ONTARIO Stock Paid up Assets Head Office fl CHAS president Toronto HAS General NEWMARKET BRANCH A Weeks ideal Neois WHAT GOIKO ON Iff TOWN Formers Institute A supplementary meeting in conn co ition with the North York Farmers Institute will be held at Victoria General Banking BMlnesajHur Farmers in the vicinity are urged to be present ask questions and take part in the discussion FAMOUS PEOPLE g BY FANNIE TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on DepositsDj DRAFTS ISSUED AT ILL American Drafts Collections to LEGAL J Robertson Barrister Public Ac to Newmarket loan on good Farm Security Kola Ik jIBf Clark AIUUSTEK3 TORONTO Dominion Ban Chamber Private and Trust Fund CutTCDi Rates to at fit Conveyancers Tfcr Parlor hew market Aurora will alto be at on Saturday and Court Days- Bankers treoHcftoriVor J L Row and Ontario Bank Aurora Reformer Block sr Monet o Loan J A Agent for Lire Aiinranta Hooey to Loan inter eat at Current Bate Fire Insurance Agent and Isolated LOW liatca on Town Bank Duncan AUCTIONEER Rent Newmarket Bolton and House Decorator Corner Street and King Formers Thomas Ross farmer of the Town ship of who died in August last left an estate valued at The estate consists a farm of acres devised to deceaseds son John Ross who is to pay within six years to his sister Janet within seven years to his brother Walter and to his brother Ben jamin within nine years Championship Another Hockey Match is billed for next Monday evnin when the ton hoys will play Newmarket in the here were the win ners of their district in last seasons Intermediate Series therefore last hockey is assured as our boys are in winning form Puck will be faced at crowd and lots of excite ment expected Promoted to Chatham Mr Wallace Bruce or the past three years the obliging manager of the Sovereign Bank of Canada in this Town has promoted to the raan- ftjconienl of the new branch of the same hank at Chatham New market will be sorry to lose Mr Bruce as he showed himself a genial citizen He will carry with him many Rood wishes for his future suc cess Mr of Toronto the new Manager and comes here the Montreal office The extends a welcome to him IMS Co NORMAN DUNCAN A Successful Canadian Writer One of the brilliant young writer of Canada who won recognition by his splendid work which foreshadows still greater performance is Norman Duncan of whom the London usually of praise said It is a pleasure to know that there writer in the world from whom we may hope for greater He was bom in the City of in spent eight years at Mitchell Ont and from there entered the University of Toronto He Cook almost the full course but left attaining a degree as the scientific course did not congenial and further ha progressed the more distasteful it became lis firat work at journalism was at Auburn in and two years later he joined the staff of the New York Evening Post In literary atmos phere which harmonized with his as tea and needs he began to develop his firVfttoriea ta of life in the Syrian quarter of New York appeared serially They were simple natural heartstories told with sympathy poetic and dramatic power and had that subtle quality of refinement and artistic finish that reveal the personality of a fine mind radiating itself in print When they appeared in book form as The Soul of the Street they won instant favor with the deeming ones who appreciate individuality in literature Then he turned attention to the fishermen of Newfoundland and spent a summer on the French Shore the northern section of the eastern coast of oldest colony In this quaint primitive locality where the spinning rheel turns blithely where no desecrating railroads invade the of nature or the of man and where brave men fight fierce battles with ocean for a livelihood he lived in close companionship with the people and in of the Sea published his Newfoundland after they had jiKghiISousands of magazine readers came Dr of the Labrador another book in which the reader A Good Idea The travelling public will be grate ful for arrangements now being com pleted with the view of facilitating the prompt and direct delivery of railway baggage at Toronto Montre al and Hamilton from all stations in Canada to residences hotels rail way stations and steamboat wharves in the above cities Under this ar rangement passengers from any sta tion on the Grand Trunk Railway System upon payment of 25 cents for each piece will to check their baggage direct to any residence ho tel etc thus avoiding the necessity of making arrangements for delivery on arrival at destination and insur ing the prompt receipt of baggage at their destination Further an nouncement will be made of date on which this service will be put into effect sharp crisp cool ocean spray in his face as he lives with the people whom Mr Duncan has created and feels with them the little joys and sorrows that make up thm daily lives In all his vital and pulsing with human energy the work always seems like that of one who thinks in poetry and writes in prose tho work of one who knowing life and its struggles at close range never permits his experience to dull the edge of his optimism or of his faith in humanity Mr Duncan is now professor of rhetoric in Washington and Jefferson College Wash ington In lit I tf A Ellis and Engineer Room 209 Manning Chambers Toronto on all made Mads of prompt I When any portion of food remain m