Newmarket Era, 20 Apr 1906, p. 8

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or he ten To succeed days you plenty of grit cour age strength How Is It the Are they Do not forget Ayers Sarsaparllla You makes the blood pure and rich and builds up the gos health in every way tar JiMfth fcovtfi In tie A a Ccrrttt ml A of Ayr Holland Joshua Goodwin firnV Goodwin- Son of this place wis taken with a day hours Deceased TCASinThls and in loading a car of sea grass fin j leaves a widow jff daughters ail up The afternoon to Church ooo auuvwost Farm for sale or to Let la the of King Enquire of GERALD P For Sale The convenient comfortable Dwelling oo street Newmarket occupied by J A Bros of sold a team of draught horses list week J for Mr of Oak Ridges had a rov escape from drowned one last Ohby of his tows broke through the ice on the pond on farm and while attempting to rescue the animal Mr also got in After considerable difficulty he succeeded in Retting our thoroughly Florence A Stewart youngest daughter of the late John Stewart of Oak Ridges died in Toronto on day of last week Interment at Au- cemetery Buiiding Lot for Sale The Grangers held their regular meeting last Wednesday Several Summeopeople were up here Hooking about their property or de- Good location hiding where to locate themselves for On Prospect Ave handy for both Factories and excel- the bummer lent drainage Apply to Frank had a number of MARROW last Wednesday helping to men move his Newmarket blacksmith Rev and Mrs Aikenhcad were calling upon friends here last For Sale Friday Mr Eden still continues very low his family are all here with New Frame House with electric light and bath roomall fin- of all goes uptodate also a good Stephen Grose in the loss oU ittIe Maggie about ply to Corner Qd Newmarket fi rheumatism which affected her heart She passed v I early on Saturday morning House and bo changed hands last week when On Timothy St East at the of Toronto became the Of the Model School House in good repair Hard and soft water Good stable poultry near- land trees bushes Apply to MRS HUNTER Mr and Miss of Newmarket and Mr Jas Dennis spent the Easter holidays at Mr J ery RalPi accompanied by ww Miss Ivy of Toronto visited the v formers parents over Sunday As good a farm as is on at A lC acres Lot j77 Whitchurch one y mile from the centre of Aurora nop Miss Henderson is the guest of Mrs one loot of broken land on It All that is cleared is undervalue j buildings acres wood all win occupy the next kinds in every way christian Church beat Apply Box Sunday morning Mr Edgar Kennedy of Toronto spent a few days under the parental last For in Suburbs ot Toronto Mr P of renewed old acquaintances in this burg last Solid Brick slat roof tn MrB Carter of Toronto is tho guest reception room pantry Ward ana birthroom stable and coach- large grounds and visiting at the home his sis- Cheap nd easy Vrit lor for a week particulars to A Park Ont Splendid Property for Sale INCLUDING Soda- Water Business Good Running Order Brick house rooms and good cel lar corner Main and Huron Streets and Brick Building Soda Plant doing a good trade The latter will be told ayarately if desired Apply on the SR Newmarket Miss Saunders of spent Saturday with Miss Emily Housecleaning is all tho rage lit tle wonder the men think of com mencing plowing Mrs and son of visited at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Connor AURORA- A number of the members of The Rising Sun Lodge AF AM vMtr Robertson Lodge at King City on Monday evening Mr Browning has the con tract tor the erection of a dwelling on street The Council are advertising for ten ders for the construction of ele vated tank steel tower at the Farm Property in FOR SALE the tower fa to he about 0 feet ft will he built the For sale at once that farm property belonging to the I ft is some time since the roads fciVjaW on North have been as as they are at the if- Town of time Wellington street and about fa barn and nociallv is places the wry bad and many wagons cut through the property Possession roads leading in from giveji to a purchaser the country arc also very had and In consequence in town is seri ously Mrs Sarah celebrated the anniversary of her birthday on afternoon of last week block or acres situate in the Town of the Grand Trunk the Mill pond This Is piece of land for pasture her children and arid price apply at children in the a Sol tor Aaalxnee of Lloyd Estate Newmarket yBiie at TMi Office Underbill Shoe Factory and the output Is over of hoots a day Although this Is sup- Ipottd to be Black season in the I shoe trade the firm is crowded with orders and have all they can do to fill them I get in a place where you can and Manager Newmarket Tow of- a comj Suffering For Years With Pain In The Sack He Was Completely Cured awu cures diseased made and declined- all other treatment fells There arfe rumors f in Provincial Detective hae been received from Winnipeg and Vancouver where hoots manufactured by the firm a ready sale LINE KING Mr Thompson lost a valuable carriage horse by drowning It car ried off the red ticket at all the fairs BALDWIN BREEZES last fall Pat a twoyearold by Spring goods arriving at our Continued from page Squire has sold out his val uable mill property ami beautiful res idence here and retiringirom busi ness Mr Frank is pro prietor- now Frank is well known and all patrons of the mill and mishaps we feci confident pi Judging by tbe loads upon loads of three The proof that Frtiitatives is thegretest