m i wta Su fev i i 1 Then your blood must be in a very bad condition You certainly what to take It Ayers Sarsa- If you doubt then consult your doctor We knew he will say about this knmd old family medicine Sold for over years v rt i saa AMI cos- fBAt to v Slit that TOOT d6fAytiYriiU ctlTi RAH AGUE for sale or to Let In the Township of King Enquire or AUKORA Mrs Joshua of Spruce street celebrated her birthday on Wednesday March She the recipient of many kind and other tokens awl respect from in and other parts A O0Oh I A number the shareholders of Cheese and Butter Co the coal bee held on day doctor is i who sustained a serious fracture of a rib by failing on The ice last week Mr Roy Wells late employee Waltons Bank Aurora left on for Saskatchewan I Mrs Lloyd entertained the Social CI spent a social evening with Mr and Mrs Ferguson this 1 The Cheese and Butter Co are making about pounds oil Ti paid half p a be jfiQt small ie- I as SS ift I- i when Majesty teppfen and wee bajrntes will of tat iter and Sftalvfs- fc r a iirch the i- of an d un Vvtfeife have a good feeling It always comes when I hive kind to any one and found out what darling asked And itirowtiig his arms around my entertained the neck lie whispered Gods week AN for babys fakcli a their- barids and of the- children silqycr against the tolling Simply Doyyd Noier PEARSON Newmarket P O Two Building For at Kim Streets corner of Cotter and noon Enquire at GRAY butter weekly The price is firm at coils pound has a to amend tends keeping the butter plant operation until May 1st I Miss was the hostess a social gathering on Friday after- I- appeal to you to vote traffic that Is robbing i Wvi Qptl and raiment countless tie feet centuries yet to come can- be heard marching past the heaven or hell you a to earth The I y not for 1st a Crown surrounded limVfiut n for the children her J A clergyman the birthday dinner parishioners As at the dinner old I For Sale Oil Friday two of our citizens were bitten by a clog owned in the town Mr Dennis is busy getting his new The convenient comfortable Brick- engine into position clad Dwelling on street Mr J Davis sold a fine team Newmarket occupied by horses to a Montreal buyer last J A BASTEDO Graham Bros had the contract last er his ftehaYdedVthiek vote 001 and continuance of the liquor traffic quietly turn down Mr- quietly turn down his- too busily absorbed in to Ooo Farm for acres being South half of lots and in 2nd Con of Good buildings MITCHELL Baldwin P O I week of moving Mr Dennis machin ery to his flour mill j A number from attend ed anniversary services at the Church on Sunday Mr A who has carrying on a general store business in has gone to the Municipal Light and Heat Act by providing that the sum payable by the owner or occupant of any house tenement or part of a house or tene ment for gas or electric light or power supplied to him may levied ami collected the same as municipal rates and taxes are collected In committee on 595000 for agricultural and horticultural societies Hon Ross asked the Government a definite small rural fairs replied that a Government bill to take the liberty of and open bar our sons would he brought down which would for refusing wine incur peril his tend to better the present condition rt you did not know that fails to repeat it of matters this respect and would encourage the class of fairs which were agricultural and be recruited 11 and No ll0 patriotic not to said I thought does not this seem say Christian exercise reasonable care Pills occasionally bowels in good working i Observe these simple rules and you will agree that the one who gets the life is MM Man Who Prepared only by the Proprietor Becchara St Helens Lancashire everywhere In Canada and S America In boxes cents a i polity in regard the widowed daughter of- IT fr household She said- to him Of all persons by the drink- Kill tfl llhArr nA fiNO CONSENT His Home for Weeks wort straining and In youth brought on Winn I hard aching would and luIJ for a wek a nine My family iri an was only but 1 rcvoral but found nil tfcV ff I to look all At Ort day my bets ftM why and I told him my condition He Dm Kennedy Ktrnn and knew and sot the New V A ttdvlfiJ and knew lacy and wrote ihm and the New frrnt Mv was alow tl fljitCTiTrJN I was Treat- ttonaK nit sharp eyes that young younK men h Wito you were watching you dismal army of awards HI i a Lionel be tn Have you He old her 1 BSIns Out will curt you What It tin done IL yi firm All II Silent till Iti r n- j Mr bill shall I not be eon- duty to protect as far Farm for Sale A a drive out to Aurora on Tuesday evening to enjoy a skate on the rink acres acres bush and pas- the s lure miles West of Jacksons which went to Aurora on Tuesday the Lake Shore Metropolitan evening was entertained by Mrs runs across the farm Apply to at her home J On Friday evening Mr and Mrs Keswick- Pecker entertained a nuniber their IrUnds to a birthday party which Lot for Sale two