Newmarket Era, 24 Nov 1905, p. 8

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V Thats too I We had no ticed it- was looking pretty thin and faded of late but naturally did not like to speak of ft By the way Ayers Hair Vigor Is regular hair a perfect hair re It keeps the scalp clean and healthy I Mill like It nch- I It Mft A4 at Hie Jvi- Km JL racrcuL CO- TO ZEPHYR The Zephyr choir is practising or coming anniversary of the Sun day School James Bay Railway have corn- pitted the skiing at Zephyr and have- purchased land for a station FA ME BUY FT FOR per ton ALSO- Portland Cement The national Cement is the best or foundations and other work J Huron St- Storehouse The North York Livery Consider yourself and keep up a loo Our horses look sorry and you look gay And the contrast baa a gteat impression People look you then at the ana say what happy people And to save you from that you dont like take a nice new buggy out in the inud and dirt we use all ones Our have been kept on straw hut bow we have some tawdust so If you require anything in our line call on us or call up phones or as Town Carting also done A Proprietor notice Application or Divorce Notice is hereby given that Julia Dover Fuller Avenue in the City of Toronto in the County of York and Province Ontario Mar ried Woman will apply to the Parlia ment Canada at the next session thereof for a bill of divorce from her William Arthur Frederick Dover the City of Toronto in the County York Agent on the ground of adultery and desertion at Toronto this day of September A Solicitor for Applicant Victoria St Toronto TELEGRAPHERS NEEDED to i YounK Ladles Learn Telegraphy and Accounting We of Iti Our arc id S3 railway We fa 10 Economist office got rather an unpleasant scorching last Thursday as they were ready to go to press The fire originated in Ihe press room at- the time that Mr Cor son was filling the tank on the line engine the fluid having become ignited in some way and exploded Mr Corsons hand was severely burn ed and the damage by fire and by the explosion will be considerable but the loss is fully covered by AURORA On Friday evening of last week the ladies of the Methodist church ton- gregation tendered an at home to the members of the choir and those who have lately joined the church The basement of the church was fill ed and an excellent program given by local talent assisted by Miss Cross- lev of King who gave two solos which were much appreciated Light refreshments were served alter the program A most enjoyable and profitable evening was spent SCHOMBEKG The market continues to bring much business to town The League meets every Monday evening at eight oclock AH are cordially invited Mr Jos Sutton of the Queens j is marine extensive improvements in his hotel yards and sheds A number of men with some twen tyfive teams of horses passed thru town Tuesday on their way to com mence work on the James Bay The large plate glass windows have been placed in Mr stores and the buildings will soon be ready for occupancy Mr Davis is busy making alter ations in the residence purchased from Mr A ridge He will turn it info a double dwelling house Great preparations are being ma- for the grand concert here on the evening of November in aid of the produce market Among the artists engaged are the great comic Miss soprano and Miss Grace elocutionist The anniversary services held in the Baptist church here were very successful and concert was Veil attended Mrs happened with a rather severe accident at her home here on Tuesday She was engaged at some duly standing on a balcony when she slipped on some tee and fell ground below a distance of alriosl fifteen feet Fortunately no broken although she tcivd- a severe shaking up ttV regret to the death of an old and honored of in the person of Mr A who died at his home on Monday at flic years The deceased had been ill for almost a year He was one of the most progressive of awl at all times to the front when anything came up for the bene fit the village lie has conducted tw planing mills for mans building up this business fioti a small concern to its present flourishing slate He will be much missed in our village in even and many friends outside the villas will regret his death the Whin the Head aches and the Tongue is Coated it is Biliousness or Constipation Torpid Liver is the bottom of the trouble And it takes to make that lazy liver work Fresh fruit is fine for these troubles but erne cantcatcnoughfruittodomuch good The medicinal elements are in too small proportion in the ripe fruits A clever Ottawa physician discovered a method by which fruit juices could be combined so that their medicinal action would be