Newmarket Era, 18 May 1906, p. 5

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i us I f Capital Stock Paid np BEST Head Office Toronto Hawser NEWMARKET- BRANCH J Business Interest Allowed en Deposits it wis DRAFTS ISSUED At SOUTH Sterling and Farmer Collections attended to Haider LEGAL Thos J Barrister public c OyjiCE Main Street Newmarket to Joan od good Farm Security Lee Clark BARRISTERS Dominion Chamber Private and Trust Fundi to Current at Barrister ftc 0 Cboppla over Billiard Parlor Newmarket Herbert Aurora will also be at and Court J L Co Banker and Bank Aurora INSURANCE J A Agent for and Life Honey to at Current OfJWX Double the Capacity There is so much freight cordis to Newmarket by the Metropolian that there is not half enough room in the Freight- House and it is said that the Co to build an addition to the north end of the station which will more than double the capacity A Day Earlier Victoria falls on Thursday this year and printers ate just as anxious for a holiday as any other mechanics consequently the Era will be printed and posted on Wednesday of next week Correspondents and advertis ers will kindly make a note of this or they may get left Band Parade The Town Band made a circle of the entire block from St to Prospect Ave and from Water to Huron Streets last Friday night and their music was greatly enjoyed es pecially crowd of youngsters who followed them all the way around from the Band Hall A good Band certainly puts some life into a Town Four Afore Houses Work has commenced on three more new bouses at the North End on the farm of Mr Chas He has laid out a new street north of Huron St with an avenue running north and facing Mr H Canes house Messrs George Evans and Percy Watson have bought good tots and Mr is also putting up a houso on another new houses up within a stones throw Mr Walter has a rw house nearly ready for the lathers on Mil lard Ave The Examiner deserves great credit for its Illustrated Number last week The Sun rises to remark Farmers pay nearly in tasos the same Mr Tuckers MM to regulate a uni form width between sleigh making the 3 inches was ordered to a third reading It is to come into force alter January On a motion moved and seconded by the two leaders respectively In the value of property on which railways Legislature a resolution was adopted pay but farmers dont have to by a standing vote inviting Their pay a quanta as much as the- rail- the King and Queen ways to keep their order and Great Britain to visit Canada this are not a tithe as liable for damages by accidents as the railway company This is the way toe other side looks A report is current in political The Government bills making a grant of a mile for miles to the Bruce Mines and Algotna Central Ottawa that Sir Tasj Railway and also a grant of a is to be appointed Lieut- Smile to the Canada Central Railway Governor of Quebec in succession to I Co for railway from Little Current Sir Louis It is likewise the railhead 13 miles north of that Sir Alex will Sudbury were adopied last week retire from the Chief Justiceship of j the Supreme Court and will be suc ceeded by Sir Louis The bill to incorporate the Provin cial Long Distance Telephone Co caused a lengthy discussion Hamilton asks Wilt tic Was taken that no provision was he retire and has this to say the event of the Government reference thereto The latest report expropriating telephone lines and that no allowance should be made pitank AUCTIONEER Hen Collected Street Newmarket Bolton Practical and Lane and Street You Get It Here Newmarket is just the right sized Town to settle down in and enjoy life Everything for comfort can be bought here and taking the year around will go farther here than in the city When you want to leave the farm come to Newmarket buy a nice lot build a good warm bouse with modern conveniences and you can be just as comfortable at half the expense as in Toronto and in political circles is that Henrv KC member for East Hamilton will from the local Legislature to become chairman of the New Ontario railway commission at a salary of a -year- The opinion around the house in Toronto general that Mr will be offered the position and that he will accept He was not in tho city to day and could not be seen The Marmora Herald rises to re mark that Mr for North Hastings has induced the Gov ernment to hold over the new bill changing the principle of expenditures on Colonization Roads Well now is that so After all iniquities Government members and supporters formerly charged against the policy of previous Administrations it is still to be maintained by their suc cessors The Provincial Treasurer Hon Dr al used to demand that colonization money should he handed over to the franchise The public get no thing for the Iranchise and should not have to pay for getting it back but the Premier and Mr ar gued for the bill and it was ordered to