Newmarket Era, 8 Dec 1905, p. 3

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THE NEWMARKET Kit A- Sews WW A A MONTHS FOR LLOYD Club Concert bodies Fur Ruffs at low cash prices at Bros or- Option Rally meeting interested in a Local Option campaign in Township of King is to take place in the Temperance Hall on Saturday Dee 9 at 2 p Ladies are invited til necessary to have the assistance Lloyd winding up the estate Mr James Bain on behalf of Iters of made a similar pea i it looked playing to the Crown Attorney Drayton for Controller Ward to Rive out that the of motion to apply for as to the interests of the tion to abolish property creditors being jeopards- of Mayor Controllers and Aldermen a long sentence for the accused tor the- city If a man cant get a not relieve the Court from tak- Property qualification on real inn cognizance of the fact- that a estate or rental he cant amount to crime had been committed and thai to be entrusted with the who suffered by ibis crime agcnient the affairs a great city were asking that punishment be met- quarter of a million out to the He added Hants that in the other cases in which iy- The diningroom of the Clyde Hotel formations had been lodged namely was the scene of a festive gathering at the instance Silas Toole and last Friday night when Warden Alex steeled himself to the trying ordeal AUaQ lhc which was on the occasion of his which he had to pass and strictly Criminal Code from that position happily succeeded in hiding his emotion while reSpcc and caned by his fellow colleagues a Jong succession of witnesses Victoria conversat last Friday to his general good repute THE INITIAL MISSTEP success indictments on which he was Mr called the attention of Governor Clark Mrs Clark and Miss arraigned charged him with the Court to the fact that the initial Clark were present The decorations converting to his own use three error the accused was not in keep- were immense A concert sepatate accounts of the moneys College Chin gave much satis- entrusted to him by clients Know- faction The final act ii the tragedy of the downfall of Thomas defaulting Newmarket- barrister- was Reived seat tickets were selling closed at the NonJury Assize Court the Hockey Club Concert in Toronto on Tuesday afternoon Town Hall last night and pros- when His Honor Judge Winchester were very favorable for a fihan- sentenced him to eighteen months in wel as musical succe the Central Prison on three counts v misappropriating clients funds- t which thc accused pleaded guilty The was well filled with men For in this part of the Pro vince but the accused had evidently Furs nicest present for 200 dozen Handkerchiefs man woman or child have much dally imported for Christmas the largest variety in trade from Fancy Lace and Embroidered from cheapest to the highest goods 5C to Currants per lb Jelly Powder for Blanc Mange Powder fo New Fruits and all arrived at lowest best qualifies separate sums namely and L512 to him by Belfry and Manna executors- and executrix of Plain and Fancy Cambric and Linen from 3c to 35c Silk Handkerchiefs fancy and plain from 20c to These hand kerchiefs were bought direct from the makers which means a saving to you of 25 per cent it A hate m and A Lot Remnants i Methodist Chueh to the absence of the Pastor rbe estate of the latcDayid A Sunday the were con- del Mr a student- fro Victoria University Toronto PREVIOUS- GOOD CHARACTER will meet at the Par- KC counsel for next Wednesday afternoon at Mr Lloyd an imposing array tfcrev oclock witnessed testifying to the high The pastor was preaching in Toron- character for honesty and Sunday and has promised to dealing methods borne by the accus- jr next Sunday at that he was perfectly sol- The Board of Control have vent he had simply bulked his own to the for money with the money of his clients a rehearing of North and was under impression that annexation he was his own instead of his A sitting of nonjury Court will clients in his unfortunate resume on Monday next vestments The whole of the in the City Jail at the close of ble bad arisen from this negligence last week there were men and hot Mr Lloyd was a women speculator or a gambler or did not York County Council has adopted a wish to deal honestly with all his recommendation to the Railway Jas K clients In one instance he had mission to order a sftiem of electric and J Roche all wellknown sunk in an effort to protect- bells at all level crossings for of the Toronto bar gave an original investment of protection Never before continued Mr The General Sessions for this so many wellknown citizens opened Judge Winchester at an Aesize Court in York on Tuesday County to testify to the good charac ter of an accused person and to ask the Courts leniency I When you buy our Boots you buy best that are made Good relt- white and blue Saxony Flan- able boots at lowest possible prices The Maple Leaf Rubbers