Newmarket Era, 8 Dec 1905, p. 7

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J THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY DECEMBER v TT lllLM-LLtll-BllLJ-lL- Weeks to Getting Ready Change of Tim- The late car on the Metropolitan j leaving Toronto lor Newmarket and j Institute Mr Ashley has got the About two dozen farmers from the lion again of caretaker for the Skat- surrounding country attended the In- Sink for this season and has here on Monday afternoon and ground flooded ready for Jack Frost were well pleased with the informa- to do his work obtained from the two gentlemen who addressed the meeting It is to be regretted thai more were not Sale Register intermediate points each Saturday Headquarters It was about five oclock when night at oclock has been chang- j fa skating and Hockey Supplies the adjourned to pm at Hardware A Great Convenience TUESDAY Dec Mr Manlord Terry will have a sale of farm stock and implements on lots and in the concession of near months credit except for fat steers and hogs or 6 per cent per annum on for cash Sale at one oclock sharp H Kavanagh HON HALL Friends MONDAY Dec At noon The are steadily sharp the farm stock and only is the Clothing Factory j The attendance on Monday evening creasing- The evening services are of Geo A Myers at lot supplied by power from Thompsons was better than usual and the young of special interest to young people Con Whitchurch No reserve as Machine Shop but is also heated men put up a good program Dr I On Wednesday afternoon the the proprietor- is moving to Alber- steam from the Machine Shop Richardson occupied the chair and MS met atSwarthmoore and after la Smith The power for Gardners Foundry is also gave a reading Two choruses an interesting program tea was supplied by Thompsons Machine were given by the following Messrs by the President WEDNESDAY Dec Mr Henry Shop Dec Bowman Services next Sunday am and Messrs Bow- and pm Evening subject What will soon be here We every preparation to please our c friends This year our Fancy Japanese China prices and sets are the most we ever had Oar and 25c Tables I Oclock Sets Holly Decorations new Bread and Butter Plates Fancy Plates Berry Bowls BonBon Dishes Fancy Pitchers Fancy Tea pots etc We would strongly advise vntin a Dinner Set for to see oars a handsome Toilet Set ex tra large pieces for Our par lor Lamps at and o are offered much cheaper than last year A Hall Lamp for or 1225 both very fine arid low in price A decorated for 25c better for a little more COME AND SEE OUR XMA8 CHINA man and also gave solos Gloves Messrs Brock and Douglas Mens Lined Mocha Gloves regular Scott instrumental and Mr Chaj to for pair at Hunter a reading Bros Dont Fool Yourself Some young men seem to payment of poll tax lightly The law in this matter gives only days for payment and If not paid delin quents are open to have their proper ty seized if nothing Is then a summons may be issued and a com mittal to jail made in default of pay ment Surveys for Electric It is understood that Messrs Mac- Constitutes a Christian The pub- lie cordially incited Decorations This is the time of year that Wood will have an extensive and important unreserved sale of stock implements etc on lot in 2nd Con of East credit except for Hay turnips and sums under Sale at one sharp Auct KESWICK life and property arc endangered by Christmas decorations in store win- treat thek propose to do consid- and childrens entertain- 1 The preliminary survey work on ments The Chief of Police has been I The Gospel Temperance meeting radial line extensions during the notified by the Fire Underwriters the auspices of the will coming winter On the Metropolitan Association to warn merchants and be held in the Christian Church next extension from Newmarket to Jack- others that by the Statutory condi- Sunday eve- Due 10th Mrs Me sons Point the rails arc laid within ions of insurance policies damages of Roachs Point will give four miles of Sutton and will be in of fire are voided unless no- an address on the cigarette question Sutton by the end of the week A of the use of electric and A collection for work will service will not be given however other lights in such decorations has be taken up during the meeting All fill next spring or summer Surveys sent to the Company in writing are cordially invited to attend Selected Raisins and Currants Table and Cooking Figs Dates The Best Goods at Eight Prices New Peels Shelled Almonds Walnuts Aid Sole The annual sale of the Ladies Aid of St Pauls Church will be held in Sovereign Bank Store on Friday