Newmarket Era, 1 Dec 1905, p. 8

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i m THE NEWMARKET FRIDAY DECEMBER Id around the Bub If he tells you to take Ayers Cherry Pectoral for your severe cough or bronchial trouble then take it If he has anything better then take that But we know what he will say for doctors have used this cough medicine years lUn d Cttrrr Pectoral COUfcf Ictira It ll It for til tattfivctar of JL Mb w open with on of Pills at bedtime Just one FAR BUY AND O0R- TO VIVIAN Our teacher Mr J Whit son met with the painful accident of losing his thumb last Saturday awl some of the boys were out shoot in jv when the accident occurred He was loaning on the gun his hand over it when the went- oil and blew the thumb the left band oft are pleased to sec our old neigh bor Mr P in our midst again Mr Mitchell Vivian has mov ed to Newmarket Mrs J Robins was the guest Mrs P on Friday last FROSTY BRIGHT EYES Lend an Charm Word for the Local Paper A farmer in speaking before an in stitute of his profession recently said a rule the- farmer knows no firm er friend than the country press The home paper is distinctly supported directly by Use farmers who com- pose the backbone of the printers subscription list and largely for what the merchant advertises Now brother let us not forgot our inerris Let us sec that our subscription is paid up and a year in advance if we can afford- it The man or the paper fights my battles shall have my support thing the chants who ad are the ones who make It possible for us to get a good local paper and the men or firms who arc too penurious to ad vertise and help support the local press have no right to the farmers patronage I propose hereafter to GOAL per ton ALSO- Portland Cement The national Cement is the best for foundations other work Miss Frown of Goodwood spent the past wck at Mr A Laws Miss Jessie Sage is spending a time with her parents here Mr and Mrs Will LaFraugh and daughter of were guests at Mr Roses one day last week The funeral service of Mrs look in the Methodist Church Mr Hall wears a smile Its a girl The anniversary services of Church will be held on Dec and 4 Fellowship on sermons and sacrament on and on Monday eve the Hot Roast A good program is being provided Come and you will hear a treat Mr Joel Lemon was in Toronto undergoing an operation on eyes We hope his sight will be restored Clear sparkling make the plainest face beautiful The eyes cannot if the body suffering from blood poi soning ilrtny people suffer from blood poisoning and do not know it but they it by their dull eyes grey or sallow complexion and fade appearance Con stipation Instead of the blood taking wholesome nourishment in the intestines it absorbs the poisons which the bowels have rot gotten rid of The blood deposits these wherever it can which accounts for the dull eye pimples and headaches Ripe fruit Is Natures remedy for constipation Fruit Rets on the and makes themmoTe acts on tile liver and causes more bile to flow which is the purgative acts on the kidneys acts on the skin and clears ft and beautifies An Ottawa physician has discovered a for j combining the juices of oranges apples prunes and figsand then forcing into I lo a good live advertiser and a the united juices an additional atom of nan share in sup bitter from the orange a new and porting the local press thus much stronger fniit is produced to my support rather than The fruit extract is made into tablets buy of the man who proposes to take farmers as a class would support I I Column Why Englishmen U A A Liver Tablets These little tablets are easy to take have the gentle fruit action and are a positive for constipation biliousness headaches kidney and liver disease and all blood impurities are recommended by phy sicians everywhere For sale at Druggists a box or 6 boxes for or sent on receipt of price by Limited Ottawa their friends the other fellows go out of business The manna Tpee is Tap- 40 is a Species of Ash which For Its Gum Option in King- Temperance people are on the war Path earnest now Owing to the refusal of the Township Council of King to grant the request of the 100 petitioners to allow the electorate to vote upon Local Option on Jan 1st next the executive of the King know that manna is a species of gum which exudes from the ash The true manna ash is the It Is a beautiful tree and has much handsomer flowers than any other ash Id some parts of Sicily trees are planted especially for these substances which they yield just as in some parts of our count rv the sugar maple is planted Tor I ash tree is tapped when about ten years old A- transverse cut is Mr Brooks writing in Harpers Weekly gives some of the reasons why Punch has so strong a hold on the affections pi the British public and why it fails to appeal to Americans The great virtue of Punch he says is its seriousness- in which opinion there will be many on this side of the water to agree with The great fault of the Ameri can papers it appears is that they are not serious enough They are always making jokes Punch on the other band evades these mis- takes because it is really not a humorous but a critical journal The American comic paper is like the professional funny man at a party You listen and laugh for a while and then you want to murder him The Mothers Appeal By A A Hopkins MOTHER Sir Barkeeper beg you dont sell The stuff to my boy that may send him to hell Remember how dear to my heart he must be And let him tonight return sober to me by what you earn so much as by what you save Commence now by taking out a deposit book in the Deposits of and upwards received Interest Paid Four Times a Year NEWMARKET MOUNT ALBERT the Kitchen Economist When looking over your market accounts do you realize how much of AT- J WILLSONS Huron