I THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY JANUARY J- W r rf CHINA ho of All the old officers were reelected by acclamation on Wednesday even ing Lloyd K of the bride was bridesmaid ami dressed in a pale grey silk crepe with a shirred girdle of pale blue- velvet The bride was also assisted by her Miss Mabel of Auditors Hughes A vote of thanks was heartily ten dered Mr Webb for his able and efficient services as President of- little sister the Association ever since its forma- Toronto tion six years ago and very general I grooms gilt to the bride was a regret expressed at Ms retirement sunburst of pearls and to the vote was acknowledged and the maid a pearl crescent meeting adjourned- The Newmarket The bride was well known in the Society has como to of and Sharon near 71 HALL Jan CleaningDp Stock stay which spent two years of success ful work advancing the knowledge of numerous young juveniles Fatal Explosion Those present from out town were Word was received last week from Mr George Stock Mr Norman Stock Omission There will be special services at the Mission on St next Sunday Elder H S President of the city mission work i will conduct the services at 3 aid Vancouver of a sad accident on Sat- and Jenme Stock of Columbus 3C Dec which resulted in the Dickson Miss Maggie of Mr Cleveland Mrs Hopkins erly of Mr Mr and Miss Grose into the woodshed todo and Mrs Watson Sharon The few who have not yet paid work and through the striking of a and Miss their taxes will soon have costs add- caused of plod injuring him so severely that Minutes of King Council received was immediately taken to the too late for this issue Hospital where he succumbed on St Pauls Christmas Tree in the Wednesday the Mr Sunday School this evening Tea at ffas formerly Principal of six oclock Public School and has only recently Messrs Eves and Ford shipped removed to Vancouver Mrs Huggard of hogs to Toronto and Montreal on Wednesday nee Miss Porter was formerly a pu pil of Newmarket High School and Next Monday the last day for Porter who LAMPS Hall Lamp worth for Extra fine Stand Parlor Lamps dccoraUons regular prices to GO now to A fiae Printed Toilet lor Dinner Sets A few Dinner Sets left at GROCERIES Salmon regular quality choice link River for box finest Selected box finest Selected Raisins Very fine quality Table Figs were Wc new ft Cheap for cooking Very nice Salmon every can guar antee good fish cans Tomatoes Com and Peas Quality Prices Right Herrings Very fits quality cans for tea Japan Tea for ft clerks to make their returns to of births marriages deaths for the past six months I MM Horticultural Sooiaty Tbe annual meeting of the in the Public School here Mrs will have the deep sym pathy of many friends here Johnston Mr Mrs Mr Young of The happy couple left on the mid night train for their new home in Hamilton The bride was the recipient of many handsome and useful presents The council elect for met to Iin and subscribing the declarations ot took their sent Barter Councillors Frank Henry Crow dor Henry Glover Robert Minutes of Inst meeting read confirm pi The printing was given J- P McKay at his last year Tender The following amounts were paid Sutton share of Hall for Court House A Return orflcer SllnK Deputy Return offierr 10 Deputy Returning Officer of Hall for I nomination I McKay tonl on printing I McKay on printing ear v J 28 lb Boxes RAISINS a Box K J Hospital for Sick Donation Morion nails for sidewalk A bylaw Hardys Emergency Sale a ozn John and Children Keswick 100 appointing Morton Auditor- Way in a Prober Vsses or Collector J Marrltt Silver menu Iters of the Hoard of Health Council then adjourned to meet Methodist Church The Missionary Society met at the home of Mrs Cane on Horticultural Society was afternoon and completed two or in the Hall last Wednesday even- quilts for purposes lee attendance was not The annual meeting of the Ladies large as the importance of the was held at oclock at the deserves Mr Webb place on the same day The President occupied the chair After treasurers report was very gratify- and confirming minutes oiling The Society started the year last annual meeting the Secretary on hand and closed with Keith vas called upon to pre- in the treasury set the report which was as fol- islanding that during the year the balance of indebtedness on the new He annual of the electric fixtures in the church was a new set of Parlor Fur- placed in the Parsonage The total receipts during tbe year were The officers were reelected was not held until August and paid on and This date was the earliest pos- place of the backward far the most sibte by reason son which was favorable we have had to contend follows with