Newmarket Era, 23 Mar 1906, p. 5

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Total OSes Toronto NEWMARKET BRANCH A Banking Interest Allowed on SHARES CURRENT RAT DRAFTS ISSUED AT ALL American attended to Chicken Thieves Last Friday the hennery of Mr J Lewis St- was visited for a second time this season and one dozen chickens abstract ed Mr Lewis intends to be prepar ed next midnight visitor The the icro- last week of Mr Ross Liberal by a majority near- A despatch jroin Halifax announces the of Hon Alfred Jones of Nova He was appointed July Johns Church Father Whitney was sufficiently re covered from his recent illness to the now County Councils Act take charge of bote services last Sun- the County win probably day He goes to Bradford next Sun- show a greater increase in ship than any other the Province is owing to the fact that within ts boundaries are more incorporated Fond of Poultry totalis and villages any other One day last week a do followed l one of the milkmen into Mr John Dominion Notes Thoa J Main Street Newmarket to loan on good Farm over the present system CM SOLICITORS a0 Bank Chamber Cor King TORONTO Private and Trust Funds to Loan fit Current Rates Gregorys place and made a dive for the hens killing half a dozen before Ottawa people seem to they it could be driven away The owner pensioners on the coun- will have a nice little bill to foot deputation came up the other day and asked a grant of for dairy building their Pictures Canada Exhibition but if coun- forget the School En- lv associations were to ask for spe- Conveyancer fl oxer Parlor tertainmeot in the Methodist Church next Monday evening which includes moving pictures views and gramophone Judging from the press notices this will be an excep tionally Interesting treat and as the price is low it is expected that the church will be filled Go early to get a good appropriations for buildings they would turn up their noses at the hayseeds Special grants to cities is a wrong to the country Are you a bread your and complimented by your If not whose is or the miUer It you ire in other lines our reputation cook vindicated and It it plainly the fault of the flour Look up the good bread and pastry makers of your acquaintance and their flour experience You find that most of are using Royal Household gladly payings little more per barrel for it and getting for- that extra cost a purer better flour For bread or pastry it has no equal Royal Household- repeat the name to your grocer Hoar Mills Co IM Montreal Rook for a Cook pages of excellent recipes some never published before Your ran tell you how to get it FREE Sir Mackenzie delivered valedictory in the Senate The position he occupied would soon be filled by some younger and more gift ed man than he Sir Mackenzie has not forgotten member for North Toronto in the Commons and the Nest of Traitors incident and has determined to place himself in such relationship to the party that he will not be called upon to join the party who knifed other Yes we notice a number of towns and cities to get appropriations for public buildings and local in but we fail to notice for a post office and customs building in Newmarket It will come some day when rents go up a little more and public convenience demands it i a r Vt Barrister Reformer Block to Loan J A Agent for and Life Aaaartvueo flV Ramsay Fire Agent Property Bank Newmarket New Ralls The Grand Trunk Railway Co have decided to lay heavy steel rails be tween Toronto and A Hand ale so to enable them to run larger engines and thereby give better satisfaction on this division The work we under stand will commence on or the first of April and to be completed in about days will be employed About 250 men Dunn MIDWIFE MONTHLY Huron Farm Produce Fair market last Saturday Prices were as follows Butter 23 to lb Eggs per doz to Dressed Chickens 12 to lb Dressed Turkeys to 20c Old hens lb Apples to 26c basket Winter apples to Potatoes to Live Chickens to He lb Old hens to lb Live Geese to c lb Live Ducks 10 to lb Live Turkeys to lie lb Beef to Live hogs Hides to Calfskin Sheepskins 50c to Tallow Cord wood to 5 Demean AUCTIONEER Street Newmarket Bolton Millard I and Street KETTLEBY P a lor Hamilton See 4- In Room in Newmarket Doors South w Open Saturdays- Jackson or MARRIAGE LICENSES At The Irish Concert The Concert on St Patricks Eve under the auspices of the Young Mens Club was a grand success in every way The Town Hall was fill ed by an appreciative audience and every number on the program was re ceived with applause The star of the evening was the el ocutionist Miss Marietta the best allround reader that has ap peared in Newmarket for many a day No wonder that she was recalled again and again to which she cheer fully responded Mrs Merry and Mr Mc Donald arc vocalists of high order and sing well together Mr Harry Bennett was as funny as usual and Mr Napier the clarionet showed his proficiency that instrument The decoration committee great praise for the manner that not only the stage but the whole hall was decorated with flags flowers emblems and bunting The canopy over the etage with Its leaves was exceedingly appro priate arid the club is to bo congratu lated upon the entire success of the concert at the Dominion Cap itol is in a flutter The new uni forms the deputy ministers which made their appearance at the recent drawing room and official dinner are even more gorgeous than the apparel of the Ministers themselves The discovery has been made tbat the Canadian Privy Councillors have not wearing as distinguished a uni form as their exalted station war rants Society circles have had a fit- I the King should Visit Canada in response to Mr motion in the Federal Parliament he will with out doubt visit Toronto and be toted about the City by the Mayor and Corporation