j k Leading Canadian Physicians Endorse The Canadian Discovery or Dr WiJIiamitoTfn a physician who has enjoyed a large practice for the past thirty I hare much pleasure in certifying to Ike value of or Fruit Liver Tablets a a medicine for chronic constipation and dyspepsia etc etc hare prescribe this medicine for the past months and can strongly recommend in all cases of constipation and flatulence headaches due to weakened digestion etc Da A Rogers a physician who ha enjoyed one of the largest practice in that city I have no hesitation in recommending or Fruit Liver Tablets the fact of these tablets being from a laxative material extracted from ripe fruit appeals and ha to my judgement and I hare used these tablets extensively In my practice and always with most gratifying results of this medicine da cot to furnish the formula of the tablets to physicians and bene any physician can these tablets and recommend them without loss of The formula of Fruitatives Is certainly a magni ficent one and in my experience no medicine ever used by me has given excellent result In stomach and liver trouble as has That these tablets act beneficially on the kidneys and akin is beyond doubt and in many cases where the akin was sluhh and Inactive and the complexion had Fruitalivea hare given the most pleasing resulta Dr J member of the Internal staff of the General Hospital Ottawa and who extensive experience I have used or TeWets with most results constipation and biliousness and found their action mild and and ret more curative than any medicine evtr used previously I strongly recommend to those from these complaints At alt or postpaid a to or I Giving a Reminder Ross gave the Legisla ture an opportunity to enjoy a lot of quiet humor at the expense of the Government while speaking in reply to the speech With his face beaming sinifiCanUy Mr Roes pointed out that Pro vincial Treasurer took to himself and the Ministry much credit for having a surplus of but the Hon Treasurer did not tell the House that that surplus was partial ly made from profits arising from too Railway an enterprise not very warmly welcomed by gentleman when it was launch ed This railway bad brought a surplus of Then there was the succession duties another product of a former fur nished the balance this surplus Sir Ross said he was Government had a surplus How did get it bo asked Has friend the Treasurer done anything to produce it Very little He would have reduced the succession duties tax But now he has a surplus come by honestly but by succession Laughter Ho is very much like Jack Horner sitting in a corner Eating a Christmas pie He puts in his thumb and pulls out a plum And says what a good revenue have Laughter and And he and bus supporters do not stop to think of who made that pie and who put to that plum Prolonged laughter and applause receipt of Grand Trunk Railway LEAVE North WM Pm LEAVE TORONTO am taJ pm am for pm Rrlotropolltan aid 11- pm Early car every Monday at Late car witty Wednesday and Saturday night at Leave and am 346 atd I pm Late car every Wednesday night and Saturday night at Special Excursion Rates every Wed and Saturday afternoon BRANCH Connecting at Bond Lake and p Arrive la Toronto and pm Toronto am and p Arrive la at am pm Sand and Grave for delivered by promptly attended to for Tor rale Com tee A Four mfi were more or leo3 1urned by the explosion of a in roofing worVs Hamilton Opening of Parliament The second session of the tenth of Canada opened on Thursday of last with the ceremonies The display in the Sen ate chamber was regarded as being the most brilliant ever seen at Otta wa galleries of the Senate were packed to tle utmost capacity With canon booming and attended by a mil itary escort His Earl Grey proceeded in State to the Par liament buildings Entering the Sen ate chamber he took his seat on the throne Speaker Sutherland and Commons were then summoned after which the Governor read his speech Congratulation is expressed on the prevailing throughout the Dominion reference to the bereave ment of Queen Alexandra on the death of her father the King of the inauguration of the new provinces of Alberta and Saskatche wan our bountiful harvest and cor responding impetus to both and Import trade the continued Row of immigrants to the three prairie provisoes concluding of a treaty on behalf of Canada between the United Kingdom and Japan which is expected to largely increase our trade with that progressive empire the necessity of the adoption of a system of the accept ance of the offer of the Canadian to provide for the garrison at Halifax and probably the taking over the of Esquimau to be hereafter maintained by the force of Canada the propriety of changing the fiscal year to har monize with the active sea son the appointment of a commis sion to enquire into tle condition and management