Newmarket Era, 23 Mar 1906, p. 2

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f Satchel Lost In Newmarket last Friday Finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving came at Era Office or with Ir win Sharon Another Nut to Crack FOR Town Whit- House and Stable in Bush Land on church Enquire MRS VERNON Box 321 Newmarket J Card of Thanks Even when the editor the is cornered he hasnt got the common decency to admit his error but in his last issue tries to divert attention by a multiplicity of words seeking at the same time to cleans himself by smutting others third of the fee the reply to the Era- about the cease 11 The LieutenantGovernor Council In any city town village municipality in unorganized terri tory the districts For a shop j cense For beer and licenses a- fee of threefourths of that imposed lor tav ern licenses in the same locality Society Gemma PERSONAL- POINTS- what he reply John Smith affair this is says We must congratulate the Km in rising to the occasion and actually may increase the duties on note tav ern and shop licenses in the districts to any amount Miss Nora Fletcher entertained on Saturday evening Mr W B Bell Went on a Visit to Bradford this week Mr of Toronto spent Sunday in town- taking part in the great public This is followed by a section Sherman Fletcher of Toronto tion as to where the Editor the Council of any Sunday at home Mr and Mrs Webb desire to express their appreciation of but we regret that we his supper two in cities to three years ago and also that it Jf correct in stating our supper at the Lucas House about that time and that we dip not regis- j cannot snare lie of by the electors The proceeds of licenses Hon Mr explained would be divided kindness shown by their neighbors and friends on the occasion of their recent bereavement congratulate him on the truthfulness Province and municipalities In the Province had received Two Houses for Sal On Victoria Ave Good Frame Houses seven rooms hard and soft water Good gardens small fruits For particulars apply on premises or by letter or phone to CURTIS 9 Stray Dog Came to my place of Feb a Pointer Bitch with brown head and face white legs and dark spots Owner will please pay charges and take her away JOHN Newmarket On Lost Thursday the loth inst on the of the rest of his little diatribe and a J and the municipalities and our would be just as safe on the j- l the difference has been widening bras statement as on the Banner s j Now here is a letter written by the favor of the Province- Hon cipal elections instead of any time as under the present act Councils must submit a bylaw on a petition of 25 per cent of the voters but the assent of threefifths is necessary to carry or repeal a focal option bylaw When once voted upon by the electors the Council must carry out the view of the electors BOTE stage road between Newmarket and Keswick an Overcoat a Shawl and White Veil The will kindly j leave them at the Era Office the s nsemlCr Methodist Parsonage Mr John- Mr WV estimated that the municipali- proprietor of the Lucas House at the J ties will receive at least J300a time o the episode Hereafter local option bylaws Toronto 10th voed th Jackson Esq Prop Newmarket Era Sir Your favor of yesterday re ceived Regarding the article in the Evening Telegram of last Friday to which you refer saying that no per son registered at the on the twentyeighth January last as John Smith City I have to inform you that the Telegram is not correct and moreover it is not true what the Telegram further says namely that a Grit organizer regis tered that day or the next day or indeed any day this Winter in pencil The whole story in the Telegram is made up and without any truth in it I regret this the more as I have reason to believe that this false Recalling the Federal treasury raid last year the facetiously re marks The retirement of Sir Mac- recalls the fact that no ore was written for the Even- salary has been provided for paper a man professing to be l leaders in the Senate a temperance worker send word to Keswick For Sale son Kay a ket did of say was a Mr man of register at the Lucas House The Wilson Star makes this offer to the Insurance Commission re cently appointed If Canada should fail to rake up Insurance scandal welcome As good a farm as is on acres Lot Whitchurch one with Mr Buchanan in his room mile from the centre one foot of broken that is cleared Good buildings M kinds Firstclass Cant be beat Apply rora number of Jews interviewed Miss Nettie Lehman is home from Toronto till Easter vacation i J Davis sister Auro ra is very ill with typhoid fever Mr M Baker of spent Sunday with Mr Mr John and spent over Sunday in Bradford ith his brother The Misses Dean- of Toronto spent the week end with Mrs Dr Mr left for Dakota- last week to look after some of his property Mr left on Tuesday for and expects to be gone a week or two Miss Maud Fletcher of Toronto is spending a week with her cousin Miss Nora Fletcher Mrs Patrick has been sick for a couple of months is able to be around again Miss Annie of Lon don spent Sunday at Mr Huron St Mrs T Forrester and Miss of White Rose visited with Mrs Piplier for a few days Gamble of Port Hope spent the weekend with her grand parents Mr and Mrs A Mr and Mrs Waller Kiteley of Mount Albert spent Thursday of last week at the home of Mr Huron Street Miss Millard and Miss and Lottie who are attending Toronto spent over Sunday at home Dr Dean and bride of Fort Wil liam spent a couple of days in Town this week with his cousin Mrs Dr Richardson on their way home APRIL 1S08 our m t in being head and above all fib York