Newmarket Era, 24 Nov 1905, p. 7

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HALL Nov ETC ETC Just Opened CURRANTS Selected very fine quality cleaned lbs RAISINS Finest selected Vftleneias Selected Muscatel ins for 25c Very fine selected ft ftboi Choice and lb DATES fruit very nice ft EXCELSIOR BLEND COFFEE la tie finest quality ft Always fresh ground JAPAN TEA Our line is sure to please CODFISH Pure package ECLIPSE SOAP Quality is good but a slow sell er bars ONLY R SETS Good quality lull size a set f Library Lamps Specials at and each The Leading Reliable UfttoBate Reliable Store KESWICK honest square dealing that is my aim You Ret just you buy at the PRICE beautiful Porcelain ttithea thrown la HISS of has eta gaged to take charge of the the knows Just bow THE DAYS are and Monday Oct 2 All art Call and COL For Hunters Single Fare Good golajs daily until Hot lo Points in on Ry to points to Port Ar- to Port Arthur a Co Good Going October to TO Midland of Bays River All to to North Bay on Northern NaT Co Mackinaw Division All valid returning until For literature call on J Agent A Field Miss Brutes tin a returned ary from China will address a public meeting in the Methodist Church next Wednesday evening at eight oclock All who are interested missions arc cordially invited to be present Division Court here today County Council meets next Monday People around Town are well pleas ed as the taxes are four mills on the dollar less than they were last year and are paying up accordingly St Pauls The young people ol St Pauls Church holding a Social in the School Room on Wednesday liven ing of next week commencing at oclock Games and refreshments Everybody invited Silver collection at the door fl Good Parlor Cook selffeeder cost for at Hardware doponese The Mission Band of the Christian Church will give a Japanese Wedding and concert in the school room of the church on Friday Dec About forty members of the Mission Band will appear in Japanese costume ami assist in the wedding ceremony and in serving a Japanese tea A small admission or two for 25c will be charged Concert to at oclock The public cordially invit ed CompUrnentGFy Mr Geo of Pine Orchard received word last week from the De partment of Agriculture at Ottawa that the exhibit of Maple Sugar and Syrup in the Canadian section of the St Louis Worlds Fair Was awarded a gold medal Mr contributed a halfgallon jar of Syrup to this collection and in order to show their appreciation of its high grade the Canadian Govern ment has sent him a very pretty Di ploma which no doubt himself and family will appreciate in years to come being an honor themselves and also North York to The for December is re ally a very choice number Not only In its contents but the color print ing Is superb Sir Wilfrid was sixtyfour years of age on Monday He was the recipient of numerous congratulations upon the anniversary r Judging from the result ihc Vote on Wednesday the Old North York Farmer has pushed Archie oft the Maclean platform Mick and clean The platform was too rickety for such heavyweights as the two Macs to climb onto The Horticultural Convention in Toronto last week passed a resolu tion asking for legislation would set Horticultural societies apart from the Agricultural organiza tion They also asked the Govern ment to pay the railway fare of one delegate to the annual convention from each district This is opening the door pretty wide According to information received by Chief Game Warden Tinsley the deer hunters this year have had great er success than usual The quantity of big game from the north exceeds previous records and the animals are in many cases much larger for some years The inference lo be drawn is that the strict observance of the game laws has resulted in the animals increasing very considerably in numbers Hunters who failed to secure their quota ol deer during the open season just closed visit the neighbor hood of am hunt bruin The Express says large brown bear was seen by hunt ers in the vicinity of Mr Sam near Lindsay last week Several young pigs have disappeared from farms through that district of late so the mystery is now practi cally solved The hunters tracked him to his retreat where they found quite a meal store established under the roots of a partly upturned elm tree The Ontario Beekeepers Associa tion at its annual meeting in Toron to last week passed a resolution re questing the Minister of Agriculture to cause a series of experiments to be made in order to ascertain the value of bees in fertilization blos soms when gathering nectar from such sources as fruit bloom alsike red clover and buckwheat to see if they were a benefit damage or ot no effect increasing the yield of the crops also that an invitation be ex tended to any if they exist who have evidence that these visits of bees arc injurious and that the re sults be published In a special bulle tin NORTH The Vote in Jam 1905 The Vote Nov AURORA Nelsons 2 Council Chamber Wilsons Shop Sharon 3 Holt 5 Albert Ravcnshoe Virginia 