of Canadian Insurance Companies the satisfactory progress of the surveys on the Eastern divi sion of National Transcontinental the great development of com merce ok the international waterways and the Question of preserving the scenic effect of Niagara Falls without unduly restricting the power privi leges measures regarding transpor tation consolidating the Statutes better observance of the Lords Day and amendments to the Act Fruit Marks Act Usury Act and Do minion Elections Act The estimates were promised at an early date The introduction of members fol lowed and tbe Government pounded their desks vigorously when Kir Wilfrid Hon Mr Pa lemon entered the chamber with Hon A Ayleswortb the new PostmasterGeneral between them Having shaken hands with Mr and received a cordial Invitation to take bis Mr took of formerly occupied by Sir Fred erick Borden In the second row of the Ministerial benches or St Viler or Falling write for a Mil ard 1 1 till The Co Canada All tell or can Conundrums What tree belongs to the church Elder What la the tree can never burn What the most melancholy tree Pine What tree la it that every boy dreads Birch What la the tree that everybody likes Poplar oo Vandals broke into and damaged about CO cottages In Grimsby Park OBrien of Halifax dropped dead last Friday night J THE NEWMARKET The Road to Health Lies Through the Rich Red Blood Dr Williams Pink Pills Actually Make Common pills the bowels Dr Williams Pink Pills make rich blood through the Ttie Post Office Report The annual report of the Postmas terGeneral for the year ending is at From a per usal of the same we find that during the year there has been on increase Purging pills gallop of post offices an increase of tearing the sues irritating the organs and weak ening the whole system Dr Williams Pink Pills do not purge all Tbey are tonic pills soothing pills strengthening pills bloodbuilding pills Dr Williams Pink actu ally new blood That why tbey cure headaches and backaches kidney troubles indigestion neural gia rheumatism heart troubles and the special ailments of growing girls and mature women Purging pills act only on symptoms of disease Dr Williams Pink Pills straight to the root of the trouble in the blood and cure Mr John Burke says I think Williams Pink the best medicine in the world I had an attack of pneumonia which was by extreme ner vousness and rheumatism I tried some of our best doctors but no thing to help me until I began taking Dr Williams Pink After tak ing the pills some weeks could tually feel the new blood they were making coursing through my veins and in the course of a few weeks more I was completely restored to health Remember that it is only Dr Wil liams Pink Pills that can make this new rich blood- Imi tations and the socalled just as good medicines never cured anyone Insist on the genuine with the full name Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People on the wrapper on each box by all medicine dealers or by at box or Fix boxes for by writing Dr Williams Medicine Co Marshall Field to Young Men in the number of Postal Note Of fices of in the number of Money Order Offices and of the num ber of Savings Banks With regard to mail service we also find there has been an addition of miles of rail way utilized for mail purposes The total increase of mileage mail service during the year is given at 1736834 Of course all this increased expansion could not be marie without and the report tells us this Increased cost amounts to but the In- crease in tbe revenue baa fully tied the expenditure This result is demonstrated by the tact that the estimated Increase in number of letters and post cards for year amounts to largest la- crease with erne exception In any one year since Confederation We further learn from the report that there an- increase of in the amount of money orders issued in the amount of postal notes issued during the year The cost of maintaining Yukon and districts mail service exceeded the revenue to the extent of The gross revenue of the De partment for the year totals and the expenditure in cluding the Yukon and deficien cy figures up to thus leaving clear surplus of above all expenditure The report likewise states that letters including registered letters or iginating in Canada were returned as undelivered viz from Great Britain 23737 from United States I35ti69 and from British Colonies 5215 Dead letters registered arid found to contain value numbered A whole lot of mail matter was sent to The trouble with most young the dead letter office for special tea- is thai do not learn anything sons such as insufficient address thoroughly and are apt to do the nonpayment of postage etc these work committed to them in a care less manner that what is worth doing at all is worth doing total The estimated num ber of letters posted in Canada dur ing the