Newmarket Era, 1 Dec 1905, p. 7

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J- J Visa THE NEWMARKET FRIDAY- DECEMBER Weeks toepjl KETTTLKBY Change of Time Two cars on the Metropolitan Rail way leave Toronto minutes earlier than formerly commencing today These cars leave at am and 2- pm No change at this end of the line HALL Another Diploma Last week we made reference to Mr Geo receiving a diploma for maple syrup shown at the St Louis Worlds Fair Mr Lew is of St informs us that he was also an exhibitor in the same class and likewise received his Diplo ma Good North York A very great gloom was cast over this neighborhood on Sunday morn ing last when the sad news wasl spread that VY was dead On Saturday Mi being one of the- Temperance delegates to wait Dec ETC Just ET Opened Regular meeting of the will be held next Tuesday afternoon at oclock at the home of Mrs M Hughes Good skating on Fairy Lake Minutes of King Council received too late for this issue Obituary William Clinton general merchant on Sunday Nov JO at his home He was in usual health and retired late Satyr- day evening without mentioning any ailment About am his wife was aroused moans ami heavy breath ing in his room On reaching his bedside she found him only able to make a momentary sign of recogni tion before relapsing into were sum moned and everything possible was done to revive him but without avail Dr Webb of Newmarket arrived at am but he was beyond medical aid and expired about am The cause of death was acute Deceased was born Jan in King Township and was son of Fer dinand and Jane Stokes and is of the fourth generation of the family in King The are among the first of the pioneer families of died only a florar triangle of the Sons in Oct to Elizabeth Toole Temperance j King Union Sabbath School of which he was a prominent member presented a handsome floral wreath Stock r ft would appear from the high pri- realized at recent of pure bred live stock that the farmers and breeder throughout the country on the Township Council attended alive to the importance of j the meeting at King City and re- J improving the standard of their turned attending the Division in the I herds of- both the Beef and the I evening apparently his usual health Dairy breeds The contention that between and oclock when his friends left him on the sidewalk in front of his residence About one oclock he taken seriously ill Medical aid once summoned but all efforts to save his life were of no avail and after some hours suffering he succumbed A very large concourse of relatives and friends attended the funeral on Tues day afternoon notwithstanding the most inclement weather that pre vailed The independent Order of CURRANTS Selected very fine cleaned RAISINS Finest selected ft Seeded Selected Muscatel Rais ins 1ft packages for Very fine 1904 selected- lb box FIGS Choice and 20c ft DATES fruit very nice ft BLEND Is the finest quality ft fresh ground TEA Our line is sure to please Mission There will be special services held at the Mission cm Botsford St opposite Sovereign Bank com mencing Dec 3rd and continuing ev ery night through the week Lid from Toronto is expect ed to assist in these services All are welcome Club fit Home The Club gave an At the Sovereign Bank Hall on Mon day evening last There were sixty persons present The decora tions were simply immense the la dies were beautifully dressed the music charming and part of the program all that he desired The party dispersed in the wee sma hours everyone satisfaction at the entire count s lew months ft him He was mar- rt A I of Whitchurch daughter of and leaves her and a sob and wo daughters to mourn his loss The funeral on Tuesday Nov 28 was attended by a great concourse friends in spite of the storm raged A private service was held at the residence Rev and the body was then taken to the Methodist Church where Rev of the Christian Church Rev of the Metho dist Church and Rev Mr Madden of President of the King Township Local Option League w concession was buried at in Cemetery j CODFISH pure pckafce ECLIPSE SOAP Quality is good but a sell er bars 25c ONLY Good quality full a set Library Lamps Two Specials at each The Leading Reliable UptoDate Reliable Store Yoa honest square dealing ltd that my aim You get just you buy at the RIGHT PRICE beautiful Porcelain thrown of has gagfcd to take charge of the Methodist Monthly Fellowship Meeting at ten oclock next Sunday morning in the Lecture Room Large attendance is requested signed the triple pledge against liquor tobacco and profan ity at the Methodist S last Sun day The Leagu on Monday evening was fairly well attended and good pro gram provided The meeting next Monday evening will be special in terest as the young men are to pro vide the program A cordial tion is extended to all the young people of the Town At the Quarterly Board meeting on Wednesday evening the following were elected Church Stewards for the en suing year John Recording Steward M Hughes Envelope Steward Dr L Jackson Robt Manning Cane and Dr Richardson also A Coombs as envelope assistant A very cordial vote of thanks was given to Mrs John for her munificent gift of a complete Individ ual Communion Service which was used with the greatest acceptance by the entire congregation Messrs Coombs and Hunt er were appointed a committee to enquire about a suitable pastor for next Rev J informed the Board of his action concerning to visit Newmarket and hold union services The 3rd Sunday In January was selected as the date for commencing the meetings if con venient for the Evangelists