are for per yard regular to be the best in market We keep them A THE BEST RESULTS FROM BRUNTONS BAKING POWDER King Council parking Doom tmimony as to the high Co arc busy this in which had always week marking down the prices of Mil- held Mr Lloyd who had acted with Dress Goods and Cloth Jack- thorough honesty and uprightness in CIS ready for Saturday Sale They all dealings in which they had been are bound to reduce size a concerned with him They all Mock if low prices will do it known him well for years and wire Dies and Jackets are now be- all convinced that in the matter by them at less than whole- fore the court he had acted with no sale prices i During November was re ceived by the succession duties of the Ontario Government A pure bred calf was at Zoo of the presented to THE JUDGES SAD DUTY This is a very sad case indeed the city a year ago by the Dominion criminal intent but rather through said Judge Winchester addressing Government an act mistaken judgment had at- Lloyd in passing sentence It is Judge Winchester admitted Jews tempted to extricate himself horn sad to rac personally for I have IS kalians and Chinese to unfortunate financial tangle in known you for a number of years an citizenship on Tuesday- They The boys arc making splendid pro- which he had finally found himself and have always looked up to you as have taken the oath of allegiance Bond since re-organizing- the Town Similar testimony was offered by a most upright and honorable will soon be in shape to John A clerk of the her of an honorable profession Hand make their public appearance with ly Council and High The accused had committed an of instruments There arc also five Thos and Dan- fence not only agajnst his clients but others in Beginners Class The ford Roche of Newmarket County against his profession for an offence toys expect that by next spring we Councillor A- J his kind cast a reflection On will have one of the best Bands in Hughes clerk of the Township the whole profession Ontario outside of the large cities Martin CaruVH of I am glad to say however Sutton and Rev Alex Honor remarked that cases of minister at Newmarket One and all had been closely associ ated for years with Mr Lloyd in astray in the first place hut in Cunninghams office meeting of Creditors The creditors of Lloyd met at on Saturday after noon Lloyd claimed that if given time he could realize cents on the dollar by selling his property but if forced to sell at once little could be realized he would instalments of per cent Four of largest creditors were not in fa vor accepting this offer and no de finite arrangement was reached kind have been few in Ontario think it was carelessness that his this Thomas Bradley Hyde of Toronto Congregational minister has been re patriate Win Cunningham aged about years who has an Office in Church St was arrested on a charge of abducting Countess Baldwin a girl of fifteen years of age whose home is at Niagara Falls The Council met at Hotel King on Saturday Nov Members all present Minutes of last meeting rend and approved The council in committee on the whole on bills Mr in the chair that thc Treasurer be authorized to the following hills Joseph Billings months salary St 33 33 J Bonn road work Geo Walker reps to bridge Walker Morton reps to culvert Alfred road work James Morning road work F road work 50 work on road I David Rumble Digging ditch J digging ditch 00 Cook road work I o 101 young woman arrived in the city last Friday ostensibly to take a position matters of business and in social life could not have been carelessness that The price of bread has taken a and none knew of any previous stain led you to continue the course drop This week the retail is eight upon that be a his character All testified unfortunately considered the accused to Honor followed His cents per loaf instead of ten cents Albert Gray hauling gravel cedar Joseph Street road work I SI blacksmith bill 12 FOR Dress and Frock Suits A Specialty Us YOUR ORDER NOW TO ENSURE HAVING FOR THE HOLIDAYS We are making the above of Vicunas Worsteds and Cheviots NEXT DOOR TO L ATKINSON MAIN STREET WILLIS 0 00 Judge expressed his and the wholesale price is seven cents Joseph Ren ton road work man of the highest integrity pleasure at hearing Mr instead of eight This decline the balance of his that he had appropriated the speak so of the accused bakers say is the result of repay in ten yearly money not with any criminal intent and added that he had considered all but had taken it in the belief that he the points raised that afternoon For some lime business men would be able repay it After It is a very sad thing for me to have been complaining that circulars l nxtn these witnesses had given evidence have to pass sentence upon you he posted by them were not reaching file I reps to bridge for work on bridge Alfred Gordon cedar A timber Win Oca con road work a Voteh For