since tbe organization of the society However notwithstanding the bad weather particularly on the Grit day of exhibition when steady downpour of rain made it impossible to get exhibits in place we are able to report that a very creditable Considering Owing to the recent destruction by fire of the splendid building of the Friends College at Pickering the trustees are considering the subject again March 19th of There are many ap parent reasons why it would be to the advantage of the Trustees to locate the College at the thriving Town of Newmarket which we believe were set forth in a publicspirited com munication from our Mayor addressed to Hoard of Trustees upon learn ing of the loss at Pickering The old location is quite have any better fire protection than formerly unless the cost of maintenance is borne entirely by the College whilst in- the manner of the only available method is acetylene gas which is a more con stant source of danger than electric ity In its former locality villi of a The orb of is slowly sinking character and long est nealh the horizon and the azure of For the Era A Pageant of the Skies BY A One of those moments in the life of man which can never be obliterated from the memory but must ever re main therein indelibly enshrined must be the wondrous pageant which some years ago was presented at sunset in the south of and elsewhere caused it is believed by the mineral dust ejected into the upper regions of the ait by the terrible volcanic erup tions near Java You Want to Male Do you want to decrease your Household xpenses this cold month of January i 1lb tin Coffee English Breakfast tic tins Tomatoes for 3 tins Corn for 25c tins Peas for tins Pumpkin for good Prunes for lbs Choice Dates for bats Eclipse Soap for bars Fairy Toilet Soap for 25c bars Tar Soap reg for 25c Table Syrup 5lb tin tin est Brand r Mixed Fancy iscuiis lbs for President Mrs Jackson VieePrcs Mrs J Secretary Mrs Ed Richardson Treasurer Mrs Geo Executive Mrs J Mrs Atkinson Mrs the skies is giving place to a flood of and carmine which as at length at Whitby and Port Hope the territory was oversupplied while jin this section with unexcelled rail- disappeared way radial transportation I variegated Now west- field ihe friends Church being strong here and a growing- factor in this vicinity should be another i Mannin Mrs John and Mrs fair was held The number entries was quite up Cane to the average and articles in most lfie conclusion of the business were as good as other years took the ladies entirely by It being so late in the season of small fruits was somewhat I ern sky is glowing in almost every color of the rainbow wavy striated lines of amethyst and mauve light veined cloudlets of vivid emerald True i- nc off to a pellucid Trustees to Newmarket hat fantastic wisps of fleecy vapour ens would unite in to glistening in lovely hue of sldcmtion with the College Hoard cloudlets of vivid We feci confident that were ram of a failure also on account ol the quality of cut flowers was so good as in some years The second afternoon and evening only were open to public the first day being reserved as before for ar ranging of exhibits etc A male the not First of the Season ii The first hockey match of the sea son took place at Newmarket Kink quartette and the Band of York last Monday evening between enlivened proceedings during wood and Newmarket Intermediate a very en- The Leading Reliable the evening and rendered jpyable program The exhibition was again held in the Newmarket Skating Kink and as considerable difficulty has always been experienced in the past- io secur ing tables etc for arranging of fruit and flowers your Board this year and was won by the local boys after hard work by the score to Thc game was over half an hour late in starting on account of the train from the north being late Referee Hancock of Toronto the bell and brought the teams the somewhat large equity and cloud a at Peering fri Within a Period of five years those Wei flashing and beautiful from sentiment of old associa- tions are now opposed to leaving the I isiI0W old beautifully unproved Picker- a rippling waters of site would he more than assured ocean which sparkle and ultimate benefits that tI0 gemmed with diamonds A Rich Red Salmon tin Clover Leaf tins for AT BETTER VALUES THAN CAN BE OFFERED BY ANY FIRM Cattle Poultry FOR ONE WEEK of would result from change rf eVpphlrea location TELEPHONE 35 USE IT A Rich purchased material and had it made get her The enters from crowd into a sufficient number of benches or of five hundred anxious spectators horses so that now all that is who had been patiently waiting since nearly raised the roof and is to secure the loan lum