A r J f THE NEWMARKET FRIDAY DECEMBER CHINA HALL Deo We have please our will coon be here preparation to Sin friends This year our Fancy Japanese China odd prices and sets are the most we ever had See Our and 25c Tables a Oclock Sets Holly Decorations new Bread an Butter Plates Plates Berry Bowls Fancy Pitchers Fancy Tea Pott etc We would strongly advise a Dinner Set for to see a handsome Toilet Set ex tra law pieces for 1250 Our par lor Lamps at and So are offered much cheaper than last A Hall Lamp for or both very fine and low in price A nice decorated for 25c or better ones for a little more COME AND SEE OUR AS CHINA I Grocery fruits Peels Spices Extracts EVERYTHING OF THE VERY BEST QUALITY to your and Plum Pudding fine Cooking Figs Nice Table figs or 2 fts for Selected Raisins special price for Selected Currants Iks for 25c yaacy Table Raisins and ft Special price in 5i ft lots Almonds Walnuts Filberts Pecan Brazil Nuts Kilt a Grapes Sweet Oranges Roquefort Cheese McLarens Cheese aid all the table delicacies of the season COME AND GIVE US YOUR GRO CERY WANTS to fill We Rive you all you ask In o leeks SELECT OYSTERS A A m SELECT St Pauls Church T The most successful bazaar ever held by the ladies of St Pauls Church was that of last Friday in tlio Sovereign Bank Building when they cleared The are to be congratulated on the dented success i Dont You Think A set Asbestos Sad Irons would make a very useful present irons and stand J2 at Capitals f NEWMARKET BRANCH A Presbyterian Church Suitable Christmas services will be held at both morning and evening worship nest Lords Day The choir is preparing appropriate and special music Morning subject An gels word Glory and peace Ev ening subject Mens word us go and see The duet part of the anthem on Sunday morning was very sweetly rendered by Miss and Miss Ironside In the evening Mr Young sang with his fine power of interpretation Abide with me in the general exchange of the old time Christmas Greetings with our friends ve might again mention the fact that the Christ mas Gift of a Bank Book showing a deposit In Savings Bank Department would prob ably be thfe most satisfactory Christmas pres ent that you could hand to a son or daughter Let us take care of their pence and the pounds will take care of themselves G A RHONE Just the very choicest Christmas Fruits dispensed at this exclusive Grocery and at as low prices as any reputa ble firm desirous of conducting an honest gitimate busi ness can to sell you I r INTEREST Savings Bank In all cases computed on Dally Baianco and credited quarter Currants and Raisins Orange Lemon and Citron Peels Table Raisins Dates and Figs Pure Extracts and Spices v Genuine Saskatchewan Coats prices at Hunter Bros at reduced The lady who thought she bad lost her purse on the market Satur day found it when she returned home The schools close today lor holidays The shortest flays of the season arc over again The annual meeting of Separate School supporters takes place here on Wednesday school meetings for receiving annual reports and appointing trus tees take place next Wednesday The pastor of the Presbyterian Church was very kindly reminded of the nearness of Christmas on Satur day the present of a fine fat goose for Christmas cheer Squat e up with everybody viaavkyQ Mr Irvine Ross had a tussle with the vault door of the Ontario Hank yesterday and came out sec ond best The school boys bad great fun snowballing yesterday The York Radial Railway Company had a small blaze in their engine barns at about 1 oclock last Tuesday night KESWICK drawing a tank of water to Mr wins the hind axle way and The Annual Tree and Enter- the tank full of water to the tainmtnt of the Christian smashing things pretty will be given on night Orally it will cost Mr Curtis 25 in the church consisting more a up again of recitations and music Miss Edna I Mr Hughes of of Newmarket and others will had the remains of his father the fl Little Taken The sympathy of their many friends is being extended to Mr and Mrs jChas Rose of Yonge St who were called upon to part with their little week and start the New Year with a on Saturday eve clean sheet Being quite weakly through the summer a severe affliction found the little body unable for the strain A large company attended the fun eral services interment being at Newmarket Cemetery Rev A Bed ford officiating furnish the music assisted by the choir commencing at oclock Bumper attendance this week at Keswick Division Sons of Temper ance Two initiations Next week the program will consist of games of Aaron Hughes moved from the Kettleby Cemetery