Newmarket Era, 8 Dec 1905, p. 4

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I i i I Ik THE FRIDAY DECK MB Kit Saskatchewan Polities Hon leader of the Opposition in the present contest the new Province of Saskatchewan having published a statement alleging the existence of an understanding between Premier Scott or his Government and Arcli- bishop to effect the j of the national school system j existing there by granting special leg- in minority schools to the Roman Catholics Hon Mr Scott emphatically and distinctly declares j the allegation untrue Nay more not satisfied with a simpre denial the Premier tells Mr Haul tain that the statement is an insult to the Liberals of Saskatchewan- to enriches he blood arrests all Saw the Arch- vxMing and vanquishes Chills and it bishop in his life never commumcai- Man of the best physicians j- Praised and Prescribed Prominent Physicians Because of its marvelous cures and its wonderful power oyer Consumption and a El disuses of the throat cheat and lrn It Is also the best nerve tonic and builder fcnown and nut only aids tjn hut gives the Abiding prescribe it in their practice BRONCHITIS on write out with at jot which turned BmxhiiU my I lid a all J a great It ii a for The Greatest of all Tonics Cure Consumption La Pneumonia Catarrh of the Stomach and Decline at Horn or from Dr vtit TRIAL BOTTLE fa Patrick of Pickering was by falling from a straw stack with him directly or indirectly in person or through intermediaries Jias been approached by any Ro man Catholic prelate priest or offering or seeking an under standing respecting the schools such as the Opposition leader alleges The Ontario papers that have been misre presenting Premier Scott on Che school issue basing their observa tions on Mr assertions should now give this unqualified de nial In a recent letter the Premier not only challenges the leader of the Op position to meet him on a public platform on the with his proofs of the allegations made but adds In my own behalf and in be half of the Government and the Liberal party I have solemnly and emphatically given a public pledge thai no regulation will be altered nor anything done which will in any degree tend to destroy or modify the purely national character of our schools separate public I have pledged myself and the Liberal Government to maintain absolute public control every school and to continue the system of uniform text books uniform training and qualification of teachers and uniform inspec tion for every separate and public school alike Cores Deafness One Weeks Use of Did More Than Six Months Treatment by Specialists in the treatment of deafness which is a result of catarrh acts almost immediately upon in flamed membrane and the hearing begins lo return at once Miss of Hyomei is truly wonderful I have used it short time and sec a change in my condition My hearing is improving rapidly and I had no idea I would improve so rapid in so short a time My breath which was very offensive to and others has lost its baa odor entirely have spent a great deal of money with catarrh special ists and can truly say tbat six months of their treatment is not equal to one of A complete outfit costs but and consists of an inhaler that can be carried in the vest pocket a medi cated dropper and a bottle of The inhaler will last a lifetime and there is enough for sev eral weeks treatment Additional bottles of can be procured for cents Compare this small expense with the fees charged by spe cialists If you cannot obtain of your dealer it will be forwarded mail postage paid on receipt of Write today for consultation blank thai will entitle you to services of our medical department without charge The R- Booth Company Building Ithaca Y fl Crushed by a motor Dec William Foley a young man in the- employ of the Railway Co was caught between a large freight motor and a shipping platform while shunting cars today in the McLaughlin Carriage yards and seriously injured the ex- of which is not as yet known His left hand was taken off his legs badly mangled and back irnrer causing internal troubles which prove fatal o This seems MB im TRY TO PREVENT LUNG TROUBLE dried sputum floating around ia the air that gets into your lungs and causes consumption A i is fragrant healing to be clear and which is tie and puts a different construction into the lungs kills very germ ion the school issue in Saskatchewan heals the membranes and cures from the one placed upon it by Col j thoroughly every type of Catarrh when spiking last and lung trouble I caught a severe cold which the electors at London and flflaUy j tied on my lungs write Mr A Northrop of Bedford relieved quickly and cured me re commend highly Two months treatment trial keep you An of only two a for hen than my for of Hercules Poultry Food tnU the a Utter M way keep- bit in tiptop alto hardier For winter laying of or any your fctns fretting by LOUSE Kit- fa and production for keeping clean tban tic All Preparation are told a Or or money by the The Telegram says It is said the