Newmarket Era, 18 May 1906, p. 2

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1 Head Yearling Cattle For sale Apply to Martin Be- lot St I Private Funds to Loan At 5 cent on Farm Enquire at Era Office Property WANTED Two young women who have bad experience in housework to fill positions as parlor and house maid in a private family of five adults References ab solutely necessary None under years age need apply Mrs Edward Road Toronto Court of Revision and occupied toift the Adams Twenty writer t6dealued On Friday last Hon James Dons- is in the city week- was appointed of British Columbia He is former Premier and President of the tiye Council of the Pacific Province He is represented as a large landowner in British Columbia each The Sound has caught the estimated at reception It is n insuranCC that retail of be A squadron of Royal Canadian town will invite the Marathon to be their guest picnic on June will take place on accept ana St Andrew s The structure is estimated Dragoons in command of uest at tW annual TOesd the fair grounds t big demonstration will be organized The first sitting the Court of Revision for the Township East will be at the MANSION HOUSE SHARON on Friday June 1st at oclock am A J Clerk MY STUDIO WILL BE May am to pm ARRANGE FOR While Taking a Holiday J WILSON Phone if Photographer Court of Revision The Court Revision of the Town ship of Whitchurch will hold its first sitting for the year lCHj McQuil lans Hotel on the day June at the hour of oclock am All parties interested will govern themselves accordingly J Clerk of Whitchurch According to officer Archi balds report to the Minister of Jus tice it cose the state per cap ita for the maintenance of convicts of our penitentiaries during the past in year The men released on pa role this year who have proved them selves satisfactory have turned producers The state has not only been relieved of the cost of their keeping in the penitentiary but these men working outside laborers wages per day produced in the year over to the support of families and themselves Dominion Par Ha wen During Tuesdays session of the House the Opposition made an ado respecting the purchase of stores- for the steamer Arctic and charged the Government with having used the money voted for ex pedition to the North Pole to meet the expense of patrolling the Hudson Bar and other northern waters Sir Wilfrid took all the indigna tion out of the Opposition- by at once intimating that if there was auv wrongJoins on the part of officials it was in the interests of the Govern ment to know it and then- and offered a committee of inquiry This made the Opposition dumb Mr A squadron of Dragoons in command of Major for St will be sta tioned in place of those who have left that port for Halifax A consignment of carefully se lected ethnological specimens is on the way from the Australian museum at Sydney to the Provincial museum at the Educational Department build- thfs city Police Constable after about years service has been or dered to send in his resignation He was charged with selling whistles at each to Chinamen telling them they would get prompt protection on blowing the whistles Chief Grassett said the did not want this class of constables who could thus barter the office for gain The death was announced of- Mr Peter for years Governor of Toronto jail The excursion members of the Legislature over the Northern Ontario Railway to the Co balt district is announced to leave the- Union Station on the evening of by special train and is ex pected to return on the morning of June 1st A jolly time is anticipat ed In consequence of irregularities on the parr of the Council not comply ing retails of the Jaw the local option bylaw of was quash ed by Chief Justice Meredith at Hall this week Hon Dr Provincial Min ister of Public Works who has been suffering for some time from a can- PERSONAL- POINTS PLEASANTLY PARAGRAPHED has returned CORSETS AMD week We place emphasis upon our Corset and Depart ments which have become famous for the immense range carried and excellent value given We can only give a few suggestions of the lines carried invite you to come in and inspect our stock We Borden followed by heaping coals on underwent an heads of those made the a hospital at Detroit on charges declaring that the money onnay was not voted for a polar expedition le largest and most inl and the Government regarded rtal estate transactions in maintenance of Canadian sovereignty the history of the was closed on To Whom It Hay over the northern regions and the when Mr Frederick forcemenl of as of paramount preventing a recurrence of the Alaskan 525 incident This ended the bluster iiuijs aim lilt Jan laws there purchased the property known as portance thereby street Arcade for the sum An unusual mirage over lake On tario last Monday evening enabled The special committee of the Corn- observers at the Island and appointed to consider measures j Beach to see the mouth of Niagara for the improvement of Parliamentary River and the lights at the Falls election laws on Tuesday last adopt ed a provision to disqualify for a term of six years any voter who hereby give public notice that I will be responsible for any debts Incurred by my wife Lily May Glover formerly Lily May from and after this date as has left is attached providing for cases ltd on Monday when a team from the of sickness or other good and sum- Legislature faced a team from the The Observatory officials stated it was occasioned by some special at mospherical