increased many times are these fruit juices in tablet form They sweeten and tone the stomach and liver cure Constipation and remove all blood impurities One Fmita tablet has the same curative on liver bowels as dozens of oranges apples figs and prunes And this action is as gentle as the fruit juices themselves with Liver fttid ficd Hi si Im Jre what system require to these I more will iiy them MRS Mao or Fruit Liver Tablets a box At all Manufactured by Limited than a ago the first well bored and at a depth of feet a 12000 gallon well was struck Con fident that this was not the limit the operators kept on with the result- that other wells were struck So hopeful were the prospects that the f a ruth I month wl he Camphor Byproducts part a camphor tHCeven to the leaves contains camphor The forests are not confined to Formosa are also found In Japan proper Camphor Is round in thc- ii7 of crystals in the tissues The Morse School of trow thexrude on Buffalo jy double distillation From the first secured oxidized product the principle of the camphor oils of commerce woman and her money arc soon The crude camphor is a dark colored subslanwr fusing at 170 If you would be a social favorite- Among the may Ire Mounding or from to k in the Upon toy of alone write direct vultve htydy your own faults more and peoples Medical Examination Free tioncd crude camphor oil which comes out simultaneously with the camphor white oil- obtained lirnatlng the crude oil and used In manufacture soap Ited oil is also obtained from the crude cam phor oil as well as oil is extensively used in the preparation of varnishes A turpentine is By OH JR of the white oil in great Believing for medical ard or not there in no gainsay- From red oil is obtained the that the doctor can ex- product known as fcource cause of to a considerable extent in the either mental of physical and manufacture of perfumery and also has restored to health and soap and a disinfectant also dls- persons who would have re tilled- from red oil after Ihu addition Kelpies Invalids all their of other substances claimed to kill lock hair name age ihe cholera bacillus which when gltd with of water destroy DR to farm Mill fit American Local Fall Fairs Mr Editor Last September I attended a Local Fair held in a certain village in North York and have felt ever since like protesting through the press sent east for a standard ca- the way the fairs are eon- ducted The centre of attraction was horse- racing and the greatest attraction of all was a Ladies Horse Race live ladies competing Several with whom I conversed since felt much as I did that it is degrading to our Canadian womanhood to ask women to come before the public and race horses and I am sure that if this continues to be carried on at the fairs the directors will find the bet ter class people staying at home I always supposed the object or holding fall exhibitions was to induce the farmers to bring to as near a hie drill capable of boring a twelve inch bole 3000 feet deep It was not until last spring that this ma chine was put to work When it was down feet a small flow of oil was struck Going deeper it got into a seam of coal and when this was passed it struck solid rock When their hopes were dying out the oil lake was struck and with a mighty roar a twelveinch stream spouted fifty or feet into the air tak ing with it the drill and other ma chinery Before the well could be plugged oil had filled the hollows in the surrounding ground and in some places was five and six feet deep state of perfection as possible the fitorv fin1 live stock vegetables Action than a story of real life produced upon the farm and to in- j Several years ago was duce farmers wives and daughters to Mormon neighbors with strive to excel in all the household V use arts If this object were kept in purposes Where he got it view these exhibitions might he made it was profitable and educative As it is days can see nothing very profitable returned with in asking men and women more oil to spend a whole afternoon witness- Windham a wealthy rancher jug our young men and young ladies I resolved to look into striving to excel in horseracing I l Salter and discovered that Aid- How much better it would be if Jr directors would have some one formed a corn- to give Inst ructions along lany all the land which an eastern and how get and everything who first looked over injurious in- the pass- in lines in all the various such as How to make was profitable noxious was not until last weeds their seeds and bow get al1 rid of them fruits pertaining to them sects and their work s c and thus provide n formed by volcanic able information for those desiring J hc formation