Albert 2nd month J PBAROY lias KeynolclG teacher Will bo at MOUNT ALBERT every Tuesday at Mrs Terrya pupils prepared tot Toronto of Mu fig HEAD CANADA MONTREAL BRA ftOikE Or Andre Em worth J Deputy toan8Knul Clous- t93E38rAlexla3le Current Albert Chief for Dominion THE MARKET r and improved roads enabled a large to market Tuesday amount of produce hands Prices as follows butter- eggs to chickens Martin was calling oh old friends in bur Sunday and Monday last- on NEW RAILWAY STATION The James Bay Railway Company making good progress with their station half a dozen being at work The company arc not to be congratulated on the choice ol the site selected as it Is the centre of a bog hole with swamp on all sides How they expect to build a road to it is a mystery that no doubt they hope to solve A short distance North or South or the present loca tion would have placed it close to a well travelled road I that she able afealn around Mr and Mrs Fred McKriil Mrs parents in -Mr- and Mrs Milne of over Easier- sprat Sunday and Monday at Mr A A large number of guests from a J distance spent the holidays in Mrs A spent the holiday with friends Kite- season with friends in Toronto ley his parents and Mr and Mrs James who son at J Hughes Mrs has been spending the Winter ilton returned Inst and busy rnafcjhg some repairs in their new home in the village Mr and Turner at whose place Mr and Mrs have been Staying Visited friends and relatives in this locality over Easier It is unnecessary to mention the Mrs Frank Kavanagh and daughter condition of the roads as it- is the Averil of are visiting at universal subject of conversation and Mr H Kavanaghs we think if the funds used for some were Ross Monday is faster Master in Toronto oh and Ruby Flak went to Toronto on Friday Mr and Mrs Hawkins were in over Easter Mr Lake and daughter of Egypt in Hani- and children also Phil- spent Good Friday in Toronto are now lips with heir mother MraprMrs Mrs Robinson of Wood K Wilson- with Mr J Mr and R Kay Mr J Messrs Bert and Manning with their Miss An Extensive Stock Brushes all at ReasonaWe Cut- to her on Good lodcn was- here on a visit mother Mrs Friday Misses rendered solos in tie Presbyterian Church at the even ing service on Sunday last It is often said that it requires all kinds of people to make a world Heres a good sample of one kind Miss Lulu Rose of Toronto with her sister Mrs Hill through the holidays is vis- purposes were appropriated to macj The- piece of road between the bridge Lottie I the town line it would be j and the town line being in such bad beneficial the travelling pub- shape and after one or two horses I REVIVAL SERVICES Revival services commenced in the Methodist Church last Sunday On account ot its being Easter Sunday the services were largely praise- the Irish evangelist was accompanied by Mr Oar Groceries are Id g way and we mean only to get played several selections Mr-Mc- Combe preached at both services the Eta teat and you will find it being filled on both occasions the evening the gallery also was Mr Ralph Green of Union Rank of lie Canada Toronto and gentleman The friends of Miss R are friend visited at Mr Wrights pleased to welcome her back after on Monday spending the Winter with her sister Mr A MacKenzie visited with in Baldwin sister Mrs in over Easter returned and is Mr J- Power is in Toronto this ling the holidays in the week A large number of young people en joyed an informal dance at Mr John Huntleys on Tuesday evening last your interest to deal with us NEW STORE BUSINESS MOUNT ALBERT needed to accommodate the people Services will be continued every night for at least two weeks except Saturdays It is to be hoped that similar will follow these ser- vices to those Just closed at Hart- man where nearly seventy persons professed conversion I SHARON Mr and Mrs Bailey attended funeral a friend in Saturday Mrs of Weston who here on a visit Mr unfortunately lost his driving horse last Mr also lost a good farm horse Mr H of Almonte was with his mother a few days last week- Mr Bailey is making a number of improvements to his place his barn and house and making the a number of minor improvements on Rev of Toronto conducted services in St James Church was Good Friday also Sunday Holy to her daughter Mrs Communion being administered at Queen Heaters Good Cheer HOT BLAST Cook Stoves COAL WOOD Kitchen Range J ROWLAND Mount Albert About was paid at the station here for cattle for the Easter market including a number of hogs Mr J Shields shipped carloads Mr Brooks is putting in a acetylene gas plant for the use of his tenants in his brick and ce ment blocks The machine will like ly be installed this week Mr John moved on Tues day into Mr Ed Cases house on King St The Mount Albert Telephone Com pany have most of the poles for their line in position the roadside Most of them are already peeled and the work of construction will soofi be commenced was taken very ill with la- the latter service