the stomach and refuses to digest it causes the torments of indigestion this undigested food rapidly ferments irritating the sensitive coating of the stomach while other parts of the body particularly the head suffer in consequence So long as this undigested food remains in the stomach the discomfort continues A few doses of ay man Jackson luuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES it y Paper at private If Ars D Nay VOCAL TEACHER from Toronto Studio Hail over Bank where will rev fcr pupils and be to vaM tuajotit wishing to consult her la to term a on Friday Tie Busy Hans THE ERA One Year for Do you realize what this of it The cream of magazines of the together- with the worlds for twelve Mans Magazine pfo4uot8 best and Instructive articles from the leading current To eojre would of of doi- par to of It wvj14 you to from offer you to tee In clot touch with world of thought at a Is Oram We cop the following from the Sun Mr Shepherd is a boy and it runs in our mind that he learned his trade in Newmarket with the late j Wright Mr is a worthy and progressive young man and has our congratulations The Sun says A very prulty wedding was solemnize at the of Mr J Thursday afternoon of last week when youngest daughter Mary was in the holy bonds of matri mony to Mr J Shepherd of Win nipeg At four oclock pm the brid al parly entered the parlor the bride leaning on the arm of her father while Miss Henderson of played the wedding inarch The bride and groom were unattended Miss Henderson of acted as maid of honor Tins bride looked charming in a dress of cream and pale blue dt soie over cream and trimmed with chiffon and pearls The ceremony was performed by the J Morris pastor ot the Clinton street Methodist Church Toronto assisted by Rev Boss of Lisle After the ceremony an elab orate wedding dinner was The next morning Mr and Mrs Shep herd left on a tour to Hamilton To ronto Buffalo and other places before returning to new home in Winni peg where we wish them all the hap piness and prosperity that this life can On- the same evening about a hun dred of members and adherents of Black Bank Presbyterian Church as- and presented Mra Shepherd with a neatly framed address a sil ver waiter and tray service for her assistance as organist the past Her brother Mr was atfto with a handsomely framed address and a Morris chair for fcerricea a choir master Mr Newell ably filled the chair and called on Miss Laura Newell to read Mrs Shepherds address and Miss to make the presenta tion- He then called on Mr to read J Mr James to make the presentation after which all iermentation sweeten the contents of the stomach and give natural assistance that relieves the of burden The of Pills gradually strengthens the stomach soon restores them to a normal healthy condition Pills positively cure all stomach trouble while beneficial effects on the liver and kidneys greatly improve the gen eral health Pills have been used and recommended by the gen eral public for oyer fifty yean fcy Proprietor Helens la to Sixteen hives Iiost Jan Sixteen persons are believed to have perished in a landslide which occurred hew about JI oclock last night Itvpoits tonight are to the that the dead were from prominent families in the town The landslide occurred at tin- end of and eight bouses were carried over a clay bank into the brick excavations dropping down a hundred feet oeo a MM lit 32 Miles Winnipeg Man Jan During the wind of last Friday a freight car standing on a aiding at was blown on to the main line and went thirtytwo miles before coming to a standstill at Junction The car went through Gladstone at a high rate of giving of the inhabitants a scare as it went dashing by It is understood that Morris Wood of amateur cham pion skater of America has accepted the challenge issued by of this city who holds the Canadian record for yards The challenge left the choice of place to Wood among York Montreal and To ronto and the New Yorker chose To ronto The races will take place here towards the end of the month with a suitable trophy as the prize At the request of Crown Attorney Curry the AttorneyGeneral has ap pointed Mr Nicholas Murphy KC to assist him in the prosecution of the tack combine Much has been expected from the luxury of wireless telegraphy The rates from Toronto however arc practically prohibitive so that unless it is matter of urgent necessity it is not made use of James Bond license inspector for West York and an exMayor of To ronto Junction was struck by a car on the Railway on Saturday afternoon receiving a frac tured skull and other injuries from which death ensued instantly The new Grand Trunk yards at with their fourteen miles of track and roundhouse with a capa city of twentyeight locomotives were opened for traffic this week The AttorneyGeneral of Ontario has won his action for succession dues against the estate of the late Lee of this city recovering About converts was the result of the TorreyAlexander meetings in Hall last Sunday It is stated as an authenticated fact that the of Russia spends no less than yearly on perfumes soaps and toilet waters ordered al most entirely from France Wonder what some of the fair sex of Gum Swamp spoken so kindly of by The Owl will think of that for perfumed extravagance Madge Merton in the Star says Ive always envied women who kept on hand and picked it up at odd times Madge need not