A few good ones sow on hand at almost HALF PRIOR always plenty of Net Watches at close prices VV Give No Sickle Copies faoTy o ftad to freely according to ocmscicceftboTe all liberty AND ADVERTISER No paper Beat outside Norte York paid In it Newmarket Ont Friddy March i6 you are Intending Building Painting Repairing Roofing putting in Furnace or Plumbing Outfit it will cost you nothing to Call and get estimates Our suggestions might be of advantage to SLardwar Oar line is most complete and comprises everything in Hardware Paints Glass Heating Plumbing and to complete a house from cellar to roof Our prices will save you money ROOFING MATERIAL Every farmer builder and anyone re quiring Roofing ought to know about It is used by the leading Railroads Manufacturers and Farmers All over United States and Canada about the same as Rood shingles is fire lightning storm and age proof Tinware and Quality remains alter price is forgotten We have a large at our own make of heavy Tinware in Milk Pans Palls Creamers Dish Pans etc ware in Kemps and ware the two best manufactured SATISFACTION OR MONEY REFUNDED NEWMARKET PHONE a We have lust received our New Spring Stock which includes all the Latest fox the coming season LADIES CARD CASES LADIES PURSE A CARD CASES LADIES CHATELAINES GENTS BILL PURSE GENTS BILL FOLDS GENTS POCKET PURSE GUILDS PURSES A to CO to a to to to 1 to 1 to 25 Drug tore Webbs Chocolates and Fancy IceCream Bricks ALWAYS ON HAND TICKET AGENTS FOR THE ANCHOR LINE FROM NEW YORK TO GLASGOW l OUR FIVE DOLLAR FREE TO LADIES it BEAUTY FOJRM and HEALTH Every wellbred woman well aware of the incalculable value of these three great secrets womanly acd you are lacking to any or al of three great womanly attribute then writ to day lor FREE FIVE DOLLAR BEAUTY OFFER too complexion sallow your akin oily or disfigured by Mack tea etc Are your darit Irregularity or overwore Id a word does your Plainly the ravage of lime inroad of SSMrL write for OT to nil lh for askb Correspondence strictly It yours tor that we eon quickly arid every In tke land LUCE Vobt Toronto Canada I 0 If In J Last Thursday while a funeral procession bound lor tbe Union Queen Street at Beverley a car struck the hearse the- coffin and the flowers The driver injured and the fcbafts broken Another had to bo procured hefore the body could be taken to the station- Marshall manager or butch er in St market was found dead in the of too shop one day last week suffocated by gaff- He appears to accidentally left the tap open when the gas and sat down in his chair and fey asleep There were outside prisoners in the jail at the close of the week that is prisoners who ought to be Traced in the Central and would be if there was room for them In con sequence the jail Is overcrowded A portrait Hon John Dryden will be presented to the- Ontario Ag ricultural College at by the Ontario Agricultural Experimental Union of Mr Was for years president The portrait Will be ready for unveiling in Decem ber Arrangements are being made by the management of the Industrial lor the largest exhibition Shorthorn cattle ever held in Canada and will be in prizes Sir William Mulock will exhibit for the first has entered of his select herd In the Police Court the other day Daniel a middle aged was committed to the Kingston for three years for forging the name of Dr King to a check for It Is understood the Government refused to grant a liquor at Cobalt They have refused to interfere with present mining regula tions which- prohibit liquor selling Within five miles of a mine The membership of the Toronto Board of Trade now numbers At a meeting of the Board last week it was resolved that soon as the membership reaches a of will be charged for membership Mr A K of the Canadian Club has just received a letter from Mr Andrew Carnegie de finitely accepting the clubs invita tion to attend a complimentary din ner at on Friday evening April Mr Carnegie is coining to Toronto as guest of the Cana dian Club In the General Sessions last week convicted on two charges He shown to have as saulted Laura whose home is at Weston on Dec at oclock In the morning The jury were con vinced that be also assaulted Mrs Anna Manning and snatched her chat elaine bag on Dec On Friday morning last the remain der of the who refused to work and had been limited to a bread and water diet for eight days asked to be restored to favor Die Gover nor of the Gaol consented arid they enjoyed their dinner immensely A rather rude jolt to the reputa tion- not only of Toronto but also to the Industrial Imposition was given the other day when a deputation the Ministerial Association found it necessary to wait on the management to as for the rfi