3 Egypt HOLLAND LANDING Council Chamber KING Davis Corners Keitleby 5 King Creek Jacksons House si f HO 3 ii 3 8 3 87 57 30 11 53 16 I 31 r 21 s flew market High School At a special meeting the Board on Tuesday afternoon all the mem- tended to anv if thev exist who present but Mr J Proctor the application Mr injurious and that the re- Total Lawlor as Science Master to fill sults bc puD in a special bulle- Majority for Lennox for 409 the vacancy occasioned by the resig nation of Mr Ireland was unani mously accepted at a salary of commencing after the Christmas holi days Mr Lawjor is an honor graduate of Queens University with stand- trying to put down rascality is announced that the vendors comes very recomBut such is not his position He is adulterated spices are to be He has had seven years the machine nominee and such being inUroation experience as Principal of a public the fee cannot be too and one year as Principal of defeated Well he wasnt day before election the Toronto organ of the Tory party had this to say 4 people might support Mr were he a Jerome or a trying to put down rascality But such is not his position He is NEWMARKET I St Georges St Andrews St Patricks 117 70 156 NORTH 1 Keswick 13 2 Gum w r f A SUTTON Hall WHITCHURCH White Rose t Lemon He 3 5 Pine Orchard Vivian Handwriting on Heihert 500 the wall or Alexandria High School Winter Here The contractors for building the Metropolitan Extension from New market to Jacksons Point Messrs McCoy A Wilfrid have decided to winter their horses in Newmarket and have rented the Silver stables on St where they have 22 horses They have also rent fed Hie brickyard- where the are turned out for a few hours every day for exercise The camps on the corner of Queen and Second file have also been lined up with tar paper and made comfortable as win ter quarters for the men who are here loading and unloading ties and rails About a doen men ex pect to be moved to a new camp at Float Point next week Hughes millinery Bargains weeks will prices of Trimmed Hats from to per Cent of Sport From all accounts the past season the game district of Musk ok a was a very successful one for hunters There were seven in the party with Mr A of Newmarket They returned on ThurMiay of last week arid brought six largo deer home with them A party of nine from Aurora re turned their Mr compliment two each There were eight Id the parly with Mr Stewart and they succeed ed In bringing home five deer North York has the honor of wend ing out a lady hunter who has made a record Minnie daughter of Mr II Travis of Newmarket shot fine deer that successfully passed three mate hunters and she has good reason to feel proud of her effort The deer which was shot three miles from the Road In Hound Dis trict has a very One pair of antlers which be preserved a memen to Mr was with of seven men but they only three deer weather was very disagreeable The people were not scared at the Mails machine racket and reached the conclusion that an intel ligent capable and honest represen tative would be more in accord with common sense than to send a back bencher to support the fads of his sponsor from South York No doubt All right Archie shake the contest is over Guess The World man was too heavy a handicap in the political ring to enable you to fight successfully at short range t- Twin Commission Government an- j Star By Tuesdays Toronto have been telling the country working overtime P Macleans of frauds perpetrated by people who expects to have that suit of put adulterated goods on the sackcloth ready lor him Thursday but the announcement now made that morning Remember Loo it was a and frauds are to he pros- corporation lawyer that sent him will he welcome tidings into the mourning business There are two features of the in demnity bill passed last session not the Mail thinks so to but was J generally While it fix a little to keep up courage Acting Justices of the Peace can now line up and answer to their names but those heretofore acting not renamed in the new commis sion will take a back seat The Globe Tuesday remarks The new commission of the peace for York County having been issued Clerk of the Peace Irwin stated Mon day that the powers of all former Justices of the Peace not included in the new list hid ceased There are 5 of the old Justices Included in the new commission Some of the newlyappointed may find It difficult to qualify and this lessens the active county magistracy to some extent A J P requires to have a property qualification of above incumbrance as the sessional allowance it provides that for every days ab sence shall be deducted therefrom and also lops oft the mileage allowance This will materially lessen the indem nify expense of the House In this connection we notice that at a meel- Thc result of the contest last Wed nesday has dispelled the mental aberration of our downtown cot em when he learned that- the rid ing had endorsed Hon Mr worOiH farclal nomination by of a majority Poor Archie was bad ly deceived by his sponsor That