Carpets rt very large range com nil that is new in designs anil Tapestries and rt8 lower price- Unioas and carpets with stair to match Tins w re showing a lot for sized room in Wool Union sizes 8 yd Shy J proud of our would take pleasure in shewing you through you buy or not may have ours Thanks we are College has not struck it has the it WALL PAPER We have always paid particular attention to this very important department but this year our range is very comprehen sive New Designs New Colorirgs New Prices Drop in and have a peep at them Samples and Esti mates furnished Lace Curtains All that is the latest and best quality in Photos can be had at Wilsons Photo Studio register John Smith Tours truly JOHN LUCAS Proprietor Lucas House Toronto What further proof is required Let John Smith pay over his 200 to theWOTU or the Temperance Lodge and shut up Oh yes John Smith to criticize other people alter the exhi bition he made himself At the preliminary investigation the charge against P city editor of the World and lately a reporter on that journal on the charge of stealing the official port the University Commission from a hoy employed as a messenger the two were committed for trial in the Police Court last Monday New Liquor Law I The Reliable Store KESWICK i A A Our Aim is Fair Dealing Goods At Right Prices I miss of Toronto will have charge of the Millinery this and every effort will be made to give the best satisfaction Opening an nouncement later FIELD J V K A J A It J It N I CARROTS The National Portland Cement ON HAND The Ontario Governments Act to amend the liquor license laws of the Province was introduced on Tuesday It makes an increase in the license fees amends the local option clauses makes an equal division of the license fees between the Government and municipality bartenders must here after be licensed but this does not apply to members of the family the hotelkeeper complaints are laid by inspectors they must specify whether it is a first second or third offence alter three convictions within a period of two years for any viola tion of the Act it is made the duty of the fcicense Hoard to cancel the license the proprietor shall be disqualified from hotelkeeping for a period of three years bars to be closed as at present on parliamentary and municipal election days and also on the days of local option or school elections the penalty clauses are likewise increased The salient features of the bill may be thus briefly summarized the four sections of the present act in regard to municipal and Pro vincial license fees the following sec tions are substituted the first fixing the minimum fees as follows In cities having population of more than the fee proposed by the new bill is a tavern a shop license cities having population of more than and not more than tavern or shop license In cities and towns having a popu lation of more than and not more than For a tavern licence 100 the indemnity act of last ses sion the mileage of members was cut oil in view of the increase to Instead however they are allowed their actual travelling expenses A despatch from Ottawa intimates that the AuditorGeneral has sent a letter to the clerk of the House defining was and Methodist Church on Sunday evening Mr Webster has acceded a situation Toronto and will remove shortly also his mother Mrs Wil liam Webster will remove with her son and is ottering her property lor sale Mr of Kewanee Illinois has resigned his position as bookkeeper in the Western Tube Co of that city and has accepted a situ ation with the Canada Foundry Co Toronto- r Rev J A formerly of Ibis Town is now- on a trip through the Holy Land We received a pic- ture card from him this week posted at Jerusalem The weather is hot but he Is having a fine time Mr A Budge of Montreal Imported direct from Nottingham England In almost every conceiv able design to a pair This season all our curtains from SI a pair up are made with the HangEasy Top and bound all around making a perfect washing curtain without any frayed ends Send or ask for Samples of our Victor Chop Japau Tea Brand Tea Brand Mixed Tea 2oe Water Lily Brand Broad and Pastry Flour is fast gaining favor with the ladies of vicinity it is milled from the Manitoba and Ontario wheat blended to meet the of the trade in this secion If you are Buffering from indigestion try a small bag and if yon got it try a bag any way Its all right just as pood as we say it is 3D and 40c lb- Fresh Ground what is meant by travelling expenses It includes cost sleeper baggage spent a few hours here on Monday transfer cabhire or car not meals The country much on this transaction Already the fact is dawning upon the public mind that Ontarios Pro vincial Treasurer has had the wool pulled over his eyes by the financiers the old country To accomplish their purpose without awakening a large suspicion as the says They told him many things about keeping all offers secret and also about the practice advertising the sales of such securities The worst feature of the affair is that while the financiers recognized Col as an innocent he does not yet real ize the himself Finis Senator Sullivan stated on the floor the Senate chamber recently that the indemnity increase was in itiated in the Commons and added any man who considered too much for the Senators should he ex amined for lunacy It Is quite pos sible for Senator Sullivan who does not have lo make periodical appeals to the electors to call people crazy who differ from him but thousands of people throughout Ontario entertain a strong conviction that the country would not suffer loss by abolishing the Senate altogether