continuance the Midway and all that class of objec tionable features he Fair Representatives of life Insurance held secret conclave at the King last week prepara tory to the investigation the Conn mission appointed by the Dominion Government Hot Mr Manna who has ap pointed chairman the Municipal Committee of the Assembly stated at the first meeting that they would be asked to Consider amendments re lating to running of automobiles but he thought if they were much further restricted it would almost amount to prohibition Prejudice and fear raises unreasonable objec tions sometimes vooev Mrs Charles was caught In the shaft of her husbands mill at and killed Mrs John of Man who has been visiting at Mr MacCaUuma Huron Street lift for borne last week On Tuesday at Lindsay Mrs Pol lard president of the Ladles AM So ciety Lindsay was proceeding to the Queen St Methodist Church there to attend a concept she was struck the train thrown about feet and had two of her ribs fractur ed Mining New Ontario THE TOWN OK COBALT narrator of the above reports cent of the people Japan Are China and Japan Fan Behind Cobalt presents a most extraordin ary appearance evi dent Picked out a locality Contain ing within a limited area largest number of huge boulders within City miles and as a consequence thcplact consists a series steep toboggan slides Leaving station the pas- Appletons Magazine sees the rough and Tbe own inter- dwell cropping out the pr6tation S Having blended into its life at Quebec Scarcely llJ ft tbe place possesses level foundation sel to tef l an civilization to elongated stilts Whatever plana the Ja town lots possessed seen 0ccidcQt in forgotten and shacks a cropping u and in a haphazard w f conservative turns and corners ano lhan Thls struts sometimes scarcely twelve considerinK feet wide decorated with stumps w d Eu curving an fashion At tlie time the Place can Orient before develop boast of frame how enterprise to discover the bank and an o the In all amount lire and activity fcveryth in the town is prices tb lBlj along like a runaway freight train the town site comprised ot the fitta mo and this has subsequent- w been increased to twentyfive Be- fina this a to the north soot into he leases and or half a ralo t cocbineal in each direction shop fabrics the COn and shack owners are MrVaUvc j p squatters rights and erec ting and u selling structures on the chance of jnst use subsequently obtaining leases d fcfa whatever authority controls the sur- ima ine1 course they run the t0 a risk of mining tunnel pro- inttotlucion under their habitations and the Lomon prcipiIat mi scenery changed by the combined agency of the drill and dynamite but garment was fined purchased the regular town lots for 20 Comj fa apiece at the auction last fall Amet js stand n the same predicament to support the curious in December last ie low Japanese John HI of SchUTki ixhibitd every description and mean- to the people time a large number o structures been rhrown together and at the Evin p present time everything is in a state inveDlio of rapid growth nc the Foundations o c laui of is proceeding that fol1 1UJ upon our 250 dwellings and shoos ar i coa Tire population of he town is placed isc at from- to and lhe sewl over men are scattered through the scratching for or finds already made AnM Whatever may ultimately happen to conservative the mining camp for the next Amcr months Cobalt state wins there fold the bound to boom The erection Catholic Church in the Northern end of the town has attracted the French vote the advance guard of the army of Innovations designed to great fortune seekers who will invade the economic progress in the empire are new mining fields to be already neither voted nor talked to death many of the trains from North The thing is done forthwith and the Bay being crowded to standing nations witness a new room iOhosis io Japan The system is p adapted to the Orient only a few a lew years behind that changes at band in create commerce a new and aim we are element to that locality It seems very probable that the business dis trict will grow in the opposite direc tion Lots centrally located are soaring in value weekly The property on which the Cobalt Hotel is situated was auctioned last summer for In August last it was valued at The present frame structure cost at the outside not more and three weeks ago Pig of New sold the property Another local oldtimer who had upon a pleasant house lot on the hillside felt unable to pull to the to which price the property was hid up at auction and bitterly regrets the fact when the lot having been transferred four times is selling at The ex periences the local W Donaldson have a tendency to exalt real estate