York Radial Railway Company and the Toronto Railway Company which are joint interests have reason to be lieve that the Government will bring Explosion St Catharines Dec A explosion natural gas occur- in a bill at the next session of the- j t t providing terms for the I l entrance ifce rtiials into I Lyon had turned on the gas and city I Free has been acquired a syndicate of gentlemen resident at the capital Mr Norman Smith for the past year city editor on this Toronto Globe has been appointed manager of the Ottawa Free Press paper will continue to be dueled in accord with the principles jf the LiUral parly then started to light it when the is understood that The Ottawa J out turning the gas he went away to get a fresh light On his a severe explosion took place burn ing severely about the face head and breast Miss employed in the was severely burned about the head and face A DEAD TIRED FEELING And utter weariness are due to the blood being weakened through faulty action of the Kidneys and Liver Its a surplus of energy lots of red vital izing blood you need and it can be quickly by using the greatest strengthening tonic made No tonic equals writes Jennings of Wetport Last spring I was tired and depressed had backache and lacked strength soon me to good health and made me well Price at druggists Killed by a Falling HOSPITAL FOR if a- SICK CHILDREN The serious casualties and loss of life during the past hunting season stems call for some special reme dy A Milwaukee says that when the hunting season if upper and northern Wisconsin clos ed Thursday night all records for cas ualties among hunters had been brok en Twentyeight were killed and fiftylive wounded some of whom are not expected to recover Canada has sixteen and from these our in land lakes should be readily replen ished The residents of the northern part of riding and the visitors along the shores of Lake would pleased if the member for North York in the would interest himself in securing a liberal supply of game fish for wa ters the coming season For FOR BY A Newmarket Mount Albert Maple Norman Aurora A McDonald Richmond Hill J L kitchen Guelph Dec One of the citys former wellknown residents James Lowes is dead as a result of injuries reason both chopping wood They were cut ting down a tree of unusual size when it in two and fell One an inquiry in the would be out of place A SCHOOL 20RO2TO All our graduate work well known t a a Messrs Davidson and everybody l whfct ray who kicked at I cure the obedience to Dr Wrgl of and water as Are these men tbcdirecUona and if they are they be- throat and vigorously ftWe ha been teat- fenee the Mall but it roust proved successful a thousand manager terribly to make Winter Term Opens Jan 2nd Write for free Catalogue cold curing l way pains A ff J ELLIOTT ay time Is a for ton colitis and In fact We- know of half so good for breaking up cold curing and all fry a of it for Every Sick Child lu Ontario whose Parents to Hay For Treatment Hospital for Sick Children College ftppeaU to father and of Ontario for funds to the sick children that it year The is not a local institution but Provincial The lick child am in On who cant to pay ft the sani the child living Toronto is re a toil I The iMt year i its beds ii i cot- of friii rtiitiide of The cost is per day and there a day in the Hospital Since its chil dren- of were unable to pay and treat free Your money can pot golden on door of dollar may bo ii iiotaebode dollar may be a door of hope child 1 divilad of health and l i f i 1 cbildbood on etexy pait by Of hil irc If yon of any in your fa lick crippled or has club tbo to the See what can bo done for clubfoot Thro were is like caeesi hundreds in JO years yeni to to luglM David- Jiec of the for oo Dec A top ping on on end of a rail while into a pasture caueed other end to strike Albert a youngfawn er residing about miles above the town a tarriblc blow on the head causing died last njght as result of injury He years of age and unmarried ioev WHEN ALL OTHERS FAIL To relinv try Dr of and Butternut Wonderful ly prompt- and never gripping pains For and only Dr Hamilton TYPICAL FRENCH CHILD of a Year or Ij2t Felice which her a typical French of my experience Karly residence In France at of Ore children ranging In ijafrdDj brother of sixteen to tho roundest girl of six has a skin Ik sheen of a pearl Is considering the amount of food bolts At times I day eyes tons lashed lalntlly shaped seldom clean bands i thin rasping and petulant her merriest mood and a physlqao Or that f a starved homeless cat narrow chested spider leggod and generally Yet tall of irritabl ty eats as food as an English and certainly has as my lady friend Bays heaps of sense But to see the eating Is painful Interesting in way An English girl of leren year like Felice would be sent to bed it say oclock Felice and her her younger sisters sit down to at p and stay up II or later listening the conversa tion of their Beck to London Mall CATERPILLARS AND LAW AolonB the In of France In year the owners of th of St