vi bachelors a i Daniels nearly met On Ave Ideation tt1i bandy for both Factories and excel- lent drainage Apply to kicked him on the hand and cut It open A particular and important weak ness in prospectuses issued companies to refuse to drink possible our young jolly crowd of on am so if my snares of alcohol of yoJnR people look rf demonstrated- the to abide by my general WW the suppress churlish invited here honor therefore question men will is our as from the during the However for longer and cure I wjld earn a In a I am tuning- and never lose ft AS BEEN DISEASED POISONS are ana serious sap very lilt victim unions entirely eradicated no system Be war of Mercury It only suppresses thb symrlomiour cures all forever T nave Drowen physically heed lowed it to have passed would have been a serious blunder Apply to MARROW Newmarket For Sale in Newmarket Gov eightroomed House with stable cellar hard and soft water fine garden with large and fruits Apply to Mrs It J Davison Niagara St or box 373 Newmarket Farm for Sale acres being South half of Lot Con West about School Reports w of the alertness and judgment the Oppo- y tell me- about it houses afford them the protbcUoivb The clause which would make a few weeks my son tneir right and our duty it a legal act to induce a person to IS 3 Can asonable doubt of purchase slock by offering him a he shall be a temper- Under Nolicense the already was allowed to stinifor or total abstainer while toper will get his liquor though further consideration To have- j He as decided to bo not as easily as he get it now- but their the former I know that meretricious attractions are of many months would have sons will Mr Pratt has introduced at one stroke hill to regulate the manufacture and toll you sale of proprietary and patent house and tines that every box minister says that when he pot phial package parcel or oilier night he knelt down enclosure containing any article of thanked von for- helping him to the kind shall have a label printed influence on the side of right plain in legible type a cl hoy to do the Have you lost hop Are you Intending Has blood Have you any weak- ns Our New Treatment will cure you What It done for It wH do for No who hat treated you write for an Free of Charge BOOKS The Golden Moni tor of Men NO NAMES USED WITHOUT CONSENT PRIVATE No oa boxet or Every thine confidential I coat of treatment FREE for Treat men RS Cor Mioh Ave and Shelby St Detroit Mich PR UN KENNES our sons will It I not in the first- the thirst for much bank that leads themto the like thieves to the illicit No I WHITCHURCH Lehman Monla Sum ner Collin Percy Degeer Skinner John Skinner Laur etta Lundy Gertie Clara Miller III Muriel VariLuven Cora Willis Fred Hill Harry Brandon Frances Define Ken- schedule all thciiiKre- contained in the or article and the exact proportions thereof Poison must placed on all packages or bottles any which shall contain more than six per cent alcohol or one- twentieth of morphine heroin co caine or other of the salts containing equivalents I same Five Cents a Drink iwr Clarence Talking Native Oldham Olive Hill Moss the well- was once the Holy won Sevens Tom Smith Dr Frederick J 7 ftiair deceived by a native in ne wick Jr J PARIS Kenneth Hopper waora Miller McCknnan Pt Roy Reynolds Herb Sit- Willie Norman Hopper Albert For New Frame House with tended to be honest Mr Bliss was travelling up the Kore from a villaRc of the toward which he supposed to be about an hours journey away As he tells the story in the Indepen dent he travelled for some time For or to Rent The Hamilton House at Roachs Point including furniture and livery God Thanks You A kind act is never lost although Riven at once the Cousin lack or other person for Proprietor is For price j whom we may do it may not thank particulars apply to us The doer always receives a A HAMILTON reward as this story Roachs Point Little Jack a fouryearold i the same we heard a cry It seemed to come from over the stream and to say in Arabic Come back come back We drew up it the muleteers I exclaimed Call to them my father So called Come and show us hi way We cross the stream Come hack come back said the voice In the same tone Again I shouted Again the voice answered C Mnkl think J hat that is really the price of a drink Five cents a glass I hear yon say that isnt very much to pay Ah no indeed tis very mall sum You are passing over finger and thumb And if that were all you cave away It wouldnt very much lo pay The price of a drink him decide Who has lost his courage and lost I his pride And lie heap of clay Not far removed from beast today price of drink Let him tell ttho sleeps ionight a murderers cell Honor and virtue and truth All the glory pride of youth Hopes of manhood the wealth of fame High endeavor and noble aim These are the treasures thrown away A the price of drin from day to day dens where he pur chased in districts may solve or fall to solve the problem of the and the