conditions bets to use his franchise A saving The baseball season here was and without propel iause and justification Dated at Newmarket this fifteenth 1906 LESLIE GLOVER Court of Revision The Court of Revision or the Town Newmarket will hold its first for the year at the Council 0amVT on Monday June the hour of oclock am That Clerk a cW dent reason but the voter will re- City Hall City Aldermen heat the to satisfy a judge of the lawmakers by I Only one of the cause for nonvoting A was played third clause not only disqualifies fori With regard to the Starring riis at elections but the man the latest decision is to have who Ms his rig for hire is likewise him reach this city on May He liable to a heavy fine or imprison- will likely come by boat about Any person attempting to am and will he met by the vote who is disqualified is liable tion Committed and driven to the to heavy penalties also Hall Here he will be present- above is made part of our election law voters who delay voting for what they can make out of their franchise will have to wait in vain Interested will govern cordingly J HUGHES SUMMER I Owen Sounds Sensation FOR per Load CASH ON Orders can left with Smith carter or at the United Factories Telephone Tlrt raising of a blind pig by the police and license inspector in Owen Sound on Wednesday night is the to pic in Owen Sound lhe have had line on the joint for time and made the raid when on results without mis takes In ibis were not disap pointed When approached the stable for such it was doors were locked and barred on the outside and everything as if there was no thing But the officers soon ef fected an entrance and there were lively doings They captured seven or eight young men some full and some not so four beer kegs some full and some empty half a bushel of drinking glasses and num erous flasks and bottles and other things John Elliott who is the tenant of the premises has been sum moned to appear in court to answer to the charge of violating the liquor law Chats worth Banner Grand Railway System For Victoria Day Going May and Return Limit May I I all stations in ada also to Detroit Huron Niagara Kails and For and full Information on J Villoughby During the fierce electrical storm which passed over on Satr the Church situated on the Mohawk reserve about one mile west of was com pletely demolished including the beautiful stained glass window by Dr NOT IF- AS RICH AS It you had all the wealth of Rocke feller the Standard Oil magnate you could not buy better for bowel complaints than Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Reme dy The most eminent physician can not prescribe a better preparation colic and diarrhoea both for children and The uniform success of this remedy has it to be u- to all others It never fails and when reduced water ari sweetened Is to take family should supplM with It Sold by f and all druggists to the Mayor and Council He will then be taken for a drive around the city at tlte route being York to College to down to King and across to up to to Yonge and down to the King ward where he will be given a luncheon- In the afternoon he will be taken to the ball grounds where a suitable token will be presented The guests of honor at the baseball grouiKls on the Queens Birthday will be the and party City plays here on that day Secretary informed the Inhibi tion directors Wednesday that the sale of concessions so far has netted an increase of total of last year The Manufactur ers Annex building excepting that portion reserved for the Jamaica ex hibit was placed at the disposal of the Ontario Government on condition that minerals representing the re- sources of New Ontario be placed on exhibition as well as the regular ag ricultural exhibit The grand jury at the Assizes were discharged on Wednesday after visit ing the jail Bartenders arc more numerous than some people imagined Thirteen hun dred licenses have been sent since the new lav went into force on May 1st An explosion of gas did between and damage in the of the Consumers Gas Co on Wednes day afternoon Hon Blake who cjllapscd In court while pleading a case the be ginning of this week has so far covered as to resume lis practice It is understood that Provincial Government has taken the first step towards opening negotiations with the Dominion Government with a view to securing the gift of part of the military grounds at Lake to be retained as a public park George Potts who pleaded guil ty to a charge of bigamy vas com mitted to the Central Prison on Wed nesday one year with bard labor by Magistrate Additional evidence was put In by the Crown to show that Potta was aware of the fact that his first wife was alive when he married Martha Rogers who is now In the asylum The Grand Jury recommended a high and tight board fence built Mr Geo Walker from Cobalt Miss Minnie of Toronto is home for a few this week A few friends were entertained at on Tuesday evening Mrs Hunter of is visiting her daughter Mrs Church St Mrs Jos Wesley is improving She expects to able to sit up on Mr and Mrs Sax ton left yes terday for their cottage at Orchard Beach Mrs Caldwell of is vis iting her daughter- Mrs H Clark Park Ave Mr Albert Rogers guard at the Central Prison Toronto was visit ing in Town last Friday Mr- and family leave today for their summer home woodland Messrs Win of Bradford were their brother Mr J Miss Kiln and Miss Flo Verity have returned after spending seven months in Rochester Mrs Wright of is staying a few weeks with her daughter Mrs D