Newmarket Era , December 1, 1905, p. 4

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fc of Colds are the most danger All form of disease A neglected cold leads to Bronchitis Consumption Coughs are the result of bronchial tubes Psvchine cures coughs by removing the irri tating particles and healing- the inflamed membranes It a germi cide and destroys the tubercle germ It is a tonic that strength ens the lungs the liver and tones up the It makes for better health in all conditions of humanity Get strong and the cough will dis appear makes weak people strong It cures coughs of the most obdurate kind and breaks op a cold in a few hours ALL TONICS thai Dft T A limited Kinr W Tcot Canada Two young Frenchmen J and J aged and respectively were sentenced at Winnipeg to three years for horse stealing They were heavily armed when captured Issues in the Election Up in North York there are de finite clearcut issues before electors stands for the nationalization of the telegraph and telephone vires control of express rates by railway commission and rescinding of the- indemnity and pension resolutions of last ses sion Mr Aylesworth opposes only the pension feature of the in demnity resolutions and is non committal with regard to the rest of Mr program So the electors of North York will know what they are voting foe This extract is taken from the Hamilton Herald of last week and while we have no reason to believe our intended to mis lead its readers we are bound to It does not accurately present Sufferers I J f fc WILL FIND A CERTAIN CURE IN THE USE OF DR LlAMS PINK PILLS is a disease of the blood Every doctor now admits this to be the fact Doctors used to think that rheumatism was brought on by colds in the joints and muscles t Now they know that cold started lhe disease only sets the pains going Rheumatism can be cured by curing the bad blood which causes it Or Williams Pink Pills always cure rheumatism because they actually make new A general election in the- new Pro- of Saskatchewan has Nominations take place on the December and polling on the of that month t Globe of Saturday Dr has got even with of his opponents in the representation East Toron- to by cutting their names out of the list of justices Alas for poor Archie dont feel so starchy j In fact he feeling quite sick He shot like a rocket i r rsi y ffifflE mm mm rich red blood which drives out the clean out of his socket WJW Finish The farmer manufactutes beef pork milk etc and he must properly handle hit live stock machinery to get the greatest and best finitbed production Just is he is careful to put oil oa his harvester bearings so be as careful to keep his lire stock machinery in good working tioo An animal digextiv ma chinery is heavily loaded needs more oil that Clydesdale Stock Food to fat load digestive be- cut it fcrextes the fluids to made tasty It makes the feeder bristle vita activity and vitality the Mood circulate better thereby distributing the fiesh more over the body instead of into tee for at per pound It make the hide coat toft and glossy giving that M fie finish tiut from ate to per more than Irons ordinary can it refunded by dealer if you are not satis fied after feeding Same for all Clydesdale reoertl0Q AUum Tf Co say the situation The in this riding is now over the battle turned in favor of the Liberals Hon Mr was elected and the electors have pro nounced both upon the men and the issues of the contest So far from Mr Aylesworth being noncommittal on the question of nationalization of the telegraph and telephone ser vice and control of express rates by the railway commission he most emphatically pointed out that it was Liberal that had in stituted a parliamentary enquiry last session that his predecessor Sir William was the mover for that enquiry and afterwards chair man of the committee and that he Mr purposed follow ing in the of his predeces sor on these issues It is therefore a misrepresentation of the Postmas terGenerals attitude on the telephone or the control of express rates by the railway com mission to say that lie opposes then and the statement also mis represents the attitude of lhe elec torate of North towards these issues The of New market is equally guilty of misrepre sentation in this matter So far from the campaign just closed being carried on under non committal views on these questions it was openly and everywhere pro claimed on the platform and through the local press that Hon Mr and the Government were in accord with the views William Mulock in regard thereto Indeed the was the first parliamentarian action in the House for an enquiry on these important matters and the riding now looks forward to their newlyelected representative to jpleie that enquiry Should results prove favorable they also conftdent- anticipate he will press these issues to legitimate conclusions by such legislative action as will meet public expectation For these and other equally cogent rea sons the electors have chosen Hon Mr to be their tative instead of his opponent poisonous acids loosens the stiffened aching joints and muscles and re stores the rheumatic sufferer to health and happiness Dr Williams Pink Pills have cured thousands and thousands of rheumatic sufferers some of them when they were almost And then he came