toeal WHIT ON Friends Church Services at the- usual hours next Sunday Evening subject Woman and Her Work The public cordial ly invited Brigade Meeting All members of the Fire Brigade are expected to attend a meeting tie Fire Hall at next Wednes day evening for important business Open for the Season The airy and commodious Parlor at Rogers Drug Store Will open today Friday lor the season The very best article and courteous attention is our motto Church Parade Newmarket Sons of will attend divine service at St Pauls Church next Sunday evening where Rev J Blacker will preach the annual sermon The Town Band will lead the march Sunday will fall Into line with the stores They close on Monday- and Thursday even ings now Agricultural Excursion The directors of the North York Society have accepted the invita tion of the Huntsville people will run their Excursion to this ro mantic part of on Wednes day the 20th of June The Secre tary and Bailiff Widdificld were in this week completing local arrangements so as to provide ample The Late Martin Shanks Will This week papers were filed in the estate of the late Martin Shanks of Whitchurch It is valued at and consists of personalty Junior Schedule The junior schedule for District No was drawn up here Tues day night Representatives were here from Shamrock of Toronto Junction Bradford and of Newmarket Bar- did not send representatives and were not included in the schedule Mr T Doyle was convener The Schedule June Newmarket at Bradford June Toronto Junction at New market June Bradford at Toronto Junc tion July Toronto Junction at Brad ford July Bradford at Newmarket July Newmarket at Toronto Junction convection in the pals room Public School school tasks but study will with the VicePresident 1 Harvey in the chair After the Coming to Newmarket There is every hope that ef forts of local gentlemen interested in the removal of Pickering College to Newmarket will be realized if the purchase last week of large and de sirable piece of property being laid out into building lots from Mr Geo Williams by members of the Trustee Board is any It now remains for us to bring the subscription list to the stipulated fig ure of and then secure the sanction of the Friends Yearly Meet ing to be held in this Town next month Drowned In New Ontario some viewing education from a system of examinations will be super- culture others from a utilitarian selfeiajnatfon The con- standpoint The schools of Canada between and child Rill are most certainly living up to the he perfect makingschool life more demands of the utilitarians and Competitive exercises will dif- boys and girls good training in fr from examinations and all will the elementary rules Indiscriminate be thing at the criticism is usually caused by- the same lime Women being more suc- of the If we give in execution faithful detail the pupil a good training in the sub- more patient than men will be which will fit him for a business the teachers the future A we prepare him only for the lion of will be formed and or hours he will here is jibebest methods presented to the clashing point between the two members The country factions Should not the school also spending most for educational pur- prepare him or his hours that Produce the best citizens shape of ause love for it and will lead to indepen dent research on the part the ot committees and other Education on business John interest and any other foundation of The Educational will not clause a desire to gain mote addressed the teachers and three distinct voted his remarks in the morning to features of school Ijfe First there a preparation for his afternoon sub- will be no recitation second there The Teaching of Literature more opportunities for indi- referred briefly to the two camps X i into which educationalists advancement third all dead time will be eliminated Our present they may be spent profitably not only to himself but also contributing to the employment of those with whom he comes in contact He should teach pupils what to read and how Literature geography history and nature study were referred to as being especially culture subjects the latter really being intelligent trained observation Afternoon Session Inspector explained the causes leading to his resignation and a committee was appointed Jo decide upon the action to be taken by the teachers in his support Miss OBrien gave an inter esting account of her trip to South Africa as one of the Canadian sad news reached here on Wed nesday morning of the death by drowning of Mr sent out by the Government and which occurred about miles up the and become the greatest country For the Era We Know Not What a Day May Bring Forth What sad events are taking place Inimical toroan To injure anl destroy the race Subverting- scheme and plan elements seem filled with wrath To spread destruction loss and death With storm and flood and scorching breath And whirlwind rush began Old Mount Vesuvius resting long Aroused one day No longer would her nap prolong And did her power display MOST COMPLETE AND UP-TO- DATE STOCK IN THE TRADE Window Shades plain lace and insertion at Union Carpet 25c 3c Pure Wool Carpet at reg ular Tapestry Carpet 35c 15c 50c Brussels at Oilcloths and Linoleums to yds wide price 25c to and HO Our trade in Boots and Shoes is grow- every day have everything Boots LOWEST PRICE HIGHEST QUALITY BEST MAKERS We in Buy yiur Lace Curtains from us and save on every you spend Lace Curtains- three specials yds long in wide at sold everywhere t yds long in at yds long fine Swiss Pat tern at regular fa Stacks of other lines from to THE BEST RESULTS FROM BAKING POWDER CLEARING SAL OF Montreal River in New Ontario about casri To each of the four oclock last Saturday evening The daughters Mary of Newmarket father of deceased who was about SO Jennie Williamson Catherine Cairns miles from the accident came home and Rosa Alder of Aurora he