hard drinker it Will assuredly solve the problem for our louth And if for them then in the long the solution of the problem will be found for the nation The hard drinkers will die out and the class from which they- have hitherto been recruited longer iitfi tippler the habitual drinker and the most confirmed and hopeless drunkard- can quickly cured the remedy without One of No publicity no Interruption in dness no loss of time Write today for Jars never fails it has cured it will cure you Full treatment price No PAY letter postal note or money order Address I THE CHEMICAL LABORATORY I Stroot West Toronto a great thin- till at last detected slight House and Lot for Sale pet of mine with yellow curls and blue eyes and he had sweet u in it arteelionate little ways One d W lis cousin boy of sixteen set lack toward other through the Timothy at the rear to work for him him to of the School House good null up some weeds for him in the repair Hard and toft static poultry house near ly of land with fruit trees bushes Apply to w Farm To Rent j on Union St miles East of Queens Fine good and out buildings In repair and land in of Plenty of water good orchard and all convtoi- Apply to MORTON Box 7 Newmarket field while he finished his story Lit tle Jack worked away until his fln- were sore and his face was very hot t J was working in my room when a very tired little boy came up tome Why Jackie what have you been doing I asked The came into his eyes and his lips trembled and for a moment did not speak Then he said I worked hard for Cousin Jack and he Poor nets then we burst into a laugh For five minutes I had been pleading and arguing with an owl never said thank you Jackie I felt sorry for him It wax hard lines not to have a word of thanks after all his work Hut thai night- when I had put him hi tittle cot he said to me Auntie this was The first steel pens were sold at thirty shillings each Dear Mother Your talc ire a cat ra Fall nd Tbct wilt cold Do you about Cwsunpiwi Ltocj Tonic it foe to fMpy ft la teH to be die only tot aw of ilio ir fjiugr in KW and to take Th poos dealer you want The price of a drink If to know What some arc willing l pay for it go f Jhrough that wretched over there With dingy windows and- chair There poverty dwells witj her hungry a well and He creatures for There shame In a corner low I There violence deals its cruel sur And innocent thus To pay the price of another ones cn V Teacher Mr Herman MeriValcUar Stage arid Platform tells of an amusing encounter between Dr for many years head master at Harrow and a small hoy who carried off the honors of the occasion The boy whose name was was brought before the Doctor charged with some dire scholastic offence What is your name the master with due severity Ootid sir answered the trem bling boy Oodd Do you spell it with one two With three sir stammered the boy The Doc tor put his head upon the desk cov ered it with his hand a moment and then dismissed the dangerous crimi nal with a warning MI could no more have punished that boy afterwards than I could have flown Nobody before ever gave me such a- lesson spell ing An physician recently thirst Five cents a glas Oh If- that were all The sacrifice would Indeed small But the moneys worth Is the least amount We pay and whoever will keep art ac count Will learn the terrible waste and blight That follow the ruinous appetite Kive cents a dots anyone think That that is really the price of a drink en anklets four earrings thirty finger rings golden collar belt a golden band on her head j while by hot lay a purse containing silver coins sac None wllidut thbnaroe This our at It to For of woik ami Amount of work is nil with and of o Sold by our by T BjSSELL i ii- I it worth something to know that Barns Chicken Houses Tool Sheds etc have fireproof roofs Wire Edge Ready is absolutely fireproof and waterproof and practically wearproof It is cheaper than shingles a lifetime We will send you a free sample Test it yourself We will also mail a copy of our illustrated Hardware everywhere JiamUe Wire or can get it you on Imviitg it CO IIMITEO TORONTO rt your friend or suffer with Fin St Dance or Palling for atrial bottle and valuable t trcadie on Co A headon Collision two Kin Toronto All tralnH on the Denver LEFT I FITS No Incurobfo with -v- a tremors convulsions or epileptic attacks after treatment Not like the bitter disagreeable and harmful bromide compounds This wonderful cure Is pleasant to tho taste aids digestion purifies the and rash clears the complex ion strengthens the brain and Intellect and iWtha- epileptic fits Write today Cana dian Chemical Laboratory St West Toronto Canada and get their CUfO Offer 2 Box was j 3 tti7 trains on outgoing to J j pulled tin- In1 now I 1 I Grande In the loss of heaven to Mi hoi irrf about fifty lively fc Tv I o yourself l0VC ls not make an owl of only that ha- The outgoing of the heart to I Relieve simple life of en home free formality and A j-