down like a stick D Carman in Toronto Saturdays Toronto Telegram Empty offices fast enough to satis fy the workers fill these offices on hopeless cripples Mr Smith the Game FOR SALE BY 0 A Newmarket Wilson Mount Albert Richardson Maple Aurora Geo A McDonald Richmond Hill J L Kitchen Steer Astray Strayed from lot Concession Of East about the lav part of August a yearling Steer ted white mixed Information lewlfcjr to its recovery will be tulta- regarded ARTHUR ARNOLD Holt The cmtrtet with the Company for a steamship service Ut approved by at Ottawa tela lives Vilu fc rA valuable on dvM 79 Wrftr V Cat All d6vi or otule r yen There is a bare possibility that the Grocers Guild may have to answer a charge of combination in restraint of trade and also enjoy somewhat of the experience of the Plumbers Com bine as recently developed in Toron to The compact between the three sugar refineries and the Guild sugar was taken oft the and a duty imposed on the im ported article beautifully illustrates what protection means and demonstrates how quickly the general are made to feel the rcsilt of protective tariff legislation What apjears strange to those who advo cate a revenue tariff policy in that the farming community who haze to for this protection as illus trated in the sugar combine kco how completely they are ting gulled by those who pocket the pro fits Protective does not add one cent per bushel to the farmers crop of wheat or make two blades of corn grow where one grows but it does add to the cost of the manu factures the farmer requires In this tery article of sugar the refineries with the present tariff of I J ceats pound behind them are sharp enough to keep lhe price up just so as will prevent from the United States or Keenly watching the New Yuri market If sugar drops cents a barrel then down goes the price in Canada and when ft advances the advance made here The agreement renners have with the Guild enables to man- lipulate matters and fbut out all sugar but the consumer pays shot Fiftyeight with glanders have been killed at Peach land Nearly all the working in the town have been Not trum pet on which the order for tie charge of the Light Brigade was bounded at Just been put up for auction alter been bid for it was withdrawn Caledonia says For a of years I was badly troubled with rheumatism and was so crippled I could scarcely do any work I tried quite a number of medicines but they did not help me Then I saw Dr Williams Pink Pills advertised as a cure for this trouble and got- a supply After I had taken a few boxes I saw were helping me and continued taking the pills throughout the winter and am now completely cured I have since work ed out of doors in cold weather with out a coat and did not feel even a twinge Of the trouble If you are suffering from any dis ease due to bad blood or disordered Dr Williams Pink Pills will cure because they make new rich blood goes right to the Jroot of the disease and drives it from the system That is why Dr Williams Pink Pills cure such trou bles as anaemia indigestion falion of heart neuralgia head aches and backaches kidney and liver roubles St Vitus dance pai- alvis and the special secret ail ments of girlhood am womanhood Hut only the genuine pills can do this and these always have the full name Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People on the wrapper around each box Sold by medicine dealers everywhere sent by mail at cents a box or six boxes for writing the Williams Medicine Co 00Of Hazel the little daughter of Mr and Mrs A Norton Bolton fell out of bed one night last week and broke her arm at the elbow At St Catharines John Hall was sentenced to six months imprison ment assaulting a police officer during a desperate struggle toQ Cannot be Cored by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased of the ear There is only one way to cure deafness and that is by Constitution al remedies Deafness is caused by an condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube When this tube Is inflamed you have a rumbling- sound or imperfect hearing and when it is entirely closed Deaf ness the result and unless the in flammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition hearing will be destroyed forever nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh which is nothing but an in flamed condition- of the mucous sur faces We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness caused by catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure Send for cir culars free J CHENEY CO Toledo Sold Druggists Take Halls Family Pills for con stipation and the next election would see even the Government swept out of power on the tide of a revolt against the spoils system The Ontario Government has put a stop to the Gretna Green business at Windsor It appears numbers of American couples cross over from De troit and thereabouts to be married The law forbids issuing marriage li censes to aliens and the Attorney- General has given notice that the law must be enforced Packed full of good things is the Christmas number of our national periodical The Canadian Magazine The illustrations are wonderfully well done and are over fifty in number Tbcse include fullpage plates of such famous Christmas pictures There is also a splendid series