Newmarket Era, 8 Dec 1905, p. 1

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I v a v- NORTH OEK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER PA No paper sent outside North York unless paid in advance w J us liberty to know to utter tad to freely to above all oter liberty No c Newmarket- Friday Dec 1905 J per SI CO if paid in One of the National THE CANADA STEEL RANGE There is nothing so sweet and digestible as a piece of broiled meat The old way of broiling on top the range by taking off the cover is all right if you can stand the smoke and smell The CANADA RANGE is fitted with the front keyplate hinged which can be adjusted as required and admits you to use the full length the firebox It can be lifted with the poker or lifter and by the poker in the reverse side of handle will readily drop to its place again THERE IS NO RANGE ON EARTH which has so many laborsaving and practical improvements the Canada SOLI ONLY AT- iStovt Kuril acts NEWMARKET GO TO BROUGHTOFTS FOR o If are of Many Presents to be found here Fancy Box Perfume to Fancy Box Note Paper to 1 Fancy Box Webbs Chocolate to Toilet Set 00 to Toronto Me- On Saturday forenoon Policeman Price was found dead in his bedroom I at his own home in avenue Escaping gas from a coal stove asphyxiation It is the Radial I line will be opened shortly to post office The line now runs to the Woodbine the new extension will be three miles further An expioston of benzine in the dye works of Parker Co on Friday evening very badly burned three of the employee For two hours the flames defied the work of the firemen Frank of the firm of Co wholesale clothiers- died sud denly in his office evening While walking aero the floor dropped down quite overcome and assistance could le procured he was dead The doctors called it heart failure Deceased was years leaves a widow and two children A brass cannon which his for years been an attraction at Park has mysteriously disappeared think it has been removed by way of a political joke others fear its re moval was for gain has forwarded to Her Majesty Queen Alexandra thru rer treasurer Earl de Grey the sum of the proceeds of the special matinee which was given in Toronto in Response to Her Majestys appeal on behalf of the unemployed in Great Britain A from Northern Ontario is to the effect that the Ontario Govern ment is notifying many families who have not been complying with reg ulations to get out The City intends to go to the privy council with its appeal from de- of tho court of appeal dismiss ing the citys suit to cancel the fran chise of the Toronto Electric Light Co for a breach of its agreement with the municipality Park Commissioner Chambers has received the offer of a cow moose from a man in Port Arthur The city however does not buy animals the animals in the Zoo all being donated Two women were up before Judge Morgan Friday and let off on North Tororjto died suddenly last week from failure He- ceased had been deaf and dumb all hex life At the time or her decease she weighed pounds John a passenger on the North Bay train from Brandon to London Orit was brought into the city on Wednesday of last week and admitted to the Hospital lie fell from the train at and his shoulder was dislocated The Conservative Club has decided on a banquet- to Air Borden on the inst Wilt the for South York be there A paper states that one of the most important baseball deals put through at the recent American League meeting in Chicago was lb sale of Pitcher Ambrose the New York Americans to the To ronto Club of the Eastern League The York Radial Hallway Company I will not make easterly extension Co Union until a Settlement of the franchise trouble with and Pickering townships has been made Alexander Warden son of the late Dr Warden assisted by an Advisory Committee will continue to as agent and treasurer of the Church in Canada until the meet- of the Presbyterian General As- THE NEW WOMAN No Longer an Diriment Limited of England which Lord Armstrong the great English shiphuilder is chairman Grand fnX Pacific Railway a Prize of to the Per- son Submitting Name that will he Adopted lor the New Pack fie Coast City A COMPETITION FOR THINKERS VAST SPACE RULED BY WAVE Chicago RecordHerald Nov Doubtless everybody has read the re- stories that have been pub- j concerning the conversations that were kept up between trie of Admiral fleet and j the wireless telegraph stations on shore during the trip from New Orleans to Washington It was oJ nanlcs to altogether the most successful and Urge corporations whose satisfactory test of this mysterious essentially Canadian j method of communication that a0 much adverse been made and its j Canadian value to the naval service and published in other merchant marine Only a few to eliminate this when Admiral was way to New the Nor Atlantic the th lc navy department remembered some- lo suggestions and thitiK they to ask him They J Pacific Coast that will grow up at the new Transcontinental called him up by the wireless at the Washington navy yard when he miles and Mrs street writes For the just five I have a 1 Railway With this end iu view they iaihhp northward the coast i have decided to a prize of sembly in June City Solicitor in to the Board of Control to story of the citys opposition to amendment to the Municipal Act without but has a letter ami a m I I ties before I began to very inr Maryland He answered promn4y and a conversation lasting more than half an hour was carried on in which Vt every message was received and every opportunity of word was understood on both sides Pmg on their thinking tap and cash for a name that will be in every appropriate and suitable