reported The hill to amend the constitution of County Councils foreshadowed at the commencement of the session was passed on Thursday The County Councils will be composed of reeves and deputy reeves of Townships and villages and of mayors of towns al ter this year It will leave a lot of municipal men out in the cold next January Present Council lors will likely be candidates for and present reeves will be reelection but they cant all get there It will make a wide change in York County Council and no doubt other counties are similarly situated i A strong debate arose in the House pal councils but new has Hon Mr Becks bill to dawned upon them and the for the transmission of electrical policy is to be co to municipalities commonly known as the Power Bill Hon Mr A press despatch from Ottawa Ross and Hon Mr raised states that the Post Office Depart- several important objections to the will make every effort to sup- provisions of the measure Mr Ross Dress improper and indecent post said 1st The very construction of cards and arc to he regarded as the Commission made it- political a you will find as good people to in the mails Vulgar decided objection 2nd he objected to with as in the world you can find anywhere big P for Disc Rollers Be in another column Boom to of Dominion Hotel Brieflets Alderman Morgan has made a Improvement to his front lawn Does your dog wear a medal If not you should get one before you get a summons If the people of Newmarket and vi cinity do not have a good time next Thursday at a minimum of cost it will be tbeir own fault The Metropolitan cars began to run to the North End last Saturday Big crowd expected at the Band Concert last night Next Wednesday is Empire Day at the Public- Schools Enjoy holiday next Thursday in 1 Newmarket and suggestive post cards are to be the Government raising the money forwarded to the neatest branch dead- instead of the municipalities as it was letter office but indecent post cards calculated to impair the credit of the posted in Canada are to be forwarded Province 3rd the result was that to the post office inspector for the municipalities in no way benefitted district with information as to the would have to share of the name of the sender if such is known expenses of the Commission as to the post office may be added expenses are to be borne by the the criminal authorities in the Hon Mr Beck and the several provinces have given the post replied to these criticisms and the office department assurances that bill passed steps will be taken to prevent the manufacture or sale of such cards j It is netting to be quitting time in and this department will cooperate the Legislature On Tuesday morn- preventing as far as possible their when the Independent Long through the mails Telephone Co Bill was the Private Bills Committee Mr a recent Conservative gathering of Ottawa threw out till Jackson At Office Private at private realdeoce If Monuments and Head Stones- KT lot of Work If be before the hind girl is up for- she fays the won to them any longer and we want her to leave help me cat of the difficulty by the a GREAT ELLIOTT J any time Mapdficent free J ELLIOTT Principal ilVcrcfoiK fc Otter IliacUinqukkhAnJjWr o a smith Victoria Day A splendid program of sports has been arranged to take place at Exhi bition Park Newmarket on Thursday the of May and the people of York cannot go any place where they can have a more enjoya ble day The sports will commence at sharp when the Foot ball Club of Toronto champions City League will kick against- the Davis Leather Co and an exciting match may be anticipated At one oclock sharp St Michaels Baseball Club of Toronto College Champions of will cover the with the Newmarket Club and the Town boys are putting in practice nearly every night to try and defeat them At 530 Canadas National Game is called between the Toronto and the old of Newmarket when the excitement will reach fever heat to over awl give the boys a cheer The Military Band has been engaged for the day and a mosti pleasant time is assured At least a thousand people arc ex pected on the grounds and it will be the biggest days sport In North Yorks County Town for many Spring In the evening a rand professional Concert will take place in the Town Hall The Concert Co delighted everybody the last time they appeared in Newmarket arid they can do It again Reserve your Beat at Drug Store Plan opens at oclock this evening A special Metropolitan Car will leave Newmarket at oclock pm for Toronto and all points Oct your visiting friends to stay over for the Concert the eastern part of the city that the members of the the course of his remarks Mr committee had been tampered with is reported as having Mr too wanted to know why served New Ontario is thirteen the Province should be tied up hand times as big as old Ontario New and foot to the Bell Company Mr Ontario has seven members