of fullpage plates showing the harbours and ports in Canada Victoria Fort Marie Depot Har bour Toronto Montreal St John and Halifax These pictures indi cate Canadas marine possibilities in a most graphic manner The are excellent The description A Prairie Fire by Douglas Ro bertson is a vivid bit of word paint- Maple Leaf Rubbers are made of pure Para rubber are wetproof neat perfectfitting and lasting Every rubber lias a Maple Leaf branded on the sole and this brand is our guarantee that the rubber is perfect in every Insist on your dealer giving you Trunk Railway LEAVE NEWMARKET Going South and am and pm Going North 30i and pm LEAVE TORONTO Going North am pm Going West and am and pm Going East and 9 I vv and 1015 pm I J every purpose and to fit every shape and style of ladies mens and childrens shoes Leave and am 2 aid pm car every Monday at Late car every Wednesday ln Saturday night at Leave Toronto and go am 540 pm Late car every Wednesday at SCHOMBERG BRANCH Connecting at Bond Lake Lave am and p Arrive in Toronto am pm Leave Toronto am and p Arrive in at am and pm Canadas Greatest Nurseries WANT A Local Salesman for Newmarket It now looks as the Railway Committee o the Ontario Legislature purposes revising the Railway Act both steam and electric the Pro vince Mr J Hendrie chairman and its vividness is increased by the the illustrations House has intimated that said will be glad to meet all A Globe from Ottawa inj in that leathers and flounces- Tuesday Dec and three following days Municipalities die individuals and private corporations will be afforded opportunities for the The Toronto World pokes the Con servative leader after this fashion In North York Mr Borden only Action is being taken by the city savsthc Telegram to recover dam ages to extent of a day against I lie Metropolitan Co because its cars arc not equip ped with fenders The County should have brought this action and thus secured the damages for county pur poses Up to the date of entering the action it is said the Metropoli tan forfeited The result of the case seems almost a foregone conclusion as Toronto has already won its case for this same offence against the Strdct Railway Co are in the ascendant at the Dominion Capitol It says Word has gone l forth that the Deputy Ministers must views hereafter provide themselves expression of t v civil uniforms in which they must appear at all State functions At the last State dinner only one De puty Minister present appeared in uniform which carried comment in j Aurora where the Liberal ViceRegal circles it being pointed came somewhat as a that the deputies could not be j distinguished from ordinary I Mr Smith a interests It that at the Colonial The milk in the to great importance is attached n has recently been opened to Canadian to the wearing of uniforms By a pa business men through the enterprise recent despatch colonial Privy compared Company are required to don J f Previous Magazine published occasions civil uniforms of knife ready each a the second degree This gives them or rl enou the right to display more gold lace on their breasts and white feathers Borden spoke with all lis in the cocked hats instead of black wellknown fire and eloquence Mr If Lennox North York They do things in the States that made a stirring address would not think of doing in of Bordens meeting at In the hundreds of excellent maga zines now being published there are many articles the modern business man should read But how can he hope to do this unless he has un limited leisure and unlimited means is To sell HighClass Nursery Stock ia Fruits and Ornamentals Largest list of SPECIALTIES ever ot tered Start NOW at the Sell ing Season Big inducements liber pav handsome free outfit terri tory reserved WRITE FOR TERMS and Catalogue and send lor our Aluminum Pocket mag nifies times and for our Handy Saw just the thing for trim ming trees cuts iron as veil wood STONE WELLINGTON Nurseries over acres TORONTO ONTARIO Mr Thomas Christie of Oven Sound was run over by a fire and killed varied and carefully selected series articles from the best magazines of world In addition there is a complete descriptive index of all other important articles of the month for which then Is no room In the current Issue of The Business That probably accounts for j Aurora last week Yes the Magazine The November number is AN EFFICIENT TREATMENT FOB Will first destroy the germs that excite the disease Then there ate numcrles sore spots in the membrane to be healed re quirement of A perfect cure for Ca tarrh is found is fragrant healing tarrhozono which not only Instantly kills the germs but restores the dis eased membranes to a normal condi tion and prevents the relapse which sure to follow the use of ordinary remedies is a scienti fic cure tor Catarrh that relieves Quicker la more moat cer tain to cure than any other remedy Failure is impossible lasting cure is guaranteed Use only Two months treatment trial Get It Mr Lewis Smith a wealthy resi dent of Sidney TowmAip wan struck by a train at a crossing and killed voeo CALOMEL RUINS THE SYSTEM And should only be under a doctors For a Dr of Man drake and Butteraut Ho gripe no certain relief for ca- and torpid Dr Hamiltons Pills the following paragraph in the Wilson I eloquence of the leader