pec when the usual assortment useful and ornamental Christinas presents will be sold at reasonable prices During the evening hot oys ters will he served Our readers look forward to this sale with pleas ure are expected to be made this winter from Jacksons Point to Beaverton It is probable also that surveys will be made from where the line ends on the road to Bramp ton at the time of making such display Slightly Soiled Horse Blankets heavy lined and New Vegetables Corn and Tomatoes Tin Peas 3 tins for 25c Grocery Department Fruits Peels Spices Extracts EVERYTHING OF THE VERY BEST QUALITY to make your Cake and Plum Pudding Extra fine Cooking Figs Nice Table Figs or lbs tor Finest Selected Raisins lb special price for box Selected Currants 3 lbs for 25c Fancy Table Raisins and 25c lb Special price in 5 lb lots Almonds Walnuts Filberts Pecan and Brazil Nuts Malaga Grapes Sweet Oranges Roquefort Cheese McLarens Cheese and all the table delicacies of the season COME AND GIVE US YOUR GRO CERY WANTS to fill We give you all you ask in Papers Now is the time to subscriber lor papers Balance of free to all paying in advance for Era and Weekly Globe Era and Weekly Mail Era and Weekly Sun Era and Montreal Star Era and Montreal Witness Era and Daily World Era and Business Magazine Era and Cosmopolitan one of the best Monthly Magazines published l Option in At at the close of the sor ption on Sunday Nov 20 Worlds Temperance Sunday a resolution Was proposed and carried by a practically unanimous vote to the effect that we express pur appreciation and approv al of he efforts made by the Inspec tor and others to enforce the law relating to the illegal sale of liquors in this township and we assure them of our heartiest cooperation in their work few representa- temperance men with power to to their number was appointed of the to o fa LEMON A daring robbery was perpetrated genuine Kersey regular at on Friday evening when and for 75c and the post office was broken into and each at Hardware luckily there was not many stamps or money in the office clar made his entrance by taking out a large pane of glass About two dollars worth of stamps were taken Bnieflets Messrs Eves and Ford shipped cars of hogs to Toronto on Wednes day Aither milkman has commenced business Mr John Parkins Mr is handing 1006 calendars to insurance patrons Select Oysters quart Fresh Finnan 10c lb Lima Beans 3 Jbfor Cooking Onions peck Bars Laundry Soap Castile pound Bar Sanitary Soap for GLENVILLE i A committee 90 So look after the interests cause in the township I Japanese Death of Campers at Orchard Beach Sum- Considering Resort will miss the genial form Sonic people are harping on the Mr John who died on idea of a Commission to run our The Oriental JVodding the School aml and WaterWorks of the Christian Church on Cemetery on tern and Mr Robertson has given evening of last week was a Deceased was born at tice to introduce a ByLaw to pic- success place was lined the exception vide for such change Hitherto this ihose who took the most prominent M by There will a genuine oldfashion ed Box Social in the Temperance The Metropolitan cars have stopped Tuesday runninis to the North End AH cars auspices of leave Hie station opposite the Mar- Improvement Club and Square veu Peasant evening may be look- Mr Watson has a fine new forward to A short program will he provided and the rest of the Farmers tell us thai it is splendid evening will hi devoted to popular wheeling on the roads this week games The ladies will kindly bring Several school reports crowded out boxes with the name enclosed be disposed of auction Pro- organ You arc Myers Poultry and Cattle Foods in Chase Sanborns Rich Coffees part in the entertainment were Miss Flossie Collins and Roy the bride and assisted Lucy Kelly Carson Morton Edna Russell Collins Beatrice Wesley Grace Amy subscriber Traviss Haz Wright all of whom were attired in Japanese costume The attendance was evi dently greater than anticipated and the accommodation for the Japanese tea was raxed to its utmost Pro ceeds cods in aid of new organ You invited It has been decided to drop the Christmas entertainment connec tion with the Si and take up something else later on Report for November NO Smith David ST SOOTH The Literary Society held one its most successful meetings last week before the largest crowd yet assembled The Program was long and the selections well rendered each bringing forth much applause The committee are sparing no pains to make the Society a success and an nounce that a good program has been prepared for the