conclave of individuals For Years Cwiwmptioa Que before the public tad 1t by proof the of Shiloh a CoVU of the lunp d u who Shfloh cot who used il Out bottle old with a pottle if it dter will refund you Has Cured CoW La you in my text J a dfugu of electors in West who nominated Hon Mr Aylesworth Liberal candidate stated that Sir to have pretty clearly laurier had loht him Mr opinion a majority ol Pardee that the bill he re- load to that next session elusion At any rate is pretty evident that the stale election A cablegram from Norway an- l WW duty a second one hundred and sixteen members of the Norwegian on Saturday last unanimously A press telegram from Calgary Prince Charles Denmark as 21 stated that on the King The royal salute of A guns from the fortress when the Wallace la declared elected by six result was announced was the signal bis means only one for popular rejoicing throughout the is In Alberta kingdom Party were P out sunk in bowing to the will of the Commons as the leader pie In this connection It is said the King in accepting the election as King of Norway intimated that he will adopt the name of Haakon VU King will vlnit King Haakon V 11 the slates at his Capitol of the Third Party he the push all by his lonesome whole early next year Toronto papers have been patting the County Council on the back for Increasing the pay of jury men from to per day but In that county the General Sessions av erage only two days and the Assizes less than a week although the coun ty is much larger titan York In hear the frank remark of many old time Liberals about his intrusion in to North York So stated the last week That majority last Wednesday was a kind of frank remark which made Mr traduccrs realize what the word uncomfortable really means Nay more It foreshadows Ihc coming defeat of a supporter of Mr Whitney when the opportunity this county with our unfortunate don you forget it connect with the city the KxprcssHerald last Friday very Ifi- Sessions lasts three or four remarked Mr- and the Assizes with an extra worth may be lawyer but the one year more Ulan has people of York are mostly run anywhere from six to two fat mora and a good farmer Is good If the County of York pro- enough to represent them in were separated from the city for Wonder if the purposes the record would was giving a sly kick to North not exceed the record of representative that the extra a day wouldnt count ln farmer would tie more acceptable the Why not ask the Gov- than a lawyer Possibly ernment to increase their allowance tied In Archie a resemblance to the in criminal cases Lucas House colleague of other days a word with you and its about your Fall Suit and Overcoat We wont waste words We are sole agents for what axe admittedly finest ready-to- wear garments offered in the brand of mens fine tailored garments Dont confuse these clothes with the readymade stuff They axe different and better in every respect and the very kind of clothes you are looking for They are being worn by dressy all over Canada They solve the clothes problem for the man who wants stylish clothes at a reasonable price Were ready when you are OPPOSITE SOVEREIGN BANK NEWMARKET BE PLEASED TO HAVE YOU INSPECT OUR NEW FRUITS THEY ARE THE CHOICEST PROCURABLE SELECTED CLEANED AND DELICIOUS FLAVOR Selected Valencia Raisins 8c lb Finest Vostlzea Currants lb New Orange Lemon and Citron Peels opics The honest Tea values we otter have- been successful In winning tor our Tea Department a host of appreciative customers Our Teas are bought from the best Tea Houses in Canada bought for cash one cents on dollar Theres some principal character and ster ling worth in every lea Tea we otter Ten Specials for This Week Pure Syrup heavy gal measure Pink Salmon 8c tin Rich Red Salmon 2 for 25c Domestic Sardines tin Cream of Wheat package English Breakfast Coffee I lb tin 3 targe Cakes Toilet Soap perfumed 10c I lb Bar Pure Castile Soap Choice Mexican Oranges dozen New Figs lb Cooked and Meats Try our Pea Meal Bacon Pork Sausages Pork Pica etc Myers Poultry and Cattle Foods Sanborns Coffees rjr Canadas Greatest WANT A Salesman for To sell Stock in Fruits and Ornamentals Largest list of SPECIALTIES ever of fered Start NOW at the Best Sell ing Season Big Inducements liber al pay handsome Ire outfit terri tory reserved WRITE FOR TERMS Catalogue and send for our Aluminum Pocket mag nifies times and for our Saw just the for trim ming trees cuts Iron as well as wood STONE WELLINGTON Nurseries over acres TORONTO WANTED A reliable agent for Newmarket and surrounding country Good pay weekly exclusive territory Case or outfit free Our terms tho best In tho business Wo need is man of good character and ability during fall and winter months OVER ACRES The choicest and most list of stock In Canada Including fruit and ornamental stock small fruits and seed notatoes Fast sell ing offered for first tlmu for terms now to THE NURSERY Co Toronto Ont OLD NEWSPAPERS Vox Sale at Office

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