Millard Ave Mrs who formerly resided here was the guest of Mrs a day or two week Bradford Witness Mr Stevenson has one to to I take a position in the Sovereign j Bank Mr of Toronto son of the PostmasterGeneral hands with friends in Town Saturday Among the list- graduates In I Arts at Victoria University Toronto we notice the name of Mr r Alfred Miller of Newmarket The many friends of Mrs will regret to thaishe was obliged to return to Uic hospital in Toronto last week Miss Matthews of who has been spending the winter with her sister Mrs T Watson J leaves for home this week Miss Beatrice left for her home in on Satur day after spending three months her grandfathers Mr A Hollings Mr J and Mr Hurst THE RUSHS LARGEST STOCK It NORTH YORK a J t ii Vi ii A a o y a a j a VIIITEVEAS MADS IN CANADA rt A it fl a O J f to A J Grocery Hams Cold Rolls and Breakfast Bacon Cooked Meats Ham Beef and j3 C p J J y t 5 JS y o rt Veal Vesuvius Shooting Sand Naples May Prof director of the Observatory of sailed from Montreal on te yesterday that the vol- Thursday of last week on the Virgin- lc of Vesuvius is for on a pleasure trip ttat the main crater the- two sections of a ladder Fell 30 Feet at Detroit Detroit Mich May lGCharles Bedford a Toronto bricklayer fell feet head first on a pile of bricks this morning as the result of the through England Congratulations to Mr J son of Mr Win in carrying off honors at the recent exams of the School of Practical Science in Toronto County Clerk John A is spending a few days in Cobalt and in a letter home states that the weath er is extremely cold in that section heavy frosts having occurred during the past week Mr John Duncan eldest sort of Constable Duncan who has been em ployed in hardware store for several years has accepted a situa tion at and artel work there on Monday morning The many friends of Mr Whim merchant Aurora formerly of this Town who has been very low with fever for the past six weeks will be pleased to know that the gave the first hope of encouragement for his recovery on Wednesday Mr and Mrs John of Marie formerly of Holt have just celebrated their Gold en Wedding They were the- recipi ents of an appropriate address and presents in gold suitable for the The Bra adds its congratu lations Mrs Watson of Hamilton who was visiting with her sister Mrs Matthew Homer of Whitchurch left last week to join her husband and son who have been in the is discharging a great quantity of sand The professor added that it was impossible on account of rain to explore the volcano West the past two months she vas on her way a telegram here announced the death her son He was only sick five days Mr J of the Sud bury District vas in Town last Saturday showing some specimens of ore to be picked up fn that min ing locality Mr was a boy and has done well In prospecting He located four lots In Cobalt this Spring which he haft just sold for He was the guest of Mr Thos The scarcity and high of provisions has caused serious disor ders In Caghari Sardinia where mobs of workmen stormed and wreck ed the provision stores THE CRADLE In Aurora on May 3rd the wife of Mr Hedging Grand Trunk Station Agent of a daugh ter At on May to Mr and Mrs Geo Col- lard a daughter At Bradford on May to Mr and Mrs Kinstry daughter ASHWOUTHAt Grace Hospital Toronto on Sunday May the wife of George Johnston Ash- worth formerly of Newmarket of a son ADDISON At St To ronto on Tuesday May to Rev A P and Mrs Addison a son Arthur peter Newmarket May to Mr ami Mrs Albert a daughter on May Id to Mr and Mrs Homer Maddock formerly of Newmar ket a daughter oh which he was working at Second and avenues Bedford who Was about thirty years old was tak en to tho Emergency Hospital where it was found that his injuries coft- of a fractured skull and face arid head lacerated were fatal Hem- orrhage set in awl Bedford died on the operating table He had a fam ily in Toronto THE TO AID THE LEADING Undertaking House You can buy your Furniture Cheap For Cash I UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at residence John Millard Phone At Aurora on May 5th lOOtt George aged yrs WINCH In Richmond Hill on Mon day Mav Winch aged 75 years Interred at On Tuesday May j Robert aged 5 years Funeral on Thursday to Al bert Cemetery Mount Albert on Sun day May William Edward beloved son of Mr and Mrs Kobe aged year and days on to Pine Orchard Cemetery 3rd con King on Friday morning May Margaret Stewart relict of the late John Ferguson In her year Interred at King City Cemetery on Monday j BOG ART At General Hospital Toronto on May Ar ietta wife Mr Lyman and mother of Mr of Newmarket aged years Deceased was the daughter of the late Tho funeral will take this Friday afternoon from the depot on arrival of oclock train from To ronto ROflDHOOSH MAIN ST NORTH NEWMARKET All Orders will receive Careful and Prompt Attention EVERYBODY EATS SIMPSONS ICECREAM Our Cream is mado of the Pure Cream and It excels in DELICIOUS TASTE FINENESS EXCELLENT QUALITY Come and enjoy a dish while you order your Bread and Cakes Girl Wages per month Apply per sonally at the Royal Hotel MRS A EVANS i Newmarket Servant Wanted Industrial Home FREE A RUBY TIE PIN ami Big Illustrated Cata- an Co MasScy Kivo miners at Shenandoah Kingston M accident John Hudson suiting in tho daughter two playing about set of stairs house She up when they were blown to pieces distressing the home road of his little old who was aptod- against tho about half way m

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