his the mi the North and seven was there any dimculty in find- competing in an open contest to operator at the navy name incidentally receiving handsome prize and the honor of powering the city had opposed the bill at every do not have or Ik any him touched his key and called for the battleship Maine just as ueans evolution of a new era in Canadas g toe might from a window at He made the fact clear that of men in the street or a bird twentieth century prosperity The County Council coming of as the jmWft cry to its mate do not theeomest woman in our country la isdone it is arc as foil be more than three erected by everyone as it- she were a layman to understand the J great But is another eric of electricity The syllables or more than ten new woman whom everybody fa to J was in a coop at the navy yard Ad- letters and to be purely Canadian sec very day mc Invalid woman mi Evans was on the high seas Preferably significant of British The resignation of High Constable exclaiming I been made a new hut the operator on the deck of the and not to conflict with other was over by woman by Dr homo treat- Maine heard the call the moment it names of towns or post offices now Council till the January session It is only necessary to send was uttered and sent down to the existing in Canada The Council appointed Mr and name address symptoms duration of Admirals cabin to tell Fighting larger than eight by Mrs Silas to the posit sickness and received Bob that the navy department ten inches and write in ink on of Keeper and Matron of the Indus to Dr Columbus Ohio and to talk to him at the telephone s of the paper only trial at Newmarket a sal aries of and There were directions for months treatment it was merely a telephonic wlU be promptly forwarded carried by invisible wings Each competitor allowed to submit three names on separate one five applicants and eight ballots If you do not derive prompt and the sand hills of Maryland name to appear on each sheet en before a decision was reached j factory from use of Chesapeake Bay the eastern shore Accompanying each name short The subject of jurors fees came up write at once to Dr giving a sixty or seventy miles of salty article of not less than fifty word- and on motion of Councillor full statement of your case and he If Galileo had done that in nor more than three hundred Cuds cock a day was decided iiuon be pleased to give you ad- j the fifteenth century what might his of the title though Warden asked that I ho vice gratis have Name of competitor with fall Post ra he Address President of q tm the Presidents Office address to be signed at A spirit of professional jury C1V- e Sanitarium Columbus voyage torn of sheet is being introduced Coun cillor Johnston THURSDAYS SESSION The wireless on flag- Names to be forwarded addressed ship West Virginia was in continuous Pacific Coast Terminus Contest 1 ImmiQFQtion PrOSpeefcS communication with the other vessels Grand Trunk Pacific Railway hUn of the fleet and with the shore Canada Klxjny Manual re of all Kinds PRAYER OF PKATBE OF ETC S FOR CANADIAN EXPRESS AGENT FOR PARKERS DYE VORKS Council this morning heard a Thousand Will Come he wav from New Orleans Competition will close at iivD latloii East t Year lo and one night with the December fifteenth nineteen landed septeiiw Shoplifting bridge banana rt miles west of Key West aim five the charge against them the Holland They of immigrants who will lh conversation between its operator As soon as competition has been de- Watson a milk dealer had his the County to bridge l0 Canada next year will pro- other vessels of the fleet was tided and name chosen the name of a collision with- a confessed would be an streetcar slipped as undertaking or if could not sec ft It Preston Dominion as plainly as if it were going on through the columns the it was crossing the tracks and before ay clear would they male a migration agent in Great it could recover its feet tho car struck Hie township would io Toronto on the cart and threw yVaton to the a road for about a mile urn hopes to see had to gravel it This road immigration claimed would be the leading annually but distance of statute miles thru judged on their merits and decision across the township and would alo pointed out that Australian Janl as sea and rendered accordingly join and Ontario count agents are keen In their J was only a few seconds- passing t already thin to persuade settlors to go to the country and through alii willingness to give assistance The it Antipodes and are issuing the outh Atlantic states The Eighteen miners DeQCj New York navy yard caught thigh broken in a collision with a I confessed would by an is the opinion lc yard in Washington successful competitor will he slipped undertaking or if could not sue f Preston Dominion as plain as if it were goinc on through the columns of the Britain who lht here could be daily newspapers aturday Mr no for the messages have in case the name chosen ha been the day when and selected by more than one competitor into this conversation was heard at a then the explanatory articles be w A MARBLE WORKS Wonurnents and Head Stones- Before to Sii per wtV either and Gravel by For cement delivered Orders mall promptly attended to A Aurora Boyds Livery The un6tThyjnA fa now Bus to all trains running a Orders by free for all parts of the Towa Wive prompt attention Toronto ait piper A Old pavement Thirtysix deaths from pneumonia was the somewhat startling in the city last month A youth employed in the Knox Co on Wellington fell down an shaft on Mon day anl receive such injuries that his recovery is doubtful His name J as Gumming The International Mercantile Agen cy