to the Newmar ket Cemetery on Tuesday afternoon last H We have been requested to copy the following from the Tort Arthur TimesJournal The home of Mr and Mrs ton Jean street was the scene of a quiet but very pretty wedding last evening when Lillian Arabella the eldest daughter of the house Was 0 0- ORCHARD GRIP QUICKLY KNOCKED OUT Some weeks ago during the severe weather both my wife and self contracted severe colds which speedily developed into the worst Miss Hall has returned from kind of la grippe with all its misera- weeks visit in Toronto symptoms says Mr J Brown has returned from of Maple Iowa New Ontario where he has been and joints aching muscles several years sore head stopped up eyes and nose Allen sale on Tuesday was running with alternate spells of not a success owing to such a small chilis and fever We began using Club The regular meeting for of the Tennis Club was held crowd being present None of the horses were sold and poor prices were realized for other things The interior of the Orthodox Meet ing house has been cleaned and paint- on R The Leading Reliable united in marriage to Mr Henry on Wednesday evening Alter a North Rev Murray pleasant half hours game of cards Walter The bride was very pretty in cream treasurers report was presented cashmere trimmed with white silk election of officers applique a a white silk over waist follows The young couple were unattended President Mr A Coombs The parlors were very tastefully de- Mr Rogers corated with flowers and evergreens and the marriage took place under Chamberlains Cough Remedy aiding the same with a dose of Chamber lains Stomach and Liver Tablets and by its liberal use soon complete ly knocked out the grip It is a good plan to take a dose of the Tablets when you have a cold promote a healthy action of the the Muskoka lumber camps bowels liver and kidneys which is he spent a couple of months always beneficial when the system is We will have a variety of Oranges for Saturday at prices California Navels Mexicans and Jamaicas Mixed Nuts Almonds Walnuts Filberts SOUND LEMONS CELERY CAPE COD CRANBERRIES Finnan Labrador Herring 2 It Tin New Orleans Molasses New Cooking Figs Large 5c lb I lb Tin Breakfast Coffee lb Jelly Powder in Glass Moulds 3 for 25c Mixed Biscuits varieties lb HomeMade Mince Meat lb Tin 25c Corn Starch package 5c FECIAL Navel Oranges Myers- Poultry and Cattle Foods Chase Sanborns Rich Coffees ed and service will he held there Sunday evenings alter New Year has come homy are near a big market that will pay the price- More care is needed with these than with lambs coming at regular time between the February and middle of April The regular lamb crop is recommended for the average farmer Fined for Voting Dec An employee of the named Warren was arrest ed at Saskatoon yesterday at the instance of 0 Liberal can didate in law It is under Miss Cora Conner is visiting with congested by a cold or attack of the her sister in Toronto For sale by Lloyd floral wedding bell suspended in Margaret Messrs Andy centre of a floral arch lighted with I J Harvey P Cane rose shaded lights After the wed- The meeting wound up with the supper the happy couple left dance at an early hour amid congratulations and confetti for their home on Park street where they will commence housekeeping 0 Reliable Store SWIOK You square dealing that Is my aim You get just you buy at the RIGHT PRICE tit beautiful Porcelain Dishes thrown I of PeUrboro has engaged to charge of the she OPENING DAYS are Satur day Sept tad Monday Oct 2 All an Call and COL For Bale Para in the Township of King fa half lot No 11 Con I Survey Township of King of York Fifty acrea dear th fifty acrw of fcvtly of and ce4ar Has i rood frame Wo out buildings on the good clay The timber pay for farm For price apply at once i Vendors Solicitor Those 1150 Horse Blankets for at Temperance Meeting The Bridge The Committee appointed by the York County Council to consider the question of building a bridge across the Holland River so a to open communication between and Bradford met a deputation from County Council on the grounds one day last week The proposition stands something like this East to the road which will require a good deal of filling in across the marsh to the river he County of York to pay twothirds of the cost and the Coun ty of to pay the other third of the bridge across the river the total cost being estimated at about J and the of West and the village of Bradford to build road on the west side The matter will be reported to each of the County Councils at the January Court On Saturday a man named Edwards was