grippe and obliged to keep her bed Freeman Allen is moving into for several days hut we are pleased Mr KavanaghV house In the vif- ALBERT DRUG STORE We carry a iul of PATENT MEDICINES Among them COSQKOVES REMEDIES and RHEUMATIC CURE Spring is Here Now is the time you need that new HandMade Harness for the Spring work We make Team Harness all complete from upwards Single Driving Har ness from upwards A lull line of Horse Goods always on hand Also TRUNKS VA LISES If in need of anything In the horse line give us a call F NOTTINGHAM Saddler had got mired was closed ami all people cording Into the village that way were told to go rough the yard of Mr A Burrows and round by the grist mill Now that was all right and quite a lot of people driving were glad go that way The person referred to above name unknown thought he would like a shorter cut so deliberately cut across in front of Mrs Burrows house right across the lawn one of the finest in the village to the gates and then finding the gates locked turned around and drove back over the to the road again I have my opin ion of that man whoever he may be The case of BigCanoe vs liam was settled by the defendant paying damages and costs As a result of the County Crown Attorneys enquiry into the circum stances the above case the defend ant was fined and costs oo Mr Brown is building an up- henhouse 4 I w SUTTON Mrs is visiting her moth- this Easter Mr J Brown is visiting Mr A for a few days Mr Hugh of the Bank of Commerce Toronto was bore over Easter I BALDWIN BREEZES One of Billy Johnsons Iambs eh 9 A merry Andrew struck our burg re cently and seemed to enjoy the hos pitable board of mine host Father Bill so much that he was loathe to bid farewell lie was in a jovial humor and amusing the kids about town with his drollery When the Owl appeared upon the stage Happy to make your acquaintance Mr Owl Prescriptions and family personal attention day or night LLOYD Druggist from Plymouth Rocks a at pr Letting loU pijiiJ i Jersey Grades for PERSONAL Rev Edwards spent last Sun day in Toronto and preached at the closing services of St Ave Methodist Church of which he was a former pastor Miss Elsie Dunn spent a few days visiting with friends in Toronto Mr Lincoln Woodruff was in town for a few days Mr J A County Clerk was in town over Sunday Missc Jessie and Mary Davidson of Toronto spent Sunday at the home of their brother Mr Davidson Mr and Miss Munns were visiting at the home ot Mrs Ceo Thirsk Mr J Cook was in London for a few- days last week Mr and Mrs spent Good Friday with friends in Mr and Mrs Wrn of Roachs Point were visitors at the home of her father Mr last week Ed Case and family left on moving for Edmonton where will make their home for the fu ture Mrs Rowland of Toronto is spending a in town at the home of her son Mr Rowland Mr Wolfe of the Sovereign Bank spent a few days at his home in Dur ham Mr John Evans and lady friend spent Sunday with friends in Bel- haven Mrs Moorhead is seriously ill her recovery being very doubtful A large number of our former resi dents took advantage of the lo visit friends in town Among them we noticed Messrs A Percy and Norman Jennings Harry Shields Ernest and Everett Hayes Evcrton Guy Rams- den and Wesley Brooks and Misses Ada Hayes Ella and Mc- Mrs Terry is visiting with friends at Cedar Mrs A Jones and children of are visiting at the home Mr and Alice Scott were chirruped he Youve not made up from the city a few days last week Miss of Brampton is- vis- our shell and closed LAUNDRY The undersigned has opened a Laundry in Brooke Cement Sutton Block Mount Albert All kinds washing done on reasonable terms MAH Proprietor at Mr iix manager of the Avenue branch the Metropoli tan Bank Toronto spent Easter in Spring Goods Arriving Nice Selection in DRESS GOODS PRINTS GINGHAMS ETC Special Values -in- BOOTS AND SHOES AND WALL PAPERS New Styles HATS CAPS READYMADE CLOTHING m Millinery Opening About March 28th Mr E Grant spent Good Friday in Toronto Mr Dixon spent Easter at Burlington Mr and Mrs John Ward are spend ing the Easter in Toronto Miss Eva Young was in the ciiy over Easter Mhr Ming spent Monday and Tues day in the city Mrs Cross went down to the city on Monday Dr and Mrs spent Easter in Toronto Mr and Mrs have gone to Washington BC for a months stay Mr A Lake js look ing after the banking business Mr A Cuttle of vis- acquaintance dryly quoth the Owl Like a clam we drew ourselves with- and barred the But he was a komical coon sure enough Miss Cora lias abundant reason to feel exceedingly proud of the success of her first millinery dis play at An immense throng of ladies were present to in spect and criticize That they ap preciated the display was shown by the numerous orders booked and keen were some lo buy that several sample hats were carried off Spring poems should be blooming now Send surplus stock to the Era man thence to the waste paper bask et James Henry Crittenden and- son Oran left on Monday for the