Further The Sons of Temperance ami esters attended in a and formed the at was The were Joseph Rogers J Walton repre senting of T and Webb J Terry and Fred Walton repre senting the Foresters Floral trib utes were sent by both societies the King Christian Sunday School J Walton Hon A Aylesworih other personal friends J Mc Carthy read the of J service representing the Grand Divi sion of Ontario A most useful active life was thus ended at the age of 17 Up to he followed farming At that time he took over the merchantile business founded by Jacob Walton Inquire and who suc ceeded by his son J Walton Throughout his whole life he was a leader in every good movement He was a member of the Christian Church and a clerk of the congregation for over years con tinuously serving also as secretary of Sunday School and bible class teacher for nearly as long He join ed the Sons of Temperance as soon as he was old enough and was a most active and enthusiastic member till the day of his death lie was one of he deputation that waited on the council asking for Hon member for North York a very large and hand some Wreath Mr J Walton a handsome wreath- Miss Love a beautiful spray of carnations Miss Xelma Began of Toronto a handsome spray Much sympathy is felt in the com munity for the bereaved wife ami family which consists of two daugh ters one son On Tuesday afternoon Mr Archie Brown a promising young fanner of On Monday afternoon Rachel daughter of Mr John after a life of ailment passed away and was interred in the Ceme tery on Wednesday Mr J Walton and proc tor are among those on the sick list Mrs Creedon who has again had another serious attack of illness we are pleased to state is much improv ed A mammoth mass meeting of Tem perance workers in fact all interest ed in moral reform will he held in the Temperance Hall here on Dec at 23U pm a Sale Register there is always a demand for good animals at handsome prices Is ful ly borne out A good animal costs no more to feed than ah inferior one and more ami more Is the far mer coming convinced of the fact that although the Initial cost of the introduction of a sire into a herd may be larger that the improvement resulting Justifies the price paid in the corresponding increase in the herd value Not breeders of established new blood hut foe new herd are be ing laid by men not hitherto con sidered breeders of pure bred stock At two recent sale of Shorthorns head brought ah average of each At the sale at Hamilton cattle were sold for an average of This lot included a dozen or more calves under months of age The highest price paid for a was and for a 1000 amounts paid ranged down to At the sale at London 3d head realized an average price of The highest price at this was 50 At the Hun ter sale of Ayrshire at Maxrltle animals realised 11255 an average price of about One bull brought nod one cow In thU lot waft included a number of calves under two months of age prices are probably the highest ever received for animals of the Ayrshire breed That the teachings of the Institutes the Live Associations and the work of the Dominion and Provincial Depart of Agriculture Is hearing re sults is apparent from the above Raisins and Table and Cooking Figs Bates at Hew Peels Shelled Almonds and Walnuts flew Vegetables Corn and Tomatoes Tin Peas 3 tins for- Select Oysters quart Fresh Finnan Caddie lb Lima Beans 3 Ibfor Cooking Onions peck Bars Laundry Soap Castile Soap pound Bar Sanitary Soap for Poultry and Cattle Foods Chase A Sanborns Coffees Annoying Somebody says half the troubles of life are born of trifles Some body is not tar wrong Man is so fearfully and wonderfully made that he bears great evils with more equa nimity than what are called little annoyances If loses the wile of his bosom the odds arc that he hears the dispensation like a Christian but if he mislays his latch- Wreck on Lake Ontario KeS ikc An individual capable burying 2SThc town of grandmother without a Oshawa was thrown into a great 0 Dec A good working horse cow and furniture will be on the Market Square at 10 oclock Duncan o been known to manifest a on Saturday excitement today when word We absence a the submission of a local was received at noon that the The mysterious bylaw and a meet- Oliver had been wrecked on prance small inanimate objects in the Sons of Temperance on Point two miles east of the rise to the most last night of his life In this Order harbor and that the crew coneer in to the in grave peril of lades who would losing their The vessel was l0 u excitement amid the DAYS Oct rt Call W COL Mens Pants regular and on sale and Saturday at Hunters he held the highest offices in the Co and was a Provincial Deputy Grand Worthy Patriarch He was a charter member of Court I OK and held office for many Other positions he held were President King Reform Associ ation President North York Prohi bition Alliance President King ship Telephone Co His dauntless spirit made him the champion of the peoples rights he will long be remembered as pro testing against the unlawful levy of the Hallway bonus tax on this part King Township winning ac tion carried on by him for the to the court of appeal and through his heroic efforts the tax ation was stopped ami the- money that had been collected was returned to the people VAILKY FOR FAIR Sin Fare to Dec Dec jtuij Winter is tr IU of Live Do Hot Fail to See It to J WIWOUHlBY Drop Silent Tear Last week it became our painful duty to chronicle the demise of an estimable young man in the person of Mr John this week a duty of less painful charac ter laid upon us In