It would add to the prestige of the Metropolitan to have His Majesty take trip over the line to Orchard Beach and witness the next annual regatta and sports on Cooks Bay Barrio sports would have a fit There was one clause in the new Radial Railway bill now before the Legislature of practical value to mu nicipalities It is a sort of model agreement between municipalities and electric roads on highway or streets relating to speed paving snow re moval and the like and this provi sion is made to form part of any future agreement even where omitted in the actual agreement or not The one striking difference between the Dominion Railway Commission Act and the bill now under consider ation by Ihe Ontario House is this the Dominion Act provides that the Government can vary or rescind any decision or order made by the Board hut under the proposed legislation creating the Provincial Board the does not provide tot in terfering with decisions or orders in any way The member for South York has introduced three mills in the Com mons The first provides for placing jibe rates of express companies under the jurisdiction of Railway Com mission The second has relation to limiting railway companies to im mediate damages where they are re quired to permit telephone companies to make connections The third Is to compel all railways in Canada to adopt a rate of not higher than two cents a mile for passengers fish and sell to holds and res taurants and advised the total of the sale of game fish Under the heading of The Gallery Clock gives the read ers of Star some interesting epi sodes The other day he drew com parison between the Government ami Opposition showing up the valuable points of the former and this is what The dock has great hopes of this Opposition is small but lively and of it fighting weight It did fine team work yes terday put the Minister of Crown Lands over the bumps razzled dazzl ed the premier up the Minister of Education sicked and Downey on the AttorneyGeneral crowded more excitement into two hours and a half than we have since the House opened It rested with the old hands like Ross and to make the sly digs that set the Government agoing while the brisk young fellows George Gra ham and Charley Smith and followed up and did the hard scrimmaging It was good passing and shouldertoshoulder work Hon Mr Minister of Justice has introduced a Lords Day Act It forbids all ordinary work or business transactions excursions public amusements and the like on the Sabbath Day The Act applies to Provincial railways but does not disturb vestal rights The for South presented a bill forbidding Judges from serving as arbitrators except in cases of appointment by the Govern ment Hon Mr introduc ed Government bill in the Commons to amend the law of usury It fixes the limit of interest to per cent per annum on sums up to such interest to be reduced to per cent from the time of judgment in any suit for the recovery of money due It has some other restrictions penalty for violation is fixed This shut off moneybrokerage operations PROVED A SUCCESS AND WON A NAME AND PLACE IN THE HOMES OF CANADA IN ONE YEAR SOLD ONLY BY 3 A ALLAN CO NEWMARKET Immense Stock -OF- Women Angrily Aroused AH Over the The semiannual meeting of the Ex ecutive of the Ontario Associa tion will take place in Confederation sold them the deceptive dyes Information from various Provinces of Canada points to the fact that many women have been deceived and induced to use the weak and adulter ated package dyes put up by unskilled and unscrupulous manufacturers to donate imitate the popular DIAMOND Our Canadian women thoroughly aroused after loss time money and valuable materials through the use of muddy blotchy and weak dyes have directly laid the blame for their losses on the retail merchants who There is a fine prospect for the Op- in the Commons this session Three party leaders are In sight viz Mr Borden Mr Foster and Mr Mao- lean and the now is who is to draw the Opposition leaders indemnity Mr Foster is said to have three followers and Mr Maclean one The latter is going to do the country in testing the conscience of the House on the salarygrab ques tion He is ahead of Borden or Fos ter on this issue- at any rate but what astonishes average reader is that Mr Maclean fails to discover that to accept the amount and then the extra sum to charity is just as bad as spend it on himself In either case the Dominion treasury is robbed Hew Prints to Choose From Value at yard Toronto Jobbing House a 1ST NEWMARKET Monuments and Head Stone The Newmarket Canal The Worth York ixM look Our tad o took w an n ton awn Term CuibKC A a ft The annual report of the of Hallways and Canals for the year ending June has been received It is quite a large volume and is filled with information and statistics relating to railways and canals Speaking of the Hol land Survey the report says The of the Kast branch of the Holland from Cooks Bay Lake to Holland Landing Newmarket and Aurora has been com pleted This Included soundings tub- aqueous borings gouging tributary streams all available water supply from Wilcox Bond Ferguson jand Bali proovd outlet ditches I sites for storage reservoirs In carrying out thin work about miles of line staked out of which Itvein were taken 5 miles IcKtb miles cross-sec- tloed arid miles of river sound ed Referring to the Branch the report layn The survey of the West branch of commenced at the Junction of the two branches and a line miles length wan run over which were tak en The appropriation in the esti mates will enable the work to be proceeded during the approach ing beacon Building Toronto on Thursday April At this meeting arrange ments will be completed for the Sum mer School for the benefit of teachers to be held in Victoria Col lege Toronto from July to the Any persons