he envious at this it will not cost more than to buy both knit- can exercise herself at odd times can exercise herself at times to her hearts content It is reported that John on whose information the prosecution of the plumbers combine was insti tuted has absconded His store and effects are now jn the hands of the sheriff James Warren engineer for penny Bros has been arrested on suspicion that he has knowledge of the of about worth of goods stolen from his em ployers He was remanded in the Police Court till the for exam ination The Canadian Horse Show or ganization meeting was held in this city on Saturday Mr Geo Head- more was elected chairman ami Hen ry secretary It was decided to hold the show on the 2nd to of May The Dominion Coat and Apron Man ufacturing Supply Company incor porated in is said to be insolv ent and a petition for winding up the company will be heard Friday The end of Sunlight Park as a re creation field has come and the place where Toronto won the international pennant and thousands of baseball football lacrosse and polo games were played is now to he given over to manufacturing sites The fence has already been removed and the Grand Trunk will build a spur line across the property Three skaters went through the ice at Grenadier Pond on Sunday hut got out with nothing worse than a told hath It was estimated that people were on the ice Sunday afternoon for recreation The Womens cry for the franchise got a setback I in Toronto New Years day t he result of the vote on the reduction of licenses Of women voters only about a quarter of them thought it worth while to vote This Is one of the vital questions for which they have been pleading for the franchise so that they could protect their homes The polling day was exceptionally fa vorable but the opportunity was neg lected v PROVED A SUCCESS AND WON A NAME AND PLACE IN THE HOMES OF CANADA IN ONE YEAR SOLD ONLY BY J A ALLAH 9 NEWMARKET X ooo ens Coats Mens Overcoats Mens Fine Suits AT THE- JOBBING HOU I k I from swallowing carbolic acid given of which he was president has him by his Wife in mistake been sent to Auburn Prison for five cine years STILL cites for the cure indigestion and troubles invariably cures all Mr a few words thanked forms of stomach his Many friends for their goodwill towards his himself The of the evening was spnt in readings reeitatfona and games all left for their happy A portrait of the late J Manning Palmer charged with first President of the misappropriating funds of the l0 Benson Winegardt of London died can Exchange National Bank of city last week and now adorns tho walls of the City Hall A Provincial banquet will he ten dered Sir Wilfrid Premier of Canada In Toronto on the of next month The Literary anil Sci entific Society of the University of Toronto have received a letter from Sir Wilfrid consenting to attend banquet on Feb The Institute in connec tion with the Agricultural College at will it Is expected become affiliated with the University of Toronto A party of eighteen young men brought from Scotland by the Cana dian Hank of Commerce to act clerks in this country reached Toron to last week They range from to 10 years Some of them banking experiences and all have some knowledge of commercial life Eighteen telegraph poles on the P it between Junction arid Aglncourt were overturned In thp storm on Wednesday of last week Mr A a wellknown Canadian Pacific conductor has been appointed superintendent of construction on the branch of the It the hen a doubt On of on ftveraA wilt for the as pound of butter and the labor lew tho farm give paying If fed ben it her action to lay egg Hercules Poultry Food containi make your lay In at tho hlghMt price them In condition to dictate KILLER will keep your fowl vermin and CLYDESDALE CARDOLIHE ANTISEPTIC will keep your hen- clem add to the production All our are wld under a POSITIVE or money cheerfully refunded by the dealer Stock Food Co Toronto FOR SALE A Newmarket Wilson Mount Albert Leeds Maple Norman Aurora Geo A McDonald Richmond Hill J L Kitchen Queensvllle for Stomach Tablets Continues to Increase Although Miona was introduced In tern In this way nervousness and Newmarket but abort time ago it sleeplessness are cured headaches is to4ay outselling ail other troubles except backaches and rheumatic pains are prevented and there will he no more poor appetite distress after eating or debility costs but a box If you cannot obtain Miona of your druggist It will be sent by mail It givea web health and strength postpaid on receipt of Write to the weakest that all for on your from a the food readily into leading stomach specialist which will nutrition so Chit it gives nourish- be pent free The Booth Corn- and to the whole ays Dont Neglect A Cough I Many a caw chronic Pneumonia be traced I directly to only a cough When the fiitt cold Uxt In at OF IT COUORB in the condition to trying effects of a While working at a in the now At the conference With CopP Clark bindery Fred Rose the on Friday they years old got bit loft hand caught in fcetod to proas reporters being of the com fingers wore There is some tchotrie on completely No action Will be taken by the On- BEST LAXATIVE SOLD Lords Pay Alliance for further Dr of legislation from the Ontario wltfofa was decided 5S at meeting of the Legislation Com- It tow Very wild of tho AUUnco held yet What Is the Radial Railway Co