The crazy feature of the whole business Is to be found in retaining this branch of par liamentary government fare but with his nephew Mr A wont save and left on the afternoon train for the Pacific Coast Before returning home he will visit Australia and New Zealand in connection with YMCA- Mrs Nathaniel Pearson of Toron to who was visiting at Mr near Sharon lust week re turned home on Saturday While driving around Town Saturday morn ing accidentally lost her satchel out of the buggy which contained her purse and oilier articles Mr and Mrs Wallace of To ronto were here last Saturday to celebrate the birthday of her father Mr l who vas and was named after the Patron Saint Mrs Is in her year and they arc about the oldest couple living who have spent nearly all their live in this Town is very ill and slight hope of her re- A SAFE COUGH MEDICINE FOR entertained CHILDREN Mr Peter Shields has purchased In buying a cough medicine for new driver children be afraid to out Cham- Mr William McKenzie is in the Cough There Is city on jury this week danger from and relief Is Mr and Mrs Arthur were to follow It especially visiting at Mr John Oughs on Sunuable for colds croup and whooping cough For sale by Lloyd Miss Minnie is visiting friends OAL WOOD J Huron The program of Ilia Royal Prince Arthur of who Is to arrive in Toronto next month is as follows On the In cities having population of less will leave the Dominion Capital go tlian and in towns having straight through to Niagara population of mote than and Falls the afternoon of the at not more than 10000 For a tavern Hamilton arriving in Toronto the or fchop name evening Royal Highness In towns having population will remain in- Toronto until the or lees a tavern shop lowing Friday when he will proceed cense Montreal A flying visit will In villages For a tavern license then be made to the Maritime HOLLAND LANDING this week We do not wish any more slurs about old Holland Landing from the Owl or he may get his feathers spoiled when he drops into our burg One of our Second St sports had an At Home last week when a very enjoyable time was spent Mr James Second St spent Sunday with friends in Newmarket Mr- Allan of Pine Orchard is moving to Second St on the farm vacated by Mr IM for license In townships For a tavern license 1120 for a license vinces returning to Ottawa on May for a Ashing trip up the On the May he will return In district except in cities towns to Montreal spending tour days there and For a laver then for on the steam ship Virginian May The first sleighing this Winter rived on Tuesday Mr Clarence and bride ar rived here on Monday evening The scribe wishes Mr aud Mrs all Joy and happiness in their new life Long may ihey live Mr and Mrs Jesse and Miss started for home on Tuesday alter spending several Weeks with friends here Mr Wrights new gasoline launch The Sparrow arrived on Tuesday Hilly will make some boys open their eyes this sum mer as the Sparrows schedule miles per hour Smith of Barrio spent a few days last week with Mrs Lloyd Messrs and John Taylor of Sutton spent Saturday and Sunday With their father Mr Martin Tay lor The Intend holding their ball in Taylors Hall this Friday evening the 23rd Firstclass will be provided Mrs of is vis iting her mother Mrs Walton who Phono and CRADLB TYNDALIt In Town on March to Mr and Mrs a son In Town March 20 to Mr and Mrs A Proctor a daughter BORDEN At on Tues day March to Mr and Mrs Melville Borden a daughter POWELL At Vandorf on Wednesday March the wife of Mr A Powell a daughter NORMAN At Satur day March 3 to Mr and Mrs Norman a son THE LEADING You can buy your Cheap For Gash TUB ALTAR Wednes day March at res idence of the brides uncle To ronto Junction by the Rev Smith Roy Murrcll of North to Lottie of Toronto TUB TOMB HEWITT In Toronto on Sunday March 18th Robert Hewitt aged years on March 18 1906 Daniel aged years In on March Mary Isabella infant daugh ter of JEFFS At Bond Head on Sunday March 1906 Mary beloved wife of Edward Jefla and daugh ter of the Thomas of Bradford aged years ARMSTRONG In Scott on Friday March Judith Ann only daughter o Benjamin Arm strongaged 15 years months and days Scott on Saturday March James sou of Frank 23 months and days MANNING At tho residence of his son George Rose Avenue To ronto James Manning late f Bond Head on March in his year Funeral on Saturday Marclt from- on arrival of morn ing train Grand Railway System Special One Way Rates To Billings Mont Denver Coll Springs Salt Lake City Nelson Rossland Vancouver Portland Oregon San Francisco Tickets on sale daily Special Settlers Trains To WorthWest Every Tuesday during March and April special train with colonist sleeper will leave Toronto p m for and Passengers travelling without live stock should take Express leaving Toronto pm The Short Line to UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night calls to at residence J fc MAIN ST NORTH NEWMARKDT All will receive Careful and Prompt Attentton home Thursday pm riving in Havana Cuba early Monday morning Direct connec tion Tourist rates in effect For tickets and full information on J Agent Stable for Sale Frame in good repair of I Rose Servant Girl Wanted Waies per month Apply at the Industrial Home Ne ft For Sale Bargain A solid Brick Residence Cor Prospect and Water En- of Boarders Wanted At 4 Cedars Also BUILDING LOTS SALE on Park Ave Apply to MRS SCOTT Cor Viotorta6 Park Avo3 Newmarket Mr has presented a bill to regulate the attendance at high schools of pupils from adjacent coun ties and to flx amount payable J or such attendance

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