year ending June 30 well they become mere and figures up to The refy on chance to bring them success ling and repairing of mail bags and The young man possessing con- locks for the year cost science that cannot brook the slights Cost of carrying mails by land suspicion of wrongdoing which insists on steadfast and truthfulness sturdy honesty and strict devotion to duty under all cir cumstances lias a fortune to begin with is one of the most essen tial elements of success yet most wretchedly disregarded The old wilful waste makes woeful want was never exemplified than in these when much of the want that now prevails would not ex ist had care been token in time of prosperity to lay up something for a rainy day What is needed today more than anything else is to instill in the minds of cur young men the desire above all to build up a character that will win the respect of all with whom tliey may come in contact and which is v more important than a great fortune Marshall Field letter written to Dr Newell two years ago Kills Catarrhal Germs Its Healing Air Every Tis sue of Nose Throat and Lungs All the stomach dosing In tbe world cannot do any actual good in the treatment of catarrhal troubles unless the nose and throat are com pletely freed from catarrhal germs and the poison that they produce Is Natures true cure for catarrh It destroys all germs in the air passages and lungs soothes and heals the Irritated mucous membrane and effectually drives from the sys tem all traces of the poison When using the treatment the air you breathe te llk that on the moun tains high above level where the nine woods fill the air with purifying and healing qualities that give health and strength to those Buffering from diseases of the respiratory or gans through the neat pocket Inhaler that comes with every outfit the healing air of reaches every tissue of throat and lungs and Immediate relief Is given and a permanent cure la noon made The complete outfit con sisting of inhaler medicine drop per and one of coats extra bottles cents If you cannot obtain Hyomel of your dealer it will be forwarded by mall on receipt of price Write for consultation that will entitle you to services of our medical department without charge The Booth Company Building Ithaca The Ontario Government has de finitely refused the the exclu sive right to erect hotels Algon quin Park No liquor licenses will bo granted to anyone within the park boundaries ttan otter bat la but way Bay follow f by steamboats etc and by railways SI It takes a good many age stamps to cover these expendi tures Turning now to some details a this part of York County we find- that J has the contract for carrying the mail between and miles daily and re ceived Winter totes the bags between the post and station Aurora months for for like daily service be tween Aurora and Vandorf A Snider received between Bald win and railway railway Hill and railway J Merchant and Newmarket Holland Landing and railway Tuck Jock- sons Point and railway Morton part of the season trips daily Keswick and Roachs Point was divided last year Sherman for months got and the rest of the year D VanNorman and railway station Shropshire King and rail way J McDonald King and Strange A McDonald ville and Linton and Kleinhurr divided work Stewart and J Shear- down Lloyd town and railway J and Team J Mount Albert and P Steeper Mt Al bert and Sharon P Steeper Albert and West Franklin J for months Newmarket and Pine Orchard 3 tlmeo a week Newmarket railway Newmarket and Sutton Morton Vllle and J J 160 and rail way J Roachs and railway part of season Col- Kan and railway Hare 102 Strange and rail way Sutton West and railway A Sutton West and Vachcll M Temperancovlllc and railway J Vivian and railway -ooo- This We offer One Hundred Re ward for any of Catarrh that cannot he cured by Halls Catarrh Cure J CHENEY Co Toledo We the undersigned have J Cheney for last- years and perfectly honorable alt business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm KINNAN MARVIN Druggists Toledo Halls Catarrh Cure la taken Inter nally acting upon the blood mucous surfaces of the system Testimonials sent free Price cents per bottle Sold by all Drug gists Take Halls for con stipation teaming Cup S gives the player strength to play and keeps the watcher from catchi mo Id THE HEN J fattens have Many a poultry raiser The Chatham Brooder has created a New Era in Poultry Raising The setting Hen as a Hatcher has been proven CommeFcia Failure The Chatham Iucdbafop and Brooder has always proved a Honey Maker Yon cen money chicks la the lots of It No one that la monoIn ralsioz with good Incubator roan tha Chatham Incubator Brooder Business for Women drat we cad to you thai your actual loss In em Any a little at should during- the time you and broodtne will be for Chatham Incubator and hatches to aay