in the Crawford North Toronto was on tho Provincial Parliament Old Ontario onposife side of the fence and has ninetytwo members I think the prejudice against the Bell Co blinded north country should have a some people Chairman proportion of representatives If wanted a clause inserted to the effect this means anything it means that if the Government expropriated the Mr wants unoccupied land Company was not receive remun-r- rocks and hills to have representation for its franchise A clause to instead of population More recent ly at a North Toronto Conservative Association Lewis stated his be lief that a redistribution bill would be brought down next session of the Legislature which would give Toron to at least eight representatives two for each of the present This is the other side of the question both from the Conservative side of the House The Liquor License Law amend ment Act of says the Pioneer is now In ope rayon and then com ments as follows ft stands unique fn the history or Ontario liquor legis lation as a step a lowering of the a giving way to the desires of tile liquor party and a blocking of the progress of the tern- reform and vet the Pioneer responsible for its help in turning down the Ross Government whose members would never have proposed the threefifths measure passed into law their successors The fight Is on the Pioneer and vet it fact that the Government has decided to treat temperance nartv and the liquor party alike Hut does It At the second reading of the Liquor hill an amendment was added which provides that although no licensed district can be brought this was defeated but another was added which the Co was to during first year or they would have no protection against exclusive agreements the Hell Co and have Their franchise can celled In this form the bill was ordered t be reported ooo Not In The Same Class tLD The fruit of a twelveacre orchard near has been sold in advance The purchaser has under taken to- scrape trim the trees May bylaw to aid a furniture concern to the extent of loan and from municipal taxation for a period of ten yearn was carried by a large majority for nd under a Option without a threefifths vole every place under Local may be back under license a bare maorltv Is this treating VVhy not make to repeal a local by law just the same as to en act it TIkj people who had hopes from men now in newer turned down the Administra tion for anticipated plums and now they are capering around togetacV on the platform they when they -Uh- era coyer don A WARNING TO LADIKS WHO USB The Wells Richardson Montreal manufacturers of the worldfamed DIAMOND would warn all users of DIAMOND as well as retail merchants that they have not the slightest con nection with any firm or combination of people who are now putting up weak and adulterated package dyes for home use The manufacturers of DIAMOND for their own interests and for the welfare and protection of tens of thousands Canadian women it necessary to denounce the reports circulated by- manufacturers of tain crude dyes tbat their products arc up according to the formulae of the DIAMOND The adulterated manufactured of the a Is vote ne- i popular To injure complete success In home dyeing work buy only and see that tboWprda DIA MOND PACKAGW appear on every Wells Richardson Co Limited Montreal will send free to any the first Wme of asking I The resignation of President University was announced in the Legislature- A fire late- Friday night at the Last Co and Co- manufacturers St did about damage before being extinguished Premier Whitney stated that a com mission would be issued to inquire into the question of school books price of drinks is putting the police out of practice The last week of cheap drinks week before last the number of arrests for drunk enness was 121 Last week with whiskey glass number fell to The seventy jurymen who done duty in the General Sessions last week were paid Saturday morn ing They received altogether Last Sessions jurymen were paid in the of The profits of Methodist Book- Room in this city besides what is needed for running expenses is de voted yearly to the Superannuated preachers fund of the church The past year has been more than usually successful and Dr has been able to hand over during tho past week towards the superannuation fund last year There were just bills passed during toe session the Ontario House which prorogued on Monday Torontos reception to the Marathon athlete Will also include Donald Linden who was second in the walking race Hughes who was- unable to compete on act count ofa sprained ankle and Archibald will not be overlooked The various sporting clubs of the city held a union meeting last week when tire Question of ways and means were arranged It is proposed tnat this reception will be a memorable one in the history sport in this city A deposit of 57000 was made last- Friday at Hall