left 500 each To his four sons Eugene and Albert of Newmarket Thomas of and James of Aurora he left each Improvements Dan is putting up a new stable at the rear of his resi dence The Era Office is in the procession with its new coat Work has commenced on the en largement of the Metropolitan Sta tion Mr Aubrey Davis has bought a fine on Joseph Street and will build a new residence for himself this summer Mr Isaac Rose raised his residence this week and is putting in a foundation of her experience with the Boer child- And from the seething crater came both in the concentration camps A mighty mass of dust and flame T3 I to break the heartrending news to his wife and daughter and returned the same evening to assist in finding the body If possible the remains will be brought to Newmarket for interment Deceased was with a surveying party of six that went out from New They had reached Fort and were proceeding up the river in three canoes They bad just crossed a dangerous rapid and were the shore when a young man named Jos P of Toron to who was in the second canoe and was very much frightened grabbed the branch of an overhanging tree the result being that the canoe was upset He hung upon the upturned canoe but his companion swam to shore- Quant was in the bow o the canoe following and he caught hold of the upturned canoe told what to do hut he was so excited that he grabbed the side of the other canoe and upset it also and his comanion both of whom were good swimmers tried to assist Belisle hut owing to the heavy long rubber hoots that each wore and heavy clothing their efforts were futile awl the strong under current swept both and to the whirlpool below the rapids and both were drowned The party were in the employ of the mine at Cobalt and all the supplies in both canoes were lost was well known by the people of this Town as he attended Newmarket High School Paid they all regret to learn of Mr l A paid to the Estate of J late A Dyke last week the sum and in the schools of that country John Saul continued his remarks on Literature He could give no method of teaching it as each method must be adapted to the individuality of the teacher There are however certain things which we should strive to accomplish These are to have rt League The attendance continues to in- at the regular meeting Lst Monday evening Miss Olive gave a splendid paper wing Lessons from the Miracles of the New Testament A motion was carried to invite three Victoria University Students who are preparing for Missionary work in Japan to give an evening early in June Next Monday evening the meeting is in charge of the Social Committee The Aurora League is coming up by special car arid will give the pro gram Large attendance anticipated of Deceased was insured for and the were sick and funer al benefits he was only sick t week Pneumonia was the cause of which occurred within nine months of the date of his joining the Lodge young belong to some fraternal or ganization Through this he habit of saving it will relief to bis D case of sickness to know that bis expenses will not be a burden upon his relatives party The family moved here from Wahna- nearly three years ago had just graduated from the School of Practical Science Over thousand settlers have arrived at Quebec this season J agent at Man fc under arrest charged with embezislerrient writer To do this the teacher must be perfectly familiar with his sub- and approach it as a labor of love not as a task he should be able to read intelligently and in this way greatly assist in the interpreta tion of the selection Tho sentiment and words should be within the com prehension of children ami the moral should be so clear that they will be able to draw their own conclusions regarding it Friday Morning The Secretary read the Auditors report showing a balance of at the beginning of the year The following officers were elected Rolling 1st Miss McCauley 2nd Vice-Pres- Clarence May Executive Inspector Davidson Mr Jenkins P Richardson Miss Cody Mr Powers Auditors Messrs Coombs and Librarian Miss Ross The report of the delegates to tho A was given by Mr Mr Parkinson editor of Canadian Teacher and one of Torontos school trustees on Points picked up in Toronto Schools He referred to the manner of calling and dismiss al of the scholars as being conducive to good order and good manners and as having wholesome disciplinary effect on the pupils Truancy is of rare occurrence owing to the system of monthly reports The giving of certificates and medals for punctual ity has reduced the delinquents to a minimum Promotions are made on the the class room during the term The yearly exhibition of work is an incentive to the pupils and brings the home more closely in touch with the school Where mingled- stones to kill and Spread terror and dismay its fury swept- The mountains sloping side For dead and dying loved ones wept place to safely hide r glare victims died Much human life in death was hush- Crushed out dn every hand As With appalling haste they rushed Into spirit land The tragic scenes pen cannot trace Where homeless ones had not a place Where they might for a little space Feel safe and rest command 1 1 Ladies and 00 Ladies Straw Hats French Flowers Hats Ladies Skirts 00 Ladies Skirts 00 Ladies Kid Gloves- 25 Ladies Kid Gloves Ladies Corsets Wall Papers per Roll 1 1 00 00 Pompeii once was hurried low Beneath the lava deep Almost two thousand years ago Forgotten there to sk-ep- desolation reigned supreme Vesuvius belched its molten stream A liquid mass with fiery gleam Till none was left to weep Anon the earthquakes heaving swell Shook as with gloating glee Beyond the power of man to quell Its monstrous energy When nature laughs and shakes her side Displays her teeth opens wide Her mouth that awful gulf inside Small lunch earths family How puny seem wealths monuments Mens of skill Though towering high mid sad