Christmas It lasts a life time and is a constant reminder of the giver You can depend on those buy at Watsons See our ad for other suggestions Mr read a petition for feni- fcaid I came in contact with you which very numerously at Hall and since I have signed by prominent Newmarket been a Judge I thought a good zens This petition paid a high deal of and admired manner to the way in which Lloyds in which you succeeded in your pro- character was held in the community It was a shock to me when and set forth that news of his I first heard of the adair and I could postal authorities I a not believe it or the time being caught the post Police Court On Tuesday a warrant was issued a man named William who residing in for abduct- the daughter of Mr Joseph None of these creditors said Mr trouble had come as a shock and surprise to everyone who knew him In order to assist the creditors and Mr F Johnston the assignee his Honor said Lloyd sent a large number of the small- would remain in the county creditors who held claims against maximum punishment which the accused aggregating over the law provides is fourteen years made a strong plea to the court that imprisonment Judge Winchester Mr Lloyd be treated leniently concluded think that in sentenc ing a merciful view should be aching persons to whom they were address ed Amos North a lettercarrier was arrested on Saturday in Inspec tor Hendersons office at the central post office on a charge of destroying mail matter A trap was set by and North was office people say in tearing up the decoy the very act of letters and plank Geo Redfern reps to culverts Mellow reps to Hill Geo blacksmith bill Win road work James Thompson reps to cut- Joint thou use of field for temporary road WRITE NOW RIGHT NOW YEARS A A complete Commercial Course Single and Double Entry Joint Stock III Pitman and Gregg Shorthand Rest 2 on earth Situations on completing required course Dont attend what it without ha 12 75 circulars and throwing them into furnace Alfred attend Johnston them were Hooding a girt under years of age residing with her parents in whose savings were involved in the The girl disappeared evening settling of Mr Lloyds estate None and failing to return home of Ihern believed that ends of he warrant was issued Constable tice would be subverted if he were of Bradford was notified to leniently dealt with and allowed to he or the lookout and he arrested devote himself to the work of at places Const a- and to give bis advice as to Ilea Trivet t and Duncan went to the best method of clearing up his and brought the pair back tangled financial affairs None the statement of the girl before to him a criminal intent in Col Lloyd on Wednesday morning misappropriating funds While was sent to Toronto for trial asking that the crime be charge of Constable Duncan still considering all the stances of the case the humiliation and the mental worry which accused a Overcoats bad already and Tact at on the on sale that the interests of those most it Hunter concerned in the crime the creditors would be jeopardized by a long sentence in prison for the de- Found Dead- faulting solicitor Mr Johnston be- Chicago III Dei The big steel freighter fra Owen foundered on Lake Superior in the great storm of last week Nineteen men compos ed her crew and they all probably arc lost Halifax Dec in a blind ing snowstorm and in a gale that Mr Lloyd made no personal appeal raised an awful sea the Nova Scotia to the court and received his sentence steamship Lunenburg struck of Am- in silence island early on Catalogue A PARQUHARS PRINCIPAL Building Toronto were secured some taken and the sentence of the court widows nearly all of will be eighteen months imprison ment in the Central prison the sen tences to run concurrently in each case Monday morning and eleven persons who were on board perished Stook The recipients of cattle at the To ronto market on Tuesday were about less than last week Trade was active in animals of good quality but Last Saturday evening between five the interests of justice would oclock Mr was be best served by dealing leniently walking into Town and brought word with the accused He argued that to Constable that a man lor the proper settlement of the lying on the roadside on Wit tale order that the creditors near the gate of should not lose anything it was appeared to be dead Mr that Lloyd should be at once drove out arid Lloyd receives a sentence found the man as stated Ute today which lakes him away from Stage coming along at thai time administration of the estate the assistance Mr Morton Mr Johnston these it taking house and Coroner Wis- every dollar notified Hit Coroner made en- if he assist and called in Dr Scott for a examination the that death was due io kind of At to which the that if Lloyd were allowed to assist was subjected The man in the settlement family would 10fl lad bee working on the James Day