values Last summer he purchased a sixtyfoot central lot for paying down Recently whole town states he sold fortyfive feet of the property for re taining fifteen feet to accommodate his business activities vari ety of retail trade is thoroughly rc- though not in a aris tocratic fashion over fifteen general stores having projected their shingles The following paragraph appears In sonic our exchanges au a despatch from Toronto A prospector who has been recently operating In the Co balt district tells a curious story of the salting down a claim which was perpetrated recently in that dis trict An enterprising individual se cured some Cobalt silver ore from one of working mines and mixing it Portland cement dumping it in to a crack in tbe rock of an appar ently barren claim and as a result cold his claim for When tho new owner put In the first shot he blew the bottom out of his bonanza The inkling he had that some thing was wrong was the finding of oats at the bottom hole and through the maw of the ore it that the was carried to toe claim In an ftjt sack and some oats had got mixed with it passage back to the United States This was only seven vpta before we opined Japan to progress For ten years America kept Samuel Morse on the verge of starvation and when a reluctant congress finally to experiment on a line between Washington and an emi nent statesman attempted to defeat the bill by including In the purposes of the appropriation the survey of a route for a railway to the moon Since Japan began to hunt in every land for inventions it could take away an American railway hing to consider the Wesliiihousc brake saying that a man who tried to stop a train with wind was a fool of its catholicity and its airiness to put to Immediate test all innovations Japan believes thai it will take the leadership among na tions Already Lord has confessed that if wants to acquire uptodate efficiency it must give diligent study to the me tb oils employed Japan The cnsmopoli- tanlsm a country that has model led army upon Germanys Its navy upon Englands its school sys tem upon Americas whose laws were built upon the Code Napoleon whose religion came from China and whose calendar from Christendom may perhaps be even more clearly comprehended when it is known that the elder statesmen of Japan actu ally considered the advisability of Introducing All Fools Day All things whether they be great or grotesque are certain of receiving attention by the leaders who are making Japan A factor upon which Japanese leaders base ambitious hope for the future of their country and for China is that it both empires it Is the few people in charge of he Government not the populace that decide ques tions of progress A form of state socialism in Japan It has not been necured by the people but conferred upon them their rulers America as Lowell put It in a government by declamation The Japanese boast that theirs is a gov ernment of action Only per It is to be tried in China We shall be better prepared for the sudden changes that will be brought about in the Celestial Kingdom through tbe fiat system which Japan has established in trie Far Cast if we clear our minds of the mam Occi dental delusion regarding China We have assumed that China two thousand years behind the age that Japan cannot hurry its ponder ous neighbor into modern and that when the Chinese become a nation of train catchers as Miller calls America the ships of Uncle Sam will arrive in the Sea with civilized cargoes We picture our industrial as the perfected outcome of centuries and almost a The opportunity which we are make the greatest trading nations in history It map be urged that the the continent of Asia are too con servative to accommodate themselves to so mighty transformation But the masses have nothing to Say about it Even if they were con sulted their conservatism Would probably be no more marked than that which resisted unsuccessfully of machinery into the the coming would buy the right of way a effected China has several of genius and labor As a matter of miles of railways fact China at the ginning the telephone it ma- nineteenth century was as j pro- Europe or America The M whole world Was a dismal affair Civilization in its most cultured form in London and Boston still struck steel and flint together to light its fires For the first two decades of the nineteenth century when sundown overtook St Peters burg Paris New York cities lapsed into the Dark Ages There land the army not a gas jet in the metropolis was of the United States until It is estimated that today over matches are consumed daily in the United States In Japan alone exported to China and Hongkong enormous quantities of valued at no