by the Co to cover the amount which it was necessary to pay into court for those properties along Front Street which the railway has expropriated for the new Union Station site the value of which lias not agreed upon J Hay ward fell off the wharf at the foot of Yonge St on Friday evening near the midnight hour and was rescued with by a hand engaged on the steamer who happened to hear the splash Falling into the city crematory at the Western Cattle Market was the awful experience of Frank a fireman after midnight one day last week was shovelling gar bage into the fire box when lie slip ped and fell in feet first The flames had taken a hold on his clothint when John Twoddic of street who happened to be sweeping nearby cries Putting his broom handle in grasped it and was pulled out A carriage was secured and he was hurried to the Emergency Hospital- bands and arms were badly burned but no serious results are anticipated Assembled congregations of several churches were suddenly left in dark ness Sunday night owing to the elec tric lights going out A prisoner named Hugh Thompson who was being taken to jail a few days ago by County Constable David Johnston from Peflerlaw although jumped from street car while in motion and ran for his freedom The Constable gave chase but Thompson had got a good start and outran his pursuer Up to the middle of the week he had not been The Criminal Assizes opened on Monday with only two cases on the docket The cold storage plant at Price Sons dairy met with a very bad accident on Sunday The result was that about bottles milk turn ed sour Two more victims of the season was the result of an upset on Sunday A short distance from spot where the two college students met their death on April in the lake oft Mimico point Robert Lam bert and Arch were drown ed The Kailboat upset in a sort of squall Joseph II Ross of tho Junction who was with them clung to boat till help arrived In a drenching downpour of rain the cornerstone of new Jewish syna gogue on University Avenue was formally laid Sunday afternoon anniversary the Trinity Methodist Sabbath School was by special services all day Sunday I In the morning Rev L Hill M A pastor of Kuclld A venue Metho dist Church preached a on flowers to children which was doubly interesting by means of pictures in the evening a plat form meeting was held addressee her delivered the pastor Rev Mr KC John Dillon King who police say Is one of cleverest pickpock ets in America was on Saturday committed to Central Prison for two years leas one day for poefcetof Mfcitel Matthews com mercial traveller In a Grand Trunk Railway coach Thn Provincial Government has the pioneer farm In for Sir Borden consulted with iPremierJtnoy regarding the 1 Will soon be on Dont spend your time hunting for the right kind of When everything in that line can be had at this store at rock bottom prices And everything required in that line Special This 100 Hose Childrens pair pairs for 100 dozen Ladies Vests Long Sleeves Short Sleeves and Sleeveless Worth up to each for J Flatting for 300 Yards of Regular yard Toronto Jobbing House 243 Fruit Plants for will produce more fruit fresh and canned than you and your friends can eatj with lots to sell All the choicest newest and most hardy varie ties at less than onethird price GRAPES one each Campbells early the new black Concord black choice black Moores Early fancy early black Niagara Llndley red CURRANTS 3 each Red Cross new London market now Cherry Red Champion the standard black 25 RASPBKRRY cither or King the new fancy reds Columbian enormous cropping purple 25 CUMBERLAND new Mammoth cropping blackcap 50 STRAWBERRY Senator the king of canners Pride of Michigan new record for size quality crop STRAWBERRY President new fancy late berry Safety packed and shipped when ready to plant on receipt of CUT OUT MAY NOT APPEAR AGAIN ORDER NOW You cant get the same value elsewhere for double price Send for complete list of plants potatoes etc STRAWBERRY PLANTS AT SPE CIAL LOW PRICKS ELDORADO POTATO The English potato absolutely and disease proof Such an enormous cropper that it has sold since 1001 at for for one for one potato Last year per lb One potato yielded in one year lbs It means to the grower much larger crop off same soil with same work no rot Send for list containing history photos of potatoes checks- paid press opinions from newspapers etc WE PROVE TO YOU that this is most wonderful potato of all time Now offered in Canada or tho Aral time Pure seed sold only by us PRICE SI PER POUND Also other kinds SMITH BROS Box 28 Members Canadian Seed Growers Association 1 Our Stock Isw For Spring and Summer i IN STYLE FIT AND FINISH IS EVERY GARMENT THAT LEAVES OUR ESTABLISHMENT I We will bo ploased to talk with you- about Goods and Prices I NEXT DOOR TO ATKINSON MAIN STREET ft PJ I- A

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