Julian Savoy France solemnly took action in the law courts a host of hungry caterpillars which had played havoc with their This grave matter was referred to arbitration and came In due course before the bishop as ecclesiastical Judge Two lawyers were retained in the In terest of the insect letters ad- Banishing them to their were Issued and a commis sion sat to estimate the damage done The held tbat no lmsty decision bo given since It was the caterpillars had not acted ma liciously but had been sent as a scourge At the end of a year from the flrst proceedings It held that the must submit to the Infliction and pay all costs After Interval of for- year another army of caterpil lars the another ac tion was brought and It was decided that they were only their le gal rights while the owners were ad vised to provide a piece of land they might range at will of Ladies Stoles and Buffs in Montreal Greatly Prices a -oo- Now is the time to solve the Christmas Box Problem OPPOSITE SOVEREIGN HANK LONDON WHITEHALL An Irishman a leaned the counter in a jewelry store and said to the clerk Give me one of your best wedcHhK rings Eighteen karats he was asked No onions but is it any ol your Infernal business it York Fall Old Westminster palace was the Lon don resilience of the archbishops of and was known as York House or York Place down to the reign of Henry VIII On the downfall of Cardi nal York House was de livered and con Armed by charter to king who changed Its name to White- ball There were already several VVhlte- in the country and choice of name in this instance may have been due to new buildings of whit stone added by Henry which contrasted with the red brick la gen eral use Another conjecture Is that king wished to emphasize the depth of the cardinals fall by erasing the very name of the palace so clearly associated with bis elevation to power and posi tion This appears to have been Shake speares view for In Henry read you must no more call It York Place thats For th cardinal fell that lost TU now Ulnas Whitehall Telegraph A Uausrr A schoolteacher trying to Im press upon his acbofara mind that Co lumbus discovered America In so ho Now John to make you re member the date when Columbus dis covered America I will make ft in a rhyme so you wont forget It In Columbus sailed the ocean blue Now can you remember John Yea sir replied John next morning when he came to school bis said John did Columbus dis cover America In Columbus sailed the dark blue bob The nolljr The term bully In the days of Shake speare had a different meaning from that which It baa at be ing an expression of endearment and good fellowship suppose that word when It la used in approval to derived from Dutch boo or Gor man which stands for the lover bomber uso of the word Is however to be traced to bellow root of bull with a significance of noisy blustering The Cornea Kin Did you ever notice that almost II misers reported In men asked Mr Watt Yea answered Mrs Watts Mar- wiser are too common to bo worth mentioning Grand Trunk Railway LEAVE NEWMARKET Going South 540 and am and pm Going North and am and 643 pm LEAVE TORONTO Going North am and pm Going West and am and pm i East 746 and am 16ft 510 and pm Leave and am 316 ana pm Early car every Monday at Late car every Wednesday and Saturday night at Leave Toronto and 11 am 346 and pm Late car every Wednesday nigh at Connecting at Bond Lake Leave am and p m Arrive in Toronto 9 am and pm Leave Toronto 720 am and 546 p Arrive in at am and pm Canadas Greatest Nurseries WANT A Local Salesman for Newmarket asked Do I Hen Kir I A little Maude ho said tenderly but who wouldnt with your If as beautiful as Id bo trying to look Into them radically When a girl acts as If she to of a and tries to as If oho wero only buttoning bo Klores moat ho Is lust engaged is belter than other soaps but is best when used in the Sunlight way Sunlight Soap contains no injurious chemicals Sunlight Soap is pure soap scientifically made Every step in its is watched by an expert chemist Sunlight Soap saves labor and the wear of rubbing which common soaps require in washing fabrics Boy ii and JUa follow direction To sell HighClass Nursery Stock in Fruits and Ornamentals Largest Hut of SPECIALTIES ever of fered Start NOW at Best Sell- inn Season Dig Inducements liber al pay handsome free outfit torr WRITE FOR TERMS and Catalogue and send for our Aluminum Pocket mag nifies times and for our Handy Saw Just tho thing for trim ming trees cuts Iron as well as wood STONE WELLINGTON Nurseries over acres TORONTO ONTARIO Toronto Mica of Application for Notice Is hereby given that Julia Dover of in City of Toronto County York and Province Oatarlo Mar ried Woman will apply to Parlia ment of Canada at the next session thereof for a bill divorce- from her husband William Arthur Frederic Dover of Toronto In County of York Agent on ground of adultery and desertion Dated at Toroto this day of September A ARMSTRONG Solicitor for Victoria St Toronto

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