St Storehouse The North York Livery Consider yourself and keep up a Our horses look sorry you look gay And the contrast fcas a impression People rook at you at the horse and say what happy people And to save you from feeling that you dont to take a nice new buggy out in the nd and dirt we use all old ones Our horses have been on straw tat now we have some so If you require anything in our line call or call up phones or Town Carting also done- a e Proprietor Miss Jane spending a few days in If- Cook who has been suffer ing from an attack of inflammation is recovering Mrs Jawson and son spent a week with her parents in Mi Albert Mrs John Steel and daughter Mrs Tlios Kennedy of Weston were the quests of Mrs last week Miss K Cook was in Toronto for a couple of days last week The open meeting of the Ladies Aid Society was a decided success notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather There was a splendid program and a Rood tea Proceeds The funeral of the late Mrs took place on Tuesday to cemetery Deceased was born in Londonderry Ireland In the year and died at the ad vanced age of years She leaves a son and three daughters to mourn loss of a kind and affec tionate mother Society have called a mass made about onethird of to be held at on of the tree a number of these Saturday the of Dec at pm transverse cuts being made one above in the Temperance Hall Everybody other As as fortyfive invited Firstclass music and able are frequently made in one addresses trunk 000- I In some countries where manna is collected it is done by inserting tubes SHARON just as is the case of collecting the where these cuts Program of Young Peoples Associare made the gum runs down the and hardens The following season cuts are made just above those Wonderful Works of the previous year After this Progress the M Phillips stems are cut down and the new crop Thanksgiving Service of shoots left to get matured One Excuse times however the stems are left They licensed me madam to sell him the stufi The fool ought to know when hes taken enough You cant expect to refuse all who come My business it is to sell drinkers their rum what you pay for is wasted Often the bits that you usually throw out because cannot serve them as they are can be transformed delicious toothsome dishes with the help of a Heres a dainty Luncheon Dish from remnants of roast mutton into itiie the Rom 112 Miss Stephenson Consecration The City of God Rev 22 Miss Haines Literary 22Prcsent Prospects standing four years before being fi nally cut away Vest Pocket Obituaries A man in Maryland the other Chap of The Heart of atc fiftm HI a wager The silver trimmings his coffin DO YOU WANT Kindling Wood TRY OUR Dry Pine Slabs cord Mixed Wood I cord Afi Maple cord WE DELIVER GOOD CLEAN COAL the LEAD From Carters Frank Smith Trlvett Jos Wesley or from Office Phone PEARSON PARK AVE House and Lot lor 8ale to the Estate of the late Hughes Newmarket En or For Sale Brick rooms bard and toft water Good garden good cation Apply to A WILLIAMS Newmarket Like many other places of its size is troubled by the ques tion of a skating rink We are sorry to know that Mrs Dr is not recovering effects of the- fall she tfttned last week as rapidly as could J be wished for The road leading into Lloyd town from has been undergoing repairing lately and is put into shape Mi J Dennis will make a num ber of improvements around his mill property here among which will be he installation of a large engine to Operate his mill Ml has made many im provements in the past few weeks on his property and these are to he con tinued lie has lately installed a gasoline engine to provide power for the doujehmixer in his bake shop and for his The will- of the late William Deacon of Lloyd town disposes of an estate valued at and dividing the I farm among three sons Ed ward Richard and William the two former to give the sisterj Mrs Doyle and Miss Mary each Within two years We understand that Mrs Deacon and daughter Miss Mary have left Lloydtown to take up their residence in Newmarket They have been hon ored and rexueetcd residents of our village for a of and many will regret their departure Japan Mr Ross Stephenson Missionary Looking Backward What Have Learned This Year Miss Maud Social on colli cost It is impossible to state the name of the humorist who originated the above manner of describing a fatal occurrence but it seems 10 be quite generally followed by newspaper is a delicate way of reads much better American nowadays nutting it than when Guild Wednesday whole story is told and the evening oclock sharp sensibilities arc not shocked This style of paragraphing alio one says He died amid the most horrible and Mr Barkeeper I beg you to think How muchit may mean if you sell him the drink His soul is in peril dont wreck it lor gain Dont make his another young life you have slain BARKEEPER Go yonder and talk to the men who have said I may sell to the voters who stand at the head Of the church where you pray dont be whining away I In this place they have licensed go X MOTHER Mr Barkeeper they say you may sell Hut whose is the sin if you send him to hell He buys at your bar what must bring him to shame For all that may follow God holds you to blame BARKEEPER No madam the sin is not mine at the first Nor for it shall I be the man cursed The men who permit me to sell are the ones To settle with God if I ruin their sons In the Facts Eight pounds of prime beef is concentrtfed in four ounces of minimi with Huh oil s awhile then with 1 with r mid 1 in 1itlo put Mi lilt is wcMaru hot u by LONDON MONTREAL CANADA By j Purveyors to His Majesty King Edward Save Coupon over neck Premium Picture mm December Our One Excuse Miss A McKenzie Rom Consecration briefest City of God Leader Mr Young Rev 22 Social 20 