ber for tables The amount offered in prizes was increased for this the kept up Thc manifold advantages of having so excellent and progressive an edu cational Institution located in our midst should stimulate citizens to interest themselves deeply in the scheme of a New Pickering College located at Newmarket Reliable Store want honest square dealing my aim You get Just you buy at the RIGHT PRICE beautiful Porcelain Dishes thrown of has to tale charge tbe excitement and cheering was throughout the whole game Hockey Team play- again increase for- mis years prize The game started off in the fastest team on our pond list and every item was well compel- style of hockey and for the first few New Years day and beat them I to minutes the hoys had We arc justly proud of our play but it was soon a different I has been Our reliables settled this neighborhood and left how THE OPENING DAYS are la ftet W aad Oct are Call and COLE Canadas Greatest V A T ft ll for To ieU Stock la Start NOW at the Beat IV Big pay WRITK tor Ova for w A FcaUiUI ONTARIO for many beautiful specimens of plants and flowers being brought out Free seed was again distributed to school children but results from this method are only moderately satisfac tory As In previous years your Hoard again adopted plan defraying all expense of exhibitors connected with bringing and returning of articles After the exhibition the Boards of thc Horticultural and Agricultural Societies again amalgamated on the same terms as before it being found mutually beneficial In conclusion we arc pleased state that in spite adverse weather Society is in a flourishing condi tion and public interest continues to increase steadily year by year The President then called for the fi nancial report of the Treasurer when Mr Jackson presented the follow ing audited statement Receipts To balance from previous Legislative and Municipal grants J Members Members for Toronto jacinths and flashing emeralds But I K as thc solar influence wanes and architect of the Court House says a fades away all this glory disappears witness was the man who made the and the sable reign of night mantles arrangements for the payment of all in gloom to Dr How many- more Another and quite different display tneic fln of this sunset pageant may be 500 damage was done by fire though probably very rarely from at Kenilworth Ave on Tuesday elevated positions of thc mountains evening An overheated stove to lake of Geneva Immediately after sunset entire panorama visitors reached thc spread out beneath our feet and also Tuesday evenings train from the firmament over our head has as- Winnipeg rates are in evidence from the West to Ontario down to business and in a short time j Monday to attend Queens Colit prizes of Admission fees Booth privileges our hoys had goals to their credit hoys seemed to tire and their forwards were slow in following up prevented them from be coming dangerous at any Mage The puck was kepi travelling up and down ice and before half time each side had added goal making the halftime score to I After ten minutes rest some clever work was done on both sides New market added two in order and repeated the trick by- two long shots from centre New market forwards were working hard and ater some scuffling around cen tre ice our forwards broke away and before time was called had added more goals making final score to Our boys have had very little chance to round into shape but to the sur prise of their supporters arc playing fastest stamp of hockey and with the support of townspeople we will have a winning team Our boys lined up as follows goal Vox point Fred Doyle cover point Frank Doyle forwards Kennedy Doyle and Walker Total Expenditures By paid prlea tM 1st pretty wedding in A celebrated at lb residence of Fitting uplink cfor show die when Kingston Miss Mereweathcr of Toronto has been spending a week with her Mrs McNeil Mr Fred has rented his shop and house to Hopper and will move into Newmarket before thc fir- of March We are sorry that Mr fared I lea- cock is somewhat indisposed this week Miss Margaret is visit ing with her sister Mrs Albert Starr Thc pond presents a lively scene these moonlight nights as there arc quite a number of skaters naking good use of the ice There was a dancing party at Al fred McNeils on Tuesday night fa Paid Salaries Working expenses Balance on hand for 10Q 25 were Total On motion these reports adopted The election of officers for the cur rent year followed viz 1st Martin 2nd ViovPrea J SecretiryWm Keith Dirttors Webb J A Cody Bert A Davis J Ma- thewson Doyle Dr and their eldest daughter Lizzie was united in the holy of matri mony to Mr J Crummy of Hamilton Rev J of officiating At