summoned before Col for contravention of the Phar macy Act He was peddling patent meditloe from door to door A de tective from Toronto came here and laid the information The evidence was taken and the case adjourned un til Tuesday afternoon to get the opinion of the County Crown Attor ney On the advice of the C Attorney the Was dismissed On Monday Cbas was At Kettleby on Saturday last it was made evident that the ratepay ers of King Township were aroused in no little degree by the recent plan adopted by the present Township Council of King in turning down so unceremoniously the petition present ed not long since to them hearing about signatures A resolution was passed by the meeting concurred In by all present men of both politi cal parties men who favored Local Option and men who dont care a fig for I that in the affairs of Ibis Township at least the old idea of British fair play should he given to all parties upon any great question and that if at the proper time and place the people In any great num ber should express a desire to voice their opinion at the polls they should he given a chance It was clearly evidenced that the present Council had made a grievous mistake and this was emphasized by one- of their number appearing In he regretted the action he had taken and that if a similar oc casion presented itself an entirely different stand would he take On Nomination Day lice it was decided that only such men pledge themselves to the principle of the resolution namely To allow the people an expression of opinion at the polls on any great public ques tion would receive support i The hoarding cars for the men Mr Cody working on the James Bay track-lay- Committee Edna machine were removed to dorl on Monday On Tuesday of last week another the pioneer settlers of this section passed away in his 5th in the person of Mr The de ceased was born on the farm on which he died which was purchased from the Crown about years ago He has been married to Mary Bower- man sister of Mr of Newmarket for years and a widow and three children Ida and Harry Deceased was remarkable for his good health never having had a days sickness in his life until last summer he suffered from stomach About a week before his death the trouble became acute resulting in his death He was a successful farmer and a good neighbor a Pres byterian in religion and a Liberal in politics He has said that he never cast a Conservative vote in his life The remains were interred In Pint Orchard Burying Ground The sym pathy of the community is extended to the family Sheep Do Best I long since discarded the j washing wool on the- sheep s back I remit J or one reason cannot shear and once at Moose Jaw and early shorn sheen thrive i ren was taken to Moose Jaw last An auditor said there was no mar ket for unwashed wool in his neigh borhood and Mr Dryden advised him to bundle his wool up and to Hunter aud the avangelists -OQO-c- Brandon Man Dec Messrs too KETITIJCBY King Council met here on last and wound up the of the year perhaps tlieir council ca reer At an adjourned meeting ol lie ratepayers on last the Temperance Hall here it was lie At the Winter Pair a couple of weeks ago during an address on the profitable methods of hand ling Hon- John ex- Minister of Agriculture for Ontario among other things made theso ob servations We commend his re marks to the thoughtful consideration of our North York farmers who are giving attention to sheep raising- Sheep will do better an barren hill sides than in rich lowlying lands more room they have the better they will do In winter they should not ho en closed in close quarters My first ex perience with foot rot was wi tli sheep kopt in an enclosure apparently dry but In Which the feet of the sheer sank through ilie dry straw to the soggy ground underneath If sheep arc in close quarters in winter they will perspire the wool will become wet ami when they go outside colds and other troubles are sure to fol low Sheep have a coat sufficient for warmth and all that is needed is to keep them dry At our own farm the doors are open all tho time save at lambing season The best feed for sheep in summer Is short fresh grass if this cannot be provided in any otJjer way have two or three runs so that sheen can be turned from one to the other A scarcity of feed In summer can provided against by one of two Toronto where he would find half a dozen buyers competing for it Then Mr referred to the who beon conducting a religious campaign here during the past month said goodbye to the people ol evil Years ago he said Ijdon tonight and the morn- tried to secure the