desiring to tend this school the fee of which is should apply to the Secretary Mr J A Jackson Toronto Press despatches from Ottawa state that come criticism has been direct ed to tho personnel of the Insurance in that one of the mem bers Mr J is associ ated as general manager of the To ronto General Trusts Corporation with men who are the very heajl of Assurance companies No otic questions his ability his integrity or fairness but many of the prominent directors of the Trusts Corporation are chief men as officials in the Assurance companies which makes the position not desirable for himself or the public This action of indignant women has On Tuesday Hon Mr made a lengthy explanation of the Intercolonial Railway finances Hope fulness in the future was expressed Ho also set at rest the report caused many of the retail and whole- Governments intention to sale dealers to pack up and return to The Government had the manufacturers responsible their worthless and dyes Moral Whc ladies decide to do home dyeing it pays to use the cele brated and popular DIAMOND DYES which have been the home friends of the ladies for over years When buying see that each package handed to you bears the Words DIAMOND DYKS Users of DIA MOND DYKS soon become experts in the fascinating work of home color ing and find that a tencent package renew the life of any faded and suit dress skirl blouse Jack et cape or husbands or sows coat vest or trousers Allow no dealer to offer you the something he calls JUST AS GOOD No other dye equal the DIAMOND DYi5S Send your name and address to no such purpose in view Hon John criticised the manage ment The Minister of Justice asks for a committee consisting of Messrs Aylcsworth Stockton In gram and the mover to revise the election law and suggest desirable changes Now is a good time to make your selection for a Spring Suit as our stock is well selected of Fancy Tweeds And Worsteds The member for South York Mr Maclean has given notice of a bill to repeal the Increase of indemnities to members and Senators including the allowance to Mr arid also the pensions Cabinet Ministers Oar Style Fit and Workmanship is the Best Give us a trial and be convinced C WILLI NEXT DOOR TO ATKINSON MAIN STREET f Sound will soon have direct rail communication with Toronto It is now slated that the Canadian Northern Railway would run their first passenger train Into the Union Station Toronto about of April They will run over their own line from Parry Sound to the Don and then over the Grand Trunk to the Union Station over which they have secured running rights The cit izens of Parry Sound ftnd district will come down In large numbers on the first train to show their the new line to the Klondike at Ion I Georgian Hay Fish Com mission last week Chancellor Boyd- urged that a license fee of a rod should be imposed cm every person corning from the United States to fish fn Georgian Bay waters His Lordship also told of having seen a tug go out with twenty at tached to it all of which would be devoted to catching fish to decide a bet as to what person could catch the most The when secured would not be used- but left to decay tbe shores He also had known bocalled to catch game Ministerial explanation of Cabinet changes were given by the Premier on Friday Touching the appointment Welts Richardson Co Limited a successor to Sir William Montreal PQ and will receive the Premier said When it came to free of cost new Dye Hook Card looking for a successor I offered the Dyod Cloth Sample and Booklet in portfolio of PostmasterGeneral to verse entitled The Trip friend the present PostmasterGener al Hon Mr Ayieoworth Hear hear Mr Aylcsworth never sat in Parliament before but in my Two were kitted and fifteen injur- he should have been mem- in a wreck last week on the long ere this and I may say limorc Ohio at what I have said elsewhere that Seventeen rescuers In the French it was five or six years ago that coal mine horror entered the mines first approached Mr Aylcsworth with to recover the bodies of victims and a view of Inducing him to give his never returned talents and great abilities to The Lake Superior Corporations the service of the country Cheers mill at the turned out tons This was nothing but a sacrifice to of steel rails on Tuesday a record him The small salary which he Is tot a single production In On- receiving purposely call it Those are for the Canadian alaryls no- compensation Pacific Hallway The mill or- to him for the great sacrifice he has enough to ru at full capacity to make in giving up the large and its to buy FROST FENCES Our prices for Fruit Hence in only much the Ijc1 l honestly moke term easy that fanner an lit of them Here way let yon you thlnl oath on One note due lit o6 Oil third by note due March 07 Five cent if paid Co days from date of Invoice And remember should Frost go wrong from defects or workmanship in building they are repaired free of charge JAMES for the next seven months lucrative practice which he has built up for himself Mr Aylcsworth BRA AND lo REMEDY The gftat this prepara tion In the relief and cure bowel complaints has brought It into al most universal use It never falls when reduced with water and Take LAXATIVE Quinine Is pleasant to take It Is Tablets Druggists refund money If equally valuable for children and it falls to cure adults For sale by Lloyd signature is on each box 26o North York and I am happy to was Cheers Of4- TO TWO DATS Livery undersigned Is now running a Union to alt trains Orders by for all parte the Town will receive prompt attention i A BOYD Old Stand We the of Manufacturers who realize lie of having moderate York Moutnalf uoerujn our frit Ac fry Old tit taken tbroiicb Munn A Co en A Co without Scientific of Tartar at r J

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