oclock while the bridal party entered the drawing room the wed ding march was played by the uncle The bride away by her father The bride in a robe of white taf feta over white silk trimmed with embroidered chiffon and teed pearls The veil was fastened with a wreath of of valley and ehe carried a bouquet of white Annie Brodie Winnipeg Mrs Bant and child of Oshawa have returned home after a weeks stay under the parental roof Mr and Mrs J Davis visited friends in on Sunday entertainment which was held last Friday evening In connection with thc Christian was a de cided success The children did well members also made theirpastor Rev a great surprise when Mrs Johnson cam forward and read a very appropriate address and Mrs J Davis gave a purse of over Rev a very feeling reply Mr visited on Sunday at Mr Mr of Richmond Hill will occupy the pulpit next Sunday In the Christian Church Miss Annie Law Was visiting a few days in Miss Martha Dougherty ville la spending this week here Mr Johnson and son of Markham visited a day at Mr Walkers Send tha to abcat a bloodred hue the snowcap ped mountains are now not only crested with a crown of bright scar let but right down to the very base are of almost the same sanguinary hue the trees and shrubs the fields and meadows the distant chalets and winding roads arc all dyed a deep red while the lake beneath is a ver itable lake of as though some terrible orgic of had Wen en acted On Its motionless surface arc a number of dark red boats with crimson sails and over it a number of gulls of the hue of the scarlet ibis arc disporting themselves But soon all is over and once more Nature is veiled in darkness and obscurity And so if the Sun of Righteousness shine not upon our souls all must he blackness and lurid darkness Bui if by aid of Holy Spir it that His sufferings and death were borne by Him as the punishment due to us- we accept Him as our and our Mediator ail that darkness rolls away and we rejoice in the knowledge our names are in Book- of Lite froeO It is said that Premier Whitney has promised to Increase Torontos repre sentation in the Legislature to eight members The troublo is to ascer tain where cut out four members in other parts of Province with out making a howl OOP How Sea Birds Get a Drink Plenty of Montreal Jan J The Grand Trunk Pacific 15000 names from which to make a choice for the designation the terminal city of their systems on tho Pacific Coast Thc offer ol a price attracted competit ors who sent in contributions and many of the competitors took advan tage the opportunity allowed under thc conditions of submitting three names Thc result was that the ag gregate of was The nanus have air been classified and arranged in alphabetical order and out of number the Grand Trunk Pacific Board will inako tho ot favored designation It may bo worthy of note that a hundred competitors fixes their choice on Grand Trunk Railway LEAVE Going South cod am and pm North and and pm LEAVE TORONTO Going North am pm Going West and am A and pm Going East and am and pm Metropolitan Leave Newmsiket and am and pm Early car every Monday morning car every Wednesday Saturday night at Leave Toronto 720 am and fl pm Late car every Wednesday and Saturday night at hi Special Excursion Rates every Wed nesday and Saturday afternoon BRANCH Connecting at Bond Lake Leave and p Arrive In Toronto 9 am and pm Leave Toronto720 am and p Arrive In am and pm When I an elderly was a cabin boy Bald sailor I often used to wonder birds thousands of miles out to sea what they done for fresh water when they got thirsty One dav a squall answered that question for It was hot and In the tropics and in the clear sky overhead a black rain cloud appeared all of a sudden Theh out of empty space over a hun dred sea birds came from ev ery direction They got under the rain cloud and they waited there lor about ten minutes round and round and when the rain began to fall they drank their fill In the tropics where great tea birds sail thousands of miles away from shore they Ret their water in that way They smell out a storm a long way off they travel a hundred mite maybe to get under It and ther swallow enough raindrops to keep then Portland i RAiewAV WAITED Position aa nalealady Some ex perience Addreso J Era New market Boarders Wanted Gentlemen preferred Apply at the Era Office Boy Wanted To learn Printing One that attended High School or two year preferred Apply aft thin Of Wain FOR THE WINTER GO TO California Mexico or A Florida The Land Summers Tour of All Leaving Toronto on Jan all points of Interest Special reduced rate tit Clemens Baths and St Sprigs resort for those who need a rest Beet el hotel For tteketfl full call on J