Of An afternoon thus spent would mountains and thus making be enjoyable and profitable tne FARMERS hn of years has formed Vast lakes Surveyors have been in the V The nil out lines the railways dial these companies may to the great oil gusher dlstrictsOaretfc recently discovered Alberta which violds gallons daily a Pinch- f Creek despatch says that great has been maintained in an A moose on exhibit Ion at tempt to keep thc of the oil St shot by Mr John direct- fields from public This or of the Lumber Co It let under which ft Is believed weighs pounds dressed The largest lake of oil in the world lies breadth of the horns Is feet is in portion of the inches The height of the Province of Alberta The gusher Is less than five miles north of Mon tana boundary and within forty miles ters is feet inches the shoulders feet high girth feet 10 and from the tip of its nose to its of tins main line of the Less I tall is just feet Sunlight Soap Wash and linoleums with warm water and Sunlight Soap rinse clean and wipe colors will be preserved and surface unharmed Common soaps fade the colors and injure surface Sunlight Soap cleans freshens and preserves oilcloths and linoleums Sunlight Soap washes clothes white without injury to the most delicate fabrics or to the hands for it contains nothing that can injure either cloche or hands Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps but is best when used in the Sunlight way follow directions it follow J BROTHERS UMfieO Toronto For the Era Hoi for Option Let the words as with a trumpet Through our land resound With a thousand echoes piercing To its utmost bound j Will each village town and city As in links we gain Girding all our vast dominion With its mighty chain faking up the sleeping Christians With the clarion notes Till each roused to earnest action As a Christian votes Sweeping from our land the stigma With the franchise broom In the cesspool of oblivion Finding there its doom Bringing joy and peace to homesteads Where the hungry cry Where the money spent in drinking Would homecomforts buy Yes we are our brothers keeper We deny then unto the rescue Save them ere they die Snatch them from the monsters clutches Ere it be too late Free them from his cruel bondage Do not hesitate I Save the boys from the temptations Which besot their way From the stratagems that lure them Ere they go astray Tis a slice of Prohibition From the giant Let us take the meted portion Till get enough Use it with profound thanksgiving Work with might and main Faithful the granted measure We will more obtain Though the powers of darkness threaten Countless be your foes In the of right to conquer Fearless wrong oppose I the winds all weak excuses They will give you pain In the future if some loved one By the curse is slain Let not fear loss deter you Act as in Gods sight Greater blessings will reward you Keep your armor bright P GRANT Richmond Hill Nov HA T Oho of most profitable habits you form Start NOW Deposits ot 51 and Upwards received INTEREST PAID TIFJ1E8 -I- YEAR Sovereign NEWMARKET MOUNT ALBERT f f Mans Frlcn9 Deserves Mans Best Treatment For his many is better than the Remedies made from the purest of ingredients and sold under a positive guarantee of satisfaction or money cheerfully refunded by dealer Core one package will cure a six mil cure case no ache or escape effect the hoof in a soft natural does the and purifies horses Call Curt It for acre collar Cures Pitt 00 Car braises btiins rots scald is a ratrvellous It Colic Cir inmc4Ul relief and fcadr will ahorse can clean stables FEED CLYDESDALE STOCK FOOD Stock Food LzumtB FOR SALE BY A Newmarket Norman Aurora Wilson Mount Albert Geo A McDonald Richmond Hill Leeds Richardson Maple J L Kitchen Make your life as opportunities will draw on Christ lor the as permit atd The Old Children The Khan writing in the lon Herald has something to say about the of presentdas children In comment he has something to say as to how the ris ing generation will look upon the traffic The old folks worship money ami these same old folks will sound the knell of the liquor traffic You wont catch these shrewd child ren coins into a barroom and blow ing themselves as their fathers used to do wont catch them throw ing a fivedollar bill down on the bar ami calling all hands up to drink Not they It Is not a matter of or sentiment or morals with same number our years business They wont seel but adds likewise to their number fun in for their and not only enables us to enjoy money There is no glory in if to of existence the same The strongest argument THE HARDEST PAIN TO ENDUES Is the pain of a tender corn but experience proves that corps are cur ed