropped out of your life you want Nothing re stores quiet and order to stom ach so quickly All and nausea goes away the minute yon take and an extra dose or two is to set you up nratelasi la an old tested remedy for stomach and bowel troubles and always can relied on Sold In large The happiness of an Individual de pends In the best sense upon his being harmony with a harmonious uni verse For Infanta and Bear the Signature of The despicable character of liquor traffic was shown in London last week when Win barten der at the City Hotel was fined for selling liquor to girls under years of age HIGHER ACCOUNTANCY EASY By means of our original compter Correspondence Course in CHART ACCOUNTANCY Carefully prepared and personally conducted by David Toionto A Institute for Ontario Use spare time get ready for A examinations and for earning a better salary Particulars Free DAVID Instructor W SHAW Principal Central Business College Toronto Write for our regular school logue describing general business and shorthand course Farm to Let West end or Lot 3rd Con watered reasonable further particular to Black on or to J 4