North west where he and sons and future soninlaw have taken up a section square mile The family will fol low some weeks later on Stevensons have laid in a fine stock of Ames famous boots March MOUNT ALBERT sermon on Sunday evening and the l Easter musie was very much appre ciated I Mr Burt Sherwood has had a horse sick at the stables of the Queens Hotel for some time Dr Daly has been in charge of the case and on Saturday as the horse was getting worse the doctor ordered its de struction which was carried out lat er Miss of where she GET THE HABIT PHONE GEO W THE When Your Purse Cautions Carefulness Six r Cows band a STOKES Mount Albert Wit Silo Ho- irfei of land good j cellar well orchard of Aurora Apply to ft J ft And advises economy youll find there is no better place to shop in all this broad land than right at thin store No place makea a greater of her parents Mr and Mrs Thomas i effort to make itself almost and we arc told by our cus tomers almost every day how well we succeed And because we are so useful to so many homes our share of business is large and steadily Increasing Its no secret that volume of business and advantageous prices companions So its natural that you are asked to pay loss here than some other stores can afford to sell for This week we ask you to examine qualities and compare prices and we are- content to leave the decision with you Mrs Geo of is ve- friends in town spent a few days with friends in Mr John Steeper was in town on Monday attending the wedding of his son Mr Art Steeper GROCERY Miss Alma Aylward and friend Edwards of Toronto Normal School are spending part of the hoi- Ways at Mr J Aylwards Gertie and of are spending be holidays at Mr Red Cross Salmon per tin Clover Leaf Salmon per tin Kippered Herring lurj per tin JO Mays Garden 25c Life Chips lbs Rico for 25c lbs Rolled Oats for 25c large bars sterling Soap for tins Canned Pumpkin for 25c COME ON IN I Q WIGHT SON The Leading QU I where a judicious use of printers would over stock rapidly Squire had an auction sale on Tuesday last week at which ever popular J K wielded the ham mer Mine the auctioneer ob served that Baldwin is ft poor place to sell horses Veil VlHiam dot all depends on the horse If its the right theyll have it whether or no Ask our who Is pes tered with wouldbe buyers He ad ministered the knock out to one by naming as his price for a hand some 3yearold filly Good Friday was the day set for a return match Sutton Rifle Club with Baldwin over our range They first tried one of- their Heathen Chinamen James hoping to catch our team napping Failing in thin they did not put In an appearance at the appointed hour flunked I believe you term it Our were- In grand form and shot an average ot seventy points per man In an exer cise shoot Artie the top liner Rumor says Sutton Club has lost Its nerve Miss Mossie by Mrs Archie Murray Is doing our metropolis Toronto during Easter holidays Mr and Mrs John spent the holiday with friends at Mark- ham Dr Bernard Greenwood is keeping his promise Douglas Thompson fs recovering Our auld folk cue tolerably well They arc Mrs Lake years Mrs Tomlinson 4 birth day Morton 83 Thos Squire Grandmas Crittenden and the year Oscar Is doing a trim bit of housepainting Interior for the War den twins lies clover with the brush Concluded on Page Aft DONT GIVE IT AWAY Wool is Valuable This Year to A FULL LINE OF CLOTHS FLANNELS BLANKETS YARNS ETC ALWAYS ON HAND A ALBERT XT Wall Paper Btock before Finest lines Take a look at our buying elsewhere ever brought to Wall Papers from per roll up a i n t SherwinWilliams the kind that wears Full stock it on Now is the time to put Groceries Fresh and at the Lowest Prices Royal Giant Sugar Beet Giant Yellow Globe Mangel Giant Yellow Intermediate Mangel Mammoth Red Mangel ONIONS Dutch Giant PrizeTaker A full stock of Vegetable and Flower Seeds from the largest and most reliable house in Canada THE STEELE SEED CO We have cheap Garden Seeds TOO Mays 2c for They areAmerican J Peoples Shoe Store ALBERT Our Spring stock of Ladles and Gents Fine Boots and Shoes has rived and you are invited to call and see our stock when buying your pair of Shoes We flood 10 packages of choice North- assortment to select from grown Garden Seeds for Heavy Working Shoes built to wear Turnip Seed Mangel- Shoes tbo a a verv Bcwed free of Seed and also Seed Corn tor ftt I Shoo Store Fine Shoo and Ordered Work a specialty sale HEADQUARTERS FOR FLOUR i The Peoples Store LehmanProp the New Wall Paper roll up New Lace Curtains pair up New Curtain Poles reg at 2 for 26c Spring Ginghams yarl up New Muslins and Voiles yard up Papers Fresh Garden Seed 2 lb Set Onions 25o Choice Canned Peas Go tin Corn 7o Tomatoes Jelly Powder fall size reg lOo pokg for Fruit reg for Biscuit Special pokg Shelled Pea Nuts reg 30o Pea Nut Butter something new ddioioua atnahiubm or tor ordinary table use lb lbs of Good Yellow Sugar SI Apricots reg 20o lb at I- Johnstons Cash Store Sutton r