la- merits Like house of cards they fall The world at large forget their God Insane for wealth resort to fraud Their highest aim that men may laud And high positions fill Among the mountain caverns where Tornadoes vigils keep Till shaking in their drowsy lair To hurricanes they leap With cyclop strength they sally forth Denude the forest sweep the earth Prostrate huge trees giant girth Their path with ruin heap Live Stock Market The prices in Toronto on Tuesday were as follows best exporters to good exporters to choice butchers to medium butchers to or dinary butchers to good butchers cows to medi um butchers cows to common cows to milch cows to veal calves 5 to 5Jc per lb Good ewes bring yearling lambs to lbs at Young lambs are from to SB each Decline of ten cents per in hogs since last week -ooo- ii iiiiii iiiiiiiii Mange Sugar Beet Si Turnip Ogilvies Royal Have you ever tried our Flour I handle Household a large cookbook with every bag Lukes Bradford Reliance none better Baldwins Aurora Aurora Belle These Flours arc the best in the market Try a hag and he convinced We also handle Breakfast Fowls Boiled Oats Rolled Wheat Granulated Wheat c A trial order solicited at the North End Flour and Feed Store H W J MUROM STREET t Stock Register Rebuilding San Francisco DUNSMORti EMPEROR An import ed purebred shire Stallion the property Geo Pollock Sons w capitalization of the new mo will travel thru North a loan corporation which is to and East licorglna r zed here to advance awl Holland Landing He has proved himself one of the greatest stock horses in Canada I New York May Tiie Herald to- day says It was determined yester day that shall be the mortgage he or- here to advance money for the rebuilding of San Francisco The heat af ter the weather we have having wan enough to make many people hick Mr Meads ban finished his -vera- ah arid it is very tasty is working upon fit Clarks lawn and putting down cenitnt walk Maoju toe attended the Masonic Concert In Aurora on flight gramophone concert was window Hendersons Art Gallery The Town their regular openair concerts the firkt in June Alderman ill v The Cemetery Co v day bad lower llrnb Cruised on while a neighbors a favor The cow wax Jammed pail against her leg is nothlfig tiou8 ax at till next January for VOICES OF THE NI6HT hiving his afein and on Vhen all the world sleeps one voice alone proclaims the flight time the voice of the Clock The ordinary timepiece delivers its message in sharp unpleasant sounds A Mantle Clock we sell speaks softly and with the- sweetness of a harp We have Wood En amelled Iron ice from CO Jewelers end Opticians I I Afternoon Session The committee appointed regarding Mr Davidsons resignation named Messrs Harvey Richardson and as a deputation to appear the County Council and to interview the Minister of Education A peti tion to the Council asking for a re opening of the case was submitted and signed by all the teachers pres ent All were unanimous in the be lief that Mr Davidson had been most unfairly treated and that he had been denied the air play extended in dominions to the meanest sul- Mr p Richardson gave a paper on How the can benefit the school He cited examples of the quickening of pupils by means of it and referred to the invaluable aid it Is to the teaching of literature and composition It creates in pupils a desire for good reading and may in fluence the whole of their lives Mr Davidson was presented with an address accompanied by a purse from the teachers to which he made a fitting reply He- referred to the many years spent In present posi tion and the pleasant relations which have always existed the teachers and himself Mr Parkinson8 subject for the af ternoon was The school In a now It was vi- remarks that be No place seems safe from danger dire Which may for all delay i Disasters accidents and firo Are common things today They seem to wait a cordon band For victims lurk on every hand And in our streets stand A menace in the way The present times would Approaching changes nigh A- strange unrest in minds of late Intensely iKfy That things foretold by ancient seer May in Clods plan be drawing near When longheld secrets will appear to mortal eye A beautiful dappled black Ottawa May Fire out a Stallion the property of minutes after oclock today in 1 John Smith will manufacturing department of the j vel through North and East Canadian Mattress Company and Newmarket during the Street Loss Origin season This horse was imported juppoj to be a hot box in of last Fall and Is a very fine men of his breed Sec him NAPOLEON The celebrated French Stallion owned by John Smith will travel and East and Holland Landing Furnace Work Plumbing 3 of Our Specialties ways to us inscrutable Involves the- human race He will unfold when suitable The things that must take place Men do not know some things they do Have settled as It they knew Would make themselves omnloient too All mystery efface There no place of perfect rest Or safety aeath the Not we dwell among the bleat To heavenly rise There safe from every boding At homo with Christ with loved ones naught In that celestial sphere cause sad tears or sighs P GRANT Toronto Markets May 17 White Wheat per bush 81 Red Wheat per bush Spring Wheat per bush Qoobo Wheat Oats per bush 0 Peas per bush 75 per 0 Barley per Hay 00 Dressed per 10 Eggs per Butter per Tub or Crock Butter Potatoes per bag Chickens per 0 0 Newmarket Markets May White Wheat per bush Red Wheat per bush 0 Spring Wheat per Goose Wheat 0 Rye per bush 0 CO Barley per Oats per bush 0 Shorts per ton 20 0010 00 0 0 76 0 80 0 0 Call and leave your order with THE LEADING TINSMITHS R OSBORHH SON Opposite Smiths Grocery YEARS EXPERIENCE Hay per Eggs per Butter roll per Potatoes per bag Chickens per lb per lb it Ov Twos Dasiana Ac Anroontftnf and quickly uofUla our opinion la ionj ttrtctjf Mot lot iftTtnilon Mo SUl Without In A fcU6oil