next meeting The attended lie Fowl Supper at The young people of are taking advantage of the moonlight nights and are enjoying many a good slither on the freeze -OF- Leading Sellable Headquarters Harness need of good Harness call At Hi adquarters Alao Rugs Whips Blankets SweatPads Trunks Curt Guaranteed to Cure of Prompt and Repairing OH A CALL I P Modern Steel Range with reservoir only at A On Saturday evening five men who had been working on the James Kay Railway got scraping among them selves down Town and when one of them was sboYed through a window in Simpsons Bakery it didnt lake- long over the telephone to find Chief Anderson The result was all were landed in the cooler Next morning they deposited with the Chief a sum of money to cover all and on promise of future behaviour they were let go ways resided in North York He was the Council aud although at present a member of the Methodist Church it may be proposed that the over years and for years a shall be without salary it looks Sweet member of Sutton Lodge AOUW to us like the initial step for J- Clarence Flora I He was a Liberal in politics and a salaried office on the corporation Mary Watson for 17 years Though there may be some slight Smith Percy Cote Maty Moulds and one son to in the present way of man- Clarence Moulds mourn the loss of a kind husband and a salaried officer would cost HI Mabel Sanderson father decidedly more than would save Stanley i A commission would also require a Gertie Nelson Stanton Special Fund to draw from for Cole Pearl Bert Wont Chop Wood tensions and Improvements as there Irons But Gem Food Choppers chop might be friction with the Council if Ethel Flossie thing in the shape of moat or such were drawn from the general Howard Smith about the house Free fund Sanderson Ha- trial Sold at A The Council should go slow with Willie Moulds Elmer -OOO-i- this proposed step Death of flaatin We copy following particulars j regarding the death of Austin Chant- 1 The stern Reaper whose summons ler grandson of Mrs Mary none disobey removed from our of this Town from the Leader print- midst a familiar form this week who at Carman Manitoba Nov has been known to the business pic of Newmarket for the past Word was received here on Monday or years in the person of Mrs of the at of McLaughlin widow of Richard Austin which occur red there on Sunday night The was a great shock to many here as it is only a few weeks ago he left Carman for to of a new business that It is intimated in the Toronto opened there in which had an In- most years She was Globe that Col Lloyd and Co Death was caused by a re- kindhearted woman awl a who carried on a stove and tinware business here Mrs was affected by bronchitis and heart trouble ami lake charge early Monday morning alter an being three weeks at the age of at- a very devoted Woodcock will likely be hauled turn of appendicitis of which he had member of St Johns Church She Reliable Store Jr Bertram Lawrence St Kellington Clarence Jr LrVera Verria Lyman Watson SCHOOL Ethel Shaw Milton Frank Austrian 1 1 L Fred Penrose Wes ley John Cordon Barker Dorothy Jr lit Penrose Lewis Viola Barker Harry Harry Penrose John Jackson Walter Davis Fred Hall Settle Stephenson was a firstclass trade Black Clayton OBrien Reg ard after the death of her husband gio Sherman Story supported her son and daughter by I Jr Emma Hopper Lind ner needle For many years she hay Susie Walter was- a valued employee of the late Donald Sutherland It was quite Sr L John Hopper Carl Wesley Carts Wheelbarrows Toy Sweep- also expressing great hope- natural that her son should take to Chark Littlcjohn trs at Hardware for the success of the business the tailoring business and it was the Jr L Laura Penrose Wednesday a lis mother to sec that Walter Melville telegram was received here by his was properly qualified to conduct a Teller Shanks Graham friends si at fog that he had undergone business of his own to the success Willie Wright two weeks from Monday operation for the trouble affecting of she contributed her constant ham George Wright There will be fiftythree Sundays ill llal serious bought and labor Floral tributes I Present every day Milton year an occurrence that not left hero by the flrt of affection and esteem her man John Alouzo Wesley and rftin that would connect with casket from the members of the don Lwin Harry jtkford but the young man had pass- church choir Miss McLaughlin being Penrose Sherman Story Clark Llt no the coals by the Co Crown At torney for dealing with this case on Sunday a previous attack The attack had been