less than yen Yet up to there was not a match in the world At the beginning of the nineteenth century there were no better means of communication between the valleys of Europe than between those of The best medium of trans portation were rivers and and in these China was better equipped than the Occident When we picture ourselves rushing along twenty ahead of China let us remember that it took three weeks for the news of Madisons election to reach the citizens of Ken tucky It took three days travel from Calais Paris a distance of 150 miles- The diligence that toiled along sand roads into and the stagecoach that frequently pitted or overturned on the way to Wash ington were scarcely to be preferred in speed or comfort to the carts and of China A journey from I ton to Pittsburg was at tended with difficulties and hardships equal to those of a trip from to distant city of that empire America was strong and resolute but handmade and Of manufacturers as we now understand them we had virtually none- infant Industry had not yet arrived There was practically nothing in our whole industrial system to astonish a traveller from Cathay In agricul tural science both China and Japan had made more advance than Amer ica Our Hail was almost as old as human hunger Far the first nineteen years of the nineteenth cen tury the plows in use in the United States were like- the one that Concln- left In the field years before Perry opened Japan to trade we did not have a line of telegraph in America In the year that be reached the Sunrise Kingdom our pioneers upon rafts and boats to across the Mississippi There no bridge across that river years after Perry left the door open in the Orient travellers to Iowa were compelled to ride miles in a stage coach where in In Winter they warmed their feet over field stones taken out at inter vals and heated over fires We have imagined that transfor mation of Japan was exceptional and that therefore wo need not look for a similar Industrial change In other countries of the Far East Success has a short memory Ja pans metamorphosis has been con temporaneous with world The backwardness and of the whole western world almost up to the second half of the nine teenth century and the amazing chances wrought with the coming of the- current mechanical age shows what marvellous transformation may ho looked for in China for that em pire in just about in the condition that America was in Japan has no delusions on the of Chinas awakening It knows that Its own reconstruction la not miraculous than simultane ous transformation of Europe- and the United States that China is chinery and electric lights The Government has established and arsenals and is operating mines When America considers China it thinks of 400000000 peo ple inert and uninterested in the af faire of the world We should on the contrary keep in mind the who are taking counsel of Japan army of alert students in the universities of Modem men like Li Hung Chang Sir the present at Washington and the Viceroy Chang will make China great just as Marquis his colleagues have transformed China enjoys the marked advantage of coming Into the heritage after great inventions have been proved and accepted With the great price of waste of years and neglect of genius we bought out emancipation from drudgery But to Far East latterday comes free China has employ ed Japanese experts in every line to install the new order of things POOR PACKAGE DYES MAKE Miserable Diamond Dyes Have Made Millions of Wives Daughters Happy and a the r de tect was Six Women who buy and use of the adulterated weak and worthless package dyes put up In imitation the and neverfailing DIA MOND DYES must expoCt to meet with sad trials and disappointments in home Crude package dyes with only fancy names to recommend them and sold by some dealer for the sake of large profits are the direct cause of much of the feminine bad temper and manifested in many homes If our women and girls would trouble loss of goods and hard cash they must insist upon getting the DIAMOND DYES home dye ing work is to be done One ten- cent package of the timetried DIA MOND DYES will always color more snoods will two Packages of dyes and give brighter fuller more brilliant and more lasting shades Once used DIAMOND become the chosen for all regulated homes Send your name and address to Wells A Co Montreal and you will receive free of cost new Dye Hook Card of Dyed Cloth Samples and Booklet verse entitled The Trip to the Klondike Whitchurch Council A re Baker i A special meeting Whitchurch was held Vandorf Council decided not to appeal decision of the 6jlSSn P Foot was instructed to Kelly Powered to borrow sufficient to meet the incurred by