The Wetland Canal was opened tW these and Navigation commenced to science is demonstrated by the upper- lakes removing all pain in the back making the special train which the Grand i tWalthv and curing chronic constipation Trunk Railway is placing at the dis J posal Arthur of St Jane J I tried I hive much pleasure to the great good Uvea Have I a constant and his passed through to on its way to tawa train is composed of cara including Sir Charles Rivers Wilsons private car Violet all equipped with the very latest constipation fences and uptodate in re- end pain In His Rdyai Highness will tho last ten reach Toronto on his to the Falls but will only a stop of five minutes The visit to this cttv will date from tomorrow Sat urday evening when the will return from Niagara -OQO- years 1 tried kinds pills arid tablets and but tUe relief was only temporary Not long ago ind dot I am well no pain no and and bowels act I cannot enough In of they Are a their action and easy to Signed Constable abcess on the brain stores are doing an enormous Mr Chester Fuller sold three horses and everIncreasing business We last week and Messrs and have rcnamdd the firms is disposed handsome Little Eatons Stevensons is carriage team Little and and aooo Murrays Murrays It is an unwise policy for a business SNOWBALL man to politics to clash with his business Experience has taught At the close of the Sunday School this selfevident fact to several about on Sunday afternoon Mr with your who is going to reside with his bread JfcM its a bitter dose daughter in Toronto owing to the and not very well relish- death of his wife two weeks ago by ones patrons to be called was presented with a hymn book and bloody fools and such harsh sound- an address He been assistant- ing phraseology superintendent for over twenty years A philanthropic spirit We often and always took a deep interest in see and some liberal hearted the school Although advanced in chaps who have money to burn who years he will be greatly missed go to the public houses and swell and guzzle till- very last is blown out and they arc left entirely stiap- York Loan Scandak pod of necessity bound to strike v In search of more funds Some As a result of disclosures made Pelicans take the very last the trial of President Phillips of sums a fellow- can scrape up others the York Loan Co the National anti tell them they Co has applied to the e badenough How the poor Court for a declaration that the To- a0 appreciate Life Insurance Co is rightfully philanthropy the property ot the shareholders of Mr Will Cameron left on the 3rd the York County Loan and is not owned by Phillips and others waittiH Fall by which tunc Mr who claimed in court to possess a majority of the capital stock The Trust Co is also applying for a rc will have a erected and every thing cosy for his He load ed one of the largest freight U Column For the Sake of Mothers ByMrs A Atkinson Wellington- Every besotted loathsome drunkard was once a lovely laughing baby the joy of some womans heart the cen tre of all her hopes and wishes for the future We beg you for the sake of the mothers to strike out the top only and vote Nolicense Re member that during more than half the number of those con victed of drunkenness are entered as first offenders men and wo men who had not previously been con victed Who can measure the moth eranguish that this represents Let us thank God that for some of these it is not yet too late for us to bring that now the traffic has worked this woe stands once more at the bar that the people are the judge and jury ooo An Injustice to Business ix A gentleman once said to us I do not favor prohibiting the sale of liquor it would be an injustice to the men in business besides It would throw thousands out of employment know that every drop of blood in goes to the- kidneys of some of the Impurities When bowels move regularly the blood takes up poisons in the bowels mid carries them to tie kidneys Then the kidneysget overworked inflamed Then cbme3 the pain hi the back headaches constant desire urinate nervousness sleeplessness acts on the Kidneys heals and strengthens theni makes the liver give up more bile to move the bowels regulaflyand stimulates the glands of the skin to increased action These rid the system of all poisons and every trace of Kidney Disease disappears have cured hundreds of cafes of Kidney by aud healing the Kioreji At all dtugttiit or postpaid on receipt of price a box or boxes Jio Or7 or Fruit Llvor for the Liszt Piano effects stock and j replied You do not look at ii if dine His 1 iji which will have the effect of- throwing this property into the hands of the present liquidators of the York Loan At the same time the Court will be asked to grant injunctions against those who have testified to turned out in force and assisted to load the car Barring accidents upsets etc they had a jolly time Mr Dan Cameron has moved from his own farm Lonely Vale to the holding securities in the Toronto Life recently vacated by his son Will against disposing of them and these They can see some stir now officers or directors of these com has moved from- panics or anyone connected with l them manipulating or interfer- North where in with any of the properties so as always ready for deplete the assets of either which shall verv much miss bis will prevent the paying out of friend The Toronto Life has a cash Amongst other citizens removing value today of over and we lose Ketch the daily lapses on the part of ami S easy