sudden a a from him written on the Sunday previous to his death was received here by mother in which he spoke of how well he was feeling and enjoying his thh happen again for one KESWICK dealing toy You get Joat at the PRICK tbrorrc of baa to Wet charge of the ile power on the Metropolitan before be reached there and from the wholesale John Hopper Laura Pen- road is to be increased from to antler was a young map of fain Darling Co Toron- rose Lindsay Farr Walter Tate Su- Vhitohuroh Council Whitchurch Council met on the of Nov Members nil present Bills wore presented by Hooper reps culvert Con at lot Win Harper 12 gravel Geo reps rond con Atkinson building culvert con lot use of room for Council Meeting Alfred of hall for for four Edgar Gray claimed 000 for one killed by claimed dam age for one killed by claimed damage for one lamb killed by Treasurer wan to pay the bills presented and two thirds the amount of claim for sheep killed by Leathers wok Instruc ted to examine course on Com I at lot and If neceHsary clear out the same The Reeve was empowered to cut the underbrush on town Hue north between the aud con lines Councillor was empowered to sell four pieces of cedar to Johnson A was panned Instructing the Clerk to hold the Municipal Nom ination at the Public Library Hall on Friday Dec at twelve oclock noon Deputy Returning Officers were appoint and Pol selected Council adjourned to meet at Vandorf Hall on Friday December 1Mb ALL KIND Leave your Order and have your Cake Nicely Ornamented Ornamenting Done To Suit Our Customers Free of Charge COME AND SEE SIMPSON SOUTH END BAKERY Phono No For Sale Choice Shropshire Ham Lambs A few Choice Young Young atock in Barred P Rocks Buff ckls pullots young Toulouse also choice young Pekln Drakes Come at once or write to J Farm to Rent Near Sharon sixtythree acres be ing part of lot No in 3rd Conces sion Township of East Eight acres fall wheat in ground and fall plowing done Possession given to suit Good on the place Apply to GEO Severn Bridge House for Sale And 3 acres of land near Newmar ket Cemetery Barn and hard wa ter Apply to Mr Burke cor Main Huron Newmarket and Lot the substation excellent Parts was highly s- to Imw vat COL KE8WI0K pipe organ in the Method wilh Co The has put lamp on the ili confidence of not only Square There is no excuse but the public for strict cow for the Army occupying the Integrity and courtesy He was born in May 1879 The Salvation Atmy had a consequently fa the bloom of at the Flag and Signal Sir- promise to be sle Everett No Total Mabel Hose Vera of this place hearers were Messrs Banford Roche Mabel of not only WW Bogarl Michael Pollock Cain Win Among the friend who attended the funeral were Mr Burrows Lome Burrows Mrs Thos Mcquillan Miss An- Ho Young Nellie Smith Angus Broderick and Mr McQuillan CO Rose Ellis y iiiiin vt I Smith Mildred Is from a distance Weddcl SI LuluCowIcson Martha valuable citizen wherever lot in all of Toronto vice on Monday evening The ice on fHry Lake Is about four lfe him He was engaged to Inches thick and Reboot boys an estimable young lady of To- lag great fun playing hockey who lost her father by death The snowshovel got to other quite work on Saturday but Che snow did recently and the grim reaper has not last long again robbed her of a loved one Two weeks more and the brought to Car- j the Is for the good of days will be over again for another Interment and are expected both aflsoclatlons and will be favora- to arrive on Friday to public Interests eoe- amalgamation of the York Co Loan and Savings Co with the Do minion Permanent Loan Co a foregone conclusion Financiers say I I Pollock Annie Smith Nellie Rose 20 100 Eva Mcin tosh Marjory Smith 40 Jr Charlie Mitchell Present every day Martha Burrows Willie- Young Roes Rose Nellie Rose Lila Bonn Charlie Mitchell ST JOHN Teacher Stray Steer Came upon the premises the un dersigned lot Con East a Steer Red In August last Owner Is requested to prove property pay expenses and take it away MANNING Albert Stray Hog Came upon lot Con 4th North in November a largo Hog Owner can have by proving property and paying ex penses WM P IN NEWMARKET FOR That frame house on founda tion In excellent repair situate on Street and belonging to the estate of the late Timothy deceased for sale at once For par ticulars of sale apply to Timothy or to Vendors Solicitor Newmarket Roomers and Boarders at Ce dars from a week up MRS SCOTT Victoria Ave Mouse to Rent On Lome Ate AH city conveni ences Apply to J Millard New market

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