of the Star Talk about Col Opnosition and the stirring ad- Manns sale full of scandals said dress of Mr Lennox had a stir- one of our telephone girls he docs effect indeed The not know what scandal is lie ought to be a telephone girl for a little while if he wants to know what peo ple are doing I tell you it is amazing what grown people will trust to telephone girls ears There isnt a day but that we do not hear appointments and discussions of things done the night before that would turn a flairs upside down if we ever told them Men acid women talk as freely over he phone as though they were marooned on an Un inhabited Island They use their own name and the names of others interested with the most startling freedom and frankness PROMPTLY SECURED We biHfncM of Manufacturer who the having their by ftdvkc tree raoderate Marion A York Life Montreal USA Sp ALL KINDS OF FRESH I While shedding crocodile tears over lhe sessional Indemnity at Ot tawa the local member for this riding thought nothing of putting his hand Into the Provincial treasury to help himself in an equally reprehensible degree The Toronto out side opinion let It lie observed ad ministers to the gentleman who could not see the beam In his own eye the following rebuke It says In his speech at the North York Con servative Convention Mr Len nox MPI declared that he must any candidate for the House Commons who would support the recent increase in the- sessional In demnity Mr Lennox Is a member of the Legislature and receives for his attendance upon his Legislative duties for ten or twelve weeks one thousand dollars lie lives within a few miles of Toronto and generally Is able to attend to his law practice and private business He there fore receives a figure propor tionately for his services than the member of the House of Com mons who spend sir months at Ot generally to tho absolute ne glect of his private If Mr Lennox is as disgusted with the Ot tawa indemnity as he pretends to be he should also enter bis protest against the indemnity which the members ol tho Legislature receive and should take early steps to have amount reduced live majority of Mr Lennox in Aurora at the late Ontario bye- election was changed to for the mas For once the Mail report seems to be tolerahlv correct in this respect the effect was decidedly stirring On Monday last Justices Tec el and gave judgment voiding the Kingston Provincial election The Court declared that a change the election law wus very desirable this decision Mr J It Liberal s unseated With regard to hiring rigs at elections the court suggested that the person who lets out his cab on election day should be disqualified for that elec tion and that the whole matter bo made a corrupt practice and treated as bribery The crosspetition was dismissed and only costs allowed to petitioner in the cases where charges were proven- A new election for the Limestone City will now fol low crammed from cover to cover with good things It gives more solid reading matter for the money than any magazine published There Is a cleverly written article on the busi ness career of the late Senator Ful- ford of who made a name or himself as a worldwide advertis er The Senator left over and the article tells how he made it Then follows an amusing short story The Smartness of Lew- and a series articles on subjects of general interest A few of these are IHg Salaries and Fees A Night in a Marconi Sta tion The Richest Woman In the World How Great Business Men Keep Welt The Rothschilds of France Saving the Key to The Typewriter The Largest Vessel Ever Built A Fe male Training School for Sleuthing etc Burglars the Traders were driven shots with a premises who attempted to rob Bank at off after exchanging clerk sleeping in the M VEGETABLES Gar Your Patronage Requested CORNER MAIN ONTARIO STS J HUNDREDS Of Stenographers Typewriters Correspondents Office men Business Teachers Railway Clerks get places from the farmer teacher scholar and clerk get catalogue at Could not fill positions offer ed In October A A J cor J Toronto No Man Stronger than his Strengthen your Digestive System stomach is your vital center all other organs soon be Nir man Is stronger than his come well This explains many cures of heart liver or kidney diseases In The average man measures his cases where soused It physical vitality by his heart his the most wonderful healthrestorer kidneys or bis lunge It is the known stomach that should be first Just one little tablet out of a when you tfst up the account of tent box of Miona for a few days health you will soon see a great Im- organ of the body is bus- in your health talncd and nourished by food which If you cannot obtain of is converted Into nutrition to the your druggist It will be sent by mail and conveyed to every part postpaid on receipt of Write of he system In the form of blood for advice on your case from For this reason when the stomach leading stomach specialist will Is strengthened with and bo sent The B Corn- able to convert the food Into pony Ithaca i I r Headquarters Harness in good Harness call At Harness HeadQuarters Also Hugs Whips Blankets SweatPads Trunks and SuitCases CureOuartnUtd to Curo Prompt and Repairing done VB US A CALL QUEBNSV1LLB

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