policyholders tends to swell this rnas fccott farm Con amount The company has a hustler To satisfy your- of over The piano J P P and beans Mr formerly of Holt has cut up a stock of logs for the Tom- boys Hes a to rip up logs Wedding bells Where theres so much sparking and smoke there sure ly must he some fire It is now in order for the young man who has purchased such a fine residence to get a housekeeper And then we young Mr Clover true blue lover Navigation has now opened and Bachelor John should get out his company should be worth from to Four Simple Rules Follow Them and Health Happiness and Prosperity Will be Yours If one would be healthy and prosperous follow these four rules Keep the bowels open every day Chew your food boat and take the and feujtcflng material His neighbors thc lake a contractors view Just before the war closed a gov ernment contractor said in a car hope the war will not close under years I will lose thousands of dol lars besides many men will be turned out of employment from thc government works A lady passenger clad in weeds of mourning rose to her feet and with tearful voice said- Sir I have a brave boy and a husband sleeping the sleep of death in cem etery I have only one boy he is in front of the foe God I wish the cruel war would close now I He saw point you It may be your boy that will fall next victim to the drink indus try Would you consider the trade worth such a price Stop the mur derous traffic Brotherhood An Honest Traveller A minister recently preached on Sunday evening in a distant city on the for in the course of his sermon condemned the liquor the next morning there caroe into the ministers study a fine look ing intelligent man about forty years old Is it better for a man to sell liquor or starve he asked This was his story He was thc l travelling representa tive for a large city firm Ho had to the church with another com- acrclal traveller on Sunday evening and the ministers sermon had been an arrow from the quiver of God straight to his heart Ho left the church went back to the hotel sent that very night a letter to the firm for which he was travelling and whose remuneration for his services was generous resigning his position and saying that he could no longer conscientiously represent them before oer bounding let her sing Sailing sailing main Oh my heart will beat with Joy When Jack comes homo again Humor says that Miss has quit domestic service and purposes to learn As sho is a very tasty dresser herself Ive no doubt she will be an efficient band Cheaper Shingles Dont von Ban and Chicken Houses as dry as your kitchen Roof them with I- Wire Edge Roofing It is cheaper than shingles and you put it on yourself With each roll Wire Edge arc caps You need only a hammer ami you make all the buildings snowproof ami Our booklet tells about the roofing that leaks and lasts a lifetime Let us you a free copy and samples of Sold by hardware dealers everywhere MFG CO iseud rafavx- Toronto and 1 TO TO PENCE Is the cheapest you con buy I flnt wit may be the first the only TOi slowly and Avoid Indigestible loops It there are any symptoms stomach trou bles take below each meal until cured No matter how many years you may have suffered with stomach trou bles or how worried by sleeplessness nervousness loss of appetite furred tongue speckfl before the eyes head aches Indigestion or other ills that are caused by a stomach you can be cured by a faithful use of Take one of the little tablets before each meal with the fixed determina tion to get the most benefit out it not a fanciful experiment It Is not a patent medicine It not a cureall It is a scientific remedy recommended but for one trouble weakness of the digestive organs When has used for a few days the digestive system will be so greatly Improved that all the food eaten converted Into nutrition so that nourishment and health aregiv- en to the whole system and there is n he me length v cheapen you d re for Mfld JAMES iU Aurora Nervous e k mi I Our Toronto Letter a rapid Increase In weight strength and spirits If you cannot obtain of your druggist it will be sent by mail postpaid on receipt of price Write for advice on your case from- leading stomach specialist which will he aent free The It Booth Com pany Ithaca Mr Parry of the Bank of Hamilton Jumped Into canal at and rescued nines a A large number orders of eight years from drowning The closing concert of the Womens Club will take place on Sat urday afternoon next at the left the minister last night slept with a sense of peace and ac- curity such as enjoyed for position upon this I arn deter- mned I shall starve before I shall sell another drop At the next- do- the revivified rumor that e whom h tld Trunk Railway Is with the Government for the il tc chaise House pro perty on street west I The conation of St NEW will or you lit brain that taibrulniai and tffitDeac tSi J full and to lt ara all drain and know cannot a iopfldtnilally and of charrt Dont lit QuaeSi and I WILL CCJUE YOU OR NO lAT VV viuVtev man ma ba a t nb your THREATENED WITH PARALYSIS Kalamazoo nut A troubled Da- for lay to and in ailr OidA ear I worked or not averybody who looted aW XS of my ha 4 ddclor told ma and leld I ball l having completed a and cornmodiouH new edifice will fthlp In It for first time next Seek vc first the kingdom of and His and all ihalt be added unto you The Baptist Young Peoples Union Wa and euro V BLOOD FREE BOOKS Ulan for SHELBY mm a

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