passage of a bill for homes in the east The the principle of which was that a dog Presbyterian and Methodist churches at large should be considered a wild animal and that anyone should he free to destroy the same but I soon found the dog bad more friends in the Legislature than had the sheep Fi nally I had to Compromise on the law as it stands- today which says that dogs caught in the act of wor rying sheep may be destroyed or that one found on a farm sheep aie kept between sunset and sunrise may be shot At art early hour Wednesday morn ing fire broke out In the Radial Crown way Companys carbarns and before it was placed under control the steam engine used for running the passenger I House to Rent On AH city Apply J Millard tf brought before the Colonel for as- trains between Bond Lake and this vaulting his wife It appears that point was utterly ruined The pas- the of sengcr coaches were somewhat the house he returned home and j aged while the shed was burned to found the place locked When Mrs the ground The company at once returned home is said that took steps to replace the rolling he abused her shamefully being at the time the worse of liquor This is not the first time that he has been charged with this offence and the Colonel tent him down for SO days Constable Duncan accompan ied Mia to the Jail stock with the result no inter ruption to passenger and freight traf fic will result capacity Mr Norman i be kindly consented to stand i Once again a gloom was cast over Cr our nelghborhor when Mr Major Stephenson passed away on Monday planting or cult va- after a Ion and tedious exception of thinning Illness The bereaved family have cultivation are both the sympathy of the commnnly We cut the cal- Mr Davidson of Toronto is In fi You get a neighborhood in the interests of t rape and the 1 extremely satisfactory Mrs Leonard of was roots In winter Mrs Bogart last much should bo given breeding Silage is all right If correspond- wilh Judgment but It must be that a farmers Institute meet- There Is danger of scours If Is booked for Kettleby on exercised It is not Inst Farmers that after- commended It any grain used calling on week We tee by the Aurora A really smart man will refrain hot jnoon apart and make the meeting nothing better than whole both and profitable Winnipeg Bee Veicin bead of I he Colony York ton is here Our col ony is prosperous said he and you can say that We like this country During the year fully 200 came from Siberia whence they had been banished by the Govern ment because they had refused to car ry arms For twelve long years they had pin- id away in the dreary Siberian wilds buoyed up by the hope of seeing their families again in Canada whence they had gone during their captivity Most of these had been sentenc ed to eighteen years but their terms were reduced to twelve and they allowed to come out to Canada In the west there are two colonies of these people one at York ton and another at Albert At York- ton there are about while some live near Prince Albert aoO Stream of liava Miles Wide Honolulu Dec Tho steamer Ventura arrived from Australia yes terday She brought a report that eruption of Mount on the Island of Savali In the group has Increased to such force that the mountain has been piled up feef The lava has covered square miles and a stream of lava twelve miles wide Is Into the ocean The lava is being thrown feet high The natives have desert ed he region were packed to the doors fully thousand people being present the evangelists have been here fully seven hundred professed Chris tianity Stray Steer Came upon the premises of the un dersigned lot Con East limbury a Yearling Steer Red in August last Owner Is requested to prove property pay expenses and take it away If MANNING 3w16 Albert I J landing Timber FOR SALE will be received by the undersigned up to Dec for the purchase of Tim ber on about acres of lots and S3 In the rear of the 1st Con of Whitchurch Terms per cent down and bal ance in No tender accepted further Information enquire of WILSON Aurora P a s Greatest Nurseries WANT A for To sell HighClass Nursery Stock in Fruits and Ornamentals Largest list of SPECIALTIES over of fered Start NOW at the Best Sell ing Season Big inducements liber al pay handsome outfit terri tory WRITE FOR TERMS and Catalogue and send for our Aluminum Pocket mag nifies times and for our Handy Saw Just thing for trim ming trees cuts Iron as well wood STONE WELLINGTON Foothill Nurseries over 800 acres v saying things that smart On Saturday evening last while V early Iambs will pay if you Era to absent friends TORONTO ONTARIO