Our Denomination Leader Mr Soules I Tim I Pete 2 Literary The Brotherhood of Man Leader Mrs J style of paragraphing an opportunity for exercising the in genuity Variety freshness and a cheerful not to say vivacious i can be mingled with the notices of fatal casualties that may he neglected by the reader or very briefly glaiued at Here are a few selected examples A young man in Louisville ex amined a keg of damird With a redhot poker sec it was good It is llicvcd his friends that he has gone Km ope although a man lias found some hu man bones ami a piece of McKarland about twenty miles fion John Smith jr in Nebraska I John Missionary Meeting he could handle rattlesnake the same as a inechur- lYllMi you ate talking about your neighbors and the foolish things they do do you ever think may be critieis- Looking Backward LeaderMr Young Consecration Program for the League December council voted to member tor hi services during the ClairvoyantPsychic Medical Examination Free By or not there tie fact that tte doctor the source and cause of your either mental or and baa to health aad who would have re mained all their fiend lock of hair age and to A vein of gold has been struck at Wilt Yukon It mid worth of ore is In Right Nov who slashed his throat last morning while awaiting Wal on a charge of firing nis store died the Royal Victoria aged The three Insurance of New York are still the rack and lexislatlve re veals wme very crooked work on the The and rake on to extravagant salaries in down right robbery and it la that men- In positions of trust of kind would do things President of the Mutual Life has asked to have jalary from to Wot there is no man who can earn DR J i- of the undertaker in demand ing pay in advance delayed the funer al four days Richard better known as the champion trunk Missouri found a box last week marked dynamite handle care One PxcuficRom ha said he in a Mrs Fogg voice as he it the handle and yanked it On to the pi a never came hank Wtf in Arizona led Mr to turn three somersaults on horse- the other day The manager of back lo New for an- The Heart of Japan man Miss R Turner warned his In a l0 Wit the lire with tem- Backward Have fit She did not heed tins warning Year clothes fit his second wife w well Miss ft0 ft In Brooklyn the other day when he opened the lid of a marked boa constrictor Thai small boy doesnt hang round any lied a cat fa ln his Wiavw will mothers Junctions not to skate on cold Do you about the river an the Ice was thin His Tonic and mother does not cook for an many W j she formerly did Hi In Massachusetts the other day a hu rroEu lo iniar thought he Could lie track of a locomotive The per toiuV vices at grave were vcxy idl WHliOHi km A a heaven TH be in fc i others gel there that somebody else vou The following significant appcarcl in the Toronto Junction Leader and Recorder There is lot of dissatisfaction throughout West York at the manner in which the duties of Inc License Inspector arc being carried out is more drunkenness more rowdyism at hotels more selling to inebriates and open disregard of the regulations as to closing An Inspector must inspect or lie is no good Local Op tion would carry in every in West York The hotelkeepers have themselves to blame The bar room seems to be the centre of disorder in every community and it refuses to keep the law That stems to ho the nature of the Wo have discovered that the room is not necessary and perhaps the way out of the difficulty is to shut them up altogether You remember of doc dropped a real bone for its shadow which he in Gold Dust that glitters under the of substitute get real Bear mld that all is not washing powder Dont accept with the Qold Dust Twins on package -ill- I floor work and tinware GOLD DUST I and rnaWii Made I THE K COMPANY Montreal P a- Maker of FAIRY SOAP BUST makes soft Dear Mother By a railway wreck Sunday night on the division of the ton Maine Railway near Lincoln Mass fifteen people were killed and thirty ox more Injured CURE FOR PILES Itching blind bleeding or protrud ing pilce Druggists refund money if OINTMENT fails to cure any case no matter of how long fitadtng In to days First ap plication gives case and rent If your druggist hasnt it send In stamps and it will bo forwarded postpaid by Medicine Co St Louis Mo WANTED TO A COLD IN DAY Take Laxative Quinine Tab lets All refund tho money if it fails to cure la on each box BE SURE and examine a copy of our catalogue if you have any idea of taking a pre- course for a I reliable agent for Newmarket and Position country Good pay W exclusive territory Sample there is no school equal case or outfit free Our leans are to oura for methodic business train- best in the and for producing good man of Rood solicit Investigation and during fall OVER ACRES NO VACATIONS We need a and ability and winter months p Marks C0PYRIQHT8 AC a Or cor free for In Scientific flmerlcan- A lluitrtll rtr- cuullon of lHurual four roonthilL by rewOwlirt Co New Yore Notice of Application for Divorce Notice is hereby given that Julia Dover of Fuller Avenue in City ot Toronto In the County of York and Province Ontario Mar ried Woman will apply to the Parlia ment of Canada at the next Session thereof for a bill of divorce from her William Arthur Frederic Dover of tho City of Toronto In the County of York Agent on the ground of adultery and desertion Dated at Toronto who help The choicest and most list of stock In Canada Including September AD fruit and ornamental stock small fruits and seed potatoes Fast sell ing specialties offered for the first time Write lor terms now to SHAW PRINCIPAL 37 THE NURSERY CO Toronto Ont A ARMSTRONG Solicitor lor Applicant Victoria St Toronto OLD NEWSPAPERS For Sale at This Office- A

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