nothing have ft friend and bettor attained by art give you the many of the Chatham and Biooder with much only to be If you allow a hen to yon at and rapidity with which fight of laying week to and of or ea Ha THE CHA A CUBA success encouraged many to make rxore money than they ever thought possible out chicks Every Former Should Raise Poultry Almost every farmer ho there certain amount on the whllo the on laying will batch as twenty vatUot and do Now aquMUou In IT frmnltiylng for weaka how much cash do egg and o poultry rail money out of IL The hen a will nerer a commercial Her business to should bo at only to raJao chicks for profit to right Brooder a you Can poultry with hem batchers You oaalargo at any Incubator axd but You can crop oil your flelda la the nvoiaeat a but with a Chatham which you ro not prepared to make attention and whet our from early yinte in Think Of I discovered thai and flroweok taking of or fliCCJ on getting a way to rale nay In eight week a she a rftart You must right You can throo Chatham Incubator r money as a WKacooht CM L and you law If each wo laid egft and worth per ails incarxvtor mo wtv Therefore when locatator It end worth per vhtn Chatham Incubator number hena would hatch It Is for von for your profit chick hatch is call for von chicle by wholesale your put you ox to no would not mike the below of time or a r thing ain moment hatch you therefore that it pay to tho laying let Chat Incubator do the There are many other why Chatham Incubator and The hen tola The Chat- ham Incubator It ftlvraye ready By hatch at the riffht time you may have of broiler to eell when price at top notch If you depend on tha hen your will crow to broilers every other chic are and when the price The hen a mother often chicks In place can cvnfiicate her Tho Chatham behaves a and very rarely a and not Info tod there is absolutely no for tho of A hen a nnd every you flhould haven and re a very offer which it v il iy you to Small Premises Sufficient For Poultry Of course If you have of room much the hotter but many a man end are profitable poultry in ftuxall tovrn lot a fair or and a yord can poultry profitably Hat to make money you must away from the old Idea of with a hatchers You must ot a Chatham Incubator and WttL SHIP WOW TO YOUR FREIGHT A CHATHAM INCUBATOR You Pay us no Cash Till After Harvest great deal of technical leiEO to chlckeaa Chatham to arc Your or can to and looV with- oat with their duties market la always In of the at certain of year you tTaotloally ct any price you to for With a Incubator and you start hatching at the to bring tho to the low and the accordingly you could never with Wo know that theroU money la the poultry for who will go about riaAt All you to do la to get a Chatham Iooubatcr and Brooder and IU per haps you are prepared now to the money la why wo make the offer IS THIS FAIR Woknow la In raising chlckona We Incubator and Wo know that with any effort Jour part you but money ho Chatham Incubator and Brooder Wo that wo made offer year and that In the were met and that Id many case money was by aatUtactlou wo no id IhU to or woman who may wUh to odd to ncd Tour No all tight I am lth Will get a larger from you next yeaj with a of llmo really moana that tot you up In that you can X- ri lhe lUoutaaklnif for threo from after IC08 I hod on If wo knesrofa wo would make until I raoelred I waa Wrlto a poet card with your and full a wo rook ana a our book It I worth your to out of chloka Writ today To enable everybody to get a fair atort In the prUtd to get per and wo right way a the poultry we are all and healthy child a very offer which It worth your J A3- DAT to mo whllotoInTeatigaU welt Mao lo Chatham can supply you quickly from our distributing warfchoutoa at Calgary Now Westminster Ifar Chatham at and Halifax The CAMPBELL CO Limited CANADA Let us quote you prices on a good Fanning Hill or good Farm The Spotted Dog When I a boy In coach dog the white do polka dot was All rage and all my boyish yearned for I heard man had which ho would sell for woo a lot of money In days but I it and bought the lie was a handsome fellow blackly and neatly could wish and with my purchase a lash homo with It wan such weather ao wo have week I halfway homo with the coach when we were caught In a downpour of rata dog and to ma Ho had been painted and not with waterproof paint at that ten tho wen white all over and bo waa I he with rain and I with rafte I to bunco man Look this cried 4 have cheated mo No I havent the fellows reply hut I did forget to tell you there Is an umbrella Rocs with that A A T one a k Consultation FREE FREE Prices Cure No A NERVOUS WRECK ROBUST MANHOOD AH to R7esd Womm t unite our lime and i cheap ax come to a la We will treat yon aadreitorojoutoheallb a the ehotle time yur ftlctboa It hi the mud Ida for Shelby j DETROIT K1ICH 9