THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY -ijF- if V J E Hughes Town Clerk Mr Hughes was born in Town- Count of Simeon and cimo to Newmarket- when qui young He at ho Pub lie and High Schools here and at lie Commercial College Hamilton Mr Hughes was engaged in mercantile business lo two years ago ho was appointed Town Clerk and Treasurer Mr Hughes appoint- a P by the late Liberal Gov He was of lite membrrs of the lodge here and is also a member of the Masonic and Arch Chapter Mr Hughes was a member of the Town Council for eight years previous to lis appointment as anil A splendid photo of Mr Hughes found in this issue t jFjftr ay iakk Keith General Agent The neat little shop on ihe south east corner of Timothy streets is Mr Keith general agent Air Keith his Inf a rsident the town for liii in business ftr thirteen years He first started with sluing the make ui the Singer CO in he a harness anil the aces I he iv the harness from the factory of A Co Toronto- years liner Mr purehaMd ill It-airauci- bits Mr A and id I thb lo dm if- Je ilia- London Co the Life two ies In Ibis liiO f igenri consider hi Cotlnly J I hum worked up a ami Mr iwiys- i a of goid one q own A Mi found Will in iriiiiiN of Co he to Itl 1 Coiftiftl I he to I- fiuly to til persuasion of his i geUim 1 In Ml of the Agricultural iy a position which hid resent time and Ills depart is felnd of by quipped Willi mod plinif for pig of prpr l E A Boyd Union Bus Line W J Willson Flour Feed Coal Etc Col Thos H Lloyd Police Magistrate excellent Mag istrate as born in King Township frlll was at the Aurora schools and lived on a farm he was sixteen of age We decidpd to become veterinary ad so he loaded the College in Toronto graduatlij in He came to in September of Mr office and warehouse Ibal and began to on the corner Of Main and Huron for S3 he has noticed his pro- streets station in this community He wis yMis lint he ha- d where he a storehouse with 1 appointed Police for the a bit He of bushels town bearing date of in nid lived has u in Vow in fii some time- irniKel for ten inn Mr young 11 is I IT KM iUOVMs Carrie to NY Mr ran extensive inn experience and which IdatksmUhs coal lime and over many enlisted in Mr an ho ord mem- liier he and if SI Pauls oh eh and Super- soim- But Mr Lloyd had a military inteudent of the School for His is Town veral years nd then purWwed ibis grain yd King township company of volun- from the 1 1 due lie liny a of ho hid sonic nd ago supplying trde ships Tie lMioi i ded a delivery just soiiih o Hon si Hid ire to G Jackson l so Ilia it ws the of him a to the in A it and lift ny lot one could found going througu the work Mr Johnson remark J lhai the diagonal timbers double leers In of ami In the following yer took the field on the Mr editor 1 d of the Fenian He proprietor of the rket has filled 1 iri offices ill the Was and eouctd this town to that Co lift was for II s grown lb lov being low en was as its tVrswr Mr Man- etc in addition to police heart- this remark Mi that 1 Mr who worked mi me etc at the found- ng l he At this Mr John- mi ask I ii lki him to if Mr- nc lold wis rai- en lo hear Cony year lii- of old pi stories o and makes a rattling goad Chief Tim in this inm Jacob builder and Contractor whs bund ud con it clot Liit pies- lit ii Church UN south of piito an of farm Watsons Jewelry Store here in tin late l and carried on continuously him in the present staid until Ills two yers ago jMI slue- his o Mr WHO ll d the business with for year First class wotK t pric as action to has aim and In by Cm ho have dealt tilth IbJu for lllf PSt the growing now mcupying also tin store r loubh III si shown u the- r mi piopiatr Mr- i of many Im pi hot stUt ill t III li A liV it-r- Tin piiil t ii siiil lilt Iky Carting is Carried I -k- veil Was of ic most prom ait in iu lXew market ih ola Mars in a prominent ike skating ink alaO I Milhi e lied by Mr a i 1 Lukes flour null Ml- uusi jjurge and rdiie wmarke and the pas year Capin fur years j iVhftn a young ma In a iy Mrs Simpson Goods Etc and for flvt- years 1 Colonel from tin in lillKf and was the of officers lie never at the force lit Hie in sports and Wis cluUy in- also tile he- ihe resid itsMereiaiyireasuier for iwep in Unit tun years Mr laitui js tn eIV si- was the ridUe the dent of the and Was a lid is still odij f In lain years has been oil that Hoard for twelve years In this pp Mrs street 1st iuierested In the summer resort at 111 North York Mr- JuhlLpiui was tin first carrying on n thn premises chard Health Lake He School diqi 0 discard tin fanes occupied lit built placed a the Methodist school on ind when he his for carting is establish launch oil Cooks the con- the of the Canadian Press glass In were Mr lod ls In i in year of j Association sever isIumI ami they of Mi on till his Col Lloyd was of Hie mail the for any in ws lished I I vi hi widow continues lo Town Connei of Witt ami onward three years and is now Ibe Board ihe incase 11 Hi I is lai us touxsox Messrs Chirk Vqj rd i Howard mil cithers 11 of Mien to oilier or hut Hie llm hot each of one He was Deputy llerrfOl I lie has been of lb- is known to uae the in iii beyond which rah own bus inevtotssl this is in- only Ihal then Mayor for wo years his dows n and Mr- lohnso active that ibis w lions all nlind Aiiim name for liSl he retired in proprietor f 1 in d a great flu- nil IK drug when pponud Ihlny previously The of Mr I ln l re- inn resi re us in all off Mr for He iJ the j fin is equipped will 1 in i He wns in duig he bus ioicd lu and it ptrouizd Council for fifteen Mr fond god It by of the oider inhabitants for of tin Col ppers In this paper ml kM siverd about him The helves are- well Ihilll dog Thse stabhs up lor g etc plant a lb- Hun Mil- v Inch few ago 1 aula Me I mule a slock fancy TJ Barrister and Solicitor ting fast prsaj motor mid gasoline old acquaint in a the above infm Ion Mr iiin born In Dublin ill ald Hie sun l P J Anderson Chief of Police J d McKay W Moil 1 1 jaffi VfWl in Mind above one store oflush where wn in Hie wmk lohhsoi Inuib- nd In Mr was ap- the 1 as jus m by I pi If end tonlniiiHl on he markt sure Mistirof Nor m- HTWnrils in baking M ho Mr built one ol in- erq in the A ttfliHiH V to New as Mister oi Cn High hut aid ing ilKMil in Hie iisliiu- d print lug plan oi Mr Itmus url runs Hi euiy he l 1 inXurth I yearx ig Mi viilrl CI bin inn Ili is mi Us Not da to of the Here was aiiA for Upper fan Via 1 and to Pi t Mr wia it Model a miliar School and I ovhiei taking the deiis- of A in IM1L- IviMHui on taw wn called the In and piaitthil yearn In ill Town Hie of oil rip III IK7i he iiivim market rldeil Mr son in due his lure was first leeliu to the Tow and ha a many j years the yms chair in Ills- look a good dial liilereit in of nd light y- in lie tools all in assisting Hie old ami is u tin of of Mi a of tin Hoard many years and has filled the of ICxpiessHeiahl Mr y Lo conducts a honk with a I iMi ml slum office 1