quickest by Putnams Painlesi Corn Extractor which acta in twen tyfour hours Putnams burn or causes sores The only painless cure Is Putnams Use no other Every working man thinks it he were to quit his employer would be alter him again Early rising not only gives us more life in the same number of Sir Henry in a recent address with ibat of social life which is forcing itself so obtrusively on public atten tion in old land the problem the unemployed and the problem of physical degeneration The Liberal leader sought to how the relationship between these two showing many of the unemployed were unemployable be cause physical degeneration It is useless to try to account regrettable conditions without into account that most important j lliC and distillers have made WOMEN ONLY KNEW factor the use of alcoholic beverages this province alone in the past fifty years a hat half their ills arc due to Keep your eye on lire of time but increases also the vou tail measure wit up in a Local Option fight Is to out enormous fortunes that The physical degenerates are leigclv because of dissipation and the conditions induce by Men are unemployed because of intemper ate habits Kven In Canada we have these ante though in a less aggravat ed form hut here too It is clear intemperate men are physically tie- generate and are really unemployed If you remove from thc unepiploycd clays those are unemployed be cause of their intemperate habits haw not very many left The sober industrious temperate wan can In this country not only employment but keep it In the commercial world however Intem perate men arc finding it increasing ly difficult to obtain or retain their positions The barrooms that we keep open That halt their ills arc this generation blood they would use will he things doing in Canada p be saved lots of pain next twentyfive years The Khan takes a rather sordid view of the question and yet there is something to stimulate thought enrichment of the few at the of the many which we see in an aggravated form in the liquor problem and is a perfect food for the blood and supplies the strengthening elements to maintain health and vigor Is a splendid tonic for weak women and away these depressed of dead weariness Youll have sUeagth The purchaser of Intoxicants he- Jots of it your complexion will im prove You will feel ten yean younger after a course Which builds up the whole organism Try it price comes often extremely impoverished the dealer in intoxicants heaps up wealth fitcn Pig nature of COO continually manufacturing unem- frequenters can- not make good workmen cannot satisfactory service The more they are in their attendance Patterson of to his wife The proposed Sabbath school and Lot for Sale Belonging to the Estate of the late Susan Hughes Newmarket Es quire of M Hughes or WIDD1FIBLD of Toronto will be taken on barroom the less use Ihcv November Between scv- Industrial world From this class of uncmployables manufactured by our barroom come our criminals who graduate Into our jails and penitentiaries aie recruited from the ranks of those rendered unfit for employment by tin influence of the barroom By closing this source of this school of crime this cause of we will remove a large factor in the great problem of the and unemployable In a fire in a cheap Glasgow thirtynine people perish ed For Brick House six rooms hard and soft water Good garden good and eight hundred workers will be cation Apply to required to out plans i A WILLIAMS Newmarket The Simple Life is best To live work during thc your temper eat three- irteni take a Pill regularly as There is J Medici tie for life or like TO KNOCK OUT COLDS And cure them In an hour without resorting nauseous- drugs Just use fragrant healing the most pleasant prompt and certain cure for colds over discovered medicine to take You simply I breathe vapor of It never falls to root out the the worst colds and is so simple and convenient use that no one can flord to be without It Carry a Inhaler in your pocket use It occasionally and you wont have colds Complete outfit trial size DO YOU WANT Kindling food TRY Dry Pino Slabs cord Mixed Wood cord Maple cord WE DELIVER GOOD CLEAN GOAL the LEAD Pills Sold Everywhere In boxes cents The who contributes his five or ten ants a day regularly j to buy an automobile for the saloon- R keepers wife while his own wife cannot afford in the street cars what Is he a fool or a knave to a in Take Laxative Quinine Tab lets All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure Groves Is on each box DER8 From Carters Frank Smith Ab Jos Wesley or Direct from Office phone HOAG PEARSON PARK AVE i rv V a J

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