sold out on Saturday by auc tion Mr Henderson of New York is to IO tho purchaser A great many drunken men have arrested of late and the are blamed for selling liquor It now Inen discovered that instead of selling by glass they sell flasks on Sundays and after hours The Council oh a vote of to ha decided to sphmit to the people at the next municipal election a by law to reluce the hotel licenses of the city and the shop licences to thus learning hotels 50 and shops by How for an exciting election of candidates are spoken of for the mayoralty the present Mayor Mr Crawford Aid worth Dr Maclean Mr Mr Davidson etc The Police Magistrate ha decided to four of the Union and fcven of the Masters- Cooperative Aaoctation to trial on the charge of conspiracy to and injure trade The joint committee on union of the Methodist and Con gregational in Canada has been called meet on the 20th of in the lecture of the Met ropolitan Church An old resident of thta city named years of age village of Bradford had pledged which is not fair to Canada t II- from private individuals toward the building of the road and bridge Andrew McKcnie of on Dec 2 teen miners lost their lives in an Salvation Army immigration the station work Mr Preston describes as the Manhattan each caught another undertaking of the kind out- longest distance over which a plosion in the Diamond Coat Coke thought this was the only feasible side that of the Government j wireless message was ever heard by Companys mine Miners believe place to cross the Holland Britain has ever seen and will com- the navy department that a blown out shot caused the cause if a northern way lafcon it for the better the cur- was on of Oct wheir explosion which wrecked the mine would lead into marshy li wai taken it ipictely change for the better the Cur- land while at rent of thousands of lives station on Long Is- The shock of the explosion assistacc to the township annually for twenty years it would sages passing between the operator and ten feet underground and 300O for a bridge over the Holland River not materially affect the general Key West and the steamer Concho from the at the first concession and that bor- market between man in the Councillors Roag truant I and be Committee to Inquire Into the mat ter Councillor Woodcock favored the granting of assistance but only wish- to grant on condition that other places interested should also contribute Sec what will do before we fen into figures said Councillor We should pay our share- with because both will profit by the bridge Councillor carried A notice of motion was given that a bill be brought In at the next Leg- islaturc to give power to the county constable to carry firearms on the Sleep Like c Top mouth of the shaft Every mine at the time of the Galveston and New York lie was explosion perished believed miles away The Concho has that most of the dead are English- only a small equipment but it acts men perfectly The operator at Colon heard the operator on Concho trying to wake up Key West Dont He awake with the remedy at jafenal was very faint and Hit your elbow To banish wakeful- operator replied The Key Gored by a Bull nervous starts bad dreams to sleep soundly and waken re freshed tnkc I Kix your spark man spark The Concho was silent for Sold In public highways while on July There had been too much Shooting I 4I Moore ft going on by careless persons and on laborer about years of age IWH Day killed three Dec A shocking fatalit your occurred on the farm Bever ley Township four miles south here this afternoon the victim ir two alter which the William a young farmer His sal ion was resumed and Colon heard sister who with another brother ce lt distinctly the homestead happened to go In addition to the Dominion Into the cattle barn and was wireless station being erect- fied to find her cider brother lying at Toronto Junction the follow- dead in the stall in which a savage extracts have been entered Into bull is disclosed and construction work is now pro- evidence that the animal had gored gresslog at the following points ami trampled the young man Que Little Metis Que Out Dec Mary Chad- St John Halifax Camp- a young women while hurrying work this morning and walking on bell ton along on Quebec Street today stum- the j proposed to commence the bled on the Iron covering of a Water erection of a transatlantic station service In the cement pave- and fell on another about Jive the feet farther on She was removed The reward then would be the city was terribly today by site 01 is now negotiated at once to the General Hospital of fine the upsetting of a large kettle of for this station will be capable of where it was found that she had been The Council upon Invitation will polling water on the stove The sending messages direct to- rope seriously injured She underwent an ncillor M gave notice of ri to introduce an amendment lcl to the bylaw regarding tho reward St Thomas Mrs be ore Jan ft at a most a to those who secure a convic- James Thompson street point on the Atlantic coast be the City was terribly today by site of which Is now being negotiated at once to the upsetting of a large kettle of for this station will be capable of where it was The Council invitation will boiling water on the stove The sending messages direct to- rope seriously one unaciwenv an visit the General before whole contents were emptied on the and will be in direct communication operation but unless a change setkH ac on an anPl for and lower limbs of the with stations controlled by in it is hardly- likely that she will iSSJ au- women the DeKorest Wireless Telegraphy recover A

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