withdraw their claims and the wife Railway and was identified by some was willing to sacrifice all she ha1 of the employees as Alfred in the property which made or mar- about of There was red the sale thereof for who would nothing to indicate foul play and an buy a foot of the property when the was not considered In jail and the wifes dov- Ha remains were taken to outstanding lards taking Parlor where the Mr Lennox ft Roof Collapsed TWO TWO MISSING AND TWKNTYK10HT London Dec Ninety feet of the roof of the southernmost end Charing Cross railway station collapsed without warning today there was a large proportion that carrying with it about forty work- was only secondclass The demand men who were engaged in repairs on for and feeders was strong that section of roof The also for milch cows and- springers ally list of this extraordinary acci- exports sold from to dent includes two persons who are but not many over Si CO known to have been killed two per- Choice butchers from to 4- sons missing and pronably buried be- fair butchers cattle tons of debris seriously to common from injured and twenty slightly injured The falling walls of the depot crush ed the roof of the Avenue Theatre adjoining the station injuring there in several men Four trains stood in the station from to of their money but that d the s In winding this mat- hey tell me they do not expect which was due lose one dollar Mr Johnston f WI when the walls supporiin the iron spans fell feeders from to Light from to Milch from to Export ewes from 400 to t2o Cull sheep and bucks from to Select hogs from to log lo light and oil refund on statute Labor 1 ftons lumber Jenkins postage express fl5 James Gillies lumber lumber reps town line and King Gilbert rond work Albert Stewart work on bridge Kelly grading and bridges etc It blacksmith bill 75 bridge repairs John Clark hauling tile Henry Miller work road work Andy road work After the committee rose a signed by some asking Council to submit to Municipal electors of Hit- Township for ratification a by- prohibiting the sale of Intox icating liquors within the munici pality Said petition was present ed by Chad and Rev Hill of King City and Mr Mad den of Council then adjourned to consider the local option petition and after an ab sence of about thirty minutes on resuming their scat announced they lights and less the Vith this support remov ed spans fell with a tremendous crash crushing the foremost cats Wheat per bush 0 which happily were not occupied but flp Wheat per bush 0 Toronto markets Dec White Wheat per bush were unanimous In not the bylaw That fol lowing sheep claim be paid being value of same Win Caleb Drown A Winter Poster 1150 Hugh Graham Win Ferguson Edgar Hughes Andy 1267 Archibald 731 and Nell Phillips That the fol lowing persons be paid the sun set opposite their respective liftmen being entitled to the amount for the erection of wire fences oil the high way the same having been Inspect J O Joseph Palmer 1280 J Jam We Hall Ferguson Mrs Mary Adams and Mark the Hamilton Bridge Co Limited bo paid the sum of In full for bridge That the and Councillor be a Committee to Investigate the claim of Frank Lloyd re damages to engine and report at next meet- No appoint place for holding Nomination Pol ling and received Its several readings and passed Nomination Friday December at Crossleys Hall King City Pol ling NO Syndicate Hall Ferguson Davis House Gibbons Jacksons Shop A Watson No Temperance Hall Robinson J It Ross It Rutherford No Temperance Hall XL J No Music Hall J No Jennings Hail Lloyds town Alfred Llod No Temper Hall No Jacksons House C J On motion of council adjourned to meet at Tern- pern nee Hall on Friday Dee JMccumarket Dee White Wheat per bush 0 IB 0 0 Red Wheat per bush Spring Wheat per bush Goose Wheat Rye per per bush Oats per bush Bran per ton 16 Shorts per ton Hay per top roll per lb Per doz Potatoes per bag Chicken a per lb Ducks per Is tt4v 0 30- 0 lillf of arranged for the orienting creditors for Wednesday and hose for whom he had come the to Newmarket to conclusion that the court wry for would rightly In dealing a of leniently with the accused If Mr fcngland Mid receive a re- were sent to prison- Mr Previa Kenrlcfi- that convinced that the creditors Would -aH- necessary cx- of the ljurlal the falling roof carried with It Wheat workmen who had been swarming per bush among the girders Ry per bush All the casualties were confined Barley per he workmen in station and oh Hay per ton the roof of thc theatre and to a tew I Hogs per station No passengers were Butter per lb Tub Butter Potatoes per bag Turkeys he special services every night this Chickens dressed per lb OS- 0 8 CO 10 7 0 20 6b- would not get onetenth a much as well attended and growing Ducks pet lb would otherwise do a it was interest per ft iff it with a dash Gold Milk ttijxix

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