the dtath last Monday evening of Mr Duncan Mon ro a companion Mr having learned their trade together in this office along with Mr Amos under our present foreman Mr J Everybody who knew Duncan could not help admiring his up rightness thoroughness and pleasant manner character above re proach He marrird a daughter of Mr Hen ry Wesley and when she died In April last year he felt the very keenly He had been worried a gCKjd dsal during her fitness and two months after her death was obliged to quit work IDs Illness of eightten months was borne without a murmur or complaint Ills widowed mother and sister have the sincere sympathy of friends Id their sad lcreavctnnt funeral took place yesterday and being a member of the lOOV assembled in a body aid corJucted the burial A wreath with the emblems was among tie floral tributes that adorned the A meeting of the young people of this vicinity was held at Starr- view the residence of Mr Starr on Thursday last and a Liter ary Society was organized The elected were President Mr Albert Starr VkePres Mr Arthur Secretary Mr The next meeting will be held at the same place on Thursday evening December A good program will be provided and the Question Drawer opened and answered Everybody welcome We extend to Mrs Clinton arid family of Hie iincre sympathy of her many la this locality on the sudden death of Miss Sheridan Is visiting in the city for a month Miss Abbott Is treating her friends having received a box from The Public School and Union Sabbath have- Jecirlcd to told their annual concert and Christmas tree on Thursday Dec A committee has been appointed Id connection with the Sabbath School to aid Miss Abbott In arranging forthe program Prac tising has already commenced ana an fa renting and pleasant time is expected sighted at abou oclock convulsions ol an earthquake Henry harbormaster at n wa After considerable telephoning I expressions whe they he got a boat and started from Port Hope and one from Whitby Word of wreck soon spread ami a large crowd of people went to the harbor The boat lay about yards off Point and seemed he settled fast on the bottom Thu wind was blowing a fierce gale from the southeast and the waves were rolling mountains high The vessel left Oswego with tons of coal for John of She crossed lake and early this morning was off but seeing it was impossi ble to make this port she headed up the lafys with the intention of mak ing There was a blinding snowstorm raging and it was im possible to see but a short distance Land was soon sighted close at hand however and Bluff Point was recog nized by the captain to the head and right of them with the boat straight for It Three men were put at the wheel but they were un able to turn the course of the vessel In the fierce wind and sea and In a few minutes they were solid on the sand Just a few rods east of the Head the Era to A Era till for Fortunately the vessel struck the sand bar as a short distance farther on the shore is very rocky and would been dashed to pieces in a few minutes This was at oclock and It Impossible to see her from shore un til noon on account of the snow Special credit is due the crew of the Port Hope boat who were excep tionally clever and prompt in their it being exactly two hours from the time the train left Port Hope till they safely landed the crew at harbor at oclock Tho Is lying fast on the bottom and a sea In still rolling If the wind goes down she may be Raved but If It continues or shifts to the southwest she will un doubtedly go to pieces Sbe is a threemasted schooner with a capa city of about tons She Is one of the oldest sailing vessels on lake and Is owned by Mr John ofBowmanvllie to whom her cargo was consigned The loss to Mm will be a heavy one as there was no Insurance cm either the not find scissors There are dozens of articles in common use which have a villainously provoking trick of concealing them selves at the very moment when they arc most needed that might well dis turb the moral equilibrium of a saint Indeed we have known a church member in good standing to say things about a missing pair of which were anything hut can onical Devout anglers who would not have winced under the misfortune that befell Jonah sometimes stamp with rage when their lines instead of lulling in pleasant places get fast In A submerged snag or an Impending tue and we have seen two Chris tian women in a street car in a sub lime passion because one of them waited a window and the other It shut Almost any us can brace our selves up to encounter with fortitude great difficulties of life It Is the little ones that upset us He who can bear both without wincing or Is not only a hero to the world at large hut even to his fam ily Worth of Ladies Stoles and Ruffe Bought iu Montreal at Greatly Reduced Prices ommencingNbv How is the time to solve the Christmas Box Problem OPPOSITE Klvo convicts In the Missouri State Penitentiary made a desperate attempt to escape Sunday They disabled the deputywarden killed the blew a hole through the gate with and escap ed Into the streets of Jefferson City but captured after a desperate fight with the police i eel or fy A SCHOOL ELLIOTT to or All our graduates get positions Our superior work is well known throughout Canada Our facilities are unsurpassed Winter Term Opens Jan 2nd Writ for free Catalogue J ELLIOTT Principal o FOB MO M A Dress and Frock Suits A Specialty with Us LEAVE NOW TO HAVING IT VOW THE HOLIDAYS Vie are above Vicunas Worsteds and WILLI DOOR TO ATKINSON MAIN a GO fc v

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